How To Use Techno In A Sentence

  • We're currently shrinking the size of technology by a factor of 5.6 per linear dimension per decade, so it is conservative to say that this scenario will be feasible in a few decades.
  • It also provides ample cushioning with shock-absorbing HydroFlow technology in the heel and forefoot, and has a water-repellant upper.
  • Digital technology comes to us heralded by a great deal of utopian ballyhoo, but in some surprising ways it discourages creativity.
  • As a streaming technology, tape drives work best when data is coming to them at their rated speed.
  • The development of innovative new technologies and highly specific, nonradioactive labels has changed all of that. The Scientist
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  • A number of researchers offer insights on supportive classroom environments and the use of technology in peer learning.
  • Fifty years on and technology seems to have leapt on by generations as you see the mushroom shaped cloud of the first nuclear test bomb rising high above the New Mexico desert.
  • Allegheny Technologies Incorporated manufactures titanium, hafnium, tungsten, and cobalt. Eric Lotke: Steel City: Forgotten but Not Gone
  • Already well dispersed, they probably acquired iron technology around 500 C.E. On their route eastward, the Bantu speakers skirted the northern forest edge toward the interlacustrine region of East Africa. D. Africa, 500-1500
  • You can use standard wireless technology in hand-helds that have a huge capacity - they can have up to 250 megabytes now.
  • Innovations in touchless technology have made it possible to install an automatic flusher without ripping out existing fixtures.
  • Nanotechnology is in danger of being pigeonholed as a risky, hazardous and controversial business, a new study has found, because companies in the emerging field are not tackling the very real health and safety issues involved.
  • The Syracuse group is developing prototypes of software technologies which will accelerate the take-up of general purpose parallel computing.
  • This is a clear demonstration of how technology has changed.
  • The Museum is looking to host exhibitions that celebrate major technological breakthroughs and the people behind them.
  • Increasing technological application and innovation in manufacturing industries result in more specialisation and distribution of processes on a global scale.
  • Better technology should help both to recover more gas from existing reserves and also to make new areas accessible.
  • The water seal technology is used to solve the problem of the collection rate of the mother liquid in situ leach mining of the rare earth mineral.
  • Several chapters cover the basics of clean room technology, e.g., lithography, etching and layer deposition techniques.
  • Fingerprint recognition, which falls under a technology called biometrics, has been used for years in the corporate environment.
  • The telemetered technology will also benefit from integration with wireless-phone technology.
  • Revolutionary applications of BEC in lithography, nanotechnology and holography appear to be just round the corner. The 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics - Information for the Public
  • We adopt special lift technology; choose import bearing to entitle products with legerity and agility.
  • The topics in those categories that were less widely dispersed throughout the curriculum included stereochemistry, drug design, drug nomenclature, natural products and biotechnology.
  • The many cases of sidewise technological competition that have occurred in the business world can also be mined for insights.
  • We want to introduce the latest technology into schools.
  • Plants in such areas tend to be less innovative, their technologies are older, and they employ less skilled labour.
  • Elsewhere during the Hangover technology beanfeast, we understand that HP's own demo of Bluetooth was similarly rotten.
  • He noted that there is currently no democratic way of allowing the release of synbio technology, to which Dr. Gutmann retorted that there is no democratic way of banning it either. Michael Rugnetta: The Presidential Commission and Synthetic Biology
  • He may have misspoke, or thinking in Fahrenheit terms multiplied by the compression to get the geothermal energy available with current technology. Newsvine - Get Smarter Here
  • Biotechnology education could begin at the university level with a basic introductory course.
  • Advances in technology have improved crop yields by over 30%.
  • To make best use of existing technology investment and implement future-proof design and platform functionality.
  • Because of advances in technology such as Web conferencing, he says, businesses are sending fewer employees to trade shows.
  • Medical technology has advanced considerably.
  • Perhaps tools like moviolas might have more efficiently weeded out the dabblers - it's hard to say since moviolas were part of a more elitist type of technology and denied many an opportunity.
