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How To Use Tester In A Sentence

  • The realization of Putonghua Level Test is done by the interaction between the testee's vocal information and psychological factors as well as the tester's psychological rules and appraisals.
  • Those who claim to be peace protesters but remain supporters of the Labour party are hypocrites.
  • Helmeted police fired dozens of rounds of tear gas and kicked and clubbed unarmed protesters — one of whom cowered on the ground, covering his face. Tunisian leader flees amid protests; PM takes over
  • Some looked angry, while others seemed more amused as some of the angriest protesters bellowed at them through a loudhailer.
  • A handful of protesters began throwing stones at the police.
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  • Across the street, protesters denounced what they called a fraudulent vote and urged a boycott. Undefined
  • Protesters have hit out at a company's plans to expand its already huge food distribution depot beside the main road.
  • Mr Abbott noted that it was unfortunate he had been verballed'' by some protesters. | Top Stories
  • In one documented incident soldiers shot directly into a crowd of protesters. Times, Sunday Times
  • It showed two white police pickup trucks, with large bullbars on the front bumpers, plowing separately into a group of protesters. Headlines
  • The highlight of President Bush’s European tour may well be his visit on Sunday to this tiny country, one of the few places left where he can bask in unabashed pro-American sentiment without a protester in sight. Someone Likes Him
  • Many protesters will be ‘disguising’ themselves as innocent hillwalkers wanting to tackle the Ochils this weekend.
  • The meeting was disrupted by a group of protesters who shouted and threw fruit at the speaker.
  • The protester, wearing a white T-shirt, shorts, sunglasses and a beanie hat, showed no imminent signs of coming down.
  • Until testers learnt about the new designer steroid THG, athletes were taking it and still returning negative dope tests.
  • Both failures came when the seat was being used with its five-point harness; CR's testers found no problems in booster seat mode. Evenflo Maestro car seat recalled after failing Consumer Reports test
  • Protesters are calling for a public hearing.
  • I implore the May Day protesters to worry about real problems, rather than just labelling everything as an evil of capitalism.
  • The booth had positive outgoing air pressure so that outside smells couldn't get inside and affect the testers.
  • Pro - Thaksin protesters are likely to be further enraged by the Election Commission's ruling.
  • Shoe Polisher, Stamp Mate, Wet Towel, Animal Towel Emf Tester, Ceramic Heater Towels.
  • Among the protesters and war veterans proudly displaying their medals was Aubrey Rose.
  • Some testers have raised questions about the I47's handling and ride - but there is no suggestion of serious problems.
  • Late on Friday night, authorities freed three of the protesters, saying there was no direct proof that they were involved in attacks on police.
  • The protesters sat silently near an empty chair meant to symbolize the absence of the professor.
  • They were quickly seized by student protesters anxious to distance themselves from the act. Times, Sunday Times
  • But Mr. Mubarak's language and refusal to yield to what he called the intervention of foreigners left protesters furious, the scene in Cairo precarious and the White House seemingly unable to influence events. Crisis Puts White House in Disarray
  • It took nine policeman and four firefighters to remove the three female protesters.
  • The mainly young protesters, many in their teens, defied the security forces' assaults and chanted slogans against the upcoming presidential elections, calling it a masquerade.
  • Your state radon office or a radon tester can tell you more about radon testing devices.
  • Protesters find that their objections fall upon deaf ears; their reasons belittled and their sheer weight of numbers ignored.
  • Clashes between police and opposition protesters in Zanzibar over disputed elections have led to an unconfirmed death toll of 37.
  • By now, the police were chasing protesters into various neighbourhoods, and throwing cluster bombs of rubber pellets at locals.
  • One tester thought it had a bitter aftertaste, another said it tasted of coffee.
  • A crowd of up to 200 protesters were held back by troops who used screens and riot shields to form a pathway for the terrified youngsters and their parents.
  • He says he is disgusted with the way peace protesters have been behaving.
