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How To Use Tanned In A Sentence

  • Confident, tanned and talkative, he looked the epitome of the champion he longs to be again. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her dress showed her tanned skin to great advantage.
  • In one, a rear view, Tritia was bent over the back of a couch, offering to the camera a perfect shot of her white untanned ass. Baby Games
  • He pressed his palm against Rob's chest, felt his heart beating slowly beneath the smooth, tanned skin and taut muscles.
  • He had steely blue eyes and almost perfect tanned skin.
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  • The image shows a slightly chubby-faced man with receding, dark cropped hair, tanned skin and stubble.
  • They discover some pirate treasure at the bottom of the ocean, while looking ripped, tanned and clad in the skimpiest of skimpy clothes.
  • She points to the Oscar Party Legs, the ones a drunken Jack Nicholson tried to violate after he won for Cuckoo's Nest, and the understated Nonprofit Fundraiser Legs she wore to Jerry Lewis Telethons, and the fake-tanned State Dinner with Reagan and Gorbachev Legs that the Secretary of State made her cover up with a long hemline, because their shade matched Gorbachev's birthmark. Centipede
  • His sandy blonde hair contrasted with his dark tanned skin, implying that he was at the beach often.
  • That lady, having discovered that her guest's gloves needed mending, was working over them with pieces of Indian-tanned buckskin and beeswaxed thread, the picture of domestic content. The Ranch at the Wolverine
  • Edouard Collin is a tall wisp of a French teenager, all well-tanned Parisian sinew with a sharp-angled, warmly expressive face born to be placed in front of a camera.
  • Tight hot pants hugged our behinds and exposed lengths of tanned legs. Myrtle Beach Daze
  • Today he's a small wiry man with weather-beaten tanned skin, an equally small moustache, sparkly eyes and a ready grin.
  • For person and complexion they haue broade and flatte visages, of a tanned colour into yellowe and blacke, fierce and cruell lookes, thinne haired vpon the upper lippe, and pitte of the chinne, light and nimble bodied, with short legges, as if they were made naturally for horsemen: whereto they practise themselues from their childhood, seldome going afoot about anie businesse. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • ‘You're forgetting one very important thing,’ implied Tyler, crossing his lean, tanned arms.
  • President Barack Obama "suntanned" even though he caused a political Premier Silvio Berlusconi had his first meeting Saturday with Pope Benedict XVI since the Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico ... scandal surrounding Silvio Berlusconi ... - Articles related to Global hunger worsening, warns UN
  • The yet untanned autumn faces of the foreigners grew paler as they heard glass shattering.
  • He has nice tanned skin and tattoos. The Sun
  • Now 71, he is tanned and tall, with a slight stoop.
  • Using daily dosages equivalent to the threshold dose for erythema production in untanned human skin, he found that the peak carcinogenic response occurred at 310 nm.
  • His tanned shoulders pinked and heat dried the pomade in his long hair where he had slicked it back. GRACED LAND
  • Their skin was tanned and glowing from their weeks at the sea.
  • The same light slanted across her face, illuminating her pale green eyes and making her slightly tanned skin glow.
  • More than 95 percent of leather produced in the U.S. is tanned using trivalent and/or hexavalent chromium, the latter of which is an EPA-recognized carcinogen.
  • Her brown hair was sharply cut off below her chin and swung freely around matching brown eyes encircled by tanned skin.
  • There is no connection between the phrase and the actual blood color of nobility; however, in the ancient and medieval societies of Europe, much of the upper class may have had superficial veins that appeared blue through their untanned skin, in contrast with the working class of the time, mainly agricultural peasants who spent most of their time working outdoors and thus had tanned skin. A terribly painful conversation.
  • Suntanned and relaxed, looking calmly about the room, he appeared completely in command.
  • This condition causes increased dark patches on pale or untanned skin and light patches on tanned or darker skin.
  • He was tanned and wearing aviator sunglasses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Brown, the primary colour of bulldust, described her culture shock at arriving in Brisbane to be confronted by suntanned Queenslanders who look like crustaceans decked out in floral prints and mirror sunglasses…
  • Research published last month by the charity found that more than one in four sunbed users aged between 18 and 24 said they were unconcerned about the health risks posed by sunbeds, while 53% of the same age group believed tanned skin has become more fashionable. Kate Moss agency Storm to raise awareness of sunbed dangers
  • I breathe in the tanned, tattooed skin on his hard body, smelling of tobacco and the earth. Times, Sunday Times
  • They should be tanned with special high-quality vegetable tans (such as sumac and tara). Times, Sunday Times
  • And the following day Cobblers Cove is filled from end to end with tanned Sydneysiders, wearing as few clothes as the Aboriginals when Captain Cook first sailed in.
