How To Use Theory of evolution In A Sentence
Other's have noted these differences and taken them out of context, one going so far as to publish a news article in Al-Jazeerah titled something along of the lines of "Ardi proves Darwin wrong" (google it) – as if the idea that we got one hypothetical detail in a potential mechanism for the evolution of bipedalism wrong somehow refutes the entire Theory of Evolution.
Harlan Ellison on God
Zachriel: Everything is consistent with Last Thursdayism, Last Tuesdayism, and any manner of omphalic claims; but the Theory of Evolution makes very specific predictions concerning empirical phenomena, including the geographic distribution of species.
Behe: ID rescues Common Descent
Natural selection is a key element of Darwin's theory of evolution.
Punctuated equilibrium contradicts the previously held theory of evolutionary gradualism, and certainly raises questions about adaptation, selection and survival of the fittest.
The theory of evolution did not originate with Darwin.
This second approach relies heavily on Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.
In geology, the theory of evolution could explain two agreed facts that had given the scriptural view of creation a hard time.
Few public figures who wish to be taken seriously in any scientific discipline are still trying to discount Darwin's theory of evolution and natural selection.
For the catastrophists, the flood that they believe filled the tar pits with carcasses in one day gainsays the theory of evolution, which they call gradualism.
I Feel Earthquakes More Often Than They Happen
Natural selection is a key element of Darwin's theory of evolution.
Natural selection is a key element of Darwin's theory of evolution.
Everything is consistent with Last Thursdayism, Last Tuesdayism, and any manner of omphalic claims; but the Theory of Evolution makes very specific predictions concerning empirical phenomena, including the geographic distribution of species.
Behe: ID rescues Common Descent
To put it another way, the infinite sea of quantum potential is a kind of exteriorized mirror image of God's interior. this article, noting that the Vatican maintains that the theory of evolution is fully compatible with the Bible: "In 1950, Pope Pius XII described evolution as a valid scientific approach to the development of humans, a view that was reiterated by Pope John Paul II in
One Cʘsmos
Koonin just proposed big bang scenarios in which things just spring into existence, they invented things like the neutral theory of evolution where functionalities just drift into existence, they came up with lateral gene transfer where genes are randomly reorganized to built complete multicomponent functional systems.
A critique on the endosymbiotic theory for the origin of mitochondria
Stancliffe, a Lawrence senior who prefers to be known as Anson the Ornery, said the piece illustrated how the theory of evolution led people to place themselves above other animals and to ignore the importance of biodiversity. stories
If proteins were to develop through natural processes, as in the theory of evolution, an equal number of amino acids would develop that make light rotate clockwise dextrorotary as those that make light rotate counterclockwise.
Modern Science in the Bible
Natural selection is a key element of Darwin's theory of evolution.
The theory of evolution by natural selection reached out far beyond biology, and therein lies its significance.
Previously you implied that the "Theory of Evolution" (your capitals, though whether that's the old standby RM-NS or something else just as blindly formulaic is not explained) is capable "of generating the complexity and diversity we observe in life.
Beckwith on ID
That was before he started questioning whether Darwin's theory of evolution fully explained life on earth.
Zimmer said that the theory of evolution fascinates him, because it explains how all forms of life emerge and develop, from 3.5 billion years ago to today.
Natural selection is a key element of Darwin's theory of evolution.
Darwin's theory of evolution was a watershed dividing the old way of thinking from the new.
As long as the belief in progress reigned supreme people could not see this fallacy in the theory of evolution by natural selection.
The theory of evolution offers a framework for understanding how terrestrial life has evolved sensory mechanisms for transducing various types of energy from the environment, such as light, heat, and mechanical energy, into electrical and chemical signals that ultimately guide physical behavior by, to summarize tersely, impacting on contractile elements in cells that, consuming chemical energy ultiamtely derived from solar energy, produce mechanical energy that results in motor movement.
"War of the Weasels" article in new Skeptical Inquirer - The Panda's Thumb
This is the thresholding theory of evolution in practice.
