How To Use The pits In A Sentence

  • When the season for quarrying began, the pits sprang to life and the pace continued rapidly until the first deep frost at which time quarrying ceased.
  • Taken orally or as an injection, laetrile is a purified form of amygdalin, a chemical found in lima beans, raw nuts and the pits of many fruits.
  • Labs, St bernards, New foundlands, and other dogs that are much bigger never seem to make the news for displaying natural aggressions like the pits. Undefined
  • The brave Negro troops went forward at a double-quick; the skirmishers were the first to reach the embankments, and were greeted with a shower of bullets which tumbled many headlong and lifeless into the pits. A School History of the Negro Race in America, from 1619 to 1890, With a Short Introduction as to the Origin of the Race; Also a Short Sketch of Liberia.
  • While a technician shovels pomace into the small tractor-powered sheller, the pits are separated from the moist mash, which is then placed in an ordinary cement mixer.
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  • So it is with the young prospects we throw into the pits of the courtroom.
  • I'd like to think that the modern shows were short enough to allow 4/hr, but the pits have become so huge (to install and tear down) that 3.5/hr is more likely. 1974 Madison Scouts (DCI Prelims)
  • However, on the second lap he slowed and headed for the pits, knowing that there was a problem.
  • Antennal foveolae: Orthoptera; the pits between frontal costa and lateral carinae, in which the antennae are inserted. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Break the speed limit in the pits, overtake when the yellow flags are out or cut a corner in qualifying and you'll find yourself facing the wrath of your team when you get back to the garage.
  • He pulls into the pits when there's nothing wrong with his car.
  • The day before, a mechanic almost lost a limb, crouching in too close as the car sped into the pits. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fishing fleet may have been decimated, and the pits and shipyards may have been replaced by air-conditioned call centres, but Britain's industrial heritage lives on in song.
  • The drama started on the parade lap when he retired to the pits with a broken driveshaft.
  • In an emergency, you stop refueling any other aircraft in the pits and evacuate those aircraft, any fuel trucks and other personnel.
  • Rob, it's impossible to have Democrats without the pits because Democrats are "the pitts. CHANGE is a Bowl of Cherries... with a pitter.
  • My faith is the ONLY TRUE faith, that whole “many paths to God” is a lie strait from the pits of Hell. Think Progress » VIDEO: Inhofe ‘Very Proud’ There’s Never Been a Homosexual Relationship in the ‘Recorded History of Our Family’
  • Rice was leading 100 laps into the race when he stalled his car's engine in the pits.
  • Another technique for estimating age was applied to the woman: the pits on the inner surface of her skull were counted and she was estimated to be around 50 years old when she died.
  • The food in this restaurant is the pits!
  • While some intrepid individuals did speculate in currency futures, highly trained specialists dominated the pits.
  • Now the pits were dying and they were building two schemes around it. Scottish Voices 1745-1960
  • Three laps after dumping an ice bottle into his helmet in the pits, Powers pulled onto the finish straight alone, zipped his black, short-sleeved skinsuit and pumped his right fist in the air. Jeremy Powers outduels Ryan Trebon in day 2 of Cincinnati UCI3 Cyclocross Festival
  • The pits on the Texas specimens are often partially or completely obscured by the coarseness of the silicification.
  • I came into the pits after one clear lap and we made some changes.
  • So she bought as she was going home, and saw the colliers trailing from the pits, grey-black, distorted, one shoulder higher than the other, slurring their heavy ironshod boots. Lady Chatterley's Lover
  • At the start of the race he was helped when several cars stalled on the grid and had to start from the pits.
  • As most races are won and lost in the pits, Ferrari now have the advantage over every other team.
  • That cross-party committee urged a multi-million pound subsidy and other measures to save half of the pits earmarked for closure last October.
  • To truly experience this benefit you need to drop your passenger in the pits and grab yourself a few solo laps.
  • Tommy climbed back on board and nursed the car back to the pits, losing several laps.
  • With a new jackman and gasman going over the wall, there has been inconsistency in the pits, which hasn't helped Gordon on some restarts.
  • Jim tossed the pits into the brush and wiped his hands on his pants.
  • Within the span of these twelve years of revolution, we sprang up from the pits of inhumanity were we had stagnated since the 15th century to the - yet unattained but now foreseeable "" possibilities of genuine human brotherhood and sisterhood [19]. A Giant Step for Mankind Made in Ha��ti
  • He'd done that too, he'd been in the pits several seasons with a car one of his bosses sponsored. THE LEGEND OF CAPTAIN SPACE
  • My crew did a great job getting me back out there, and I'm happy that we were able to finish the race on the track and not in the pits.
