How To Use Terminate In A Sentence
About a meter tall if it stood erect, it must use its short, bowed legs arboreally by choice, for it ran on all fours and either foot terminated in three well-developed grasping digits.
The Rebel Worlds
The poor litigant will wait for the somnolescent process and leisurely pronouncement and the wealthy litigant will have his case speedily terminated.
The Hindu - Front Page
The site benefited from centuries of Indian custom in that it lay athwart an old Indian portage between Lakes Pontchartrain and Borgne and the river, the trail that now terminated as Rue de l' Hôpital.
- Some floats would get converted incorrection during research planning causing the LUA for tech research to terminate. News
Brooks found the use of the word terminate very unsettling.
Act of Treason

The most conspicuous result now is the Rideau Canal, an immensely expensive waterway that terminates in Ottawa.
That occurs because a reduction in shock intensity is immediately discriminable provided that it exceeds some threshold change, but a decrease in shock duration is discriminable only when the briefer shock is terminated.
The guilty plea goes only to the length of the determinate sentence.
Times, Sunday Times
It may be that the determination with which I exterminate any flies that enter my house is causing famine in the spider population.
When someone is terminated, sit down with each employee individually and tell them why that happened, Duffy says.
Appellants also stood to have their action terminated if the district court's order went unreversed.
The Arithmetica is a collection of 130 problems giving numerical solutions of determinate equations (those with a unique solution), and indeterminate equations.
If the modelled system is hyperstatic, Fachwerk3D will nevertheless calculate the forces of the members that are determinate.
Softpedia - Windows - All
How far this is true cannot at this date be determinated.
Party Politics in North Carolina, 1835-1860
The indeterminate sentence means it will be up to the parole board to decide when it is safe for the man to be released on licence.
This determinateness of arrangement is the structure of a state of affairs.
Rather, the smell of the place urges me indeterminately, diffusedly, to truantry.
Journeys to Bagdad
The once-widespread scimitar-horned oryx (Oryx dammah, EW) and bubal hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus buselaphus) have been exterminated entirely from the region.
South Saharan steppe and woodlands
The distinctive cultural trace of Brazil is anthropophagy -- from culture to technology, the legacy of a former, lazy European monarchy in a tropical country where the aborigines, after banqueting over the odd whitey, were merrily exterminated while Europeans and black slaves copulated freely, with no Catholic guilt involved (there's no sin below the Equator).
Pepe Escobar: Is Brazil the New United States?
Her next remark abruptly terminated the conversation.
From the vein that passes through the liver two branches separate off, of which one terminates in the diaphragm or so-called midriff, and the other runs up again through the armpit into the right arm and unites with the other veins at the inside of the bend of the arm; and it is in consequence of this local connexion that, when the surgeon opens this vein in the forearm, the patient is relieved of certain pains in the liver; and from the left-hand side of it there extends a short but thick vein to the spleen and the little veins branching off it disappear in that organ.
The History of Animals
Alternatively, the customer or supplier may look on the purported transfer as an opportunity to terminate or renegotiate the contract.
Nationalist officers gave orders in many areas to exterminate the civilian population.
Dummett concludes that one route to such a local revisionism is a hard-headed finitism in which one denies that there is a determinate fact concerning the outcome of a procedure that has not been carried out.
The propagules of these predominantly arctic/alpine grasses consist of indeterminate spikelets, which revert to vegetative growth before dehiscing from the parent plant.
I wouldn't conterminate myself by so much as 'avin' a word with 'im.
Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 101, September 26, 1891
In this case, the sequence of shocks was terminated.
Humans, she demurs, are not accustomed to such ‘rapid changes,’ as she terminates the relationship.
Regrettably we could find no sign of the man and the search was terminated.
We discuss possible explanations for reduced female recombination in marsupials as a consequence of the metatherian characteristic of determinate paternal X chromosome inactivation.
Most annual agricultural crops are determinate, and their growth stops once they reach physiological maturity.
Around the circular pit were crowded all the races of Garden, or rather, all those races which had not been exterminated resisting the evil Wizards: the hooded Druids, brachiate tree dwellers from the Great Forest, a band of fuzzies in their bright orange robes, many lizard soldiers hissing and laughing and shouting, stubby little Marsh Folk, and hundreds of mutants.
