How To Use Tesla In A Sentence
In two of the shots the Saleen S7 is right next to the Tesla roadster, in one there is a old style hotrod between them.
EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - The Ironman TV spot last night was awesome
You know you look about thirteen," Tesla said, mellowing her tone.
Searching for a way to create an arc light for use on AC networks, Tesla now found a new fundamental ideal on which to focus: high-frequency electrical phenomena.
Las multinacionales no permiten que se conozca o que se ponga en prctica la obra de Tesla.
Archive 2009-12-01
Tesla began to think maybe there'd been a certain synchronicity in their meetings.
Such a current would produce a magnetic field of up to 15 tesla in these wires - powerful enough to use in several futuristic spacecraft propulsion systems, which is why the Army has awarded Adams’ team a grant to develop the technology.
Hotchkiss the theoretician knew his knots, and made play with the fact, tying them, particularly Tesla's, with a theatrical casualness.
When linked to Tesla's polyphase method of generating and transmitting electricity, this motor became the foundation stone on which the modern electrical power industry is built.
DK Matai: Wireless Power: Has The Time Come?
You're awesome floreta, as are all your picks, I would go with aristotle, socrates, bohr, nikola tesla
The Seven People I'd Most Like to Meet
Tesla's planned Model S will consume no gasoline and will not produce any tailpipe emissions.
The auroral electrojet index, which measures the strength of the magnetic disturbances produced by currents in the ionosphere (associated with auroras), reached peak values of more than 2,000 nanoTesla.
Along with Nikola Tesla (look him up), Rosalind Franklin (1920-1958) is the patron saint of mistreated and underrated scientists – and possibly the most important woman in scientific history.
Tesla describi cmo poda mejorar el efecto del generador de Edison, ste respondi: Le dar 500 dlares si usted logra hacerlo.
Archive 2009-12-01
She would learn to use the Art as Tesla Bombeck, or let it lie fallow inside her.
Tesla asked if Westinghouse proposed to continue his missionary work for the alternating-current system he had invented.
Tesla might be late in their offering but the Tesla roadster is on the roads in the SF bay area, the design works, so the issue must be costs.
Tesla Motors Zaps Another C.E.O. and Lays Off Staff - Bits Blog -
In fields of 100,000 volts per meter and 17 tesla - which can be created in the lab - the material should move at a rate of 50 nanometers per second, Feigel says, which should be measurable.
Doug's head was soon whirling with numbers and terms such as 'beam collimator' and 'tesla limits'.
The magnet was then slowly but steadily trained upward in field strength until, after 13 quenches, it reached 11.14 Tesla.
I just can’t wait to see how they will do cool stuff like the resuscitation from the raspberry effect (lol), Nemes being lanced from orbit and trapped into molten rock and of course the Tesla Trees and what the Shrike will look like.
Dan Simmons's Hyperion Sci-Fi Series Being Adapted by Warner Bros «
Interspersed throughout are brief sketches of the lives and works of pioneers like Marconi, Edison, Ben Franklin, and Nicolai Tesla.
* takes Lotus Elise, crams it full of 10,000 laptop batteries, sells it for twice as much, makes tons of verbal promises to improve the technology and launch another model of car somewhere down the road ... maybe 2 years, maybe 4 years, maybe 10 years down the road* the Tesla IPO will be huge in News but not that huge in market if it happens too quickly given the current/near-future financial market basis.
It's a matter of applying a diamagnetic force of about 10 Teslas, and some other equally impressive sounding abracadabra we don't understand in the least.
CNN Transcript Oct 26, 2004
Biophilia" is built in large part on instruments Björk and her team invented, including a bronze keyboard that's a cross between a celesta and a gamelan, a digital pipe organ, a Tesla coil that replicates rumbling bass, and a series of 30-foot-tall sound-producing pendulums.
Bells, Whistles, Chimes and Charm
Tesla's planned Model S will consume no gasoline and will not produce any tailpipe emissions.
In the process, you might well learn little-known facts about what you ingest (the artist's "posters" about coffee, beer and cheese are popular) and what you believe in (Inman memorably trumpets inventor Nikola Tesla and explains why Thomas Edison's competitive shenanigans were stinkier than a Peterbilt full of body parts).
The 'Riffs Interview: 12 Secrets of the insanely viral 'OATMEAL' creator Matthew Inman
En 1934 Tesla fue entrevistado en The Times y dijo: Espero vivir el tiempo suficiente hasta ser capaz de colocar un aparato en esta habitacin que se ponga en marcha criminal la ene! rga de l os medios que se mueven alrededor.
Archive 2009-12-01
She would learn to use the Art as Tesla Bombeck, or let it lie fallow inside her.
The charging infrastructure isn't widespread enough to justify long-distance travel yet, so it's not an even trade unless you're a Tesla stan.
Teslar chips allegedly align water molecules and suppress their vibrations.
Times, Sunday Times
Finally, what we REALLY need ASAP is an average income electric car for commuters, not the too-expensive (though wicked fast) Tesla for extra rich hippies (or whatever).
Missing the (electric) boat (Jack Bog's Blog)
As he did so he recognized the figure standing a yard beyond Tesla, and closer to the maw the Jaff had opened.