  • The testers have a checklist which includes sear evenness, juiciness and chewiness. The Sun
  • Our lone female antiheroine not only falls for the student protester, but she also agrees to help him with a robbery in order to help fund an all out war on the corrupt police. Remembering Yasuharu Hasebe (1932-2009)
  • And when the anger moves from more easily dismissible protesters in Lower Manhattan to a larger swath of the American citizenry, comments like Perry's "I don't care about that" will not be received well. Mitchell Bard: Income Inequality Is the Achilles Heel in the GOP Strategy to Demonize Occupy Wall Street
  • One camerawoman leaned over to me a casually said, "I don't care what happens to those guys in the tree, but they the protesters better not hurt that dog. Rabbi Yonah Bookstein: A Rabbi's Testimony: The Repression and Elimination of OccupyLA
  • It brought together veteran anti-nuclear protesters with new people.
  • The court upheld an injunction barring protesters from blocking access to the company.
  • But before she spoke Ms Morris was accosted by a placard-waving group of about 20 protesters demanding that they should be paid all year round, not just in term time.
  • Egypt's ruling military council denies "rumours of army forces using tear-gas cannisters against protesters," in communiqué no.83 issued on the SCAF's official Facebook page. Egypt protesters in standoff with military rulers - Wednesday 23 November
  • Police sources have been quoted as saying the protesters will be dealt with harshly.
  • After protesters emerged from invading the conference centre, hundreds of people staged an impromptu march around the vast hall.
  • If one of the prosecutors had just sent a Democratic Congressman to jail, would you be totally untempted by the White House explanation that the real cause was, say, a reluctance to prosecute abortion-clinic protesters under RICO? Politics, Lies, and 93 v. 8 - Swampland -
  • The protesters 'latest target is a credit union that accepts Mexico's matricular consular identity card, a card that is easily forged, easily abused. CNN Transcript Mar 28, 2005
  • Not that I'm advocating the formation of a violent, angry mob rather than a peaceful crowd of protesters.
  • Actually, President Nixon had called antiwar protesters "bums" two days before the shootings. Kent State Anniversary Blues
  • The protesters, who are taking it in turns to sit under an umbrella beside the statue of Winston Churchill, had been attracting no more than a passing glance.
  • Beyond the designated protesters' area, we see an occasional protester with his back turned on the motorcade.
  • This tester is a small 3 prong unit with 2 yellow lights and 1 red light, made by A.W. Sperry. How can I find? Where can I get?
  • A small group of protesters waved placards and shouted slogans before fighting with police.
  • The protester was jabbing a finger aggressively at a policeman.
  • The soldiers refuse and mutiny, with many joining the protesters. The Sun
  • Heart valve testers are used by surgeons to check the function of mechanical heart valves after they have been sewn into the heart.
  • About 150 mainly student protesters carrying joss sticks and flowers gathered outside the bar in a wealthy neighbourhood of the capital and denounced its decorative use of sacred symbols and statues. Buddhist group protests, symbolically seals Buddha Bar in Indonesia
  • Last night about 150 anarchists burst into a hospital treating a protester who had suffered a brain injury in the clashes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Police and troops fired on and killed many demonstrators, but the crowds of protesters continued to grow. Times, Sunday Times
  • They heard the protesters shout:"No more fascism!".
  • A HANDFUL of protesters stood outside George Bush senior's presidential library.
  • The army has been held back because the government is reluctant to make martyrs of the protesters.
  • Some protesters applied face and body paint while others attached angel wings to their backs.
  • The protesters chose an airport that only serviced unnecessary short-haul flights. Times, Sunday Times
  • The protesters stood firm as the police tried to disperse them.
  • The protesters congregated outside parliament before holding a sit-down protest in front of Downing Street.
  • Dozens of protesters threw stones and firebombs and occasionally fired guns.
  • Use a neon circuit tester to verify the power is off by touching one lead to an exposed black wire and the other to a metal box or to the neutral wire.
  • The protesters have also set fire to an unspecified number of cameras in other regions as the movement spreads. Times, Sunday Times
  • By night the protesters retire to their bivouacs, presumably to read some self-improving literature. Railing Against ... Whatever
  • ‘It got rid of my frizz but didn't feel gooey or sticky like other products I've used,’ reported one tester with hard-to-manage locks.