Prayers To Broken Stones
The lower slip, after crossing the cords of the brachial plexus and axillary artery, passed deep to coracobrachialis and terminated by fusing with the tendons of latissimus dorsi and teres major in the bicipital groove.
It was significant that Tsongas decided to suspend rather than terminate his campaign, as it underlined the doubts which remained concerning Clinton.
In a recent column, you stated that the drainpipe for a water heater must terminate at the exterior of a building, even when the water heater is installed in a garage.
It is not clear whether Elizabeth is referring here to the deconstructionist theory of the late twentieth century which undermined the assumption that texts have intentional, recuperable meanings — in which case Kafka is a bad example, because his texts were recognized as being radically indeterminate in meaning well before the advent of poststructuralism — or whether she is saying that Kafka was a kind of prophet of deconstruction.
Disturbing the Peace
All dendrites bear large numbers of spines, small excrescences on which incoming nerve fibres terminate to form synapses.
In other words, more aneuploid embryos are formed than ever show up as pregnancies, and more pregnancies with aneuploid embryos spontaneously terminate at some early stage than ever continue to term.
Delayed Childbearing
An indeterminate outcome was defined as resolution of signs and symptoms of infection with a need for continued antimicrobial suppression.
An adequate account of boredom, then, must explain in one sense that only something indeterminate is lacking.
From behind they rise in rough, uneven, and heathy declivities, out of the wide muir before mentioned, between Loch Eitive and Loch Awe; but in front they terminate abruptly in the most frightful precipices, which form the whole side of the pass, and descend at one fall into the water which fills its trough.
Chronicles of the Canongate
I would terminate aeronautics research and throw everything at this problem, which is fundamentally a ground based cryogenic insulation, and an in fligh boiloff recirculation problem, besides the usual crogenic production research.
Do You Want a Space Shuttle For Your Museum? - NASA Watch
Besides, under your reasoning the easement is terminated by the condemnation of your neighbor’s land, isn’t it?
The Volokh Conspiracy » An Important Case on Compensation for Takings
Some organisms, including sponges, barnacles, and encrusting coralline algae, can, however, survive overgrowth, without apparent damage, for indeterminate periods of time or may even benefit from being overgrown.
The ‘committee’ sat on rough logs, ranged on the sand in the open building; and we had carefully to examine our feet for chigoes and exterminate them after each sitting.
Tanjung Benoa, on the southeast coast of Bali, is the centre of a deadly illegal trade in tortoiseshell and meat that is threatening to exterminate one of the world's most ancient species.
There are alleged asymmetries of "determinateness" of reality: It is sometimes claimed that past and present have determinate reality, but that the future, being a realm of mere possibilities, has no such determinate being at all.
Philosophy of Statistical Mechanics
Along the lakefront a curving sweep of barberry and daylilies terminated at gazebos overarched by old apple and willow trees.
The IEP, which spells out educational goals and services a special-needs student will receive in school, will terminate when he graduates from high school, says Marybeth Kravets, a Deerfield, Ill., educational consultant.
Work & Family Mailbox
Despite the figurative grotesquerie, which is more nuisance than threat, it is a painting of nothing — no thing as such but atmosphere — a moody, indeterminate matter expressive of an interior mental state conjured through paint and paint alone.
Ensor Unmasked
Well, it is in the nature of rats to spread disease, which they do without rancor and without a selfish thought, butit causes us toexterminate them without prejudice.
Spineless Dems or a Dem-Trifecta Driven Filibuster-Proof Congress and a Media Carrot
Once charges are brought, the ‘victim’ cannot decline to prosecute - although non-cooperation may terminate a case as a practical matter.
Doubly terminated crystals are not uncommon.
It was also part of the world-empire of Ghenghis Khan, who once exterminated the Afghan city of Bamiyan to avenge a grandson slain in battle.
To take one's own life or to terminate the life of another out of mercy is to exercise the most awesome power imaginable.
If an officer of the Reserve Corps who has been retired pursuant to these regulations and whose retired pay has been terminated on account of his recovery shall again become totally disabled and if his relapse is not due to any new intervening cause, he shall again become entitled to retired pay.
