How To Use Tax policy In A Sentence

  • Government tax policy has tilted toward industrial development.
  • I won" the election, he told Republicans on Friday when pressed about his tax policy -- a comment both the White House and GOP leaders described as lighthearted, though also matter-of-fact. Headlines
  • Good jobs depend on sound tax policy.
  • TAC and Front Porch Republic like to point out, corporatist thinking, which can only understand tax policy in economic terms, is really at tremendous odds with the kinds of 'noneconomic' productivity associated with individuals who count creating or maintaining families among their creative projects of highest achievement. The American Scene
  • They cannot do that by pegging tax policy to every movement in speculative prices. Times, Sunday Times
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  • We had a good paper on tax policy first, but Earlston spoiled the discussion. A DEATH IN TIME
  • Feldstein mentions some revenue-neutral tax jiggering that could be stimulative, but that sounds like fairly ordinary tax policy stuff to me.
  • Tax policy and budgetary decisions still favor the wealthy, and the stock market sets new records every week.
  • Reagan's television appearances furthermore were carefully scheduled to take place just prior to critical votes on his budgetary and tax policy.
  • Reagan's television appearances furthermore were carefully scheduled to take place just prior to critical votes on his budgetary and tax policy.
  • As the core issue of the state's tax system and tax policy, Macro-tax burden is used to analyze national macroeconomic policies, including both fiscal and tax policy effectiveness.
  • The disfigurement of market mechanism and the windage of fiscal and tax policy cause huge converse of value and tax burden between middle and west China and east China.
  • To a certain extent, China's actual tax policy of high-tech industry cannot completely embody the aim of industry policy and cannot speedily accelerate high-tech industry development.
  • Especially the purchase tax policy adjustments on speculative buying behaviour has played an effective disincentive .
  • This uneconomic tax policy represents a shift away from optimum fiscal principles.
  • The high tax policy is certainly unpopular, although it's unlikely to meet the soaring armament expenditures.
  • Second, trade, investment and tax policy must be changed to limit corporate mobility, and to block employers from shifting operations to avoid unionization.
  • This measure of state tax policy truly understates their contribution to the tragedy we call the Great Depression, but I’m sure the reader will get the picture. RETURN TO PROSPERITY
  • The tax policy Matt proposes is not a bad one, though you could probably get most of the positive effects without actually going that far. Matthew Yglesias » GDP Maximizing Policies
  • This measure of state tax policy truly understates the state and local tax contribution to the tragedy we call the Great Depression, but I'm sure the reader will get the picture. Blue Crab Boulevard
  • I wonder if Labour will backtrack on its tax policy and increase the brackets for income tax thresholds after learning of this poll - when your own base support is demanding change then you know you are in trouble.
  • Government tax policy has tilted toward industrial development.
  • Tax policy would be ruled by stubborn one-third minorities, many among them cruising for policy payoffs to drop their opposition.
  • Through the magic of budget projections known as "baselines" used to gauge the future impacts of proposed changes in tax policy. Gang of Six Plan Cuts Both Ways
  • Gross it up by your marginal rate of income tax and you see the full horrors of the Stealth Tax policy.
  • He also became known for his tart, slashing criticism about tax policy - including policies devised by people whose general goals he shared.
  • I won" the election, he told Republicans on Friday when pressed about his tax policy - a comment both the White House and GOP leaders described as lighthearted, though also matter-of-fact. - News
  • The high tax policy is certainly unpopular, although it's unlikely to meet the soaring armament expenditures.
  • Supply-siders argued that certain changes in tax policy--lowering marginal tax rates, reducing taxes on entrepreneurial income--were especially powerful, economically.
  • Reagan's television appearances furthermore were carefully scheduled to take place just prior to critical votes on his budgetary and tax policy.
  • In so doing, Congress is compounding the burden and is proposing to go far beyond any rational tax policy in what can only be described as a confiscatory manner. Alan Patricof: Unintended Consequences of the Enterprise Value Tax
  • Why the New Tax Policy of Renewable Resource Industry Lead to companies be in a Dilemma?
  • Tax policy drives employment-based insurance; this begets overinsurance and drives costs upward while creating inequities for the unemployed and self-employed. The Volokh Conspiracy » Dean Flier on Health Care Debate
  • Still unanswered is where the Tax Policy Center got those numbers for the 1% and. 1% group. Matthew Yglesias » Reuters Duped by Mitch McConnell
  • What must be of concern to the taxman is the way that those who claim non-dom status can effectively trump tax policy - and the clampdown in the Budget on anti-avoidance shows the issue is on the government's agenda. The most recent articles from Accountancy Age
  • The high tax policy is certainly unpopular, although it's unlikely to meet the soaring armament expenditures.
  • Granting favorable tax policy to low and medium income families.
  • Everybody believes that permanency and predictability in tax policy is the best way to do that.
  • I have weighed the yeas and nays with the kind of practiced, not to say jaundiced, assay that those of us in the opining rackets routinely bring to such emotionally resonant issues as, say, tax policy or the federal highway fund.

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