  • But after the refuelling and tyre change was complete, the car stalled twice as Leitzinger attempted to leave the pits.
  • Being such a linkman endowed Zhou with the privilege of freely passing through the pits and team buildings and exploring the inner organization of the team.
  • The engine temperature shot up to well over 100 degrees and I had no choice but to bring the car into the pits.
  • People walking through the pits often stop to check out the cars because they don't all look the same.
  • We were able to pass a few guys, but I was not very quick coming in and out of the pits, and that's where we lost our lap.
  • Clearly miffed, he retired to the pits to have the rear suspension and rear wing of his car tweaked in order to give him more downforce and better grip.
  • I also have NO HOMOSEXUAL people in my family, this means my family as a whole. 1/3 peope are gay is a LIE strait from the pits of hell, there is NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE that a person is born gay, thus meaning that they choose to live that way. Think Progress » VIDEO: Inhofe ‘Very Proud’ There’s Never Been a Homosexual Relationship in the ‘Recorded History of Our Family’
  • Plastic coatings placed by a dental professional in the pits and fissures of the permanent teeth can help reduce caries.
  • Some of the men refused to obey an instruction from a police officer to turn back from the pits, and were arrested.
  • K-cr,: port, would, under aiiy; Othergovern - mi-Tir, bt ail. i: iv. diiable bianch oif irade, the pits being incxhauiiililc.. A new collection of voyages, discoveries and travels : containing whatever is worthy of notice, in Europe, Asia, Africa and America
  • The day before, a mechanic almost lost a limb, crouching in too close as the car sped into the pits. Times, Sunday Times
  • A grim future awaits the area if the pits are allowed to go under.
  • Interestingly, a large house adjacent to the pits had unusual limestone flooring and deposits of limonite and ocher -- sometimes used as pigments by Southeastern groups to paint the body during rituals -- suggesting special ceremonial activities took place in this structure. Another Surprise near Cahokia
  • The pits furnish a bit of counterpoint crudity to Ms. Bontecou's unrelenting elegance: The lumberyard red ends of the pine two-by-sixes are left showing, and a hacksaw blade lies, as if forgotten, on top. Abstract (Semi) and Phantasmagorical
  • When I was called into the pits on lap 43 there was a small fire but that was okay.
  • At times mining operations had to cease as hundreds of illegal miners entered the pits to steal freshly blasted high-grade ore.
  • The pits at the Midrips and Wicks near the boundary with Kent no longer hold water.
  • Enthusiasts want to see the drivers do the business, not an electronic controller from the pits.
  • In fact, he had to visit the pits for repairs and Willie strolled home for our first class victory of the year.
  • Sadly, Harvey's amazing opening was not destined to bring a reward as he was forced into the pits after nine laps.
  • The presence of cedar wood and snake remains in association with the pits again points to a ritual use, since both have clear archaeological and ethnohistoric ritualistic associations.
  • That study is a lie strait from the pits of hell, and you know it. Think Progress » VIDEO: Inhofe ‘Very Proud’ There’s Never Been a Homosexual Relationship in the ‘Recorded History of Our Family’
  • However, collecting in the pits has yielded beautiful microcrystals of azurite and malachite on quartz.
  • The car is not thought to have suffered serious damage and was quickly covered with a tarpaulin before being taken back to the pits. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pits began to fill with water, making the peat more difficult to extract and eventually the diggings were abandoned.
  • Also, puncture flats will leak more slowly allowing racers to ride longer until support reaches them, or possibly make it back to the pits in a criterium.
  • Now the pits were dying and they were building two schemes around it. Scottish Voices 1745-1960
  • There's virtually no jobs in the shipyards, none in steel and none in the pits. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the beginning of the closure programme in the pits the situation changed dramatically.
  • I had to drive it back to the pits on three wheels, but it was fun to always be in contention.
  • The run-off areas are too short, the pits are cramped and the paddock facilities are, by a long way, the worst of the season.
  • when you're alone Christmas is the pits
  • Team Work how many races have been won on the pits. the speed, the team work, the sheer grit of the guys in the pit crew, can make (or break) the drivers race. one second won at the pits, is worth a minute on the track! Hamilton Yr | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • Flat-screen displays ring the pits set up with trading data.
  • Their lives are governed by steam whistles that summon them to the pits.
  • She rejoined the track but was forced back to the pits as the problem remained.