  • The tester offers a set-up function to allow operators to set various parameters used in testing configuration and memory storage.
  • irate protesters
  • Protesters want to stop the export of live sheep and cattle.
  • The police carted the protesters off to jail.
  • For the first time, protesters were calling forcefully Wednesday for labor strikes, despite a warning by Suleiman that calls for civil disobedience are "very dangerous for society and we can't put up with this at all. Egypt Labor Strikes Break Out Across The Country; Protesters Defiant
  • There was the icy refusal to be claimed by folkies, protesters, rockers, popsters or, indeed, anybody.
  • Adjust the nose of the ram to align the pointer with the SET mark on the scale of the tester and tighten the hex nut.
  • All Trident Ploughshares protesters, who have broken into Faslane to attack Trident submarines, have been armed with hammers designed to destroy the subs' sensitive computer equipment.
  • The police appeared reluctant to take on such a large number of protesters. Times, Sunday Times
  • The holder of the licence must be a motor trader, vehicle tester or vehicle manufacturer.
  • Some of their slogans can seem almost as simplistic as those of the protesters. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the story goes, nationally televised images of well-dressed children marching into jail, and of protesters being blasted with hoses and attacked by German shepherds, at a time when the United States was engaged in a competition with Communism for the hearts and minds of dark-skinned people in the Third World, made segregation a contradiction that had to be eliminated. A Renegade History of the United States
  • The anti-capitalism of the protesters on the streets of Seattle represented not the old dream of human liberation, but a fear of the future and a determination to flee back into a mythical past.
  • Protesters want to stop the export of live sheep and cattle.
  • Protesters found a novel way of demonstrating against steeply rising oil prices.
  • The Lightset Repair Gun has a voltage detector in the tip, an electrical continuity detector and a bult/fuse tester, all to help you find where the problem is. Archive 2006-12-03
  • The protesters accused the government of using the race to try to regain international recognition. Times, Sunday Times
  • We rely on the MoT tester to tell us when the tread is low and then moan about the cost of replacements. Times, Sunday Times
  • The protesters also marched to the port area, where they ripped a hole in perimeter fencing. The Sun
  • Power companies have been forced to pump tens of millions of pounds into new high-tech security to keep the protesters out and the plants running. Times, Sunday Times
  • Three protesters were arrested after clashes with police left cops injured. The Sun
  • We were joking about whether we'd have protesters singing carols outside. Times, Sunday Times
  • If an official goes to jail he is out in a day while peaceful protesters are killed or locked up for years. Times, Sunday Times
  • The violence erupted later in the afternoon, and it's very clear that a sharpshooter was the one responsible for killing one of the protesters near the airport entrance. Democracy Now!
  • The website of the anti-Japanese China Federation for Defending Diaoyutai posted a photo that showed protesters in Chengdu holding a red and yellow canvas banner that called for Japan to be "wiped off the face of the earth. China Allows Rowdy Anti-Japanese Protests Over Territorial Disputes
  • Ms. Shen says her journey from entrepreneur to protester began in 2000, when local officials in Lianyungang city in Jiangsu province voided the lease on her property, a spa, and seized the land for an investment zone. In China, a New Breed of Dissidents
  • Protesters said police beat people after they had been arrested. Times, Sunday Times
  • The "No" campaign has been vigorous, comprising a motley crew of aging Marxists, anti-globalisation protesters, traditional Eurosceptics, and obsessive " sovereigntists ".
  • Shelley Thomas, the recipe tester, greets him with news that the recipe really needs work.
  • The new rules would effectively block protesters' attempts to assert their rights.
  • Less-accurate methods, such as skin-fold calipers and bioelectrical impedance, can have a margin of error of 4 percent - even greater if the tester doesn't do everything precisely right.
  • Most of the protesters were government workers or from unions linked to the ruling party. Times, Sunday Times
  • Police attempted to turn back protesters marching towards the offices of President Ershad.
  • Protesters tried to gain access to the presidential palace.