  • The technology will send out text messages with promotional codes offering discounts for products. Computing
  • China supplies at least 95% of the world's rare earths -- 17 chemical elements with hard-to-pronounce names such as praseodymium and yttrium -- essential for a wide range of high-tech devices and green technologies. IndustryWeek Forums - Chain Reactions
  • It's natural that transitions to new technology may be somewhat disruptive, and there are several methods companies use to navigate these rough waters.
  • The company has always been at the forefront of science and technology.
  • Amazingly, as personal computer technology was filtering into the Weltanschauung, their vision was actually filtering into the mainstream.
  • New technology is having an impact on aerial photography in different ways.
  • As you can see, biotechnology is a growth industry no student can afford to ignore.
  • Pgrolysis mechanism of small - size oil shale was described and its technological flowsheet was introduced.
  • In this paper , the framework of network intrusion detection technology Based unsupervised outlier detection is discussed.
  • It is hard to justify requiring companies to keep records of historical importance in a retrievable format when technological advances make retrieval increasingly difficult.
  • Yet while pilotless drones are dehumanised and impersonalised, mobile phone ring tones and screensavers are instances of the humanity and personality of the people behind technology.
  • The advance could transform the lives of amputees, but also raises questions about potential future applications of the technology, which could include human enhancement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Alan Krans, an analyst with Technology Business Research, said the restructuring announced last quarter should help the company avoid being "pummeled," as it was during the last economic downturn, when it had huge losses on sharp sales declines. EMC Says Tech Outlook Is Murky
  • Intel makes the lead on technology what to calculate in processor.
  • We have been pretty open-handed now in facilitating the development of Chinese technology even for military purposes.
  • An autostereoscopic display based on parallax barrier is the main optical technology autostereoscopic display devices.
  • In fact he was suspicious of any technological advance that might weaken the ‘master race’.
  • the mastery of fire was a huge advance in human technology
  • Crucially, at the heart of this construct is the Commission, comprised of appointed technocrats ruling as benign Platonic guardians, protecting the interests of all the peoples of Europe. Democracy or stability?
  • The detained calculation methods and steps are introduced on technology of flangeless cylindrical part. It possesses much better applicability in production and teaching.
  • We employ an expert to advise on new technology.
  • synners tag takin' cheap shots at p. diddy talk like a pirate tea from an empty cup technological torture technology technology apocalypse--long time coming teh cheezburgr strikes again! And Then THREE Got By Me--
  • The hi-tech visions appear as fully executed architectonic meditations, linking architecture with landscape and making ground-breaking technology an important component of the program. Grand Illusions on the Hudson
  • First, research on technological evolution suggests that technological discontinuities may provide an impetus that transforms networks.
  • A new industry association has arisen to address security-related aspects of geospatial technologies and information.
  • However once the technology becomes available it will also be used for kitchen waste, such as vegetable peelings, and cardboard.
  • In order to mine the deep pipes in which diamonds were found, capital, technology, and control of water were all-important.
  • The Maldives is slowly being submerged and with this technology we could make new islands and combine them with artificial coral reefs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Newspapers papers of Bangladesh were running through hand composed printing press technology then upgraded by lino and photocompose technology and offset printing press. ICT and Media in Bangladesh
  • And more recently, the company further validated its belief in this technology when it announced it will be used for mass production on MY2001 Jeep Wrangler hardtops.
  • Not in so many words, she viewed my new handset as just another exotic creation of a transnational technocracy using technology to get us to spend our obsessive consumerist, materialist dollars.
  • When control the flying shear, T400 technology board can workout program with parameter mode completely. So it can be provided with exact position, fewer fault, convenient maintenance and so on.
  • Ideas put forward yesterday for future use of new technology included allowing parents to check online whether their children are truanting, increasing online tax payments and more use of computers in the health service.
