How To Use Third world In A Sentence

  • As Third World capitalism develops, the working class is destined to play its classic revolutionary role.
  • International class equestrian and yachting are expensive sports to compete in at the top, and not exactly third world sports.
  • Indeed, it is a sad comment about the world in which we live that most women in the so called 'Third World do not have access to even the most rudimentary gynaecological or obstetric healthcare and that vaginal fistulae are so common. The Invention of the Sims Speculum - Surgical Improvisation
  • What Anvilhead supports is Bush, and bush has cost your country so anvilhead stand by your president as your doing and watch your country diminish into a third world countryand good cause the rest of the world is sick of america Think Progress » ‘This isn’t about the intel anymore.’
  • The expansion of Western capitalism incorporated the Third World into an exploitative world system.
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  • Oxfam refutes the argument used by defenders of the WTO agreement that the impact will be minimal in the ‘Third World,’ since most diseases there are long-standing and can be treated using unpatented drugs.
  • Nevertheless, many Third World countries still rely heavily on selling raw material commodities as their principal source of income.
  • The developed countries would then have less difficulty in giving financial aid to the third world; and, what in my opinion is even more important, they could much more readily accept the inflow from the third world of their labour-intensive products. James E. Meade - Prize Lecture
  • That is that industrialised agriculture in its current form is neither sustainable nor exportable to the Third World.
  • It seems unlikely that they will jeopardise their superior circumstances by combining in an alliance with Third World workers against capital.
  • We must in fact recognise that Third World countries are considerably different from one another.
  • Lumps of capital investment from surprising places will also be discerned: the national investment portfolios of oil states, the capital-flight of third world potentates on the take.
  • Many large Third World cities have arisen unaccompanied by national industrial growth.
  • Other directors continued to mine the third world for shockumentary material, however.
  • After all, there is no shortage of traders willing to deal in Third World debt.
  • Japan "is not some Third World country with rinky-dink technology," said Rep. Diana DeGette, D-Colo. Poll: Fears of nuclear disaster in U.S. rise after Japan quake
  • It stood in stark contrast to what became known as "developmentalism" or "Third World nationalism" in the post-war developing world. Reviewing Naomi Klein's "The Shock Doctrine"
  • Buchanan would end all foreign aid, build a Fortress America through protectionist trade barriers and return America to his beloved '5Os by keeping out Third World immigrants. Buchanan: Thunder On The Right
  • The Soviets were also initiating an economic assistance program for selected Third World countries.
  • Financial meltdown, with that most visible, third world symbol of a municipality in crisis: piles of uncollected rubbish.
  • Fifteen writers and publishers from 13 Third World countries attended the seminar.
  • Development aid, international monetary assistance, transnational corporate investment are all geared towards integrating Third World economies into a global market.
  • As the story goes, nationally televised images of well-dressed children marching into jail, and of protesters being blasted with hoses and attacked by German shepherds, at a time when the United States was engaged in a competition with Communism for the hearts and minds of dark-skinned people in the Third World, made segregation a contradiction that had to be eliminated. A Renegade History of the United States
  • Newcastle disease, fowlpox, pullorum disease, and coccidiosis, for example - all of which are endemic in the Third World - can destroy the entire chicken population over large areas. 5 Chicken
  • Our foreign policy tilts toward the third world.
  • It is not true that Third World impoverishment is due to Western economic supremacy.
  • Investors worldwide would rush to find safe ground, dumping bank stocks and pulling deposits out of any banks that had heavy exposure in Third World loans.
  • The beneficiaries are those so powerful that they are rarely called to account: an elite centered in First World capitals, who, together with their Third World clients, work to arrange the world to their liking. Global Empire: The Web of Control
  • Now I'm not saying this 'third world' catering would suit everyones palete but you gotta ask yourself why it is that we with our dated food, fridges, freezers, boil-in-the-bag, timed cooking and anti-baterial surface cleaners are always falling ill? Food for Thought?
