How To Use Tattered In A Sentence
He fled wearing only a sarong and a tattered shirt.
Isn't there something revolting about catering to the imagined needs of a tiny group of spoiled ladies, a Marie Antoinette–ish situation that reached its apotheosis when John Galliano showed his infamous clochard collection—the word means bum or hobo in French, and the tattered gowns, hand-stenciled to look filthy, trailed pots, pans, and other refuse—at the 1997 Dior haute couture show?
Art in the Parks 3: Nan Kempner's Clothing
A collection of tattered men o'war and patched sloops is firing directly over the decks of the old admiral's flagship and into the area of HMS Brown.
There was no help for it, he had to be left there, and I went away with an anxious mind as to what his busy teeth would be employed upon all night; and, sure enough, next morning a velvet curtain was found nibbled and tattered, and being converted into a nest for the enterprising gerbille!
Wild Nature Won By Kindness
Four teens ran down the dirt path of a town, their clothes tattered and patched, but not dirty.

We also decided to get our tattered, old couch reupholstered, and I doubled our annual contribution to a local conservation group.
The young leaves of my magnolia look tattered and some have pale spots on the surface.
Rich men with tailored suits knelt by poor men in tattered clothes.
His tattered clothing indicated a traveler and a worker, but his stately manner leaned away from both of those.
The space ship is cluttered with aging technology and tattered furniture - this is not the uniformly pristine and transfigured world of the typical sci-fi flick.
The photograph depicts two youths in horrendously tattered rags.
As he drew closer he saw the different parts of the ship: the bulkhead, the mast, and the tattered remains of a sail.
She reached to untangle the reins and free the horse, the bushes scratching at her arms, snagging the sleeves of her now-tattered dress.
EL ALTO, Bolivia — Tattered dummies look down on this city from street poles in barren squares, like scarecrows for anyone with bad intentions.
The Wind From The South
When summer-flowering perennials such as bellflowers, geraniums, lychnis, Shasta daisies, and spiderworts finish blooming and start to look tattered, cut back their stems to the rosette of new foliage.
His pilgrimage is dogged by calamity, as oxen sicken and die, the cart carrying the bell catches fire, and waifs and strays join his tattered procession.
In one corner, an old bedstead stood, the tattered bedsheets fortified by a quilt that Charley recognized as her mother's handiwork.
The tattered clothes of the majority of shoeless, rural and urban poor are outward signs of the poverty they endure.
What harm is there if thy clothes become tattered and stained?
While the arguments for implementation of e-voting in a country that has a perniciously rose-coloured view of its technological status in this tattered chapter of the Celtic Tiger, the practical difficulties are actually quite large.
But we confess that it is a little mortifying to our pride of time and place, to meet an old beggar-woman, who from the dust on her tattered brogues has evidently marched miles from her last night's wayside howf, and who holds out her withered palm for charity, at an hour when a cripple of fourscore might have been supposed sleeping on her pallet of straw.
Recreations of Christopher North, Volume 2
Shrugging, Vicki lowered her gaze to her fingers picking at a tattered section of knee on her jeans.
She wore a tattered denim jumper and a white shirt that matched the spotted peeling wallpaper, and she knew nothing of wealth.
Sitting in his second-floor office down the tattered end of Islington, north London, he promises real change.
His fighting gear was singed and tattered, and his face and exposed flesh was scorched.
The striking picture reveals an eclectic mix of embryonic stars living in the tattered neighborhood of one of the most famous massive stars in our Milky Way galaxy, Eta Carinae.
He wore his gown till it was almost too tattered to hold together; and when he stood on the wooden bench by Big Hall steps to take call-over, it was with an air of mystic abandonment to ritual.
Goodbye, Mr Chips
This would place the bones' arrival in the early part of the 19th century, which is consistent with a 1905 photograph showing the bones already tattered and weather-beaten.
She was dressed in a tattered frock, and her hair was unwashed for days.
We have scavenged the burned-out theater next door for a filigreed floor-to-ceiling round mirror and a tattered poster of Sarah Bernhardt as Hamlet.
Even this old, tattered pashmina shawl of mine will not help matters.
Her tattered clothes look as if the woman herself has come through Hiroshima or Nagasaki.
Christianity Today
He produced a tattered envelope from his pocket.