  • From inside the bar came the tinny drone of technopop. Surrender, Dorothy
  • Indeed, if you just lie back, technology and the global economic order will make you happier than you ever dreamed possible, they say.
  • The advanced military technology expertise of Shorts Brothers in Belfast played a crucial role in the war - for both sides.
  • The phone companies have invested in technologies and strategic alliances designed to enter the business.
  • The artistic elements are rich and varied, reflecting changing aesthetics as well as technological advances.
  • Fortunately the technology of the food processing industry is now so sophisticated that infection from this source has been virtually eliminated.
  • The company's products has three major advantages: material advantage, geographic advantages and technological advantages.
  • I’m happy about apple and att is offering a faster Internet and technology however I’m upset that apple and att are not doing anything for the current iPhone owners. Basic Instinct: Sprint Battles AT&T and iPhone With New Samsung Device - Bits Blog -
  • Then the '90s hit, corporations further alienated people with touch-tone technology, and we all learned that the little guy on the lower-right corner of our dial pad had an easier to pronounce name than ‘#.’
  • Some see this fishing equipment as evidence for boat-building technology that may have allowed for initial human settlement of the Americas by sea rather than by the Bering land bridge.
  • These technologies, with a bewildering numbers of acronyms, are described in many reviews.
  • (I can't wait to see the profusion of bittorent trackers, new "copyfight" / Free culture efforts, and newer, better p2p technologies that would result from that. P2pnet news
  • The permanent solution is not technology, but what we call ecological separation - or no movement of live organisms between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River via the canals," said Alliance President Joel Brammeier, who co-authored a study on the subject in 2008. ENS
  • How were ancient peoples able to construct monumental Egyptian pyramids in an age devoid of the tools of modern technology?
  • Stanford will develop new megavoltage X-ray detection hardware and image reconstruction software, and will validate the new technology in a clinical trial to be conducted by Varian Medical Systems and Stanford University Win $3.6 Million Five-Year NIH/NCI Research Grant to Develop Advanced Imaging Technology - Yahoo! Finance
  • The room was full of shilpit pointy-heids and sundry technocrats.
  • His plan was to use internet tracking technology to streamline this laborious process and provide more useful and timely information for other PR agencies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their aim was to pioneer a new approach to business and technology consulting.
  • New technology made a switch to oil possible.
  • The technology is similar to contactless credit or debit cards. The Sun
  • It thus promises to take us beyond the Nature-Society dualism organising both previous Marxian work on nature and versions of bourgeois technocentrism and radical ecocentrism.
  • In contrast, conventional hydropower technologies often rely on the construction of tall dams that flood the area behind them.
  • By microwave-isted extraction and intermittent microwave radiation heating, the new technology of obtaining Porphyra haitanensis polysaccharides was studied.
  • He's made some bad ones, to be sure - he was notably burned by telecom companies during the dotcom bust - but over the course of a few decades of investing, Gilder has become known as a prescient technophile. News
  • Unlike in other areas of life, in warfare disengagement can be seen as a positive outcome of the application of technology.
  • Forget clunky mobiles and oversized tablets - wearable technology is the next frontier. Times, Sunday Times
  • With this technology, theorists can distinguish the values of the two descriptions above, since they are structures with different components (cf. Carnap's [1947] notion of intensional isomorphism). Names
  • New internet technologies, however promising, must respect a presumptive claim of privacy online.
  • Instead, Intel's supporters rallied around to attack Cuomo and the case, putting forward a number of arguments that they believe exculpated the technology pioneer.
  • Technological advances in computing and telecommunications will reduce the need for many people to travel to work.
  • He turned into the Zona Rosa, a large pedestrian area of ritzy stores and boutiques, Latin techno music shaking his bones as he walked past their open fronts.
  • As the leader of high-tech hearing products, Starkey (Suzhou) Hearing Technology Co. , Ltd. is now the manufacture center of Starkey global stratagem.