All three articles attempt to clarify the determinate-determinable relation by explaining the nature of disjunctive and conjunctive predicates.
Lundberg noted the "slavocracy was not terminated .... for moral reasons; it committed suicide for political and economic reasons, blinded by simple greed and vaingloriousness, and long after slavery was abolished in most places elsewhere.
Reviewing Ferdinand Lundberg's "Cracks in the Constitution"
Though we call prussic acid the agent of a person’s death, the whole of the vital and organic properties of the patient are as actively instrumental as the poison, in the chain of effects which so rapidly terminates his sentient existence.
A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive (Vol. 1 of 2)
Our guide is of indeterminate age, with teeth as exposed and raw as the crags of the mountains around us.
Only a few trains were originated and terminated at North Toronto and the move was just not popular.
There has been argument about whether or not there should be an extension of the interlocutory injunction which is to expire today for a period of indeterminate length.
The upper mandible, which is strongly convex, exhibits upon its median line a slight ridge, which is quite wide at its origin, and then continues to decrease and becomes sensibly depressed as far as to the center of its length, and afterward rises on approaching the anterior extremity, where it terminates in a powerful hook, which seems to form
Scientific American Supplement, No. 829, November 21, 1891
‘If the customer terminates the contract without a good reason there is a recourse we can take,’ he said.
And the one idea is, how we are going to exterminate white people because that in my estimation is the only conclusion I have come to.
Matthew Yglesias » The European Bogeyman
Miss Logan made indeterminate gestures to the priest, then set off in pursuit of her employer.
The distinctive cultural trace of Brazil is anthropophagy -- from culture to technology, the legacy of a former, lazy European monarchy in a tropical country where the aborigines, after banqueting over the odd whitey, were merrily exterminated while Europeans and black slaves copulated freely, with no Catholic guilt involved (there's no sin below the Equator).
Pepe Escobar: Is Brazil the New United States?
The enforcement of German Nazi Law on Jan. 20, 1934 terminated workers' equal-footed relations with management which they had been enjoying since the Weimer Republic.
The bank's mandate to pay is terminated if the customer countermands his order.
The first general in feigned outrage tells the Fuhrer that they should exterminate one hundred thousand Jews.
Think Progress » Beck: Obama is ‘dividing the nation’ by reacting ‘so rapidly to Haiti.’
Developing foetuses cannot be defined as a ‘race’ in any meaningful sense, and a seriously planned attempt to wipe them out would swiftly exterminate the human race.
The long and expensive illness which terminated the life of my dear father on the 19th of August 1823 has involved our family in affliction and distress.
Letter 385
For example, the broad wainscoted side hall terminates in a staircase that rises to a landing and then turns ninety degrees in a manner similar to that at Mulberry Hill.
If matter is atomic, then it is already a collection of determinate objects in its own right, and it becomes natural to regard the properties of macroscopic substances as mere summations of the natures of the atoms.
Third, the planet brightness stabilizes very much, the sort can not glimmer like fixed star indeterminate.
I work as an obstetrician in a city where one in three pregnancies is terminated.
‘It also allows me to make what you might call indeterminate or minor little changes, modifications,’ he acknowledges.
_The course of croupous pneumonia_ is typical, and unless it terminates fatally in the first stage, the periods of congestion, hepatization and resolution follow each other in regular manner.
Common Diseases of Farm Animals
These can be used to resolve the infection status of individuals with indeterminate serological results.
Complex, highly integrated colonies, such as siphonophores, display a well defined colony shape with determinate growth.
The site benefited from centuries of Indian custom in that it lay athwart an old Indian portage between Lakes Pontchartrain and Borgne and the river, the trail that now terminated as Rue de l' Hôpital.
It is a love that cannot last, a love that must be terminated or will end in death.
The guilty plea goes only to the length of the determinate sentence.
Times, Sunday Times
If a combinatory term M is typable (with simple types) then M strongly normalizes, that is, all reduction sequences of M are finite (i.e., terminate).
Combinatory Logic
The tenant remains in possession, and continues to pay rent as before, and becomes, from sufferance, a tenant from year to year, which can only be terminated by one party or the other giving the necessary six months’ notice to quit at the term corresponding with the commencement of the original tenancy.
