
How To Use the Alps In A Sentence

  • It doesn't always work: Five years ago in the Alps she landed badly on a jump, breaking her pelvis and fracturing a vertebra.
  • At the time Milankovitch did his work, it was generally assumed that four glaciations had occurred in the Alps during the Pleistocene, named Günz, Mindel, Riss and Würm. Milankovitch, Milutin
  • Another tomb of interest (and of which we will speak in extenso in the next instalment of this series) is the tomb of the Pope Clement II, the only pope to be buried north of the Alps. The statue, sculpted by the same (unknown) sculptor as the Horseman, was originally the slab of the tomb, which remains on the west choir, behind the cathedra: Catholic Bamberg: The Cathedral
  • High in the Alps is a monument raised in honour of a faithful guide who perished while ascending a peak to rescue a stranded tourist.
  • This limestone wave was shown to be one of a great series, running parallel with the Alps, and constituting an undulatory district, chiefly composed of chalk beds, separated from the higher limestone district of the Jura and Lias by a long trench or moat, filled with members of the tertiary series -- chiefly nummulite limestones and flysch. On the Old Road, Vol. 2 (of 2) A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature
  • The city's wealth came almost entirely from its role as an entrepôt, moving goods from the eastern Mediterranean to Lombardy and over the Alps to northern Europe.
  • Saying so, he commanded the kings of the Teutones to be brought out. as they were, in chains; for they were taken by the Sequani among the Alps, before they could make their escape. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • We drove out of the barracks huddled in our combat jackets, and turned north towards the Alps.
  • This was the first day in the Alps and on the top of Col de Ramaz they had almost three inches of rain when a deluge came down on them for a full forty five minutes.
  • Here in Europe, the snow arrived very late to the Alps and more locally, my camelia flowers started to bloom in February which was unusually early. 03/16/2007
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