
How To Use The alps In A Sentence

  • It doesn't always work: Five years ago in the Alps she landed badly on a jump, breaking her pelvis and fracturing a vertebra.
  • At the time Milankovitch did his work, it was generally assumed that four glaciations had occurred in the Alps during the Pleistocene, named Günz, Mindel, Riss and Würm. Milankovitch, Milutin
  • Another tomb of interest (and of which we will speak in extenso in the next instalment of this series) is the tomb of the Pope Clement II, the only pope to be buried north of the Alps. The statue, sculpted by the same (unknown) sculptor as the Horseman, was originally the slab of the tomb, which remains on the west choir, behind the cathedra: Catholic Bamberg: The Cathedral
  • High in the Alps is a monument raised in honour of a faithful guide who perished while ascending a peak to rescue a stranded tourist.
  • This limestone wave was shown to be one of a great series, running parallel with the Alps, and constituting an undulatory district, chiefly composed of chalk beds, separated from the higher limestone district of the Jura and Lias by a long trench or moat, filled with members of the tertiary series -- chiefly nummulite limestones and flysch. On the Old Road, Vol. 2 (of 2) A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature
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  • The city's wealth came almost entirely from its role as an entrepôt, moving goods from the eastern Mediterranean to Lombardy and over the Alps to northern Europe.
  • Saying so, he commanded the kings of the Teutones to be brought out. as they were, in chains; for they were taken by the Sequani among the Alps, before they could make their escape. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • We drove out of the barracks huddled in our combat jackets, and turned north towards the Alps.
  • This was the first day in the Alps and on the top of Col de Ramaz they had almost three inches of rain when a deluge came down on them for a full forty five minutes.
  • Here in Europe, the snow arrived very late to the Alps and more locally, my camelia flowers started to bloom in February which was unusually early. 03/16/2007
  • Since then he has known both glory and disaster, but yesterday as the Tour entered the Alps he managed the grand slam: the sixth stage win of his career, the maillot jaune and the polka-dot King of the Mountains jersey.
  • Here, sheer limestone cliffs tower over gentle pastures and provide what many people believe is the finest scenery in the Alps.
  • The attacks of the Germanic Cimbri and Teutones were still fresh in memory, northern Gaul had not yet been conquered by Caesar - all the bad things always came over the Alps. HH Com 476
  • This limestone wave was shown to be one of a great series, running parallel with the Alps, and constituting an undulatory district, chiefly composed of chalk beds, separated from the higher limestone district of the Jura and Lias by a long trench or moat, filled with members of the tertiary series -- chiefly nummulite limestones and flysch. On the Old Road, Vol. 2 (of 2) A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature
  • Two of the works that they acquired were bought as reductions of the previously mentioned Napoleon at Fontainebleau and Napoleon Crossing the Alps.
  • Tyndall was an expert and enthusiastic mountaineer, calculating how high the energy in a ham sandwich would take him; his writings about the alps are suffused with pantheism.
  • The physical environment is characterized by a chain of mountains (the Jura), a densely urbanized plateau, and the Alps range, which forms a barrier to the south.
  • Their digestive tract is adapted to break down fairly large bones such as the femur of the chamois, the small, goatlike antelope of the Alps.
  • In the novel, the Duchy of Grand Fenwick, which is half a valley five miles long and three miles wide nestled in the Alps and mostly stuck in the 14th century, declares war on the United States and invades it with twenty longbowmen and three men at arms. Ccfinlay: Bedtime Reading
  • For the ancients of Pisa have met for the last time; the signory of Florence plots no more; no more will any Emperor with the pride of a barbarian, the mien of a beggar or a thief, cross the Alps, or such an one as Florence and Northern Tuscany with Genoa With Sixteen Illustrations In Colour By William Parkinson And Sixteen Other Illustrations, Second Edition
  • After their release, the vultures are monitored by biologists and a network of observers across the Alps.
  • It tells the tale of a long march from the Nile to the Alps over three thousand hard-fought miles.
  • The feat of getting so many men across the forbidden mountain range which separates the west coast of Chile from the jungle on the east was reminiscent of Hannibal's crossing of the Alps.
  • Yesterday's excursion into the Alps, just one week into this year's centenary Tour, came unusually early.
  • The lawyer was skiing off-piste in the resort of Verbier in the Alps when he fell some 300 metres after losing his footing and ended up in a snow gully.