  • The protesters have so far been all-inclusive and open to ideas from all and sundry. Chris Weigant: Friday Talking Points -- I Am A 99 Percenter
  • After the rally, many of the 200 protesters staged a short march past the town's war memorial in Old Milton Road.
  • About a dozen anti-war protesters shouted "terrorists" and held placards saying "Anglian soldiers go to hell" and "butchers of Basra" as ­soldiers from the 2nd Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment, known as the ­Poachers, paraded through Luton town centre at midday yesterday. Politics news, UK and world political comment and analysis |
  • As the beta testers were already testing the game in its infancy, their valuable feedback helped shape the game to its current form.
  • Three days before Mr. Mubarak left office, al Qaeda in Iraq, an affiliate group, released a statement that highlighted the gulf between the protesters in Tahrir Square and the jihadis on the sidelines: "Beware of the tricks of un-Islamic ideologies, such as filthy and evil secularism, infidelic democracy, and putrid idolic patriotism and nationalism," it said. Uprisings Put al Qaeda on Sidelines
  • Increasingly surreal security measures have seen protesters being warned to keep their voices down and not to use microphones. Times, Sunday Times
  • This explains why the pro-hunt protesters were subdued not by policemen, but by a group of men in frock coats who looked like they belonged to John Cleese's Ministry of Silly Walks.
  • The protesters are a mixture of farmers, hauliers and road haulage contractors.
  • A little bit further, pushed out of sight of the ruffianly soldier in suit and tie, a few protesters too few, who were still saving the opposition honor in this France visit, which was as much propaganda as business, with a strong oil smell. Chavez in Paris: an American in Paris it is not*
  • The demonstration outside the embassy landed some of the protesters in jail overnight.
  • The new rules would effectively block protesters' attempts to assert their rights.
  • The demonstration outside the embassy landed some of the protesters in jail overnight.
  • At one point a nearby neighbour harangued the protesters cursing at them and demanding they move.
  • In the footage sent in by the protesters against the police, i have seen innumberable examples of obstructing the police, and people generally setting out to make officers lives and work as difficult as possible. Met Wiot Police Are Too Wuff « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Since disputed elections on June 12, Iran has been thrown into a political crisis as protesters - who at their peak numbered hundreds of thousands in the weeks after the vote - took to the streets to challenge what they called the fraudulent reelection of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Christian Science Monitor | Top Stories
  • Dozens of protesters occupying a historic library in south London have been served with an eviction notice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Organisers expect up to 300,000 protesters to join the march.
  • The protesters in the square have targeted the grand prix as an opportunity to embarrass the Government if their demands are not met. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was baptized into the Schoenfelder Gemeinde in Pigeon Lake in 1934 by Altester Johann Klassen.
  • With the public momentum on their side, protesters held what they called a memorial ceremony Sunday night, parading around Democracy Monument, at the scene of some of the clashes, holding up photographs of the dead. NYT > Home Page
  • More than 100,000 protesters in Yerevan, the capital of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic, were dispersed by Soviet troops. 1988, Feb. 23
  • Police ejected a number of violent protesters from the hall.
  • For a few minutes scores of protesters, wearing trademark black clothes and gas masks, trashed a branch of the Credito Italiano bank.
  • Tens of thousands of anti-government protesters have crowded in Cairo's Tahrir ((Liberation)) Square, chanting and waving flags as they rally for President Hosni Mubarak's immediate resignation.
  • Merrilees's comments come after the Port of Oakland took out a full-page advertisement in the Oakland Tribune to ask protesters not to shut down the ports, saying it would "hurt working people and our economy". Port shutdown
  • And Gibbs says a confrontation between protesters and politicians over the Stamp Act took place on the front porch.
  • Protesters will take steps today to turn the camp into a tented city. Times, Sunday Times
  • Alongside diehard Thaksinite protesters, stand middle-class Thais who do not care for Mr Thaksin but are disgusted by the political prestidigitation that toppled two elected governments.
  • Unlike most tensile testers, this instrument has been designed for horizontal operation.
