How To Use Tetrapod In A Sentence

  • In the research described above, the old hypothesis was that the HoxD expression pattern controlling development of tetrapod limbs was an evolutionary novelty, and the HoxD expression pattern controlling actinopterygian fins was conserved. Ancestral Expression Patterns
  • * In tetrapods with two-headed ribs, the more ventral rib head contacts a facet on the vertebra known as the parapophysis (plural parapophyses), while the more dorsal rib head contacts a facet known as the diapophysis (plural diapophyses). ‘Angloposeidon’, the unreported story, part IV
  • Before tetrapods existed, vertebrates were all confined to living in aquatic habitats.
  • But the nickel disappearance is one more clue about how the planet went from suffocating to a place where a terrestrial tetrapod could take a deep breath.
  • Renewed work on the first known Devonian tetrapod, Ichthyostega, is showing that it, too, diverged from the norm— contrary to earlier preconceptions .
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  • So, if the tetrapod-like expression pattern of HoxD in Polyodon is consistent with front loading, then logically, the actinopterygian-like pattern of HoxA must be inconsistent with front loading, right? Ancestral Expression Patterns
  • This provides an excellent opportunity to quantify speed in nature during different activities, which can be accomplished by measuring stride length, which in most vertebrate tetrapods, is closely linked with speed.
  • Given that a few other Eocene European tetrapods have been suggested to be particularly closely related to South American taxa (namely the ratite Palaeotis, the peradectine opossums and the supposed anteater Eurotamandua), Ameghinornis and Aenigmavis were thought to perhaps indicate that phorusrhacids had originated in Europe and later spread (via Africa) to South America (Peters & Storch 1993). Archive 2006-11-01
  • Tetrapods, whose closest living relatives are lungfish, have two main groups: amphibians and amniotes.
  • A better example than the mudskipper would be the coelacanths, or lobe-fin fish which, along with lungfish, diverged about the same time as tetrapods (as supported by genetic evidence). A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • A section of blue whale jaw was once ‘discovered’ at Loch Ness and misidentified as the femur of an immense, hitherto undiscovered tetrapod. From cigar to elongated, bloated tadpole: rorquals part II
  • Their expression correlated with chondrogenesis and the appearance of skeletal elements has described in other tetrapods. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • The mandibular arch in the developing fish is abruptly angled, as in the embryo of Tetrapoda; the upper prong of it ossifies into the palatine and pterygoid; at the angle is formed the quadrate (jugal, Cuvier), and to the quadrate is articulated the lower jaw, which ossifies round the lower prong or Meckel's cartilage. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • Shubin et al.: "In both Tiktaalik and early tetrapods, the ulnare is block-shaped and articulates with multiple radials or digits, whereas the intermedium is a simple rod. Evolution News & Views
  • Shubin et al.: "In both Tiktaalik and early tetrapods, the ulnare is block-shaped and articulates with multiple radials or digits, whereas the intermedium is a simple rod. Evolution News & Views
  • Rhyncosaurs and cynodonts are far more common, and in fact the rhyncosaur Scaphonix accounts for half of all tetrapod fossils.
  • And also these fantastically named concrete blocks: tetrapods, dolosse, akmons, Xblocs and A-jacks. Archive 2007-01-01
  • Many extant tetrapods communicate intraspecifically via a mixture of pheromonal and non-pheromonal cues.
  • Unlike the deltaic, lowland assemblages of the southwestern United States, the Bromacker assemblage contains neither fish nor obligate aquatic tetrapod remains.
  • Such a mechanism would have been analogous to expansion of the buccal and gular cavities of fishes and many tetrapods by the hyobranchial muscles acting on the hyoid arches.
  • The limbs of tetrapod vertebrates evolved from fins, with the digits as a novel feature.
  • ‘They didn't have large pincers or aggressive weaponry that would have made them a danger to the early tetrapods,’ he said.
  • The paired fins of actinopterygian fish and the limbs of tetrapods are homologous structures. Ancestral Expression Patterns
  • In the earliest known post-Tapinocephalus Zone fauna of southern Africa (where the fossil record for late Permian tetrapods is most complete), new groups of big herbivores - the beaked and toothless dicynodonts - appear.
  • Modern classifications of the tetrapods rely on the structure of the skull.
  • Their expression correlated with chondrogenesis and the appearance of skeletal elements has described in other tetrapods. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • The Tetrapod, the first of the ‘engineered’ precast concrete armour units, was developed by the French company Neyrpric in 1953.
  • Thus the scapula, which is the pleurapophysis of the occipital vertebra, is vertical on its first appearance in the embryo of tetrapoda, and lies close up to the head Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • The creatures inhabited oases dotting a similar desert landscape 250 million years ago, feeding on fish as well as other aquatic tetrapods.