  • Today the once new but now traditional occupation of mountain guide is one of the most respected in the Alps.
  • Leaning into a 90 mph wind, a graph charts every movement, every wobble, in a trajectory that resembles the Alps.
  • There are cases of divers getting the bends as they returned through the Alps after diving the Mediterranean.
  • The cable car journey to the top is the longest in the Alps and the whole journey is filled with breathtaking scenery.
  • Why then, after it had been segregated to emphasize its inferior status, did men wilfully cross the alps and seek out this remote spot for their clandestine purposes?
  • Settlements were offered to the Goths in Lombardy, and they advanced from the Po towards the Alps to take possession of them. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The hotel 's "balloonist" guides guests on the in-house hot air balloon 10,000 feet above the Alps for sky-high views of Mont Blanc. Slope News
  • After a pause, the WITCH OF THE ALPS rises beneath the arch of the sunbow of the torrent. Act II. Scene II
  • They consist of talcose-schiste, bluish-grey limestone, talc in beds, serpentine, black marble similar to the oldest in the Alps, quartz, feldspar, and porphyries. Rambles in the Islands of Corsica and Sardinia with Notices of their History, Antiquities, and Present Condition.
  • Holidaymakers come back year after year and, amid the splendours of the Alps, they insist on bourgeois comforts and good Bavarian cooking.
  • At the time, it was the largest single pane of glass to be installed in a residential chalet interior in the Alps. Times, Sunday Times
  • The soil is covered with moss, and a new species of drosera, * (* Drosera tenella.) which by its form reminded us of the drosera of the Alps. The thickness of the forests, and the force of vegetation, augmented as we approached the convent of Caripe. Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 1
  • Held at the end of January or beginning of February each year, Davos is where corporate chieftains and political heavies discuss making the world better while slaloming the Alps.
  • Germany's highest mountain "Zugspitze" (2.962 meter) in the Alps Mountains, southern Germany, during nice weather with temperatures of 20 degrees on August 14, 2010. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • Mithridatic war being then under debate, Marcus declared that it was not finished, but only respited for a time, and therefore, upon choice of provinces, the lot falling to Lucullus to have Gaul within the Alps, a province where no great action was to be done, he was ill-pleased. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • Go for a hike in the Alps and you'll notice a curious thing: Euros love their walking canes.
  • The late renaissance had little experience of pack-ice and polar seas, but they did have plenty of glaciers in the alps.
  • The Alps are one of the last strongholds for the central European population of the threatened capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus), which consists of increasingly isolated populations. Alps conifer and mixed forests
  • The Alps provided the perfect backdrop for a romantic holiday.
  • When he left school his mother bought him an old car and he took off to the Alps to become an international ski bum - a highly talented one.
  • P. cembra, the Swiss stone pine, has a range which extends eastwards from the Alps; and P. gerardiana is a native of the Himalayas.
  • The Valais is sheltered by the alps and, like south east Switzerland, benefits particularly from the föhn, but it can be dry and irrigation with mountain water is sometimes necessary.
  • Until then the Alps had been viewed from afar by poets and painters or been used by local people hunting chamois.
  • You'll rest your tired keister at night in some of the Alps most inviting resorts and inns.
  • I hear they are filming this too in Technicolor in the ALPS ... the Return of Drick Grayson boy Wonder Captain of America!! Are we ready for Steve Rogers to be Reborn? | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • In sharp contrast to the Flysch scenery, they stand as abrupt and gigantic erratics, which have been transported from the central zone of the Alps lying far to the south. The Birth-Time of the World and Other Scientific Essays
  • After a pause, the_ WITCH OF THE ALPS _rises beneath the arch of the sunbow of the torrent. The Works of Lord Byron. Vol. 4
  • Although he was employed as a chartered surveyor after leaving school, he climbed in the Alps regularly in the prewar years. Times, Sunday Times
  • ancient transalpine Gaul was an area northwest of the Alps and included modern France and Belgium
  • Suddenly, the majesty of the Alps and the chateaus on the Loire faded to gray behind your baby blue eyes and the halo of your golden curls. Chicken Soup for the Soul: New Moms
  • The sole reason he gives for moving from Paris to Rapallo is that "the north side of the alps is an error. Filial Piety Made New
  • Holidaymakers come back year after year and, amid the splendours of the Alps, they insist on bourgeois comforts and good Bavarian cooking.