The tattered old book is valuable and we need to rebind it
my torn and tattered past
The way they look - first prettily adorned, then by the end tattered - evokes the resplendence of Cio-Cio-San the bride, then the degradation that engulfs her as she nears her inevitable, ruinous end.
Screens evoke 'Butterfly' magic
She was dressed poorly in a tattered knit sweater and a shapeless skirt.
He wore nothing but stained and tattered rags, and his dreadlocks were a mane of raggedy hair, so he moved in the engine room in a kind of camouflage.
The Whale Warriors
This tradition, with its suspect promise of simplicity, has a tattered reputation because of its reductionism.
'By Seth's tattered and festering foreskin, I've not had so much sport since I tupped my first ewe!'
River God
My mother resorted to slicing that tattered shmatte in half every time it came out of the dryer.
Chicago Reader
For many years they fought like this, Hernando's spirit, like his reputation, growing tattered as an aged capote.
Carlos The Impossible (Part 2)
But you might lie round among grandmother's feet for days, and, except for a stray cuff in passing if she actually walked into you -- a cuff given in the purest spirit of love and good-will, and merely as a warning of the worse thing that might happen to you if you made her spill the dinner "sowens" -- you might spend your days in reading anything from the _Arabian Nights_ in Uncle Eben's old tattered edition to the mighty _Josephus_, all complete with plans and plates -- over which on
The Dew of Their Youth
She stared in horror at the whitened, frozen cadavers which lay there under a tattered, canvas sheet.
“Cool,” said a passing woman in tattered bell-bottom jeans.
The Dark Side of Innocence
He looked tattered and damp, as if he'd just done ten rounds of mud wrestling.
The comical little fellow wore an unbleached cotton shirt, and tattered pantaloons, with home-made suspenders or "gallowses.
Queer Stories for Boys and Girls
There was only a man in tattered blue dungarees hammering busily at a makeshift crush at the exit to the fold yard.
In case I die it would be a karmic accident sent here on earth for my forefathers sins to repent maundy thursday stations of the cross the holy month of lent desolate dissolute man he came he saw his death he need not invent an accident god sent hopes as large as mansions trying to fit in a tattered and torn tent silent scriptures bleeding sorrow
An Accident « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1
There it comes sliding down the luggage ramp: flattened, tattered, stained, wonderfully unappealing.
Their clothes are tattered, they are still building their huts.
Times, Sunday Times
I opened the door to be greeted by a rather tall, nice-looking man wearing a pair of tattered jeans and jacket.
She peered at the appointment register, torn and tattered, with crossings out, sections covered over with white-out and written on again, arrows, inserts, every kind of revision mark you can imagine.
The noise reduction achieved from the tattered fringe makes owls the quietest flying birds, Lilley said.
Still, at the time of her trial it was well documented that she suffered from battered women's syndrome, a state hallmarked by depression, anxiety, fear, and tattered self-esteem.
SaraKay Smullens: A Letter to Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen: Mercy for Gaile Owens
On a main road leading north of Kabul, another refugee pushed a cart piled high with pots and pans, a metal trunk and a few tattered carpets.
But the graveyard was as empty and unthreatening as it had been when I arrived, and the tattered man was nowhere to be seen.
His tattered clothes hung loosely on his pale and thin skeleton as he thrust three bottles of scotch to the side.
But the little uppermost room was empty, except for a dusty sheepskin jacket and a pair of tattered sandals.
What the Bee Knows - reflections on myth, symbol and story
He would practically need to cart the tattered remains around in a wheelchair after high days and holidays.
Times, Sunday Times
The regime, though, no longer appears concerned with salvaging its tattered reputation abroad.
Times, Sunday Times
She was the least savant of the group, according to her tattered footwear, and her lackey hair job tailed the backwoods hillbilly aura about her.
He had a long dark brown mustache and bushy eyebrows, his dark blue shirt was tattered and torn.
By the time Sara had made her delivery - in a rainstorm - tattered Mylar hung forlornly from a warped and woebegone frame.
The South African flag is tattered and faded, is usually wrapped around the flagpole and looks a sorry sight.
There was only a man in tattered blue dungarees hammering busily at a makeshift crush at the exit to the fold yard.
All he had on was a pair of tattered shorts.
