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How To Use Thirty-three In A Sentence

  • In order to remedy this, the Chinese intercalated a month once in about thirty-three moons, and called the intercalary month by the same name as the one preceding it, both with regard to the common numbers 1-12, and with regard to the two endless cycles of twelve signs and sixty signs, by which moons are calculated for ever, in the past and in the future. Ancient China Simplified
  • Conran had launched a business empire that was eventually to employ thirty-three thousand people.
  • This tower was raised thirty-three feet by Sir Jeffry Wyatville, crowned with a machicolated battlement, and surmounted with a flag-tower.
  • By the time he gets out in eight years, he'll be … what? Thirty-three?
  • It was proved that thirty-three score of sheep were found on Ormiston bearing Murdison's buist branded over, and, as far as possible, obliterating, the known buists of other farms. Stories of the Border Marches
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  • Thirty-three of the flats would be affordable housing.
  • When the memoirs of Miss Pamela Andrews appeared, the future biographer of her doubly supposititious brother was a not very young man of thirty-three, who had written a good many not very good plays, had contributed to periodicals, and had done a little work at the Bar, besides living, at least till his marriage and it may be feared later, an exceedingly "rackety" life. The English Novel
  • The thirty-three volumes of his history of Bohemia, his five books on fish-raising (piscatology), and the work entitled "Ueber das heilige Messopfer" justify his reputation. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Parties on river-boats have lost their appeal since one sank last year killing thirty-three people.
  • At the large Chinese village of Rassa, a clever little Sumatra pony met us; and after passing through some roughish clearings, on which tapioca is being planted, we arrived here at 4 P.M., having traveled sixty miles in thirty-three hours. The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
  • A midshipman in the U.S. Navy at sixteen, young Porter commanded his first ship at thirty-three during the Mexican War.
  • With a brafs qua - drant of three feet radius, by one meridian altitude of the fun's upper limb, all neceflary aquations and deductions confidered, I determined the latitude of the place of obfer - vation to be 10° 59 1 1 "; and by another obfervation of the fame kind made on the 6th, io° 5 9 »*J afte r which b 7 a medium of thirty-three obfervations of liars, the largeft and neareft, the firft vertical, I found the latitude to be io 59 '10"; Travels to discover the source of the Nile, in the years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773
  • For thirty-three years more, let us hope," said I. "_Eh! speriamo_," (Let us hope so,) was the answer of the _piffero_, as he showed all his teeth in the broadest of smiles. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 18, April, 1859
  • My first executive assistant was Hu Tsang, a thirty-three year-old graduate of the Kennedy School.
  • Parties on river-boats have lost their appeal since one sank last year killing thirty-three people.
  • Mr. Tuckett walked into school with his steaming hot coffee thirty-three minutes before his first class.
  • In our anatomy of melancholy there are no such atrabiliar moments as those thirty-three Mince Pie
  • The cab fare was thirty-three dollars.
  • Their horses' right eyes were patched over with blindfolds and their flanks hidden under thirty-three pounds of quilted cotton canvas.
  • Arrangoiz did try to reduce expenses by lowering the salaries of federal officials from twenty-five to thirty-three and one-third per cent.
  • With a brafs qua - drant of three feet radius, by one meridian altitude of the fun's upper limb, all neceflary aquations and deductions confidered, I determined the latitude of the place of obfer - vation to be 10° 59 1 1 "; and by another obfervation of the fame kind made on the 6th, io° 5 9 »*J afte r which b 7 a medium of thirty-three obfervations of liars, the largeft and neareft, the firft vertical, I found the latitude to be io 59 '10"; Travels to discover the source of the Nile, in the years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773
  • As that old couple traveled to various national parks, they must have had a great time telling the bizarre story of thirty-three men who appeared out of the mist one morning to lift their truck from the clutches of the sea, only to disappear moments later back into the mist. Manifesting Michelangelo
  • There are thirty-three vertebrae in humans
  • For readers seeking an even more comprehensive portrait, there is a thirty-three page bibliography.
  • Stephen was also Scottish, thirty-three, a university-trained medical doctor, veteran of the Royal Navy, somewhat of a braggart, who made important friends when he set up practice in Virginia. George Washington’s First War
  • Altogether there are thirty-three narratives and twenty-two opinion statements.
  • Thirty-three screens are evenly spaced along the 1800 linear feet of the arrivals corridor.
  • Here also our gunner took an observation with his forestaff, to determine our latitude, and he found now, that having marched about thirty-three days northward, we were in 6 degrees 22 minutes south latitude. The Life, Adventures & Piracies of the Famous Captain Singleton
  • An increasing proportion of homicides in barrooms, for example, occurred during robberies, rising from one in thirty-three saloon homicides to one in seven.
  • Thirty-three species have been distinguished in 99 limestone thin sections.
  • At seventhirty, I bagged up my thirty-three replies, all ready to be posted, then got out a bottle of wine. RESCUING ROSE
  • At thirty-three years of age you all of a sudden want flat-front chinos without cuffs? Unpleated
  • From Shawbury, Flying Officer Wales continued his helicopter flight training at RAF Odiham in Hampshire, a more comfortable thirty-three miles outside London. William and Kate
  • Thirty-three west basin days, and I am sick to death of this campshack, its ceilinged sleep coins me claustrophobe. Strange Bedfellows
  • Ironically, while they erected 660 churches, they closed thirty-three for every twenty-one new ones they built.
  • Janet Isinghoff was thirty-three years old, primigravid, with a family history of diabetes. Nineteen Minutes
  • Then the captain cut out two guards to remain with the lifesaving gear at the main tower until the other thirty-three returned to erect the remaining six or seven towers. Manifesting Michelangelo
  • He was also pretty active in his family life, fathering sixteen children and, at the last count, he was a grandfather thirty-three times!