  • It is also helpful for the researchers and engineers building the technology. Smithsonian Mag
  • CACI is a fast-growing billion dollar information technology firm with an intriguing sideline in intelligence.
  • The centre will include state-of-the-art technology for commanders to oversee the exercises in real time then replay missions in debriefs to personnel.
  • When that happens, it will make all previous technological revolutions seem like minor hiccups.
  • He was listening to techno music in his headphones as he pumped rounds into the audience. The Sun
  • However, the constraints of HTML and web browser technology prevent the reader from personalizing the files, although we have provided readers with a simple search engine, and some indexing and annotation.
  • In home technology, the company's brands include many of the major powers in the residential custom-install industry, such as Aton, Channel Plus, Elan, TWICE - Digital Imaging News
  • Instead, they got Richards to acknowledge that a motivated forger with advanced technology could fool even veteran photo analysts.
  • Ionic exchange membrane to alkali is advanced technology in the world nowadays, the craft-interlocking device occupy the important position in the production.
  • The college biology department has diversified by adding new courses in biotechnology.
  • The Harvard center will strive to develop new technologies for genomic molecular imaging, while the Johns Hopkins center will be devoted to advancing the emerging field of epigenetics.
  • Meanwhile conducting slowly became a female job, even though conductresses had to cope with the same technology as drivers.
  • The technology avalanche often leaves her feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and exhausted.
  • The tough trade-off is not between regular troops and reservists, but between manpower and technology. Times, Sunday Times
  • The supercomputing crowd tends to set the pace for technology adoption across the server market.
  • The main drawback of the technology is that the batteries are bulky and only last a few hours.
  • They take for granted easy access to inexpensive technological, social and collaborative tools. Times, Sunday Times
  • The drive to constantly innovate product and process technology is strongly visible.
  • One of the greatest comprehensive collections of the decorative arts, natural history, geology and technology in the United Kingdom.
  • While the idea of mechatronics may not be new, technology developments such as smaller, more powerful microchips, new approaches to communication networks and new materials are enabling us to translate our ideas into new products that deliver increased functionality and use fewer resources. Engineering Hardware-Software
  • The aim of the week was to show students the variety of opportunities in science, engineering and technology.
  • Attrition rates, for tanks and aircraft increased greatly, sparking off a debate about the implication of the new technologies.
  • Marine construction technology like this is very complex, somewhat analogous to trying to build a bridge under water.
  • The company is filled with superb technologists who are prepared to obsolete products in their prime and to churn out new ones with clockwork regularity.
  • The company predicts that one day the technology could be used to manufacture human skeletons from cell tissue and biomaterial. Times, Sunday Times
  • In March 2009, Wheeler was hired as a part-time consultant for The MITRE Corp., a not-for-profit organization that provides systems engineering, research and development and information technology support to the government. Video footage shows Wheeler wandering hours before his death
  • The high concentration organic wastewater from diclofenac sodium production process was treated by precipitation - adsorption technology.
  • Cooperative communication and cognitive radio are the key candidates for the future mobile communication technologies.
  • In contrast to the general picture in the technology sector, data storage minnow InTechnology recently had to put out a cautionary note that its profits were likely to be ‘significantly ahead’ of general stock market expectations.
  • -- FeminisTIC technorati tags: takebackthetech women femmes ICT TIC Internet nptech feminism féminisme cyberfeminism cyberféminisme FeminisTIC FeminisTIC
  • That debugged wonder machine then replaces the pedestrian, proven technology because it offers massive performance improvements and is now far more reliable. Would You Bring Back NGLT-or SLI? - NASA Watch
  • Digital technology makes it easier to prevent signal theft and it means better voice quality and longer battery life.
  • The hotel group is also standardising amenities - including bath products, TVs, new beds and technology hook-ups - at all its hotels, which it categorizes as four-star properties.
  • TVs on the high street, it can still work out cheaper to rent - with the added benefit that you are not left with obsolete technology. Times, Sunday Times
  • Will new technology change the shape of broadcasting?