  • A beautiful town in the foothills of the Alps, it is the centre of the French perfume industry with the countryside filled with roses, jasmine, bitter orange blossom and other flowers from which the perfumes are distilled.
  • MORE than 150 skiers spent hours trapped in cable cars in the Alps. The Sun
  • A shift in the weather pattern, bringing low pressure systems across the Alps in December laid down a firm base.
  • The ski resort is known as the Pearl of the Alps.
  • They consist of talcose-schiste, bluish-grey limestone, talc in beds, serpentine, black marble similar to the oldest in the Alps, quartz, feldspar, and porphyries. Rambles in the Islands of Corsica and Sardinia with Notices of their History, Antiquities, and Present Condition.
  • The River Aare, has crystal-clear water coming straight down from the Alps, making it cooler than a lake, but infinitely more fun. Urban swimming in Switzerland
  • Estimates of the cost of an air ambulance from the alps to the UK range from £8,500 to £16,000.
  • By now the Alps loomed ahead in the distance. The Sun
  • The wind chill factor on the roof of the alps puts the temperature at about minus 10C but we wade knee-deep in pristine powder, waving our arms and skylarking like the Beatles in Help.
  • Europe's stop-start ski season roared back into life last week, with heavy snowfalls and freezing temperatures affecting almost all of the Alps.
  • The Finsteraarhorn is the third most prominent peak in the Alps. Since 2001 the whole massif and surrounding glaciers are part of the - Financial News
  • Hasdrubal McNulticlar, a Carthaginian circus impresario, apparently leased Hannibal the elephants he used to cross the Alps. Tracing My Roots and Coming Up With Dirt
  • Yes, it has reached that time of year when one tires of northern climes and wants to be that side of the Alps. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rocks chiefly relied on as evidence of this distribution consist of three varieties of granite, besides gneiss, chlorite-slate, euphotide, serpentine, and a peculiar kind of conglomerate, all of them foreign alike to the great Strath between the Alps and Jura and to the structure of the Jura itself. The Antiquity of Man
  • Marburg is famous for its medieval churches, especially the Elisabethkirche, one of the two or three first purely Gothic churches north of the Alps outside of France and thus an incunable of Gothic architecture in Germany, as well as for the castle. - Articles related to Expulsion of Roma Raises Questions in France
  • Cicero and Clodius exchanged a few pleasantries about Further Gaul and the arduousness of the journey across the Alps, and then Cicero said, “Now tell me, Clodius, is it true that your chief, Murena, is going to seek the consulship?” CONSPIRATA
  • You will find scenery to rival anything you can see in the Alps.
  • ancient cisalpine Gaul included an area south and east of the Alps
  • A burgeoning industry in reproductive prints during the previous decades allowed artists north of the Alps to gain exposure to transmontane developments even if they never made the pilgrimage.
  • During our university vacations, we took jobs as herds people in the Alps, running after cattle for three months out of the year and sleeping in rickety huts and stables.
  • Some racers struggled up the final climb, even though it was a molehill compared to the high mountain passes that must be scaled in the Alps.
  • Areas of the alps still show signs of environmental damage wrought by decades of cattle grazing, even though grazing stopped more than 60 years ago.
  • Even those who have climbed in the Alps or the lower Himalayas, find it hard to understand the appeal of such a brutal and capricious mountain.
  • The ski resort is known as the Pearl of the Alps.
  • They stay in a ritzy castle/hotel high in the Alps.
  • He reminded Blanche that the previous summer, he, Remenyi, and another friend had gone horse-riding in the Alps, bivouacking most nights. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • Grouped together in two or three cases, are the sable and other antelopes from the Cape of Good Hope; the algazelle, and the addax and its young from North Africa; the sing-sing, and the koba from Western Africa; the sassaybi; the chamois of the Alps -- the subject of many a stirring mountain song; the goats of North Africa; the strange Siberian ibex; the grue and gorgon from the Cape; varieties of the domestic goat, and the beautiful Cashmere goat. How to See the British Museum in Four Visits
  • In the far north are the alps; in Sicily, the Madonie form yet another chain of central mountains.
  • Val Pellice produces a speciality cheese, the origins of which stem from the early Middle Ages when occasional Saracenic groups ventured into the Alps.