  • Fax prompted no fewer than thirty-three suggested alternatives, mc\uAmgfab, fays, feats, fuzz, feaze, phase, and at least two more that are unknown to lexicography: falx and phase. I'm A Stranger Here Myself
  • The cab fare was thirty-three dollars.
  • My first executive assistant was Hu Tsang, a thirty-three year-old graduate of the Kennedy School.
  • Keeping up with both worship and parish life requires the full-time attention of a rector, a vicar, three associate rectors, one assistant rector, and three lay associates, as well as an additional thirty-three full-time and eleven part-time staff members. American Grace
  • It may have seemed like an impossible challenge, but I did the math: thirty-three guards, each with the capacity to carry a two-hundred-pound adult out of the slick grip of the sea, amounted to over six thousand pounds of lifting power, enough for the job. Manifesting Michelangelo
  • Professor Norton, of Harvard University, published a set of thirty-three of the best of the _Liber_ studies, reproduced in Boston by the heliotype process. A History of Art for Beginners and Students Painting, Sculpture, Architecture
  • When they met, Monet was seventeen and Boudin thirty-three.
  • One hundred and thirty-three bodies gone, three remaining. NO BODY
  • The score was mounting rapidly in extras to such an extent that the thirty-three for no wicket included only four runs off the bat. GOODBYE CURATE
  • Thirty-three taxonomic groups of fish were collected in entrainment sampling, with five taxa cunner, bay anchovy, tautog, windowpane, and searobin comprising more than 90 percent of the sample. Kyle Rabin: A View to a (Fish) Kill: A Firsthand Perspective on Fish-Killing Cooling Systems
  • We buried her beside my father, who had been in the grave waiting for her for thirty-three years. The Empty Family
  • Thirty-three hours later, as the Moon set in the west, it would be visible as a slender crescent.
  • Fax prompted no fewer than thirty-three suggested alternatives, mc\uAmgfab, fays, feats, fuzz, feaze, phase, and at least two more that are unknown to lexicography: falx and phase. I'm A Stranger Here Myself
  • Phoebe Martin was a thirty-three-year-old widow, and Clarine Eldridge, just fourteen, was scarcely older than the children she had been hired to watch. Excerpt: Passing Strange by Martha Sandweiss
  • Furthermore, Dante's work is divided into three canticles (the Inferno, Purgatory and Paradise) and each canticle is then divided into thirty-three cantos.
  • Of the thirty-three Hanukkah cards, twenty-six, or 79 percent, feature a Star of David or Menorah.
  • He is eight stone nothing, stoop-shouldered, pigeon-toed, thirty-three.
  • Then use them to add to the liedgeld fees collected by the Regency, but do not allow the Thirty-three to think that they will always be there. Darksong Rising
  • Page 7 and Blaines, and gently rejecting one offer after another, until she married at thirty-three - an advanced stage of spinsterdom, then - honest Capt. Marion Harland's autobiography : the story of a long life,
  • Your thirty-three page manuscript combines the brilliance of a young Marcus Paulk with the creative writing of Pierre Deligne, and will surely be devoured by archaean readers everywhere you send it. Archive 2007-02-01
  • We use the term dolphin to refer to members of the taxonomic family Delphinidae, which consists of thirty-three species of dolphins ranging from coastal to pelagic and tiny to large. NPR Topics: News
  • He flew to East St Louis and from a pay phone got ready to call the thirty-three Trumans in the directory. HAVANA BEST FRIENDS
  • Later there was a short period of _decalcomanie; _ and then came the grand album craze, when thirty-three girls out of the thirty - nine sent for blank books bound in red morocco, and began to collect signatures and sentiments. What Katy Did at School
  • Thirty-two of you lot and Robin on her own makes thirty-three ," Rosalie said with a grin. ADRIENNE AND THE CHALET SCHOOL
  • Thirty-three years ago he even won a seat on the city corporation for one term at a time when the Tories were serious contenders for power in George Square.
  • Her internal conditioning went something like this: He is the MAN so I have to do what he says because I am pushing thirty-three and I have to get married or else I will start to lose my looks and my fertilizable eggs. Mama Gena’s Marriage Manual
  • 'Thirty-three roubles ...' groaned Grochowski, 'chop me to bits, but I won't take a grosz more .... Selected Polish Tales
  • Thirty-three electors took the opportunity to attend the open public forum immediately before the council meeting.
  • It weighs only fourteen troy ounces (as opposed to thirty-three) and is of much lighter construction.
  • Thirty-three died, as apparently did passenger airships.
  • As for comparable sports, bowling had eight times as many injuries as dodgeball, golf had sixteen times as many injuries, and inline skating a noncombative, noncompetitive staple of P.E. programs designed by forward-thinking educationists produced thirty-three times as many injuries. FLY FISHING WITH DARTH VADER
  • Te Deums; six psalms; twenty anthems; three German operas; one English opera; thirty-nine Italian operas; two Italian serenatas, two English serenatas; one Italian intermezzo, "Terpsichore"; four odes; twenty-four chamber duets; ninety-four cantatas; seven French songs; thirty-three concertos; nineteen English songs; sixteen Italian airs; twenty-four sonatas. A Popular History of the Art of Music From the Earliest Times Until the Present
  • Perhaps the single largest indicator that American culture is on the wrong track, explains Pastor White, is the national abortion rate—“Fifty million dead in the last thirty-three years,” as he describes it—and it is this disturbing trend that he and his congregants feel most passionate about curbing. American Grace

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