
the pits

  1. any place of pain and turmoil
    when you're alone Christmas is the pits
    the inferno of the engine room
    the hell of battle

How To Use the pits In A Sentence

  • When the season for quarrying began, the pits sprang to life and the pace continued rapidly until the first deep frost at which time quarrying ceased.
  • Taken orally or as an injection, laetrile is a purified form of amygdalin, a chemical found in lima beans, raw nuts and the pits of many fruits.
  • Labs, St bernards, New foundlands, and other dogs that are much bigger never seem to make the news for displaying natural aggressions like the pits. Undefined
  • The brave Negro troops went forward at a double-quick; the skirmishers were the first to reach the embankments, and were greeted with a shower of bullets which tumbled many headlong and lifeless into the pits. A School History of the Negro Race in America, from 1619 to 1890, With a Short Introduction as to the Origin of the Race; Also a Short Sketch of Liberia.
  • While a technician shovels pomace into the small tractor-powered sheller, the pits are separated from the moist mash, which is then placed in an ordinary cement mixer.
  • So it is with the young prospects we throw into the pits of the courtroom.
  • I'd like to think that the modern shows were short enough to allow 4/hr, but the pits have become so huge (to install and tear down) that 3.5/hr is more likely. 1974 Madison Scouts (DCI Prelims)
  • However, on the second lap he slowed and headed for the pits, knowing that there was a problem.
  • Antennal foveolae: Orthoptera; the pits between frontal costa and lateral carinae, in which the antennae are inserted. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Break the speed limit in the pits, overtake when the yellow flags are out or cut a corner in qualifying and you'll find yourself facing the wrath of your team when you get back to the garage.
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