  • Expanding subsidy options in Europe has made companies much choosier beggars, but it hasn't yielded the efficiency breakthroughs that would let this technology stand on its own. Unsustainable Development
  • In this context , Asia - Europe scientific and technological cooperation has a great relevance and strong complementarily.
  • The lead times for developing new technologies in the nuclear industry are very long.
  • The State shall encourage government, organs, enterprises, institutions, social organizations and citizens to participate in and support activities aimed at science and technology progress.
  • As the technology behind photovoltaic energy advances, consumers will be unable to resist the urge to convert.
  • Some specialise in engineering and technology, while others extend into areas such as creative and digital industries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet in the early decades of the 20th Century, they said, the assumption behind machines had been that "labor is an evil"; the new technological devices did not so much "emancipate" workers, as "evict" them. Agrarianism and the Popular Education Culture
  • The second type of human/technology relation is what he calls hermeneutic (p. 80). Phenomenological Approaches to Ethics and Information Technology
  • Maclaren Techno Four Seasons Pushchair Description 1 buggy, 4 seasons, 8 looks: The four seasons buggy is suitable from birth and comes complete with 3 reversible seat liners for spring, summer and autumn, a footmuff for winter, boot, a reversible blanket, raincover and storage bag to coordinate with all 4 seasons. - Articles related to Trinoma welcomes summer
  • A student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology before becoming a social activist in Latin America, Berenson was arrested on a bus in Peru in 1995 and charged with belonging to the MRTA.
  • The technology works best with background drone such as aircraft engines. Times, Sunday Times
  • The shifting of language in communities may in fact be accelerating with increased mobility and technological advances.
  • His discoveries were of considerable use in understanding disease and they provided the basis of the biotechnology industry. Times, Sunday Times
  • And, in tandem with that, we have changes in printing technology, which have enormously reduced the cost of printing and publishing, even in traditional book form.
  • I think Israel tends to be at the leading edge of technological development.
  • Essentially the project will assess the question of whether a competitive advantage can be sustained through planned technological change.
  • There is a high risk in going it alone with unproven technology, and a further reputational risk if it fails to work and punters are left unhappy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Beef marbling is the important guideline of technology for high-quality beef.
  • This unity was to be rent asunder by changes in technology and by the impact of the Modern Movement in architecture.
  • Music, which mainly focused on techno and dance, simply wasn't interesting anymore.
  • state-of-the-art technology
  • Most of our leading technology companies have relied on risk-taking venture capitalists.
  • Now that's change for a man who in the past has been vehemently antitechnology. The Sun
  • It combines knowledge and technology of many scientific fields such as computer technology, computer graphics, sensor technology, biodynamics, clinical medicine and Virtual Reality.
  • While the budgets are still small, zippier film-making technology helps the pennies to go further. Times, Sunday Times
  • The retention of old technology has slowed the company's growth.
  • Also, CNN will be using something called "Crimson Hexagon technology," which is critical, because the hexagon is the most sci-fi of all the polygons. CNN's Election Night Will Be Full Of Mindbending Technological Overkill
  • The company commissioned research into consumer attitudes to new technology which showed that we are all a bunch of lily-livered, scaredy-cats when it comes to trying new gizmos.
  • Using advanced ceramics technology, these printers include a durable print drum with a super-hard coating that can produce up 300,000 pages of high-quality printing.
  • The hope is that all this technology will make it as efficient as possible. The Sun
  • Moyes does acknowledge that other putative claimants had seen the technology demonstrated.
  • Bob Lanza of Advanced Cell Technology in Worcester, Massachusetts cloned an endangered wild cattle species called the gaur using a cow's egg. New Scientist - Online News
  • The nation's current work force of scientific and technological specialists is unable to supply the pressing demand.
  • True, we are expected to moonwalk across the vast waters dividing technology from the masses and tiptoe back on egocentric eggshells, circumventing treacherous misunderstandings and political back-stabbing.