MIND MELD: Is Science Fiction Responsible for the Lack of Public Interest in Space Exploration?
‘Mother’ was an unyielding moralist, a militant Prohibitionist, a staunch defender of the Sunday blue laws, and a devoted churchgoer opposed to the theory of evolution, to Italian opera, and to nude statues.
But science has good answers to these challenges to the theory of evolution.
However, it is by no means necessary to a theory of evolution that it embodies any presupposition of increasing or decreasing complexity.
The Higher Criticism is naturalistic and is largely dominated by the theory of evolution.
Consider Darwin's theory of evolution through natural selection.
Every AIDS patient is a monument to the theory of evolution.
The theory of evolution is seen as tracing the historical evolvement of those structures or competencies that formal pragmatics describes as universal features of language use.
The false theory of evolution is called the monophyletic, which teaches that all species of plants and animals including man, developed from one cell or germ which came by creation or spontaneous generation.
The Evolution of Man Scientifically Disproved In 50 Arguments
No wonder his theory of evolution remains, today, a visceral point of contention.
Thus we cannot except even man from the theory of evolution and suppose that he was especially created, as Alfred Russel Wallace, Darwin's contemporary and colaborer, and others, have supposed.
Sociology and Modern Social Problems
So it contests the theory of evolution while also accommodating much of the theories?
To tantalize readers, Popular Science raises difficult questions about the theory of evolution - the evolution of man, feathers on dinosaurs and the classification of animals.
creationism denies the theory of evolution of species
The backlash against the theory of evolution resonated not only with religious fundamentalists, but also with political and economic populists.
The striking and interesting facts of chorology can be explained only by the theory of evolution, and therefore we must count them among the most important of its inductive bases.
The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
Pope John Paul II has already explained that the theory of evolution is not irreconcilable with the creation doctrine.
Darwins Theory of Evolution uses the term relative to its scientific use obviously creationism falls mostly under numbers 6 & 7 in the general discussion of the many faceted USES of the term kimbanyc: Creationisâts basic premise is wrong.
The Full Feed from
And what the Senate did and Senator Brownback described is they encouraged what we call teach the controversy at Discovery Institute, and that just means teach the controversy over Darwin's theory of evolution specifically, the evidence for and against it, but don't require teaching intelligent design.
CNN Transcript Aug 23, 2005
It is now possible to summarize the neo-Darwinian theory of evolution.
Darwin's theory of evolution was a watershed dividing the old way of thinking from the new.
Huxley was an exponent of Darwin's theory of evolution.
Mark Ridley, who currently serves as a professor of zoology at Oxford, stated: "In any case, no real evolutionist, whether gradualist or punctuationist, uses the fossil record as evidence in favour of the theory of evolution as opposed to special creation.
Exploring Our Matrix - And Why Intelligent Design Forced Me To Leave The Church
Objections to the general theory of evolution are presented in both Darwin's conclusion and glossary of terms.
Contrary to popular myth Darwin was not thunderstruck by the theory of evolution during his voyage on the Beagle.
It is the fundamental premise of the theory of evolution.
Taking the theory of evolution as a basis, Comte affirmed that the fundamental law of history was that of historic filiation, that is, the Law of the Three States.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
Darwin's theory of evolution was unaccepted and condemned by religious people.
Natural selection is a key element of Darwin's theory of evolution.
The "nothing in biology" is a metaphor which denotes the enormous volume of evidence which fits together like pieces in a puzzle under the theory of evolution.
Death of a popular anti-ID argument
Scopes was forbidden to teach Darwin's theory of evolution, but he defied the law.
Mark Ridley, who currently serves as a professor of zoology at punctuationist, uses the fossil record as evidence in favour of the theory of evolution as opposed to Lamarck's theory of evolution asserted that evolution occurs because organisms are able to inherit traits acquired by their ancestors which is an idea rejected by the current scientific community. did not propose an evolutionary process for a species to transform into a more complex version.