  • In 1968, however, when Albert started climbing, these cliffs were used purely as practice for the Alps. Climbers would hang off pitons rather than their fingers. Kurt Albert obituary
  • The soil is covered with moss, and a new species of drosera, * which by its form reminded us of the drosera of the Alps. The thickness of the forests, and the force of vegetation, augmented as we approached the convent of Caripe. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • The brown trout in the Alps is a little more distant. New Year's Resolution
  • Elisabethkirche, one of the two or three first purely Gothic churches north of the Alps outside of France and thus an incunable of Gothic architecture in Germany, as well as for the castle. - Articles related to Expulsion of Roma Raises Questions in France
  • The enormous growth of tourism in the Alps means funicular railway and cable car operators seek to transport far more visitors than their operations were originally intended for.
  • France and Italy, which lacked coal resources, generated hydro-electric power from the fast-flowing waters of the Alps.
  • Silanus by a vast and wandering horde known as the Cimbri, [1079] who hovered like a threatening cloud on the farther side of the Alps and might at no distant date sweep past the barrier of Italy. A History of Rome During the Later Republic and Early Principate
  • He is known for skiing big alpine faces, couloirs, and even serious ice climbs, from the Alps to the Himalayas.
  • The whole continent, except for some semi-inaccessible places in the alps, northern Scotland or Scandinavia, has been groomed and tended by the hand of man.
  • But the river, carrying snowmelt from the Alps, was ice-cold, and its waters were fast-flowing.
  • As a result of haphazard and inadequate culling, there is now a plague of rabid foxes affecting villages and cities in an arc across the Alps from Austria, through Hungary, Slovenia and Slovakia to Poland.
  • The Swiss have for long tempted Indian film-makers to use the Alps and other picturesque locales as the backdrop for romantic interludes in Bollywood films.
  • Most of the accommodation in this area is clustered on a north-facing plateau looking across the Alps to the Rhone valley.
  • From the summit there is a superb panorama of the Alps.
  • The Alpsgreen is an Italian marble, and the footpace is formed of a monolith eight feet long, an unusual size.
  • Alexandra Beier/Bongarts/Getty Images Freddy Nock of Switzerland balanced on a cable car ropeway in the Alps on top of Germany's highest mountain, Zugspitze, near Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, Sunday. Sports Snapshots
  • Genius can cross the Alps, can conquer Europe, can dumfound the world. A Hero and Some Other Folks
  • Walking the Alps is definitely something to savour - mountains, meadows, clanging cowbells - what more could you want?
  • Alexandra Beier/Bongarts/Getty Images Freddy Nock of Switzerland balanced on a cable car ropeway in the Alps on top of Germany's highest mountain, Zugspitze, near Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, Sunday. Sports Snapshots
  • The idea of the Pyrenees is very charming, and I do not wonder Mrs. Malkin inclines thither, though I remember that when I was there, great as was my admiration for them, I felt rather as I was guilty of infidelity to the Alps all the time and made haste back to the latter, with something of penitence in delight at being once more upon my mountains. Further Records, 1848-1883: A Series of Letters
  • Whoever the Jerry Jones of the Alps is will make sure heads roll. Sochi should consider changing the (Winter) Games
  • Return thither on some clear, dark, moonless night, with a ring of frost in the air, and only a star or two set sparsedly in the vault of heaven; and you will find a sight as stimulating as the hoariest summit of the Alps. The solitude seems perfect; the patient astronomer, flat on his back under the Observatory dome and spying heaven's secrets, is your only neighbour; and yet from all round you there come up the dull hum of the city, the tramp of countless people marching out of time, the rattle of carriages and the continuous keen jingle of the tramway bells. Edinburgh Picturesque Notes
  • The resort villages are small and charming, the sense of being right in the rocky heart of the Alps is inescapable - and, best of all, it's blissfully uncrowded.
  • Skiing alone down what appeared to be groomed slopes I didn't see anyone for several minutes, which several seasons in the Alps has taught me could only be because I'd strayed way off piste.
  • It boils at 80 degrees C or even less if you're up in the alps, in which case, you'll need a pressure-boiler to get the water hot enough before it bubbles.
  • Lyons is the gateway to the Alps for motorists driving out from Britain.
  • Trieste sits on the Italian riviera, near the Slovenian border and at the foot of the Alps, terraced with peach coloured villas.