  • As Euronews reports, two dozen environmental protesters have been arrested in Iran's East Azerbaijan Province in recent days, following demonstrations sparked by the failure of Iran's Parliament to adopt measures to stem the gradual drying and disappearance of Lake Orumieh, which is known as Lake Urmia to the local Azeri population. NYT > Home Page
  • The script can also append status reports to an HTML page visible to everyone so programmers and testers can quickly determine which builds were successful.
  • Some of the protesters burnt an effigy of the Health Minister.
  • Police said that the protesters have used weapons ranging from teargas to canisters of engine oil to disrupt the production. Times, Sunday Times
  • Diners must sign a disclaimer recommending ‘protective gloves and eye wear’ - but even sweating testers in safety gear were blinded by tears for 30 minutes.
  • The protesters then carried her writhing body back towards nearby police and dumped her. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their visceral reaction was to turn on the anti-war protesters. Times, Sunday Times
  • When they unfurled it dozens of cops swarmed over the protesters, knocking them to the ground and arresting several.
  • A dying LBJ retired to Texas and let his hair grow long, some say in tacit allegiance to the anti-war protesters who once marched outside his White House. McNamara and the souls of Vietnam
  • A mass of anti-war protesters packed the streets of London last Saturday.
  • Protesters, anxious over the spending cuts, urged councillors to think again before wielding the axe.
  • Police were called in to restore order after conflict between protesters and huntsmen erupted minutes after the hunt began.
  • Maybe we should talk to Cadillac about getting into a long-term tester with a similar theme. The People's News Portal - Business, Money, Sport, Music, Forex, Auto
  • One protester died after tumbling from the Golden Gate Bridge.
  • This protester's son, who has picketed the clinic since he was a small child (he is now in his early twenties), has made a point of mentioning ammonium nitrate, which is used in making bombs, to us while protesting on several occasions. Jen Boulanger: Come Together to Prevent My Murder
  • As usual, many protesters against economic globalisation in its present form will be unionists, and ALP members.
  • The military crackdown that followed has been widely criticised, particularly because of the use of birdshot to repel protesters. Times, Sunday Times
  • Open-source development breaks this bind, making it far easier for tester and developer to develop a shared representation grounded in the actual source code and to communicate effectively about it.
  • Protesters in rigid inflatable boats also daubed the words ‘No War’ on Dutch cargo ship Magdalena Green.
  • Minsk police spokesman Oleg Slepchenko said 34 protesters were detained for participating in an unsanctioned rally.
  • Thirty-eight testers on two coasts - armed with dry, chapped, rough skin - soaked, scrubbed, moisturized and massaged to find out what really works.
  • The MSM is covering the Iranian protesters far more than those hundreds of thousands of American protesters I was at 6 different anti invasion marches millions accumulatively. Ganji Speaks | ATTACKERMAN
  • Testers were observed by moderators during the examination.
  • In Algeria, police have again clashed with protesters, this time to break up a demonstration.
  • Many new anti-nuclear protesters were present, as well as long-term campaigners who were surprised with the success of the blockade.
  • 34 protesters were arrested for violating criminal law.
  • Protesters threatened to occupy the council building if legislators and the shoe company continue to ignore their demands.
  • Thousands of Iranians gathered in several locations across Tehran Monday, heeding calls in recent days by opposition leaders to demonstrate in solidarity with Egyptian and Tunisian protesters. Tehran Beats Back New Protests
  • His eyes darted nervously back and forth between the protesters and the tense-looking Marines inside the cordon of concertina wire.
  • Still, critics used the ill-timed trip as evidence of Alliot-Marie's cozy relations with Ben Ali and suggested that was why she was slow to speak out in support of anti-government protesters. Sarkozy Asks Ministers To Take Vacation In France
  • The unfamiliar tones of classical music can disperse loiterers, while big sound-blasters, known as "long-range acoustic devices" LRADS, have been deployed against protesters in some American states. The Economist: Daily news and views
  • Bake for 30 minutes, then turn the pans around, and bake until a cake tester or skewer comes out almost clean, another 25 to 40 minutes.