  • If I were to produce a list of the 100 most exciting discoveries made in tetrapod zoology within the last few years (which I won’t), then up there in the top 20 - at least - would be the Kayan Mentarang animal. Archive 2007-01-01
  • All these taxa are relevant to the history of the conquest of land by vertebrates because they are outside the large clades of extant tetrapods (Apoda, Caudata, Anura, Mammalia, Testudines, Sauria).
  • The plants, invertebrates, and tetrapods can be thought of as three separate subsystems of the larger terrestrial ecosystem.
  • It has commonly been inferred that the stapes (or ‘stirrup’), a bone in the cheek region of early tetrapods, was important for transmitting airborne vibrations to the inner ear.
  • The first tetrapods, or land-living vertebrates, appeared during the Devonian, as did the first terrestrial arthropods, including wingless insects and the earliest arachnids.
  • The new model is that the tetrapod pattern is conserved and the actinopterygian pattern is novel. Ancestral Expression Patterns
  • The early tetrapods of this time were amphibian-like animals that eventually gave rise to the reptiles and synapsids by the end of the Paleozoic.
  • The swim bladder is homologous to the lungs of tetrapods.
  • Many small and some large tetrapods with no obvious arboreal features can get into trees.
  • In other tetrapods, haemal arches do not begin for several vertebrae posterior to the sacrum.
  • Different labyrinthodont lineages gave rise to all the other tetrapods.
  • Such a mechanism would have been analogous to expansion of the buccal and gular cavities of fishes and many tetrapods by the hyobranchial muscles acting on the hyoid arches.
  • One of my favourite ‘fringe’ subjects within tetrapod zoology concerns the alleged ability of eagles to attack and kill unusually large mammals, including people. Archive 2006-01-01
  • In birds, bats and other volant tetrapods, the skin membranes that function in flight are termed patagia. Literally, flying lemurs (and not dermopterans)
  • It's a homologous structure found in both fish and tetrapods.
  • What has changed is that the branches of the tree go back deeper in time, and rather than a sharp changeover, there was a more prolonged period of history in which, clearly, fish, fishapods, and tetrapods coexisted, which isn't surprising at all. Casey Luskin embarrasses himself again - The Panda's Thumb
  • Tetrapods are part of a larger groups called Sarcopterygii, which also includes several groups of lobe-finned fish, such as lungfish and the coelacanth.
  • While the extendable flaps of indriids and some other primates are proportionally smaller than the patagia of most gliding and flying tetrapods, they are in the same place and seem to serve the same function, so it seems appropriate to give them this name. Literally, flying lemurs (and not dermopterans)
  • Tetrapods are part of a larger groups called Sarcopterygii, which also includes several groups of lobe-finned fish, such as lungfish and the coelacanth.
  • The first tetrapods, or land-living vertebrates, appeared during the Devonian, as did the first terrestrial arthropods, including wingless insects and the earliest arachnids.
  • ZnO whisker , the only tetrapod among all kinds of whiskers, possesses good comprehensive properties.
  • Among tetrapods, most species of mammals, birds, amphibians, and chelonians are larger at higher latitudes.
  • Apparently, the coelacanth, lungfish, and tetrapod lineages diverged within such a short time interval that at this level of analysis, their relationships appear to be an irresolvable trichotomy.
  • The oldest tetrapods had seven or eight digits on each limb; the ancestral pattern for living tetrapods is five digits on each limb (such as the five fingers and toes of humans).
  • Their attack on a tetrapod is culminated as the bat drops onto the prey, encases it in its wings and bites it hard on the head or neck (Kulzer et al. 1984). Archive 2006-06-01
  • In fact, their eyes were somehat larger than would be expected from allometric dropoff in eye size in tetrapods. Big Bird
  • Armouring of the extension to Wellington airport runway in 1955 was one of the earliest projects to use Tetrapods.
  • Thus the scapula, which is the pleurapophysis of the occipital vertebra, is vertical on its first appearance in the embryo of tetrapoda, and lies close up to the head Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • Similarly, although the cladistic approach has produced a prevailing view i.e., that lungfishes are the closest extant relatives of the tetrapods Tree 1; see Rosen et al. Panderichthys rhombolepis - The Panda's Thumb
  • I also noticed another protruding bone called the ischium and I became very excited because I knew that this was not a fish but a tetrapod.
