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How To Use Thirsty In A Sentence

  • They were however a bit thirsty as far as fuel was concerned due to their 4 giant 4125 kilowatt motors, and never reached production.
  • See, Stuart is like all the rest of the blood thirsty criminals in D.C., … ya seel hundreds of thousands more brown people will be killed because he's arrognt enough, he's evil enough and doggonnit Satan likes him! Franken Tells Pickens To Blow it Elsewhere « Blog
  • As the student's uniforms are traded for spears and war paint, the innocent boys devolve into uncontrolled, bloodthirsty hunters and ultimately, savages intent on killing the "beast".
  • The car industry in the rustbelt is miserable. Factories making thirsty pickup trucks are cutting back or closing.
  • In places the sound of the river rises up the gravel slope, and thirsty dogs rush down for a drink and cannot reascend; should the owner go down to fetch the dog, he or she will be trapped as well.
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  • Patients went hungry and thirsty and without medication and there was a lot of awful bullying of patients and relatives going on. The Sun
  • Not that he was really concerned with the horrified reaction of the less bloodthirsty.
  • That white stuff that accumulates at the corner of your mouth when you are really thirsty is smarter than you will ever be. Think Progress » Obama explains climate science to global warming deniers.
  • He's quite bloodthirsty, killing anyone who disobeys him and gets in his way.
  • Bram Stoker's original story focuses on the undead Count and his mortal rival, Dr.Van Helsing, who vie for the very souls of Lucy and Mina, the two young Victorian ladies the vampire would add to his harem of bloodthirsty brides.
  • Water less-thirsty trees (Arbutus ‘Marina’, carob, Chinese pistache) about once a month or so.
  • Many adults, including your staff, will be thirsty for information.
  • The deacon found and served Christ in the poor, the hungry and thirsty, the stranger and the naked, the sick and imprisoned.
  • Perhaps the goal was to show that a cultured and civilized man could be reduced to a bloodthirsty assassin in extraordinary scenarios.
  • USATODAY. com - Devils remain thirsty for Cup champagne - Devils remain thirsty for Cup champagne
  • She drew greedily on the straw, only then realizing just how thirsty she was.
  • He that goes to bed thirsty rises healthy. 
  • Won't we make a bloodthirsty gang of roble ned men -- er, noble red men! Frank Merriwell at Yale
  • And I think it was - I analogize it to being thirsty and saying well I'll just wait for some water.
  • He that goes to bed thirsty rises healthy. 
  • I found it made me incredibly thirsty and ended up drinking buckets of water.
  • They aren't bloodthirsty barbarians, they are people who believe that if a crime is bad enough then one can justify taking the life of the person.
  • They nodded to each other by way of breaking the ice of unacquaintance, and the first stranger handed his neighbour the family mug — a huge vessel of brown ware, having its upper edge worn away like a threshold by the rub of whole generations of thirsty lips that had gone the way of all flesh, and bearing the following inscription burnt upon its rotund side in yellow letters there is no fun Wessex Tales
  • It always leaves me thirsty and phlegmy but it's my little treat and I enjoy it and that's important too. Orthorexia
  • The enemy would probably be bloodthirsty bandits just waiting to kill him.
  • She may have originated with the notion of human sacrifice to ensure plentiful crops, for her actions were often bloodthirsty.
  • They hacked and sliced at one another till there was no meaning left, only a confusion of bloodthirsty syllables spelling out absurdity.
  • The scytalas was like "a staff;" the acontias, like "a javelin;" the dipsas was a thirsty snake. The Roman History of Ammianus Marcellinus During the Reigns of the Emperors Constantius, Julian, Jovianus, Valentinian, and Valens
  • However, the child is chilly, wants to be covered, and is thirsty for warm drinks.
  • Go outside and empty it on your thirsty plants instead. The Sun
  • Rotary engines have a reputation for being thirsty, dirty and difficult to maintain.
  • The blood-thirsty mob lynched the alleged killer of the child
  • What they don't mention is that studying the Talmud is thirsty work.
  • Of course, there will be those who say that the men involved were only doing their duty, that they were fighting an equally bloodthirsty enemy who neither gave quarter nor expected it to be given to them.
  • Most people would allow, though, that bloodthirsty material could be a catalyst in rare cases where very damaged children are exposed to an overload of vicious fantasy.