Daimler AG, the parent company of Portland-based Daimler Trucks North America, formerly known as Freightliner LLC, in May acquired an equity stake of nearly 10 percent in Tesla.
Boston Business News - Local Boston News | Boston Business Journal
We don't see him behind the wheel of the slick electric vehicle, but vehicle dynamicist Tesla-speak for test driver Graham Sutherland sings the car's praises in the
Wired Top Stories
• Let that modern day Cyrando de Bergerac, Mr. Brando himself, inspire Tesla-powered love in our hearts.
Boing Boing
Nikola Tesla crea en sus inventos para beneficio de la humanidad.
Archive 2009-12-01
Recently, alloys of gadolinium, germanium and silicon have produces a much larger effect size of 3 to 4°C per Tesla change.
Chemtrail HAARP weather control Nikola tesla UFO NASA CIA NSA Weather Control elf vlf Radio science wmd mind control earthquake eastland starwars communications scalar scalar weapon clouds chemtrails electromagnetic Psychotronic Mind War conspiracy America Bohemian Grove storm bluebeam protests harp alex jones zero point gwen alaskaaerosol barium contrails eiscat haarp ramfjordmoen norwayBigfoot Kentucky Backyard Strange Creatures SkunkApes 2012 Aliens - Articles related to Military cargo plane crashes at Elmendorf Air Force Base in Alaska; no word on casualties
I recall seeing a photo in Scientific American of the arc from a large Tesla Coil being guided in a straight line by a laser pulse.
As we cruised through the hills above Silicon Valley, the company's strategy became perfectly clear: Tesla wanted to help "retool" the auto industry by getting people excited about cars again.
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A poor circus performer, Heikishi Endo, is framed by K-20 and has to resort to daring thievery of his own to reclaim his good name and thwart the fiend, who is trying to get a big Tesla coil to use as a weapon.
Fantastic Fest – K-20: The Fiend With Twenty Faces « Geek Related
As the spark gap breaks down it conducts the high voltage charge directly in the high voltage inductor coil which forms the primary circuit of the high voltage Tesla coils.
La energa dirige la economa de las naciones y la meta de vida de Tesla, fue hacer la energa elctrica igualmente accesible y disponible para todas las personas en cualquier lugar del planeta y eso le hundi, le seal.
Archive 2009-12-01
Or, as GOP members of the US House Commerce and Energy and their Big Coal-bankrolled colleagues continue their wildly misinformed banter this week on the economic impact of the EPA's enforcement of the Clean Water Act, coalfield residents from Alaska to Appalachia are turning to Rory McIlmoil, the "Tesla of the coalfields," for another question:
Jeff Biggers: Roadmaps to New Power: Interview With Rory McIlmoil, 'Tesla of the Coalfields' on Green Jobs
A lot of peopler need to be informed as years have gone by and much has been talked about Tesla.
TRANSPORTATION TUESDAY: Tesla EV Goes Hybrid | Inhabitat
Tesla coils sing the Doctor Who theme in orgy of electric awesomesauce
Boing Boing
Tesla recreated the Hertz experiment and quickly realised that an oscillator that he developed transmitted wireless impulses much more efficiently.
With a thrill of comprehension Tesla saw what Jo-Beth was displaying to her brother.
= P annaone Logitech V450 Nano 3-Button Wireless Laser Scroll Mouse w/Tilt Wheel Technology (Red/Black) newly tagged "logitech" intellibitz Nikola Tesla's birthdate today.
Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
Tesla nodded, and did just that, plunging on into the press of bodies with the abandon of an orgiast.
The banker was unimpressed, and when he learned that Tesla had done nothing regarding fluorescent lighting, he threw him out.
That talking… it was like a steam boiler leaking, a tesla coil snapping, sandpaper on sharkskin, a catfight and other noises.
A brain MRI scan performed with a high-field magnet (1.5 tesla or greater) is abnormal in almost all patients who have clinically definite MS.
Filling a Tesla with cheap-rate electricity costs just 3.50.
Pero utiliz seventeen patentes de Tesla y la Corte Suprema corrigi el blunder en 1943 despus de la muerte de Tesla.
Archive 2009-12-01
En 1934 Tesla fue entrevistado en The Times y dijo: Espero vivir el tiempo suficiente hasta ser capaz de colocar un aparato en esta habitacin que se ponga en marcha criminal la ene! rga de l os medios que se mueven alrededor.
Archive 2009-12-01
Tesla's inventions and discoveries are all duly recorded—alternating current, wireless telegraphy, radio transmission.
A Window Onto Comic Tedium
While most MRI systems in use today are powered 1.5-tesla or 3.0-telsa magnets, this new high resolution MRI system has a 9.4-tesla magnet, built by GE Healthcare.
Tesla was told firmly that he must never so much as mention the subject of alternating current.
A magnet with 1.0 tesla field strength would have a stronger magnetic field and be more forceful than a magnet with a 0.5 tesla magnetic field.
Customers who haven't taken delivery may upgrade to the Tesla Roadster Sport.
The strength of the magnetic field is 0.12 tesla or 1,200 gauss (ie, magnetic flux density).