The Book of Household Management
Your contract of employment terminates in December.
One of the unusual features of St. Bart's is that the billet moulding around the arches is continuous around the entire apse, rather than terminated at the capitals of the arches.
And what they currently find there might best be described as a bordello of indeterminate purpose: everything from shopping tips to a discussion on the deeply important subject of "vibrators: friend or foe?
Services are going to terminate at St Pancras, and the station is being massively redeveloped.
SR 195 , radar service is terminated, resume own navigation to OX, your magnetic track is 280 degrees.
These terminate abruptly to the northeast at a fault that offsets the thrust.
In historicizing the social division of labor, Marx demonstrated that classes are specific and historically determinate.
Overall, the Court's conclusions are expressed in terms that indicate no objection under article 3 to a mandatory indeterminate sentence for murder.
For proper operation, each SCSI bus segment must be terminated at the two extreme ends of the segment.
Unfortunately most gutter installers simply terminate the downspout with an elbow at the bottom.
Or a fool, perhaps, for all her sonneting, for there are men who relish a weak headpiece as the chiefest ornament of women, especially when its indeterminate vagaries boast an escape-valve remotely connected with the fine arts.
Judith of the Plains
Modern humans probably exterminated the world's other archaic humans, the Neanderthals in Europe.
The biological positivists could only propose indeterminate detention or extinction for such categories of offender.
Some grooves deepen and terminate fairly abruptly.
One concern is that if the terminated plan had a disqualifying defect, any plan that accepts its rollovers runs the risk of being disqualified as well.
Monday, Feb. 04, 2002:: determinated never terminated
Terminate agreement in advance(sentence dictionary), charge 80 % of the unfulfilled rental rate.
Facts: A welfare recipient's benefits were terminated without an evidentiary hearing.
Ideal division ‘progresses to infinity’; actual division terminates in atoms after finitely many steps.
Results monomer of rubescensin A was obtained by using determinate ratio of organic regents and recrystallization.
After nine rounds of scrunch-faced spellings and a few gleefully lucky guesses, Michael Whalon terminated his competition with "eviscerate" yesterday in the 35th annual Richmond Times-Dispatch Regional Spelling Bee.
News for Richmond Times-Dispatch
Remember, the Fraser cutthroat fishery is hugely impacted, if not terminated, when the freshet begins.
Sex offenders would face open-ended prison sentences, known as "indeterminate," if members of a jury found them to be predatory. rss feed
The landlord's interest in respect of possession of the property is deferred to that of the tenant until the lease terminates, at which time the property reverts to the landlord.
Extrapolating our findings to this high risk population indicates that screening would identify more than 180 million uncalcified, radiologically indeterminate nodules.
The nerve passes along the internal auditory meatus with the vestibular nerve and across the subarachnoid space, just above the flocculus, almost directly medialward toward the inferior peduncle to terminate in the cochlear nucleus.
IX. Neurology. 5h. The Acoustic Nerve
The rudimentary type was a simple chamber or cella, with a loggia open to the air except for two columns standing between the two extremities of the side walls, which terminated in pilasters known as 'antae'. [
The Legacy of Greece Essays By: Gilbert Murray, W. R. Inge, J. Burnet, Sir T. L. Heath, D'arcy W. Thompson, Charles Singer, R. W. Livingston, A. Toynbee, A. E. Zimmern, Percy Gardner, Sir Reginald Blomfield
Used to input a value to select an option, specify a parameter, terminate a pause etc.
Let us hope that some of the islands remain uninhabited, so that these unfortunate brutes may escape being exterminated entirely.
As I Please
‘We had to close the school for six days in October to exterminate rats from the classrooms and the children are being taught in damp and overcrowded rooms,’ said Mr O'Connor.
Once cockroaches get into a building, it's very difficult to exterminate them.
However, it is known that some species enter a reproductive diapause when reared at constant temperature in the laboratory (e. g., the collembolan Hypogastrura tullbergi), and that this diapause can only be terminated by exposure to cold.
Conservation of arctic species
Although I, like most law professors, can do a riff on how "35" is indeterminate, that is recognized as "academic" in the most pejorative sense; unless and until some 33-year-old is viewed as the truly indispensable person to inhabit the Oval Office, it will be taken as a given that we "know" what "35" means, which means a the passage of time time measured in solar (and not, for example, lunar) years.