  • The mandibular arch in the developing fish is abruptly angled, as in the embryo of Tetrapoda; the upper prong of it ossifies into the palatine and pterygoid; at the angle is formed the quadrate (jugal, Cuvier), and to the quadrate is articulated the lower jaw, which ossifies round the lower prong or Meckel's cartilage. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • But you might be surprised to learn, as I was, that an inoffensive little vespertilionid is also an awesome tetrapod predator. Archive 2006-06-01
  • Uncovering patterns of morphological change within Polypteridae provides an important opportunity to evaluate if the mechanisms underlying morphological evolution are shared among actinoptyerygians, and in fact, perhaps the entire osteichthyan (bony fish and tetrapods) tree of life. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • So, for example, the tetrapod splenial developed a medially-directed twist of the ventral margin, exposing the splenial ventrally and mesially.
  • Might they reflect my ‘real’ interests, or might they perhaps indicate which areas within tetrapod zoology are currently the most happening, interesting or sexy? Archive 2007-01-01
  • It was known that the developing fins of modern actinopterygian fish lack a developmental hallmark of developing tetrapod limbs (late phase HoxD expression). Ancestral Expression Patterns
  • The award stems from his excellent 2005 paper ‘Postcranial skeletal pneumaticity in sauropods and its implications for mass estimates’: required reading here at Tetrapod Zoology Towers (free pdf available here). Matt Wedel: officially, a bastard
  • When tetrapods bite an object, their jaws are loaded somewhat as beams with the jaw joint acting as a fulcrum.
  • Tiktaalik is transitional in the evolutionary shift from the pharyngeal and opercular pumps employed by fish to the buccal and costal pumping mechanisms of tetrapods. Transitions on the DI blog - The Panda's Thumb
  • In 1991, a single track of a tetradactyl tetrapod was found in a white/grey sandstone near Scarborough, North Yorkshire, England.
  • Several recent studies have examined the interrelationships of tetrapods in global analyses and are crucial to considerations of the origins of locomotory features in amniotes.
  • The fins are very flexible and potentially useful for supporting the body on land, as in lungfish and tetrapods.
  • This field of shagreen is limited to a strip along the dorsal lip of the prearticular and the denticulated texture of the dorsal surface does not grade in from the mesial surface as in other Late Devonian tetrapods.
  • I will warn you, pre-emptively, that the affinities and ancestry of turtles is one of the most controversial subjects within tetrapod zoology .... Happy Christmas, from gigantic Spanish sauropods... or, alas, poor ‘Angloposeidon’
  • I posted some clearly pertinent information about the author, the codiscoverer of Tiktaalik roseae, an intermediate organism between fish and tetrapods. 3….2….1….
  • Distally expanded or paddle shaped geometries characteristic of rowing appendages are found in crustaceans, insects, teleosts, and tetrapods.
  • The city of Toyohashi, Aichi Prefecture, began removing concrete breakwater tetrapods from its shores Monday so sea turtles will be able to come ashore to lay their eggs, municipal officials said.
  • The limbs of tetrapod vertebrates evolved from fins, with the digits as a novel feature.
  • Ugt1 gene repertoire in other teleosts such as fugu, tetraodon, medaka, and stickleback, as well as in a wide variety of lower tetrapods. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Although the molecules function at high oxygen concentrations in sharks, lungfishes, and even tetrapods, they are most efficient at releasing oxygen in those conditions in codfish and other modern fish.
  • Of special interest to me right now are the dinosaurs of the British Wealden (of course), the intriguing tie-ins between Wealden fossil collectors, Conan Doyle's Lost World and the Piltdown fiasco, convergence between different fossorial tetrapods, manatee evolution, and British big cats (yes, really). Archive 2006-01-01
  • The labyrinthodonts, parareptiles and theromorphs were among the most ancient tetrapods.
  • But the nickel disappearance is one more clue about how the planet went from suffocating to a place where a terrestrial tetrapod could take a deep breath.
  • The limbs and appendicular musculature of tetrapods are a further elaboration of the non-axial musculature.
  • These similarities have prompted evolutionists to confidently declare that crossopterygians evolved into tetrapods.
  • From time to time people make the point that some really interesting, major events in tetrapod history must have occurred in ancient Antarctica – if only it wasn’t for that damned ice sheet. More on phorusrhacids: the biggest, the fastest, the mostest out-of-placest
  • * In tetrapods with two-headed ribs, the more ventral rib head contacts a facet on the vertebra known as the parapophysis (plural parapophyses), while the more dorsal rib head contacts a facet known as the diapophysis (plural diapophyses). Archive 2006-07-01
  • Evolutionists sought the ancestry of the tetrapods among the lobe-finned fishes.
  • One of the most asked about questions I’ve encountered in tetrapod zoology concerns the mysterious seals of Siberia’s Lake Baikal. The most inconvenient seal
  • Nice to see a fellow progger here on a tetrapod zoology list. Why I hate Darwin’s beard
  • The late Devonian also marked the first tetrapods - vertebrates with true legs that could walk on land.

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