Mr Haw's collection of tattered banners covers 60 feet, and is an eyesore.
She dirties her hands and feet, splashes paint onto her skin or pinches it with clothespins, squeezes herself into cupboards and detached fireplace moldings, wraps herself in tattered wallpaper peeling from the walls, crouches barefoot amongst the dust and detritus and reclines in display cases alongside taxidermied rodents.
Larissa Archer: Artist Unbound: Francesca Woodman at SFMOMA
The only thing that dislodged was her navy blue Swiss polka dot skirt which dropped over her upside down head revealing a tattered pair of grayish cotton underpants and some nylons that were tied in knots behind her knee.
Rakishly thin, he wore tattered cords that rode half way up his skeleton legs.
He sees himself as flying a tattered flag.
Times, Sunday Times
As you can imagine, when he finally got to my office, his self-esteem was badly tattered.
But beyond the baize door there were shadows, there was dust, windows draped in cobwebs, before which hung curtains tattered and faded, drooping from their poles like the old banners that, slowly rotting in great cathedrals, sway in the quiet air where no wind is – stirred, perhaps, by the breath of Fame's invisible trumpet to the air of old splendours and glories.
The House of Arden
He was wearing a tattered coat.
I walk away cautiously, tip toeing along the path, aware of the many holes in my tattered hiking boots.
Some are so well thumbed that the tattered pages look ready to crumble.
Storm-swiped vessels with broken masts and tattered sails beached alongside the dock, frail and weather-beaten, but home from the squall.
Wisps of straw protrude from the creature's sleeves and the collar of its tattered shirt.
He dressed like a willful teenager, favoring jeans so tattered you could see his boxer shorts through them.
There was only a man in tattered blue dungarees hammering busily at a makeshift crush at the exit to the fold yard.
I had to dry my perspiration-soaked hands on the tattered, dirty-gray interior of the hooptie.
Show Stoppah
You could see the homeless on the streets, in their tattered rags and scraps of what were once new, clean clothes; they were all begging.
There is no pulpit; the only ornament is a rude representation of the Meccan Mosque, nailed like a pothouse print to the wall; and the sole articles of furniture are ragged mats and old boxes, containing tattered chapters of the Koran in greasy bindings.
First footsteps in East Africa
The doorkeeper went, and what he saw was a lank grey beggarman, half his sword bared behind his haunch, his two old shoes full of cold road-a-wayish water sousing about him, the tips of his two ears out through his old hat, his two shoulders out through his scant tattered cloak, and in his hand a three-stringed harp.
Celtic Fairy Tales
A tattered flag hung from the roof of the burnt - out building.
He fled wearing only a sarong and a tattered shirt.
He produced a tattered envelope from his pocket.
It's organic, it's witty, it's nasty, it's gaudy, it takes a tattered sheet of reality and darns the holes with glittering thread.
They were mostly old, tattered, and evidently well-read paperbacks.
The regime, though, no longer appears concerned with salvaging its tattered reputation abroad.
Times, Sunday Times
the tattered flag
She arose, striking her tattered dress to shake the dust and dirt from it.
A tattered knave arrived at this dressing-room, deposited his thirty sous and selected, according to the part which he wished to play, the costume which suited him, and on descending the stairs once more, the knave was a somebody.
Les Miserables
There he discovered a very tall and shapely woman who barely managed to cover herself with tattered clothing by moving it with her elbows.
He lay motionless, dressed in dirty tattered clothes.
THE LOST KING OF FRANCE: Revolution, Revenge and the Search for Louis XVII
On display were corsets in shimmering silks, empire line tops and dresses, cotton layer skirts with tattered hemlines.
Although I would find them much less to my taste nowadays, I still have those novels on my shelf, tattered and yellowed as they are.
A handsome nerd, he loves computers and gadgets, but also obsessively fills tattered scrapbooks with sketches, old postcards and sentimental family snaps.
One day Laurel stumbles on a stranger, a tattered young man who plays the flute.
Times, Sunday Times
Applying wall finishes can give tattered walls a unique look by using different techniques such as texturizing with paint and plaster or wall stenciling to hide any imperfections.
Nevertheless, life goes on, and time marches forward, even if it leaves its scuff marks on our bruised and tattered bodies, its foot prints on our souls.