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Just pointing out that there's a wide gulf of difference between the scientific theory of evolution and the way evolutionary dogma gets perceived by the masses.
Indeed, an entire chapter in the book was titled The Theory of Evolution.
Every AIDS patient is a monument to the theory of evolution.
[18] Despite the aforementioned large number of fossils available to scientists in 1981, evolutionist Mark Ridley, who currently serves as a professor of zoology at punctuationist, uses the fossil record as evidence in favour of the theory of evolution as opposed to
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Every AIDS patient is a monument to the theory of evolution.
Darwin continued to publish more works, including his The Descent of Man (1871), in which he applied his theory of evolution to humans, implying that they had descended from apelike creatures.
Wallace, whose father liked to pretend that he could trace his family tree back to William of that ilk and claim kinship, proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection independently of Darwin.
According to the theory of evolution, all flora and fauna developed from a single-celled being, something like a primitive bacterium.
Modern Science in the Bible
An optimistic theory of evolutionary progress was surreptitiously beginning to replace the pessimistic doctrine of universal decay.
The theory of evolution has to do much more than that.
Western Science, while performing a marvelous work in piling up fact after fact to support its newly-discovered theory of Evolution, in a way utterly unknown to the Oriental thinker who seeks after principles by mental concentration -- _within_ rather than without -- while actually proving by physical facts the _mental_ conceptions of the
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Charles Darwin, in his theory of evolution by means of natural selection, stressed the role of competition.
We have developed a new theory of evolution
The theory of evolution by natural selection reached out far beyond biology, and therein lies its significance.
This situation is analogous to that of the Galapagos Islands, where Darwin drew inspiration for his theory of evolution, except that the pupfish evolved in ‘islands’ of water within a desert ‘sea.’
An optimistic theory of evolutionary progress was surreptitiously beginning to replace the pessimistic doctrine of universal decay.
He is that eminent Victorian Charles Darwin, the progenitor of the theory of evolution.
An optimistic theory of evolutionary progress was surreptitiously beginning to replace the pessimistic doctrine of universal decay.
[21] Despite the aforementioned large number of fossils available to scientists in 1981, evolutionist Mark Ridley, who currently serves as a professor of zoology at punctuationist, uses the fossil record as evidence in favour of the theory of evolution as opposed to
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Darwin's theory of evolution was a watershed dividing the old way of thinking from the new.
Any attempt to disprove the theory of evolution using thermodynamics will require proper formalisms.
Huxley was an exponent of Darwin's theory of evolution.
[16] Despite the aforementioned large number of fossils available to scientists in 1981, evolutionist Mark Ridley, who currently serves as a professor of zoology at punctuationist, uses the fossil record as evidence in favour of the theory of evolution as opposed to
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If there is such a collective acceptance of holes and gaps in the theory of evolution then why is there such loyalty to only the one idea.
Instead, he now requires them to be able to explain the scientific theory of evolution.
Some defenders of religion enter into polemics with scientists and question their theories, for instance, by opposing the theory of evolution.
To add to my difficulties he began to swallow the theory of evolution, and I held firmly to the Biblical revelation of Creation.
[17] Despite the aforementioned large number of fossils available to scientists in 1981, evolutionist Mark Ridley, who currently serves as a professor of zoology at punctuationist, uses the fossil record as evidence in favour of the theory of evolution as opposed to
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Those who are not satisfied with the synthetic proofs of the theory of evolution which are provided by comparative anatomy, embryology, paleontology, dysteleology, chorology, and classification, may try to refute the analytic proof given in my treatise on the sponge, the outcome of five years of assiduous study.
The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
The current teaching situation of organic evolution in America high school tells us: be on your guard against antievolution thought and persist the theory of evolution.
Their varied climates, ongoing vulcanism and extreme isolation, has produced one of the highest concentrations of endemic species in the world including unusual animals such as the land and marine iguanas, giant tortoises and the many types of finch that inspired Darwin's theory of evolution following his visit in 1835.
Galápagos National Park & Galápagos Marine Resources Reserve, Ecuador