  • The grand prix complex is 90 per cent finished and the pits and paddock area has been used over the past fortnight for Olympic administration. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even in the days when the Twenty-Two _khad_ was unsunk and there were not two thousand men here, I was known to have all knowledge of the pits. Soldiers Three
  • The downside of mezzotinting is that the plate does not last very long, for the depth of the pits was very shallow and a few dozen impressions could wear a plate out.
  • I also found it very difficult on the first lap out of the pits on new tyres.
  • The place itself is outstanding, particularly because of the grandstand in front of the pits.
  • It would be difficult not to install the O Hanrahans, short odds to top the pits again.
  • The grand prix complex is 90 per cent finished and the pits and paddock area has been used over the past fortnight for Olympic administration. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ratchett. as manager of the pits, had come to report the firedamp blast. A Place Called Freedom
  • There's still room for error when shifting gears, use them when they downshift - especially when coming into the pits-and when starting from complete stops.
  • After a cholecystectomy, your bile just goes from your liver to your bowel without the pitstop. Science Question from a Toddler: Why is poop brown? Boing Boing
  • Taylor proceeded to shatter this image: “Even in the country, which now rejoices in the opening of spring, all the freshness of the season is destroyed by the rank ammoniated odors arising from the pits of noisome manure, sunk in the fields.” The Romance of China: Excursions to China in U.S. Culture: 1776-1876
  • His chance to move up the field came as those ahead started pulling into the pits for the obligatory wheel change.
  • The pits at this new location are designed exactly like the pits from the original Kreuz store. You gonna eat that? Random musings on food and life in Orange County, California » Don’t mess with Texas
  • The day before, a mechanic almost lost a limb, crouching in too close as the car sped into the pits. Times, Sunday Times
  • She hurriedly picked at the dangling cherries from the tree, and put them in her basket while at the same time eating them, spitting the pits onto the rocky ground.
  • I used to think gym and sport was absolutely the pits, because I had no idea about what to do in either of them.
  • We launched a campaign to persuade the Government and UK Coal to keep the pits open, but it seems to have failed.
  • The comedian's performance was the pits!
  • So we made some good adjustments in the pits and we outraced him at the end.
  • My car had a gearbox problem towards the end of my ‘out’ lap and I had to come back to the pits.
  • This caused a slow puncture, forcing me into the pits after the first lap.
  • He placed one of his thin, delicate fingers upon the ceresin cylinder, running the tip along the pits and grooves like a blind man reading braille. The Curse of the Wendigo
  • Johnson, meanwhile, flatted his front tire with 1 1/2 laps to go and rode gingerly to the pits, away that a charging Todd Wells ad Schouten were not far behind. Jeremy Powers, Georgia Gould take day 2 at Derby City Cup
  • In the 15-lap event, he was leading until stewards forced him into the pits after the rear bumper began peeling off his car.
  • When the rules are relaxed, you don't get racing that reflects the real world you get Formula One cars with so much electronic chassis wizardry that they can be driven by remote control from the pits.
  • Because it handles like a Formula 1 car limping into the pits with four burst tyres.
  • Twenty-Two _khad_ was unsunk and there were not two thousand men here, I was known to have all knowledge of the pits. Indian Tales
  • After the diffuser was damaged, the balance was very unpredictable, switching from oversteer to understeer even in the course of a lap, and I kept asking to change it in the pits.
  • Out back, however, out of sight except from a plane, are the pits, lagoons, and cesspools of millions of gallons of untreated animal waste.
  • Even now, many traders make electronic trades on handheld devices when they're in the pits.
  • Tonight, there were huge fires burning in the pits placed at the center of the square, and long wooden tables with benches had been drawn around them to provide seating for everyone, camper and caravanner alike. Dragon's Kin
  • He is just back from a family skiing holiday in Norway and is continually shuttling to and fro, from the gleaming red motor home to the pits.
  • ‘All personnel, being base combatant personnel, are trained in how to fill sandbags, how to place them down on the ground into the pits allocated,’ he said.
  • And whether it's the doldrums of the blues or the pits, we've all been there and allowed sorrow to swallow us up, if only temporarily.
  • In race after race Schumacher outwits opponents by overtaking them when they are stationary in the pits.
  • But property 'ull rise in value like a puddock stool at dark, serr, if the pits come round it! The House with the Green Shutters
  • The pits, and other marks on the gun, give it the look of a casting, rather than a machined part.
  • I covered the whole of the width of the stage in front of the curtains and also filled the pits.
  • David had an incident at the start which forced him to come into the pits after the first lap for a new nose cone.

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