Slightly apart stand a line of khaki-clad men, ancients with grizzled beards and yellow, rheumy eyes, dressed in tattered uniforms and battered solar topis.
And yet, I feel that the tide turned on that mudbank; at least, after a long nightmare, I can say that there followed a period of comparative calm, for me, in which I was able to recruit my tattered nerves, and take stock, and start planning how to get the devil out of this Indian pickle and back to England and safety.
We also explore how far banks have to go to restore their tattered reputations and rebuild consumer trust.
Times, Sunday Times
The doorkeeper went, and what he saw was a lank, grey beggarman; half his sword bared behind his haunch, his two shoes full of cold road-a-wayish water sousing about him, the tips of his two ears out through his old hat, his two shoulders out through his scant tattered cloak, and in his hand a green wand of holly.
Celtic Fairy Tales
A tattered white sheet drops from the ceiling to serve as background for the requisite digital photo, which she takes of each entrant as part of the 10 birr she charges per submission.
Playing the U.S. Visa Lottery in Ethiopia
His eyes were red and bloodshot and he looked worn and tattered with emotion.
It was a tattered, ring-bound thing from the early seventies with a lurid photo of some hippy, with a goatee beard and two-foot long sideburns, sitting cross-legged on the cover.
His build made up for his shortness, his broad shoulders clearly apparent under a torn and tattered linen shirt.
He dug in his pocket and brought out a handful of tattered notes.
Ensor, who said he was a former Navy frogman and SEAL, had a thin moustache and wore a tattered green beret at a jaunty angle.
Heroes or Villains?
Dominguez's tattered adorableness at the beginning, the way she warbles about what Glen Campbell would call the dreams of an everyday housewife, her lambent and then incandescent love for Seymour, all this she conveys with passion and conviction.
James Scarborough: Little Shop of Horrors, STAGEStheatre, Fullerton
After that much tattered, much traveled flag from the World Trade Center -- our homegrown Shroud of Turin -- joined Sting, LeAnn Rimes, Yo-Yo Ma and President George W. Bush to sacralize the already-simon-pure precincts of Salt Lake City.
Corruption: A Spectator Sport
Absinthe and tattered clothes are no longer the attributes of the new.
The gray-haired soap box orator in the tattered Mao jacket responded to the gaze of our camera by climbing up on the top of a trishaw, waving his hands at us in a ritualized, almost theatrical way, not unlike the way officials did on TV.
Leap not from my car, even though I realize — given my confessed extramarital affair, avowed childhood desire to see my father explode into flames, and carpet of tattered Happy Meal wrappers — I may not strike you as the most reliable explicator of modern marriage.
Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off
It was tattered and dog-eared, and its margins bore notes in my mother's girlish hand.
‘I've been living on the streets for a long, long time, just sleeping in old bioscopes,’ she says, wrapping her tattered jersey around her frail shoulders.
The armoured shrouds on the four turbines looked tattered like ancient lace.
She sits out front under a tattered awning all day in school holidays, watching people, drinking from a two litre flagon of sherry.
Clovers in her hair
He lay motionless, dressed in dirty tattered clothes.
THE LOST KING OF FRANCE: Revolution, Revenge and the Search for Louis XVII
No, burnt umber, which is the colour of the tattered shorts my dad used to wear.
May The Four Winds Blow You Safely Home
And I forgot to mention the billboards – giant things stretching from the ground up to about 15 – 20 feet up, typically in garish yellow or red, no pictures, just Chinese characters, and frequently tattered, faded, and torn.
A Much Too Long Short Vacation « Hyperpat’s HyperDay
He greeted me with a toothy smile, wearing ripped jeans and a tattered t-shirt.
Now we were driving through bleak glens with stunted conifers, gushing ice-melt streams and mist snagged in tattered veils on the crags like the wraiths of lost warriors.
He was shabbily dressed, but not in tattered rags as many of the beggars had been.
Their clothes are tattered, they are still building their huts.
Times, Sunday Times
From her tattered old dress and boots full of holes, Josie knew this girl must not have much money.
Yeats had his own solution: "An aged man is but a paltry thing, /A tattered coat upon a stick, unless /Soul clap hands and sing, and louder sing / For every tatter in its mortal dress.
Peter Davis: Milestone or Millstone?