Sartre describes human consciousness as a perpetual beginning, an ‘impersonal spontaneity’ with no determinate content or progenitor.
Christian missionaries promoted their eradication, and most had been exterminated by the beginning of the 20th century.
This cosy arrangement has been abruptly terminated, however, by new government regulations limiting the sort of work that amateurs can carry out.
Anorectal atresia is the ordinary imperforation of the anus, in which the rectum terminates in the middle of the sacral cavity.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
The boots terminate in a pair of sparkling golden spurs; his plate-metal doublet is bursting to contain his massive physique.
Mexican media conglomerate Grupo Televisa S.A. and NII Holdings Inc. have agreed to terminate an accord under which Televisa planned to take a 30% stake in NII 's Mexican unit, Nextel Mexico, for $1.44 billion,
Televisa Drops Plan to Invest in Nextel Mexico
Problems of this type which are found in the manuscript are examined in and some of these lead to indeterminate equations.
One superintendent, one supervisor, one foreman and eight hourly employees were terminated.
This Vigil, conceived by a Quaker named Lawrence Scott, is credited with laying the foundation for the decision by President Nixon in 1969 to terminate our offensive bio-warfare program.
Inside America's Biological Warfare Center
This pipeline snakes through Uzbekistan before reaching Shymkent, crosses Kyrgyzstan, and terminates in Almaty.
Energy profile of Kazakhstan
Resolved, That the efforts of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in endeavoring to exterminate the imported pest known as the gy]) sy moth meet with our hearty ap - proval, and we, members of the farmers 'national congress, assembled at St. Paul, earnestly appeal to the congress of the United St.tes to aid our sister state in extermi - nating what is liable to be a national pest if neglected.
Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
determinate variations in animals
He said that I would be better off if I resigned when I began looking for another job because I would not want it on my record that I was terminated.
This, the initial, stage of University existence was terminated by an examination, then and still called Responsions, which might not be taken in less than a year, after which the student became known as a "questionist.
The Customs of Old England
After President Obama forgave Lieberman for attacking his character and good intentions during 2008 presidential campaign, especially in light of Democratic Legislatures preference to terminate Lieberman's political career, the embarrassment is solely on "Joe the Jerk" Lieberman.
MN GOP calls Franken-Lieberman incident an 'embarrassment'
Now by concreteness of contents it is meant that we must know the objects of consciousness as intrinsically determinate and as the unity of distinct characteristics.
New features include a 1.8V matched impedance interface, known as stub series terminated logic.
He considers problems of indeterminate equations of the first degree and trigonometric formulas.
Didn't colonialist desire dress up its determinate lack as universal and symbolic Lack and thereby justify its appetitive objectification of ‘the colony?’
After wolves were exterminated within the park boundaries, Yellowstone filled with fat, lazy elk that hung out by streams and ate the aspen and willow seedlings down to their nubs.
Short determinate varieties generally follow the trends discussed, however, higher seeding rates will increase plant height and the lowest pod heights which may be an advantage for determinate varieties.
After a lot of agonizing she decided to terminate the pregnancy.
For determinacy of translation implies the possibility of synonymy: if translation is determinate, the possibility of synonymy is implied as a special case of ‘translation’ within a language.
The park is the site of a successful re-establishment of European bison Bison bonasus (exterminated in Bialowieza Forest in 1919).
Bialowieza Forest, Poland
One is the fear of being outbred and then exterminated by the "other.
"Seven Pounds" (2008)
That eigenstate applies to the reality there and that eigenstate enables us to predict a determinate position for Niels 'system with probability one.
The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Argument in Quantum Theory
The abdomen of the young Cirripede is produced beneath the anus into a long tail-like appendage which is furcate at the extremity, and over the anus there is a second long, spine-like process; the abdomen in the Rhizocephala terminates in two short points, -- in a
Facts and Arguments for Darwin
Then let _a_ and _b_ be discharged; the discharge destroys or neutralizes all external induction, and the coatings are therefore found by the carrier ball unelectrified; but it also removes almost the whole of the forces by which the electric charge was driven into the dielectric, and though probably a part of that charge goes forward in its passage and terminates in what we call discharge, the greater portion returns on its course to the surfaces of _c_, and consequently to the conductors _a_ and _b_, and constitutes the recharge observed.