  • Etruscans, Volsci, Opici, Leucanians and Samnites, in one word subjugated the whole land bounded by the Alps and repulsed all the alien tribes that came against them. Dio's Rome, Volume 2 An Historical Narrative Originally Composed in Greek During the Reigns of Septimius Severus, Geta and Caracalla, Macrinus, Elagabalus and Alexander Severus; and Now Presented in English Form. Second Volume Extant Books 36-44 (B.C.
  • Among the genres to become established north and south of the Alps was portrait painting.
  • In 1790 he went on a walking tour of France, the Alps, and Italy.
  • MORE than 150 skiers spent hours trapped in cable cars in the Alps. The Sun
  • It tells the tale of a long march from the Nile to the Alps over three thousand hard-fought miles.
  • The chief of these were the Burgundians, who were the first to establish themselves in burgs, in the country between the Alps and the Rhone, and were already Christians; and the Franks, who came over the Rhine, and whose royal line was properly called the Salic (from the river Yssel), but is also known as the Meerwings (sons of Meerwig), and as the Long-haired, because unshorn locks were a token of royal descent. A Parallel History of France and England; Consisting of Outlines and Dates
  • The Alps were "palaces of Nature," that "throned Eternity in icy halls of cold sublimity. Richard Bangs: Here Be Dragons: Mt. Pilatus in Switzerland, Part 2
  • The race looped from Monaco, across the Mediterranean rim into Spain, up the Pyrenees, diagonally across central and northeastern France to the Alps, and then down to Saturday's race climax on the dreaded Mont Ventoux in southeast France before the Paris finish. Part Deux: Contador cruises to second Tour de France title
  • But the main and most pleasant surprise was the sense of camaraderie among climbers in the Alps.
  • So over more passes, this time Stelvio (2752m, 2nd highest in the alps) with fabulous view of Mt Ortles, the highest mountain in the region. Recent Updates
  • Siegendorf is a small village in Burgenland about forty miles south of Vienna where the great Hungarian plain rises up to meet the foothills of the Alps.
  • Much later, a Swiss engineer hiking in the Alps was inspired by the prickly burs of the burdock tree and invented what became known as Velcro. Nature Is the Model Factory
  • They consist of talcose-schiste, bluish-grey limestone, talc in beds, serpentine, black marble similar to the oldest in the Alps, quartz, feldspar, and porphyries. Rambles in the Islands of Corsica and Sardinia with Notices of their History, Antiquities, and Present Condition.
  • Partly, this is the setting - nestled on the shores of a number of lakes at the southernmost tip of Switzerland, surrounded by the craggy beauty of the alps.
  • This rare work of porphyry, limestone, serpentine and onyx is unique north of the Alps.
  • When the hour strikes, this man of the faubourgs will grow in stature; this little man will arise, and his gaze will be terrible, and his breath will become a tempest, and there will issue forth from that slender chest enough wind to disarrange the folds of the Alps. It is, thanks to the suburban man of Les Miserables
  • French troops negotiated the Alps and went on the road in Italy.
  • Elsewhere in the Alps, where the flooding began, residents were assessing the damage and cleaning up.
  • The Alps provided the perfect backdrop for a romantic holiday.
  • The ecological barriers posed by the Alps, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Sahara seem to prevent most long-distance migrants from flying on a direct southward course from Europe to Africa.
  • In the Alps and Apennines mountain ski resort to enjoy the pleasure of the driving range.
  • Eden, -- into a region which out-Bendemered Bendemere, out-valleyed the valley of Rasselas, surpassed the Alps in its waterfalls, and the The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 80, June, 1864
  • To really take in the majesty of the alps, I highly recommend you cough up the money for a go at skydiving.
  • The Alps provided the perfect backdrop for a romantic holiday.
  • I called Eileen and started to complain in soft gentle tones, just kidding, really loud tones, until Eileen asked me in a rather hurt voice how come I am hollering like my windpipe just got back from a ski in the alps.
  • blast a tunnel through the Alps
  • This rare work of porphyry, limestone, serpentine and onyx is unique north of the Alps.
  • The original futhorc was invented north of the Alps in the first centuries of the Christian era.