  • The school is now fully equipped and ready to strive for excellence in the world of information technology.
  • Don Fisk of Insight Technologies finishes his term as chairman of the board.
  • Update I think I got it a little bit wrong - technology can confuse me sometimes, folks.
  • We are lagging far behind our European competitors in using new technology.
  • ISIS argues that among the biggest threats posed by Pyongyang's perceived advancement in uranium-enrichment is the North's historical willingness to export its nuclear technologies. U.S. Expects to Restart Bilateral Talks With Pyongyang by January
  • It's easy to get carried away with technology, and obviously there are limitations and drawbacks to a network.
  • Electronic technology provides a single medium with the power to integrate diverse types of information.
  • The new technologies makes it possible to embed passive components such as condensers into printed circuit boards, such as FR4, thereby achieving miniaturization and cost reductions of circuit boards.
  • Stem cell technology may produce cures for Alzheimer's disease; vascular growth factors may enable the body to produce its own cardiac bypasses; and the elimination of metabolic derangements may cure phenylketonuria and diabetes.
  • Union policies for new technology represent an ambitious project and negotiation of technology agreements is still at an early stage.
  • This system was supplanted in 1963 by more modern recording technology that used a magnetic drum. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the late 1850s the speed of technological change quickened.
  • Most of the amputees, Kuniholm included, have elected to use simple, body-operated hooks whose basic technologies date back to World War I instead of the current generation of myoelectric arms that read muscle signals from electrodes on the skin. Move Over Prosthetic Arm | Impact Lab
  • At the same time, the information of flax biotechnology of anther culture, haploid breeding, utilization of somatic mutation, protoplasmic culture, gene transformation were introduced in detail.
  • Because although obviously the technology of both war and medicine has changed immeasurably from the dark ages to the modern day, I think the emotions of both have remained very much the same. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » AUTHOR INTERVIEW: Anna Elliott, part 1
  • An optical switch is one of several essential elements of fundamental technology required for optical signal processing in photonic networks of the future.
  • The space ship is cluttered with aging technology and tattered furniture - this is not the uniformly pristine and transfigured world of the typical sci-fi flick.
  • Pre-clinical data from earlier studies indicated significantly enhanced immune responses against the malaria parasite (circumsporozoite stage of the Plasmodium falciparum) when Crucell's AdVac� technology and GSK's RTS, S/AS technology are used in combination, versus either component alone. News Articles
  • Improved quality of care may account for the decrease in mortality, through new technologies or improved perioperative and post-operative care, or both.
  • The new technology switches engines off when they are not needed.
  • A number of new technologies will enable much more rapid development than was previously possible.
  • As technology improves, thereby making it possible to set a lower emission standard, new sources face increasingly more strict controls.
  • The media is investing hundreds of thousands of dollars into microtechnology because they see that as the big breakthrough in making the viewer of a sporting event more excited about what they're watching.
  • Crick, and his colleague Leslie Orgel, who originally suggested the idea with him, supposed that the bacteria had originally evolved by natural processes on the home planet, but they could equally, while in the mood for science fiction, have added a touch of nanotechnological artifice to the mix, something like the molecular gearwheel illustrated opposite. Scientists' Responses Solicited
  • Wall Street insiders attributed this bullishness to optimism about new technologies.
  • “The savings would come from standardizing and simplifying all sectors of the health care system; implementing measures to reduce overuse and underuse of health care; investing in effective treatment and prevention; and reducing costs by developing technology and regulatory reforms.” Duh pookie
  • Further, as a result of technological unemployment in agriculture, an increase of "pileup" in industrial employment has resulted. Postwar Toronto
  • The use of regional, social, and technology policies is also advocated to aid in the restructuring process.
  • Corrigendum 1 - Information technology -- Multimedia content description interface -- Part 12: Query format.
  • The United Kingdom is one of the leaders in open systems, which is a very important technological development.

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