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  1. being three more than thirty

How To Use thirty-three In A Sentence

  • In order to remedy this, the Chinese intercalated a month once in about thirty-three moons, and called the intercalary month by the same name as the one preceding it, both with regard to the common numbers 1-12, and with regard to the two endless cycles of twelve signs and sixty signs, by which moons are calculated for ever, in the past and in the future. Ancient China Simplified
  • Conran had launched a business empire that was eventually to employ thirty-three thousand people.
  • This tower was raised thirty-three feet by Sir Jeffry Wyatville, crowned with a machicolated battlement, and surmounted with a flag-tower.
  • By the time he gets out in eight years, he'll be … what? Thirty-three?
  • It was proved that thirty-three score of sheep were found on Ormiston bearing Murdison's buist branded over, and, as far as possible, obliterating, the known buists of other farms. Stories of the Border Marches
  • Thirty-three of the flats would be affordable housing.
  • When the memoirs of Miss Pamela Andrews appeared, the future biographer of her doubly supposititious brother was a not very young man of thirty-three, who had written a good many not very good plays, had contributed to periodicals, and had done a little work at the Bar, besides living, at least till his marriage and it may be feared later, an exceedingly "rackety" life. The English Novel
  • The thirty-three volumes of his history of Bohemia, his five books on fish-raising (piscatology), and the work entitled "Ueber das heilige Messopfer" justify his reputation. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Parties on river-boats have lost their appeal since one sank last year killing thirty-three people.
  • At the large Chinese village of Rassa, a clever little Sumatra pony met us; and after passing through some roughish clearings, on which tapioca is being planted, we arrived here at 4 P.M., having traveled sixty miles in thirty-three hours. The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
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