  • Most of this sediment cover slipped to the north during the formation of the Alps, leaving the Helvetian nappe exposed. Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn, Switzerland
  • In the winter, outside the house, we had the snow with which to build statues and make forts, and huge piles of wood covered with ice, which we called the Alps, so difficult were they of ascent and descent. Eighty Years and More; Reminiscences 1815-1897
  • One could object that the countries bordering the Alps are richer and more expensive.
  • My favourite working place has to be the Alps - the scenery, the fresh clean air, the calm, the holiday atmosphere.
  • By now the Alps loomed ahead in the distance. The Sun
  • Far from the hustle and grit of Berlin, it follows a quartet of young Germans lazing their lives away in a picturesque ski town in the Alps.
  • However, on the last day we could even afford to enjoy the spectacular view over the alps.
  • It controlled colonies from Spain to Turkey, from the Alps to the Sahara.
  • This sharp curve, for all the world like a monstrous granite hinge connecting the northwesterly and southwesterly limbs of the System, is the gigantic Alaska Range, which is higher and broader than the Sierra Nevada, and of greater relief and extent than the Alps. Near the centre of this range, its climax in position, height, bulk, and majesty, stands Mount McKinley. The Book of the National Parks
  • In the past it took months, if not years, for a papal legate to travel over the Alps to deliver authoritative Roman decisions.
  • For instance, de Beaumont suggested that the Pyrenees had been uplifted in a single sudden upthrow (en un seul jet) and that this elevation had occurred at the same time as that of the Alps. Von Buch and de Beaumont suggested that in the geological past there had occurred events on such an enormous scale as to be catastrophic in nature and without counterpart in the modern expe - rience of man. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • The Alps were an icy semi-circle of teeth that bit off Italy from the rest of Europe. Richard Bangs: Naked in Brazil
  • Although the frequency of avalanches is smaller in comparison to the Alps, the plants are still exposed to heavy snow and avalanches.
  • The river, carrying snowmelt from the Alps, was ice-cold, and its waters were fast-flowing.
  • The next closest occurrences of this gasteropod are in the Alps of Central Europe and east of the Urals in Siberia.
  • This may reflect the role of the Alps in impeding free flow of people between Italy and the rest of Europe. Genetic Map of Europe Features the Lactase Mutation
  • A new generation of mega chalets is emerging in the Alps. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is a time of renewal in the Alps, and no one wants to be left behind. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ski resort is known as the Pearl of the Alps.
  • Rock type varies considerably in this region, from the brittle greywacke of the Alps to metamorphosed schist and granite near the Alpine Fault through to a variety of sedimentary rocks (e.g. sandstone, siltstone) along the coast. Westland temperate forests
  • Dishes of sliced waxy potatoes baked with cheese are popular all over the Alps.
  • I have seen the Canadian and American Rockies, the Andes and the Alps and the Highlands of Scotland; but for simple beauty, Cape Breton outrivals them all.
  • The French emperor retroceded Venetia to Italy, fulfilling the promise he had made in 1859 to ‘unify Italy from the Alps to the Adriatic’.
  • It was literally, as Livy says, a "colluvies omnium gentium," which rolled down from the Alps, under his direction, to overwhelm the Romans on their own hearths. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 57, No. 357, June, 1845
  • We will spend quality time on the sunny side of the Alps, with craggy bright-white mountains jutting out of smooth grassy meadows.
  • In the Wall St. Journal interview you described the methods the team used to transfuse blood during that Tour – first at a hotel in St. Leonard-de-Noblat on the first rest day and then later as the race reached the Alps. Complete transcript: Paul Kimmage’s interview of Floyd Landis
  • Below the Piton, lichens begin to cover the scorious and lustrous lava: a violet, * akin to the Viola decumbens, rises on the slope of the volcano at 1740 toises of height; it takes the lead not only of the other herbaceous plants, but even of the gramina, which, in the Alps and on the ridge of the Cordilleras, form close neighbourhood with the plants of the family of the cryptogamia. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • A series of avalanches in the Alps earlier in the weekend killed five people, including three youths who were skiing outside authorised slopes.
  • The Romans used to chill perishable foods by packing them in snow brought from the Alps, using straw to insulate the snow and keep it from melting both on the journey and in use.
  • A shift in the weather pattern, bringing low pressure systems across the Alps in December laid down a firm base.
  • Birds seen at lower elevations in the Alps include the superb lyrebird (Menura novaehollandiae) and the gang gang cockatoo (Callocephalon fimbriatum). Australian Alps montane grasslands

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