He may have gained the world and lost himself; and with all his wealth around him, in a great house and spacious and beautiful demesne, he may live as blank a life as any tattered ditcher.
Lay Morals
The cloud deck was rendered into a thousand tattered black banners, streaming overhead.
The idea seemed to be that tattered jeans were somehow redolent with realness, or even a kind of sociopolitical cachet.
Anatomy Of A Fad
A sigh of accomplishment escaped from my mouth as I finally pulled out an old book, tattered and torn.
He stood behind the bar, cleaning shot glasses with a tattered old dishrag.
I looked up at the jungle canopy above me and saw a tattered cloth tangled in the treetops.
There are some women who think motherhood is an excuse to wear a tattered, stained, wrinkled, baggy T-shirt with schlumpy pleated khakis and a pair of sneakers that look like you need to head for the hills if they ever took them off in your presence.
He slammed the door shut behind him and pulled down a tattered green shade.
At the corner of the lane, Rawnose the pedlar was standing with his tray slung around his neck by a tattered red ribbon.
As for women having an infantile essential nature, which desires innocence and vacuity above all other sexual traits, leading to an unparalleled state of happy brainlessness -- gosh, how do you even begin to document that, outside of scripture and tattered Catholic catechism pamphlets?
Susie Bright: Why Lying About Monogamy Matters -- Ross Douthat's Happy Ending
He had a black bandanna tied around his forehead and he was wearing a tattered blue uniform.
He lay motionless, dressed in dirty tattered clothes.
THE LOST KING OF FRANCE: Revolution, Revenge and the Search for Louis XVII
Eventually I tacked the map, considerably tattered and worn, to the wall of my room, on the second floor of our three-bedroom, two-and-a-half-bath pseudo-colonial tract house on Eliots Oak Road.
He dressed like a willful teenager, favoring jeans so tattered you could see his boxer shorts through them.
Well, he was a jimdandy, wa'n't 'e?" said the tattered man as if in response.
The Red Badge of Courage
She drew herself up, pulled at the lapels of her tattered jacket as though it were an evening coat, flicked at an invisible cape, harrumphed a few times, and pronounced: ‘After you, sirrah.’
The amorous fury of Daughter of the Pigeon melted into gratitude, and after two drinks apiece the company galloped away, leaving me to repair tattered garments and thank my stars for my supply of _namu_.
White Shadows in the South Seas
Among them were both female and male, clothed in tattered dark garb, skin pale and sometimes scarred in the case of the males.
The clothing she wore last year is tattered and frayed, but still recognizable.
These women, of every age of life, with their tattered rags falling off their thin arms, stood silent as we passed.
He surveyed the two; Jarvis was tattered and scratched, but apparently in better condition than Leroy, whose dapperness was completely lost.
Valley of Dreams
She is now in her early 40s, weather-beaten and prematurely aged, wearing only a tattered, faded sari that ends high above the ankles.
He would practically need to cart the tattered remains around in a wheelchair after high days and holidays.
Times, Sunday Times
a man in a tattered shirt
It would transform the image of State education, and do the tattered Royal image no harm either.
He was wearing a torn buri-palm hat and tattered whitish shirt.
On the day of our visit, a little old man in tattered pinstripes wondered aloud, ‘Is it him?’
With most of the eyewitnesses gone, however, and the tattered clippings picked dry, writers are left to "reinterpret" the facts, leaning heavily on imagination.
NYT > Home Page
A lone figure in tattered oily rags walked away from the work pit, ignoring the grunts and noise as slaves returned to their tasks.
To one side, the tattered remnants of spacesuits collected dust on old shelves.
He dressed like a willful teenager, favoring jeans so tattered you could see his boxer shorts through them.
He lay motionless, dressed in dirty tattered clothes.
THE LOST KING OF FRANCE: Revolution, Revenge and the Search for Louis XVII
As finances permitted, in the living room and one bedroom the dark and tattered wallpapers were stripped and a decorator skilled at papering scrim walls put up new wallpaper.
The sword licked out, and there was a cry, and something with tattered wings and a terrible face separated from the seething mob, as the spirit of a small child, faded and frightened, dropped out of it.
The Wizard Of London
She clutched a dirty, tattered blanket around her shoulders—and was that just a nightshirt beneath the blanket?