Experimental Researches in Electricity, Volume 1
Supervised probation and indeterminate sentences guided by the progress of the child were the usual means.
They are philosophically unsound because both right and left identify a highly determinate set of rights whether they be basic freedoms or property rights, and postulate that they dovetail in an harmonious set.
Half-hidden under the lumpy covers was a creature of indeterminate size, his head turned away from the door.
Along the lakefront a curving sweep of barberry and daylilies terminated at gazebos overarched by old apple and willow trees.
The governing policy of Serbia's rulers has consistently been to denationalize the Albanians of Kosova, or failing that, to oppress, deport or exterminate them.
From the same sp and the termination ark, comes spark, signifying a single emission of fire with a noise; namely sp, the emission, ar, the more acute noise, and k, the mute consonant, intimates its being suddenly terminated; but adding l, is made the frequentative sparkle.
A Grammar of the English Tongue
But we could not prove independently that there are practical propositions which command categorically, nor can it be proved in this section; one thing, however, could be done, namely, to indicate in the imperative itself, by some determinate expression, that in the case of volition from duty all interest is renounced, which is the specific criterion of categorical as distinguished from hypothetical imperatives.
In a letter to the Turnpike received Wednesday, UBS Securities said a Turnpike insurer's bond rating has fallen so much that UBS can terminate a so-called swaption agreement made in
Business -
The Autonomous Robots Simulation System (AR-SIM) is developed for the purpose of studying various issues concerning autonomous robots under complex indeterminate environment.
In the indeterminate fluxations of a cosmos in which ‘things happen’ and it is futile to ask about whence or wherefore, he accepted responsibility for nothing except the poem he aspired to be.
Both couples have said that they would have terminated the pregnancy.
Unfortunately, the imported Italian color has faded to an indeterminate yellow.
If a driver absolutely must call a cyclist something, the driver may call him “Wim van Est,” or else “Heidi Van de Vijver” if the cyclist is a woman or person of indeterminate gender.
Archive 2008-03-01
You know, when you terminate someone's parental rights to their children, that's a heavy thing to do.
The movements of economic quantities were determinate, at least in principle.
Fattah, Bray said, proposed the stock purchase with a caveat that the profit-sharing contract would be terminated.
A whole spate of lockouts followed, as employers dug in their heels and either dragged out negotiations or terminated them.
Such features may vary according to whether the patient was pregnant, lactating, or had recently terminated her pregnancy or lactation at the time of surgical excision.
Services on city, suburban and commuter routes will terminate earlier than normal.
The diseases known as tartaric, especially gout and lithiasas, are caused by the deposit of determinate toxins (tartar), are discovered chiefly by the urine test, and are cured by means of alkalies.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
The agreement was terminated by mutual consent.
A differential diagnosis would be an overlapping spectrum of non-Langerhans cell histiocytosis with xanthoma disseminatum, generalized eruptive histiocytoma, and indeterminate cell disorder.
The air is blue, and the horizon appears blue to the sight on a clear day, and the air by reason of its thinness is not apt to terminate the strong and rigorous vital beams.
The French Encyclopædia [202] relates that M. Hassenfratz saw ice served up at table at Chambéry which broke into hexagonal prisms; and when he was shown the ice-houses where it was stored, he found considerable blocks of ice containing hexahedral prisms terminated by corresponding pyramids.
Ice-Caves of France and Switzerland
The conference terminated yesterday.
Results of randomized studies assessing the efficacy of triple antibiotic ointment (e.g., polymyxin, bacitracin and neomycin) are indeterminate.
Additionally, as the "impressions" which strike the chords are themselves conceived as both "external and internal" to the lyre, to recall the earlier grouping, the locus of adjustment is itself displaced into an indeterminate rhythmic activity.
Shelley's Golden Wind: Zen Harmonics in _A Defence of Poetry_ and 'Ode to the WestWind'
The hearing would decide whether the state should terminate the rights of the biological parents and put the child up for adoption.
We terminated the meeting at 11 o'clock.