  • The answer, almost invariably, is people from Third World countries. The Economics and Philosophy of the Cruise Ship, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • For instance, at Kyoto the USA cut a deal of dubious morality, politely called ‘emission trading’, to buy from Third World countries their unused ration of pollution.
  • Without Obama this Great Nation was heading towards abig crappy third world economy, MAY GOD BLESS HIM and his Government. Obama calls for tighter global financial coordination
  • Economic aid tends to undermine the national independence of third world countries.
  • Yunus had successfully challenged the most basic assumptions of Third World economic development: money was better spent on women than on men; and it was better channeled through private groups (called nongovernmental organizations, or NGOS, by international lending sorts) than through state bureaucracies. Mothers Vs. Mullahs
  • The country no longer wants to be tagged as a Third World nation.
  • Without easy access to wealthy first world markets, economic development is difficult if not impossible in the second and third worlds.
  • However, the Third World feminism politics that often focuses on theenvironmentas one of the many reasons for their inequalities, is often forgotten in these types of debates, arguably because it is too close to hard-core and ‘masculine’ types of politics that many don’t want to be represented as coming ‘natural’ to women. Environment – a political area women are represented well in. But for the right reasons? « My Liberal Democrat Political Ramblings…
  • Their accuracy will be virtually unverifiable but will shape our perceptions as to the balance of interests and influences at work in the universal Church between reformers and conservatives - and between the First and Third Worlds.
  • It has underlined that Third World nationalism may frustrate zero-sum calculations by the superpowers.
  • These two great dissemblers of global finance are not about third world ‘development’ or tackling world poverty.
  • M.I.A. Hip-hop electro, Jamaican dancehall, Brazilian baile funk, South Asian bhangra — Maya Arulpragasam, better known as M.I.A., draws on all of them in sparse, noisy, low-fi groove tracks that sound like they come from some imagined third world street. CMJ Music Marathon - ArtsBeat Blog -
  • Some critics have accused these Western pop artists of exploiting Third World traditions in an extension of cultural imperialism.
  • Many different countries, with very different cultures and economies are classed under the term third world and I will be examining how accurate or inaccurate the sweeping "third world" statement may be and the possible justifications for its continued use by not only the media and charity organisations, but the leaders of the third world themselves. The British National Party
  • Just cancelling the debts of Third World nations is not enough.
  • The arms trade increases Third World debt, which is a burden born by the poorest.
  • Meanwhile, their rather toothless union, typical of the Third World, cannot press for minimum wages or maximum hours.
  • The advent of the Third World War and its consequences are discussed in many of the papers.
  • Ed the Horse rolls over to have tummy tickled by greenmailing third world An Englishman's Castle: January 30, 2010 An Englishman's Castle
  • NHS dental care in Yorkshire has been likened to that in a Third World country.
  • The arguments are moral: the rich countries owe a debt for the ravaged resources of the Third World.
  • Third World taxes have grown out of the colonial experience.
  • The'Guardian'is running a series of articles on Third World Economics.
  • We can forgive the debts of Third World dictatorships, but these guys will run it up again and pocket the dough.
  • The Third World has its own agenda for the Earth Summit, which is contained in part in a document called the Rio Declaration. Earth At The Summit
  • Third world workers want to toil in sweatshops, recognizing that it improves their prospects.
  • Part of the reason sweatshops exist and attract laborers is that life on the garbage heap is even worse, as is the life of a third world subsistence farmer. Matthew Yglesias » The Limits of “No”
  • The amount is the equivalent of trebling every wealthy country's aid budget to the third world.
  • It was filmed from the right handlebar of Jonas's bicycle as he traversed the streets of an unnamed Third World city.
  • Para encerrar o site com chave de ouro, o ensaio de Eleanor Arneson, writing science fiction during the third world war, e rematem com o editorial de Eileen Gunn, a criadora do site: kiss kiss! bang bang! Desvanecer
  • I had the opportunity to ask him a question about the asbestos issue, since he has been dancing around it for weeks: now that the Health Canada report on asbestos is in the public domain, will he and his party take a final, definitive stand on the export of this carcinogen to the Third World? Archive 2009-05-01
  • Greedy crooks in a third world country are making pirate copies of your latest DVD!