  • As a result of the large and continuous amount of traffic it did not take long for a hotel and store to be opened at Edeowie in 1863, to cater for the thirsty bullockies and other travellers between Port Augusta and Blinman.
  • All of us, at some time, have been poor in spirit or have been hungry and thirsty for righteousness.
  • He that goes to bed thirsty rises healthy. 
  • I am so thirsty I guzzle several glasses of fruit juice, a litre of water and most of a flask of red bush tea before I even sit down.
  • Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee ahungered, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? Matthew 25.
  • Specifically, he has a bone to pick with grocers who use the turkey to reward the bargain-thirsty, store-hopping, emotionally-unable-to-commit customers.
  • Then he thinks you know those folks are gonna get hungry and thirsty running around spreading demonocracy. Ok Mr. Bush, time to pay up for your war.
  • Can I have a glass of water? I'm really thirsty.
  • In the second, Whisky Galore, the thirsty inhabitants of a remote Scottish village hijack the cargo of a whisky-laden merchantman wrecked on their shores during the second world war and defy the authorities to repossess it. Whisky Galore – review
  • Over time, the saved water percolated upward through capillary action toward plants' thirsty roots.
  • So why does he keep making movies about bloodthirsty loners out for revenge?
  • He didn't bother noticing the unweeded garden or the untilled soil or the already withering and thirsty crops that surrounded the white one-story house. When the Spring Dies
  • Meanwhile the soon-to-arrive (in Ireland, at least), more powerful two-litre turbo is a tad heavier and more thirsty and, though it's quicker in 0-100 terms, the peakier power delivery may pall. Motoring
  • It is characterised by needing to urinate often and passing a large quantity of urine, and feeling extremely thirsty.
  • Mr Johnnie Walker, on the other hand, is a villainous incorporation of bloodthirsty evil as he murders cats, devours their hearts live and deep freezes their heads.
  • I'm thirsty. " " Would a glass of cold beer fill the bill?
  • I always keep a drink of water by my bedside in case I am thirsty in the middle of the night.
  • Another name glided into her petition --- it was that of the wounded Christian, whom fate had placed in the hands of bloodthirsty men, his avowed enemies. Ivanhoe
  • There he was, one man, threatening to kill almost thirty hard, bloodthirsty outlaws?
  • Despite the flimsiness of their tent, the Jouberts say they've never been attacked by lions, and only once by a thirsty elephant who tried to steal their water, dragging their accommodations, apparently while they were outside, into a dry riverbed. Directing Traffic on Safari
  • He felt a jealous chagrin as he watched them follow her into the church, an anger that she dared to trample upon him that way, a fierce desire to get away and quaff the cup of admiration at the hand of some of his own friends, or to quaff some cup, _any_ cup, for he was thirsty, thirsty, _thirsty_, and this was a dry and barren land. The City of Fire
  • I thought I'd got through the trauma, but as the days passed I started to feel constantly thirsty.
  • Hostas are very thirsty plants, and get even thirstier in containers.
  • He turns rivers into a desert, springs of water into thirsty ground, a fruitful land into a salty waste, because of the wickedness of its inhabitants.
  • But figs are hungry and thirsty plants. Times, Sunday Times
  • More tired and thirsty than they had ever been, Kada and Sead finally reached the front of the line, ready to scramble aboard a bus.
  • If the rain patchy you might still need to water your really thirsty plants but definitely leave the lavender alone.
  • You also wrote: "Every workplace or institution is full of politics and petty jealousies, that is human nature, but the sheer viciousness and bloodthirstyness of academia is astounding. The Dangers (?) Of Academic Blogs
  • We are not the bloodthirsty killers the detectives would lead you to believe.
  • With poverty only as their stepmother, they are repelled violently from the nectared cup of philosophy as soon as they have tasted of it and have become more fiercely thirsty by the very taste. The Love of Books : The Philobiblon of Richard de Bury
  • This simply means have a drink when you feel the need and stop once you no longer feel thirsty. The Sun
  • Early in the afternoon, they approached a small cottage, where no well could be seen, but the pilgrims were thirsty and dry.
  • His career reflects the bipolar nature of the narrative arcs of the wrestling world where he made his bones with its heroic "face" and caddish "heel" characters, with their appeal to the kids who are the real fanbase, and to the more bloodthirsty adult fans who want to see a few faces get filled in. The Rock is back with Faster and once again is underused
  • Fans of gloomy, bloodthirsty action movies will probably be entertained.