  • In this particular case, the individual was behaving unusually and the tester was concerned enough to question the validity of the test.
  • Five protesters managed to evade security to enter the chamber as MPs debated the controversial issue.
  • The technical team is continually developing the next generation of technology to support testers into the future.
  • On Tuesday, hundreds of protesters drove trucks into the county administration building and injured a score of police troops on guard.
  • The most cost-effective tool for your wireless system is a dedicated battery tester.
  • When, during the rally, police tried to stop rickshaws entering the centre, protesters sat down in solidarity with the pullers.
  • Citizens throughout the country saw newspaper photos and television broadcasts of attacks on peaceful protesters with nightsticks, tear gas, and police dogs.
  • Designed to test the mechanical and electrical properties of a variety of materials, a line of testers provides micromechanical evaluation and in vitro simulations.
  • A demonstration turned violent when police clashed with protesters after the rally had all but dispersed.
  • Protesters also daubed graffiti on walls. The Sun
  • But the protesters, who are increasingly determined to halt the spread of wind farms, are unconvinced.
  • Later, he suffered the indignity of having to flee angry protesters.
  • Different rayon based carbon fiber precursors are studied by means of scanning electron microscope(SEM), Thermal Mechanical Tester and X-ray diffractometer.
  • Testers have been told to expect several more release candidates over the next few weeks, but Microsoft is only looking for show stopper bugs and regressions from previous Windows releases.
  • BRENT SADLER, CNN BEIRUT BUREAU CHIEF: For a third straight day, anti-government protesters have paralyzed the commercial center of the Lebanese capital, Beirut. CNN Transcript Dec 3, 2006
  • Police also forcibly dispersed a slogan-shouting crowd of protesters in the adjoining city of Bhaktapur, injuring two people.
  • Ascentech announces support services for Gen3 Systems solderability testers Undefined
  • More than 1,000 protesters were arrested in front of the White House during a multiday rally in September. Pipeline Hearing Draws Emotional Pleas
  • The blockade caused chaos on the A59 as protesters, using D-locks, tripods and chains, closed and bolted the two side entrance gates.
  • Protesters cut a hole in the perimeter fence.
  • The guerrilla war will be fought by oldfashioned rent-a-mob 'protesters'. The Sun
  • One common emotion is driving the small army of Korean protesters marching, sloganeering and even demanding the withdrawal of an old ally: their shock, then anger, over the lack of any one being punished.
  • The square is a focal point for the protesters calling for full democracy and a constitutional monarchy. Times, Sunday Times
  • He backed the police against the protesters and rights extremists. Times, Sunday Times
  • And anyway, these protesters shouldn't be allowed to clutter up the pavements.
  • It started out as just a handful of protesters near Wall Street - the sort of demonstration folks describe as "ragtag"... "disorganized. Breaking News: CBS News
  • Reuters reported that Chinese officials are upset by reports April 10 that Tibet protesters attempted to attack Jin Jing, a Paralympics fencer and Olympics torch bearer who uses a wheelchair, but China has embraced her as a hero for protecting the torch. Disabled Olympic torch bearer attacked in Paris becomes hero in China
  • This vestigial remnant of Christianity turns protesters into propagandist missionaries.
  • In Assiut, the main city of southern Egypt, about 40,000 protesters, including thousands who streamed in from nearby villages, marched down the main avenue, chanting for Mubarak to go. Egypt faces uncertain future after Mubarak
  • Sydney Opera House staff inspect the ‘no war’ slogan daubed on the building by protesters.
  • MIDDLE EAST ERUPTS: TENS OF THOUSANDS DEMONSTRATE IN IRAN - Days after Hosni Mubarak's decades-long rule in Egypt ended, protesters swarmed downtown Tehran to demand similar reforms in their own country. HUFFPOST HILL - Rep. Jean Schmidt Under Investigation
  • North Yorkshire police were today investigating allegations that a protester was attacked during a Boxing Day hunt in the county.
  • Anti-war protesters who scribbled graffiti on Queen Victoria's statue and Lancaster Town Hall during the demos faced criminal charges yesterday.

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