  • Both the countries are unmindful of the consequences of a war, oblivious of a conventional war turning into a nuclear one as both the Third World poverty-stricken nations possess the demonic nuclear weapons.
  • Academic feminism has provided a forum for Third World women to express themselves and vent their anger at their societies.
  • He spoke briefly of the responsibility the rich owe to the poor of the Third World.
  • We have grown neglectful of the benefits of sport and I think we are a Third World nation when it comes down to that area.
  • Because we evil capitalist white Americans didn't give up even more of our paychecks to build quakeproof housing for a noble and deserving third world hellhole. Latest Articles
  • Third World industry could also become an ally in promoting efficient technology.
  • A lot of people make the assumption that poverty only exists in the Third World.
  • Economic aid tends to undermine the national independence of third world countries.
  • The other side is a failed third world state with a level of development among the lowest in the world.
  • Labour would implement environmentally-progressive policies and press for reductions and possibly cancellations in third world debt.
  • Multi-national producers have attempted to convince the world's leaders that GM is the answer to solving Third World hunger but a UN study last year dismissed their claims.
  • By the 1970s, researchers discovered that a major cause of childhood blindness in Third World countries was vitamin A deficiency.
  • While he lived Nehru remained the most eminent spokesman for the Third World.
  • the Third World's teeming millions
  • Vitamin A deficiency in humans, as well as rats, was later shown to produce serious eye damage (xerophthalmia) and it remains a major cause of blindness in the Third World. The Nobel Prize and the Discovery of Vitamins
  • Moreover the West has developed cheap alternatives for most things they used to depend on the Third World for.
  • How well does Mr McIntyre know the so-called Third World which he so insultingly disparages?
  • Virtually all the advances in agricultural technology, medicine, and technology of every kind, which the third world benefits from, comes from the developed world. About: Blinded by Science
  • We can imagine it as the creation of one of the psychiatric patients in The Atrocity Exhibition, the future image guerrillas of this Third World War: ‘these bizarre images, with their fusion of Eniwetok and Luna Park, Freud and Elizabeth Taylor’ (AT 7). Ballardian » Better Living through Psychopathology
  • Since the end of colonialism, we have acquired decades of evidence of what works and what fails in the third world.
  • Environmentalists argue that the organization fails to address the needs of third world farmers.
  • Around the globe, the richer nations have made easing the overcrowding of third world cities a top aid priority.
  • When America exports its multi-national corporations, especially those in the "extractive" industries (think Big Oil), things are much worse and the imbalance of power between third world governments and societies and the power of mega-corporations backed by American willpower, military power and economic power cannot protect local interests. Obama: In the Shadows of Al Gore's "Moral Imperative"
  • Many of the largest exporters from the Third World have become successful through a combination of lowcost labour, a strong work ethic, and, unfortunately, in some cases substantial subsidies, hidden or overt, for exporters. Canada in a Fragile World
  • Soviet capabilities for the long range projection of power in the Third World were comparatively ineffectual.
  • In a hard-hitting speech to the IMF, he urged third world countries to undertake sweeping reforms.
  • What happened in those economies is history, albeit a painful one, and should serve as a lesson to all other third world countries working on large amounts of debt.
  • Enterprise in the third world tends to be hampered less by lack of capital than by bad economic policies and missing infrastructure.
  • Third World countries receive a lot of money from developed countries, but the other side of the coin is that they have to spend this money on expensive imports.
  • Hardenberg: OK, so you admit that I'm not a robber; I haven't done a thing to people in the Third World. The Edukators, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • When you compare the UK, America and other rich countries to the Third World where so many people are starving, it's absolutely shocking.
  • I've always been fascinated by the mix of alienness and similarity one finds in the leaders of countries like Iraq - really across what we used to call the Third World.
  • Of course many programmes of regional co-operation exist, but unlike oil most Third World commodities are no longer essential to the West.