  • after playing hard the children were thirsty
  • Miller Beck, a small tributary of the River Leven near Newby Bridge, has become the latest area to have a section cordoned off to protect the habitat of migratory fish from thirsty cattle.
  • It's thirsty work being outside in the cold, dry Antarctic environment, so in the evenings the Davis Station bar is packed.
  • Patients went hungry and thirsty and without medication and there was a lot of awful bullying of patients and relatives going on. The Sun
  • I heard once, from a bloke in an extremely loud bar, that the reason these places turn up the music is because it gets your adrenalin going, and that makes you thirsty and so you drink more.
  • The Taleban did, at least initially, gain the trust and support of peace thirsty Afghans, and members of the international community were also 'romanticized' by the Taleban's approach for bringing peace and stability to Afghanistan - although the Taleban's methods for bringing stability included the implementation of a very harsh form of Sharia Law. Michael Hughes: No Peace without Justice and Equality in Afghanistan
  • No wonder he gets so thirsty. The Sun
  • He was so thirsty that he drank a mug of milk.
  • I always keep a drink of water by my bedside in case I am thirsty in the middle of the night.
  • He was even more cruel and bloodthirsty than his father.
  • Not that people had much choice in the matter - bandits were ruthless and bloodthirsty.
  • At last I wore him clean out, and he lay down, broken-winded, broken-hearted, hungry, and thirsty. A RELIC OF THE PLIOCENE
  • Not that people had much choice in the matter - bandits were ruthless and bloodthirsty.
  • But figs are hungry and thirsty plants. Times, Sunday Times
  • Behind both these minatory visions stands a bloodthirsty Father, damning and punishing.
  • You may also feel irritable, chilly, and thirsty for cold drinks.
  • To begin with - and somewhat contrary to the first article - this platform apparently was drunk up by the conventioneers like thirsty plants drinking up rain: The Maine GOP’s barbaric yawp. | RedState
  • This documentary follows the phenomena, as all manner of thirsty animals flock to the reborn area for a drink. The Sun
  • Tristram took the sea, and La Beale Isoud; and when they were in their cabin, it happed so that they were thirsty, and they saw a little flasket of gold stand by them, and it seemed by the colour and the taste that it was noble wine. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • = blónde female person blòodstained one word blòodthirsty one word blürred cf. cûred bŏard wooden, directors Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Carrying a lance and attended by a wolf Mars did, however, have his bloodthirsty moments.
  • Now, if we'd been a directors 'meeting, no doubt there'd have been questions, and eleventeen holes shot in my specious statement — but prisoners in a cage surrounded by blood-thirsty Chinks don't reason straight (well, I do, but most don't). Flashman and the Dragon
  • No loitering then, soon as they heard that call; and many a warrior fell with bloody crown, and not a few of us thou couldst have seen thrown to the earth like tumblers before the walls, after they had given up the ghost, bedewing the thirsty ground with streams of gore. The Phoenissae
  • And for the more thirsty souls there were curiously compounded "cups:" hock and seltzer; claret and soda-water, fortified with curaçoa and flavoured artistically with burrage or sliced pine-apple. The Lovels of Arden
  • Even though my lunch had been a drink I was still thirsty.
  • He that goes to bed thirsty rises healthy. 
  • Perhaps this is an approach to discouraging driving while drunk and thirsty.
  • The environmental savings on tins and bottles would be vast, and thirsty folk would be encouraged to drink draught beer in their local pub. Times, Sunday Times
  • This MMA is too much like a street brawl in front of bloodthirsty spectators to my liking. Would You Buy a Bullet From This Man?
  • Filling and swilling hour after hour, he seldom rises before he gets through ten or fifteen tumblersful, and, if he happens to be thirsty, will double it -- enough, one would think, to founder a horse. The Land of Thor
  • She was so thirsty that she drank a carton of orange juice.
  • 1840 - In a beer tavern known as Corse Halle, near Berlin, barmaids on rolling skates served thirsty patrons.
  • Wherever the thirsty birds drank, they also splattered the sugar water causing Mother to do battle with the resulting ants.