Her turret, from which cascades a transparent veil, terminates upon a frontlet, a wide band of cloth that frames her face.
Fashion in Art: Medieval France and the Netherlands
A good man terminates a friendship with out rancour.
Under a gold standard, would the price level be indeterminate in a completely closed economy, where specie could not flow?
The Bank may terminate the Line of Credit upon re-evaluation of the Client's financial situation or if the Client becomes insolvent or does not fulfill his obligations to the Bank hereunder or otherwise.
By inadvertence he has completely abolished the strange and remarkable trees and shrubs of islands -- such as St. Helena -- where the herbivorous animals introduced by him have made short work of the wonderful native plants isolated for ages, and have completely exterminated them, so that they are "extinct.
More Science From an Easy Chair
Not only did these exterminate whole populations, they also destroyed native faith in their rulers, culture, and gods.
The State Department terminated a nonclassified MVM contract guarding the U.S. embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan, in 2005, citing inadequate personnel in that case as well.
Iraq Case Sheds Light
Nowhere else was an attempt made systematically to exterminate a whole people, using the most advanced technology of mass killing.
Totally abstract, and indeterminate, purged of all anthropomorphic and mythological qualities, God becomes the ominously ambiguous and threatening deity who evokes nothing but dread and terror.
You must, of course, execute the fuser command as root to be able to terminate processes that may be owned by other users, as shown in Listing 9.
Anyway, my first visit to this new GP was terminated with a bottle of laxative syrup, presumably to clear whatever blockage was causing my symptoms.
A recent History essay had been handed back to me with the words `Random gunfire at an indeterminate target.
I was recently terminated from a job I loved with Clearwired in Albuquerque, NM due to the economy.
Web Teacher › Giveaway: Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 Classroom in a Book
I hate the word terminate - it doesnt gross me out - but it is just such a nasty word!
Gross Words - Part II
Golgi himself proved that the set of fibrils known as protoplasmic prolongations terminate by free extremities, and have no direct connection with any cell save the one from which they spring.
A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume IV: Modern Development of the Chemical and Biological Sciences
She was a ruddy-faced, cheerful blonde of indeterminate age.
There is a species of huckleberry common to the piny lands from the commencement of the Columbian valley to the seacoast; it rises to the hight of 6 or 8 feet. is a simple branching some what defuse stem; the main body or trunk is cilindric and of a dark brown, while the colateral branches are green smooth, squar, and put forth a number of alternate branches of the same colour and form from the two horizontal sides only. the fruit is a small deep perple berry which the natives inform us is very good. the leaf is thin of a pale green and small being 3/4 of an inch in length and 3/8 in width; oval terminateing more accutely at the apex than near the insertion of the footstalk which is at the base; veined, nearly entire, serrate but so slightly so that it is scarcely perceptible; footstalk short and there position with rispect to each other is alternate and two ranked, proceeding from the horizontal sides of the bough only.
The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806
For this reason, the Act restricts the creditor's right to terminate the contract, even in cases where his decision is not motivated by the debtor's default but is based on a specific termination clause in the agreement.
A zone can be anything: its spatial characteristics are indeterminate, adequate to absorb the contradictions of the Socialist market economy.
Philoponus, in contrast, arrives at something he calls corporeal extension (sômatikón diástêma), which is a composite of Neoplatonic prime matter and indeterminate quantity and must not be confused with Philoponian space.
John Philoponus
Popper may have exterminated some beneficial insects together with harmful ones.
He also rejected argument by the National Party's Maans Nel, who said the NP would not support the bill because of a clause providing for existing long-term forestry contracts to be terminated.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Furies > (In later accounts, Tisiphone, Megaera, and Alecto, three goddesses who guard the gates of hell; in earlier accounts, they are avenging deities, of indeterminate number, sent from hell to punish wrongdoers) aslake > assuage; cool
The Faerie Queene — Volume 01
If the mind, with greater facility, retains the ideas of geometry clear and determinate, it must carry on a much longer and more intricate chain of reasoning, and compare ideas much wider of each other, in order to reach the abstruser truths of that science.
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
Alternatively double click anywhere on the desktop to evoke the TaskManager and select the 1-2-3 task and click on the terminate button.