  • The outdated categorizations of First and Third Worlds, donor and supplicant, leader and led, no longer fit.
  • Belize is relatively well off for a third world country; the cost of a drink is not prohibitive for most, so they are not that motivated to use the pasteurizer. 10: Food science
  • Soviet capabilities for the long range projection of power in the Third World were comparatively ineffectual.
  • Western countries often dumped surplus goods into Third World countries.
  • How well does Mr McIntyre know the so-called Third World which he so insultingly disparages?
  • The most radical and definitive solution would be for all Third World debtor countries to collectively renounce their debts.
  • `I'm very interested in the principle of airships, because they would revolutionize the Third World economies. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • Falling coffee prices have impoverished many Third World economies.
  • The purpose of third world colonies was to make colonial powers rich not the reverse.
  • When I lived in Indonesia, I went on a trip to a city called Bandung where they had the first African/Asian third world conference. A Taylor Two Cities
  • The gap between the haves and have-nots has widened to almost Third World dimensions over the past 30 years.
  • But tragedy struck again in 1970 when Jochen Rindt, Chapman's third world champion, was killed at Monza.
  • They argued that development would eventually take the Third World through its own demographic transition to low rates of death and birth.
  • The Wild West frontier arrest and treatment of DSK, the lynch-mob mood, the media orgy, and his public humiliation make the US look like a nasty third world state.
  • Third World debt is so massive that recent pledges to reduce or forgive it are just a drop in the bucket.
  • Put positively, at the top now was not the emancipation of the working class or even the liberation of third world peoples from imperialism, but rather democracy, due process, constitutionalism, and human rights.
  • So, the people of the Third World do not need injections of ‘aid’ or even well-meaning Peace Corps volunteers.
  • These are seen as distinct stages of Third World exploitation associated with the growth of industrial capitalism in the west.
  • These toys will be sent to underprivileged children in Third World countries.
  • High street stores peppered with products bearing the slogan ‘guarantees a better deal for Third World producers’ could be a familiar sight by the end of the year, if the campaign pricks the public's conscience.
  • The third world has been used as a testing ground, too, for untested products.
  • Anil Biswas then sucks up the big bourgeoisie of the Third world by superciliously trampling underfoot Lenin's and Mao's lessons on the so-called signboard of freedom of the backward third world countries at one stroke. Fake Independence and the Mercurial Stance of Undivided Communist Party: CPM’s Hotchpotch View on Semi Colony and Neo colony
  • His family was worth more than all but a few Third World nations. PEARL COVE
  • History was moving ‘in a certain way’ and the class struggle would continue in the Third World with the lumpenproletariat of the colonized peoples taking up arms against the colonists.
  • Today the average lifespan in the third world is 67, infant mortality is way down, starvation relatively less wide spread, and analphabetism is no longer the norm. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • The attempt to see which parts of our past were somehow essential and which were accidental has now shifted to comparison between our past and the present development of Third World countries.
  • We, the inhabitants of the third world still labour under the misbelief that media is neutral.
  • Educationists have allied with development theorists to extend these ideas to the Third World.
  • The heckling is usually seen in third world countries. Wilson apologizes again to Obama, says he didn't 'snap'
  • The dumping of obsolete machinery and technology in the third world, especially in India, is destabilising the very economy.
  • The term therefore implies that the third world is exploited, much as third estate French commoners were exploited. • the economically underdeveloped countries of Africa, Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Likewise, everyone has access to heat or lights with a simple flick of a switch; we don't suffer brown-outs or rolling blackouts, like some areas of the Third World.
  • It was an excellent sum for the third world and a sincere demonstration that the people of Manorhamilton have a burning desire to alleviate the poverty that exists in less well off lands.
  • The women she chose to focus on are indeed interesting characters, and the pageant is a strange event in what is, as the father of one of the girls calls it, basically a third world country. GreenCine Daily: Berlinale Dispatch. Miss Gulag.
  • Our foreign policy tilts toward the third world.
  • The demand for courses had declined dramatically as more facilities became available in Third World countries.