  • The text in firebrands is by SF author Pamela Sargent, who says of Angelina: “Even her husband, the amoral supercriminal called ‘The Stainless Steel Rat,’ is hard-put to restrain his bloodthirsty wife.” 2009 August « Official Harry Harrison News Blog
  • He became thirsty with running.
  • Allie accepted the gift gratefully, realizing now how thirsty she really was.
  • Are you feeling thirsty yet? Times, Sunday Times
  • The choir went straight to the bar as soon as we arrived (well singing is very thirsty work) while the other guests sipped coffee.
  • Back in 2002, people ignored the warnings and kept up their fuel-thirsty lifestyles, belching out more and more planet-warming carbon dioxide.
  • Shops along Hennessy Road did a roaring trade selling water and canned drinks to thirsty crowds.
  • And after all the thirsty work of trawling the streets for entertainment or acquisitions you can always drop into one of the town's many pubs which really come into their own at this time of year.
  • Every workplace or institution is full of politics and petty jealousies, that is human nature, but the sheer viciousness and bloodthirstyness of academia is astounding. The Dangers (?) Of Academic Blogs
  • After such a long thirsty journey, the travelers drank deep of the fresh spring.
  • He is a superhero-in-waiting, unbothered by an unbuttoned shirt, and thirsty for a franchise phenomenon of his own. Twilight Lexicon » Kellan Lutz In Interview Magazine
  • The Taleban did, at least initially, gain the trust and support of peace-thirsty Afghans, and members of the international community were also 'romanticized' by the Taleban's approach for bringing peace and stability to Afghanistan - although the Taleban's methods for bringing stability included the implementation of a very harsh form of Sharia Law. Michael Hughes: No Peace without Justice and Equality in Afghanistan
  • A new poll makes drought-stricken Texas look like an oasis for the support-thirsty presidential campaign of presumptive Republican nominee Bob Dole.
  • This one is for those hungry for adventure and thirsty for thrills; those who are game for spine-chilling off-the-edge excitement and mind-blowing heights.
  • The early rotary engines were well known for being thirsty and wearing out the seals on the rotary piston.
  • It left a small wet spot, and the fabric soaked up the salty moisture like thirsty crops after a drought taking in a welcome rain.
  • I'm so thirsty I'm almost dying for a cuppa.
  • The music stopped for the Primary School who told the audience the real story behind Cinderella and the bloodthirsty Prince Charming.
  • It is the bisnaga, sometimes called the 'niggerhead,' belonging to the cactus family, a plant that is ever hailed with joy by the thirsty traveler. Grace Harlowe's Overland Riders on the Great American Desert
  • The Scottish elite was still thirsty for images and acquired them through networks in Paris and Amsterdam.
  • Symons stresses that no eucalyptus trees are planted as they drain the soil of water, being very thirsty trees.
  • Street vendors in the French capital were doing a roaring trade in bottled water, selling 25 centilitre bottles for €2 each to hordes of thirsty tourists in front of the Sacre Coeur basilica.
  • Go outside and empty it on your thirsty plants instead. The Sun
  • What terrible tragedies have been enacted over the centuries in this battle between the weak and timid Fly and the cruel and bloodthirsty Spider!
  • But could it whet the appetite of our thirsty builders when compared with other brands? The Sun
  • Julie got thirsty so we went to the ice cream place for root beer floats, they have the cheapest beverages in the park.
  • Over the previous two days he had been feeling increasingly tired, lethargic, polyuric, and thirsty.
  • It didn't help that scores of punters made thirsty work for themselves by turning up dressed as their favourite superheroes. The Sun
  • There are lashings of bloodthirsty violence in the film, but plenty of pitch-black humour too.
  • The actual point of confluence of these two rivers, the Chobe and the Leeambye, is ill defined, on account of each dividing into several branches as they inosculate; but when the whole body of water collects into one bed, it is a goodly sight for one who has spent many years in the thirsty south. Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa
  • A cafe owner vouches for them and they are freed, but it isn't long before they come face to face with the bloodthirsty robber and his hatchet man!
  • The business of building an second media empire from scratch is thirsty work.
  • After all, the Bible contains both rather bloodthirsty works like the Book of Joshua as well as more irenic passages.
  • The little gray man: A magical forest-dweller, he changed into the thirsty man and then the hungry man.
