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tax policy

  1. a program for setting taxes

How To Use tax policy In A Sentence

  • Government tax policy has tilted toward industrial development.
  • I won" the election, he told Republicans on Friday when pressed about his tax policy -- a comment both the White House and GOP leaders described as lighthearted, though also matter-of-fact. Headlines
  • Good jobs depend on sound tax policy.
  • TAC and Front Porch Republic like to point out, corporatist thinking, which can only understand tax policy in economic terms, is really at tremendous odds with the kinds of 'noneconomic' productivity associated with individuals who count creating or maintaining families among their creative projects of highest achievement. The American Scene
  • They cannot do that by pegging tax policy to every movement in speculative prices. Times, Sunday Times
  • We had a good paper on tax policy first, but Earlston spoiled the discussion. A DEATH IN TIME
  • Feldstein mentions some revenue-neutral tax jiggering that could be stimulative, but that sounds like fairly ordinary tax policy stuff to me.
  • Tax policy and budgetary decisions still favor the wealthy, and the stock market sets new records every week.
  • Reagan's television appearances furthermore were carefully scheduled to take place just prior to critical votes on his budgetary and tax policy.
  • Reagan's television appearances furthermore were carefully scheduled to take place just prior to critical votes on his budgetary and tax policy.
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