  • It seems unlikely that they will jeopardise their superior circumstances by combining in an alliance with Third World workers against capital.
  • The amount of money she was worth could feed a Third World nation with gastronomic delights.
  • Economic aid tends to undermine the national independence of third world countries.
  • This two-sided involvement in Third World affairs led to his cofounding of the WOMAD (World of Music, Arts, and Dance) Festival in 1982 and Real World Records in 1989. Five People Born on February 13 | myFiveBest
  • While ecological problems are not the sole province of the Third World, it is there that the largest population increases are expected, where central governments are weakest, and where tribalism is rampant.
  • It seems unlikely that they will jeopardise their superior circumstances by combining in an alliance with Third World workers against capital.
  • Nevertheless, many Third World countries still rely heavily on selling raw material commodities as their principal source of income.
  • These trials do not cover the drug related to tropical disease such as kala-azar, Tuberculosis, Malaria, Filaria, Dengue, Chucken Gunea, which are the major problems of the third world countries. Indian subjects in clinical trials are vulnerable lot
  • In the next three seconds, somewhere in the world, an ingenuous pop star or maybe a dippy actress or a sententious comedian will harangue you about Third World debt.
  • As Lance already explained, he did not say $27/hr is a third world wage; he said third world wages is what our capitalist overlords WANT to pay us. The real road to serfdom
  • Many women also face brutal exploitation in their families in third world countries, where patriarchy dominates and household labor is treated harshly.
  • Several correspondents called for a brainstorming session, largely of Third World scholars, to discuss how best to proceed.
  • The nation state, particularly in the third world and the erstwhile Eastern bloc, is the agent of global capital.
  • A leading figure in the Arab world, sure that the Third World should not align itself with either superpower.
  • But how could the simple formal recognition of property be the solution for the development of Third World and former communist nations?
  • Evocative details of impoverished lives are counterpoised against volumes of ocean that separate the so-called first and third worlds.
  • The participants at the Cairo conference were commemorating an age when Third World solidarity changed global politics.
  • Even by Third World standards, it was an unusual basketball game.
  • They claim that countries in the Third World are not poor because they are inherently backward or undeveloped.
  • It seems you confuse Third World countries.
  • In 1967, with $400 from an honorarium, he bought a used mimeograph machine, and with the help of poets Johari Amini and Carolyn Rodgers founded Third World Press in the basement of his Southside Chicago apartment.
  • Think of America as a third world country that is about to be imperialized and devoured by the global banking elite andyou'reclose to the mark. The Great 2009 Bank Rescue Plan And Coup
  • The nation state, particularly in the third world and the erstwhile Eastern bloc, is the agent of global capital.
  • The T-man went on to even bolder actions, including calling Miami a "third world county," and calling for a nuclear strike on Mecca as a warning to terrorists. Shan Wells: Nut Sandwiches at the Tea Party Cafe
  • They were as puritanical, censorious, and hypocritical as any priest-ridden Third Worlders could be, and in private -- because Buddy said he knew their most intimate thoughts -- every last one of them was racist. Beard
  • There are quite a few aircraft like this available, and they are used by many third world countries for border patrol and counter-insurgency.
  • In general, illiteracy and lack of motivation militate against reliability of figures from Third World countries.
  • The Archbishop of Canterbury has sounded a warning to Europe'sleaders on third world debt.
  • It is ironic that the ideas of microcredit originated in the third world.
  • To propose that the government of a third world country is not acting fast enough to send aid to certain areas is incredibly unfair.
  • There are also other secular trends that are generating ominous forecasts about the prospects for much of the Third World.
  • People call out ceaselessly for more nurses, more doctors, more maths teachers, more childcare, more flexitime, more money in retirement, more rights for the disabled, more money for the Third World and lots of new laws to provide them.
  • When I think about our country, how we have thrown away our Constitution, turned our backs against those who needed our help, forced our industrial-military complex down the throats of everyone living in the Third World, promoted racism and militarism throughout the world, then I remember the shortest verst in the Bible: Jesus wept. Think Progress » Taking Out the Trash: Cheney Directly Involved In Leak Scandal
  • What, for instance, would stop Third World women being financially persuaded to become pregnant and abort to provide the cells?