  • And the second one: 'And I did as thou biddest, O master, whispering shrewd words in thirsty ears, and raising memories of the things that were of old time. A HYPERBOREAN BREW
  • The Brute’s thirsty high-tech powerplant is fed by twin 36mm throttle bodies controlled by a 32-bit CPU. Quad 2009 ATV Buyers Guide
  • I never thought such a chap as Magellan would have had the sense to lay hands on the barrico as he did and serve it out on allowance -- considering the little amount of water there was, and how all must have been pretty nigh as thirsty as myself; but, I suppose the peril he had been in and the fact of his not seeing any river near taught him caution! The Penang Pirate and, The Lost Pinnace
  • Babies with untreated diabetes insipidus cannot say when they are thirsty, which means they can have a severe shortage of water.
  • Alone and agonizingly thirsty, the boy's thoughts travel through his violent past: his father's gruesome murder, his twin sister's abduction, his own thralldom to gangster culture: Everything I remember is too vivid. The Book That Broke the Color Line
  • Hungry and thirsty, they eventually ended up in a refugee camp in Yemen.
  • Drink whenever you feel thirsty during exercise.
  • This particular firkin is reserved for thirsty Long Island beer enthusiasts. Long Island Beer Events
  • Please don't think me some bloodthirsty capital punishment cheerleader lusting for more female casualties.
  • Today most of the world uses thick, thirsty Turkish bath towels, but for most of history the world dried off after the bath with plain old napless pieces of cloth.
  • In "Avatar, " the Na'vi are basically alien hippies; in "Aliens, " the titular creatures are remorseless, bloodthirsty xenomorphs.
  • This game of killings or bombings is for these blood thirsty animals who are bent on destroying every civilized element inside Pakistan. Global Voices in English » Pakistan: Mayhem in Peshawar
  • Say you were stuck out in the Sonoran wilderness at high noon in summer, lost, thirsty and tired.
  • The 2005 Nobel Prize Laureate for Literature was an equally ardent opposer of the 1991 Gulf War, the 2001 U.S. war in Afghanistan, who predicted the American invasion of Iraq in 2003 who called the American president a "bloodthirsty wild animal" condemning both Bush and Tony Blair as "war criminals. Jayne Lyn Stahl: Pinter
  • Newly irrigated lands are often used to grow thirsty cash crops instead of traditional staples for direct consumption, leaving farming families at the mercy of the global market.
  • Kilmarnock fared little better as the match descended into a scrappy affair of bad passing, close marking and bloodthirsty challenges.
  • I was like a thirsty man watching raindrops fill a bucket.
  • I'm already thirsty for another frosty cool one from Hardway's icebox.
  • It was thirsty work, and the queues for the bar were a dozen deep at half-time.
  • To us, the long-time sun-dried, thirsty emigrants; covered from head to foot with dust from the Black Hills, overlaid with alkali powder from the Humboldt, veneered with ashes of the desert; all ingrained by weeks of dermatic absorption, rubbed in by the wear of travel, polished by the friction of the wind -- to us said the Truckee, flowing Crossing the Plains, Days of '57 A Narrative of Early Emigrant Tavel to California by the Ox-team Method
  • It makes you hot, sweaty, thirsty and uncomfortable and too much of it gives you cancer.
  • If you're thirsty for a fresh new rock album, this is the one!
  • Such a person cannot escape, unless critical sweats and gentle sleep supervene, and thick and acrid urine be passed, or the disease terminate in an abscess: give pine-fruit and myrrh in a linctus, and further give a very little oxymel to drink; but if they are very thirsty, some barley-water. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • Wary of ideas, thirsty for direct experience of God, people are drawn to the movement's certainty, its irrepressible spirit, its joy.
  • Drinking at your spring is the best way to keep from getting thirsty. Christianity Today
  • Even the oft-bloodthirsty critics, ever keen to bury a fledgling musical, are unanimous.
  • And if they get thirsty? Times, Sunday Times
  • The words Mystra had written seemed to sink through the paper and into the very earth itself, like raindrops to a thirsty plant.
  • They feature specimens from three unthirsty groups of plants - sedums, sempervivums, and yuccas - all of which display handsome foliage year-round, with a bonus of seasonal bloom.
  • On our retreat the soldiers got very thirsty for tobacco (they always used the word thirsty), and they would sometimes come across an old field off which the tobacco had been cut and the suckers had re-sprouted from the old stalk, and would cut off these suckers and dry them by the fire and chew them. "Co. Aytch" Maury Grays, First Tennessee Regiment or, A Side Show of the Big Show
  • For the thirsty, there are stalls specializing in freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, papaya milk shakes and cold teas.