Slightly apart stand a line of khaki-clad men, ancients with grizzled beards and yellow, rheumy eyes, dressed in tattered uniforms and battered solar topis.
His industry is dominated by oiled-up musclemen like Hulk Hogan and The Rock -- yet he became a worldwide celebrity wearing a tattered red flannel shirt and pulling a sock puppet from his pants.
Jason Pinter: Authors Mick Foley And Jason Pinter Talk Politics, Philanthropy And Barbed Wire
He could even feel a few broken ribs through her ripped and tattered clothing.
In her hand was a tattered old photograph.
High costs of barbering and laundering made middle-class decorum impractical, but, even if a clean-shaven, white-shirted appearance were possible, everyone preferred tattered clothing, adorned with a revolver and bowie knife.
Their riders, with tattered clothing, unshaved faces and thin daggers caused his hand to tighten on his sword hilt.
With a sigh, he picked up his tattered spell book and started to look through it again.
He had loved other little boys and girls transitorily, none had been frequent and familiar enough to strike deep roots in his heart, and he had grown up with a tattered and dissipated affectionateness that was becoming wildly shy.
The History of Mr. Polly
A tattered topographic map will lead you along ancient, stone-stepped passageways.
Three tattered sheets of TP hang off the edge of the cardboard roll, mocking you.
In those waste regions of oblivion, dusky banners and tattered escutcheons indicated the graves of those who were once, doubtless, “princes in Israel.”
Rob Roy
The woman went back into her bedroom and slipped into an old pair of tattered jeans and soiled t-shirt from off the floor and plucked the blue contacts out from her eyes, replacing them with glasses.
Within the barbican was another group of veteran invalids, one mounting guard at the portal, while the rest, wrapped in their tattered cloaks, slept on the stone benches.
The Alhambra
I wouldn't mind if the flag was tattered and torn - I would be happy to buy a new one.
They claim a tattered and neglected mummy found in a tomb in the Valley of the Kings is probably Queen Nefertiti, stepmother of the boy pharaoh Tutankhamun.
Those books are my constant friends and if they look a bit tattered and worn, well, so do I.
Complain expected to be relieved of his dazer, but instead, Hawl, having exchanged a few words with his tattered friends, led them out to another corridor.
Today we have the tattered remnants of a containment policy, which was reasonably effective for a few years.
When he felt up to it, he launched himself back into life, leaving behind selected items for safekeeping: his Highland dancing pumps, army hat and journals crammed with cryptic pieces of tattered paper.
The only copy I had of the album was an old tattered cassette I recorded from my college radio station's scratchy vinyl copy.
The grounds around the manor were permitted for the hunting recreation of the lord and lady alone; no such serf, villein, or peasant could so much as touch a tattered bow and expect to shoot anything with it.
Ay, Dougal!" shouted a tattered hostler, running up to grab the halter of the lead horse.
Sick Cycle Carousel
But, two-and-a-half years later, things haven't quite gone to plan and Stanley's dreams of fame and fortune lie tattered and torn.
One day Laurel stumbles on a stranger, a tattered young man who plays the flute.
Times, Sunday Times
a tattered barefoot boy
The santera shuffled the tattered cards with years of ease and familiarity.
STRIKE A POSE by Donnàrd Ricardo Sturgis | Fiction | Futurismic
Leonard was a very tall young man, with bright blonde hair poking out from under his tattered cowboy hat.
Her burial shroud was tattered and ripped, her feet were stripped to the bone and a disgusting, black tongue wriggled around in her mouth.
Many of the poor ride bicycles, wear old and sometimes tattered clothing, and live in thatched homes.
They were dressed and starring blankly around the room at the other girls who were obviously forcing themselves out of bed and into their tattered rags.
For the final piece, the tattered, perforated forepaper hung from thin silver prongs protruding from the wall.
One winter's night, an old beggar woman in tattered grey clothes came to the castle and offered him a single perfect red rose in return for shelter from the bitter storm.
He eyed the old man, his tattered coat and worn trousers, his grimy neckcloth.
The Year of Living Scandalously
Kyle opens the door and strolls into the gallery wearing leather chaps and a tattered sombrero.
Against this flat, white background Jancso manipulates his characters: the members of Raday's force in their black cloaks; a peasant woman with a black headsquare; a mass of tattered people with rugged, resigned, tired faces.