  • Western countries often dumped surplus goods into Third World countries.
  • Our experience ... has clearly shown the so-called borderless global media, in fact, carries an imperial flag and is an integral part of Western imperial expansionism and assault on Third World sovereignties," he said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Nevertheless, many Third World countries still rely heavily on selling raw material commodities as their principal source of income.
  • Moreover the West has developed cheap alternatives for most things they used to depend on the Third World for.
  • As part of their two weeks work, volunteers engage in discussion workshops dealing with the causes of poverty in third world countries.
  • My decision to interview rural women in the immediate aftermath of the warand not about the war itselfhas been described as insensitive, and my interest in women's cultural production (tattoos especially) as irrelevant, another unfortunate case of First World privilege ignoring "real" Third World needs. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • An idea that could be revived as third world countries need revenue and cost of feeding is way down, so pay that country a small fee, it beats the Dickens era and the rotting hulk scheme. “Two Years” for Jon Harper Killer « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • At this rate the country will become a land of paupers pandering to third world countries.
  • He gives little sense of the place of the poor in the information/service economy, which is important as many low-grade data entry jobs are being farmed out to the Third World.
  • The problem ultimately lies in the relative weakness of the Third World economy in the world capitalist system.
  • Western governments should be giving more aid to the emerging democracies of the Third World.
  • The transfer of surveillance technology from first to third world is now a lucrative sideline for the arms industry.
  • Significantly, nationalist movements in the Third World used European ideas to replace alien government with self-rule.
  • Except for a smattering of third world authors we hear little of Commonwealth and other anglophone literatures, and even less of post-colonial literatures in translation, let alone entire courses devoted to them.
  • It was my childhood desire to assist underprivileged people of Third World countries in any way I could.
  • In the name of international labor standards, arbitrary and inflexible trade sanctions will be imposed on Third World countries.
  • Third World countries struggled for national independence and did so often under the banner of nationalist socialism.
  • This is evident when they propose to narrowly restrict eligibility for Third World debt remission so as not to offend the bankers of the West.
  • With my friends from home we had discussed Third World politics and our growing awareness of exploitation globally.
  • The Cuban revolution resulted in a reassessment of Washington's policy towards the Third World generally.
  • They work to improve Third World women's economic literacy and access to education.
  • ‘There is a moronic notion that somehow we are still exploiting Third World nations,’ he said.
  • In the next 10 years, Europe will slide down to the level of the third world in economic terms
  • The use of capitol punishment is used pretty much only in regressive third world countries. Think Progress » Flag-Burning Amendment One Vote From Passage
  • General Election 2010: British voting system too 'corruptible', warn Third World observers Latest news, breaking news, current news, UK news, world news, celebrity news, politics news
  • The expansion of Western capitalism incorporated the Third World into an exploitative world system.
  • The Communion is made up of some thirty-eight provinces, most of which are in the Third World.
  • On the other is one of the Third World's true bright spots, somewhat diminished by the comic-opera nationalism of its democratically elected president.
  • In the next three seconds, somewhere in the world, an ingenuous pop star or maybe a dippy actress or a sententious comedian will harangue you about Third World debt.
  • The XO is a big hit among the populations for which it was designed - kids in the third world. XO Laptop - Second Impressions
  • Fifteen writers and publishers from 13 Third World countries attended the seminar.
  • It is clearly unfair that so much tax in the Third World falls on the backs of those least able to pay.
  • That the Third World was born guileless and innocent only to be brutalised by the West is a popular slogan in many parts of the world.
  • People call out ceaselessly for more nurses, more doctors, more maths teachers, more childcare, more flexitime, more money in retirement, more rights for the disabled, more money for the Third World and lots of new laws to provide them.
  • However, the variations in mortality between the developed and Third World in the later years of life are much less extreme.
  • Even by Third World standards, it was an unusual basketball game.

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