  • But if half of the electorate wanted this bloodthirsty jihadi annihilationist, then what led to all the unrest? Post-American Presidency
  • Picasso collected African masks, Eisenstein filmed the bloodthirsty gods sculpted by the Aztecs.
  • I suppose I'm what the Bible calls a hewer of wood and a drawer of water," he would say to himself; for hardly less onerous than the task of keeping the fire in fuel was that of keeping well filled the two water-barrels that stood on either side of the door -- one for the thirsty shantymen, the other for Baptiste's culinary needs. The Young Woodsman Life in the Forests of Canada
  • Keep in mind that fall planters do not require as much water as thirsty summer container plants, whereas summer soils need to be lighter, yet able to hold moisture.
  • Road and cried Abies Magnifica! not, noble fir?) a quarter of nine, imploring his resipiency, saw the infallible spike of smoke’s jutstiff punctual from the seventh gable of our Quintus Centimachus’ porphyroid buttertower and then thirsty p.m. with oaths upon his lastingness (En caecos harauspices! Finnegans Wake
  • The master-at-arms or chief petty officer in charge would ceremonially tip this residue into the scuppers at the edge of the deck, from where, to the daily perplexity and annoyance of thirsty seamen, it would drain into the sea.
  • However, remembering to eat when you are hungry, and drink when thirsty is essential.
  • On one surface of the plinth is a spigot and a cup, and underneath a drip-stone, where thirsty dogs can drink. Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Borderlanders were migratory, blood thirsty, clannish, and suspicious of strangers.
  • After about three hours of walking we arrived, exhausted and thirsty, to one of the most breathtaking sights I've ever seen.
  • Symptoms of diabetes include having to get up at night to go to the toilet, feeling thirsty, lacking energy and getting reoccurring infections such as boils and abscesses.
  • Thanks, however, to DeCandido's ability to brew up credible and intriguing politics on both the large and small scale, and his proven talent for fast-paced narrative and incisive characterization, Enemy Territory manages to aquaplane over the absurdities of its premise and deliver a package of absorbing, high-octane, bloodthirsty fun. May 31st, 2005
  • Nothing to do with cafes putting their plastic tables out on the pavement pretending they are serving by the Mediterranean, or bars running dry of ice as global warming frazzles the throats of the thirsty.
  • I always keep a drink of water by my bedside in case I am thirsty in the middle of the night.
  • The film is a little bloodthirsty sometimes during the battle scenes.
  • The walk along the beach from Newport to Balboa was thirsty work.
  • The market for non-alcoholic drinks in Asia is all about big names, big bucks and huge, thirsty populations.
  • As evidenced at recent shows, wine-themed art has exploded in popularity and has collectors thirsty for more
  • It falls on the dry earth, on the thirsty plants, on our thirsty skin, and we come back to life.
  • When you're not underwater, coat yourself in deet or be eaten alive by bloodthirsty blackflies.
  • People want to own music, they are thirsty for it.
  • I made a flip suggestion to some of my bloodthirsty friends yesterday.
  • I was thinking about how much fun that had been, and feeling more and more thirsty, when a long tractor-trailer—the kind they call an eighteen-wheeler but don’t ask me to count them—appeared on the road, raising a long cloud of dust. To Fetch a Thief
  • Like being terribly thirsty and gulping down glass after glass of water.
  • Boarding houses and bars were constructed for their accommodation and refreshment, for quarrying is thirsty work.
  • Ginger lilies, relatives of rhubarb and false rhubarb are all very thirsty plants. Times, Sunday Times
  • I went out for dinner and movie with friends yesterday, and instead of indulging in greasy pub food and beer I had 3 unsweetened iced teas (I was v thirsty) and a house salad. Cheeseburger Gothic » Burger Lite 5 March
  • Every inch of thirsty land was soaked by the precious rain, the crops were saved and so was people's livestock.
  • The regime was mercilessly brutal and bloodthirsty.
  • The jaunty works, populated by animals, have a lot to say to an audience thirsty for fun and a dark subtext.
  • They were hungry and thirsty.
  • She was so thirsty that she drank a carton of orange juice.
  • If ye are thirsty, drink.

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