  • She had pulled up the lower edges of her trunks and exposed half moons of untanned flesh.
  • He was tanned and wearing aviator sunglasses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Strong, bronzy lips are stunning when you are tanned or have medium or dark skin. Best in Beauty
  • He's tanned, there's a puckish glint in his eye and his Coventry accent is proudly unblunted by his years in academia.
  • For the chair he chose was carved of tigerwood, comfortably cushioned with soft doeskin tanned to a golden hue. Sun In Glory
  • Her eyes were a light green, which gave her an exotic look with her lightly tanned skin.
  • He was dressed neatly enough, but not too poshly, and he had dark brown hair, tanned skin and piercing greenish-blue eyes.
  • He would then be tanned, rested and ready to carry his home state in a future presidential run-assuming he wins the statehouse, that is. Capitol Letter: A Problem With The Messenger
  • Suddenly a flurry of movements was shown on the screen and my brother's slightly tanned face appeared.
  • OK, since I'm not a fan of the tanned look, I'll definitely not be buying the bronzer, but I'm interested in the eye shadow.
  • The tanned, trim body was wearing a blue-and-white striped jersey with the sleeves pushed up and gabardine pants.
  • We saw a deeply tanned, muscular young man wearing aviator glasses.
  • The man who faced her looked to be middle-aged, with dark, swept back hair and suntanned skin, with brown eyes set under black brows.
  • I tilted my head backward from its position on his shoulder and looked upward at his strong suntanned face and intoxicating blue eyes.
  • Jessica is tanned and has shoulder-length brown hair while Holly is fair and has blonde hair.
  • So, sir stranger, thou art not ill-favoured from a woman's point of view, which was thy real object in coming to Thebes; thy hair is long because thou hast never been a wrestler, flowing right down thy cheeks most wantonly; thy skin is white to help thee gain thy end, not tanned by ray of sun, but kept within the shade, as thou goest in quest of love with beauty's bait. The Bacchantes
  • Inuit women sewed parkas from tanned animal hides until modernization led to the use of duffel wool.
  • In the spring, my two brothers and I made candles from tallow, tanned hides, and helped sheer the sheep.
  • His charcoal eyes were encased in a slightly oval, tanned face.
  • He is stocky and tanned and is wearing Bermuda shorts and sandals. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her face was perfectly formed with high cheekbones and tanned smooth skin.
  • Yet I was so drunk with what I was doing, and her dark hair, tanned skin and chocolate eyes were all that was needed in order for me to set loose on her.
  • Last year he raised eyebrows by calling U.S. President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle 'suntanned'. Tundra Tabloids.......
  • He was dressed in a softly tanned deer - skin wrapped around his waist a thong of rawhide.
  • The tooling was done by damping the surface of the tanned leather and pressing or sometimes stamping the design in with a fairly sharp metal, bone or wooden tool.
  • Dark tall and with the most tanned, muscular body he's into triathlons. The Sun
  • Shielding the bright sun from her eyes with a suntanned hand and grinning widely, she opened her arms and the girl leapt gleefully into them.
  • We took his meat home, and had his skin tanned for a sleigh robe. Beautiful Joe: An Autobiography
  • Every inch of exposed skin was tanned from the sun, but not to an extreme.
  • The grisly-minded Rawlins doctor, John Osborne, took over the corpse, cut off the top of the skull, and flayed large sections of skin from the body, skin which he ordered tanned and made into a pair of shoes. Bird Cloud
  • He is tanned in appearance and has slightly long, dark hair.
  • The artichoke was plump and juicy, served with bright red tomatoes that looked more suntanned than sun-dried.
  • He will not accept my son as a person who is different religion, naturally tanned, curly hair. The Sun
  • Healthy, fit, tanned, good with their hands - a hot-blooded Viking could come across and pluck me from the office any day.
  • Last year he caused outrage by describing President Obama as 'suntanned'. Home | Mail Online
  • One boy is tanned and shiny from the water, but most of the rest have gangly, pale, mottled bodies; they are wearing baggy underwear or ill-fitting hand-me-downs.
  • Kurt Forster was an impressive man, tall and tanned and wiry with fierce green eyes and shaggy blond hair.
  • For the individuals that live here that can't afford cable - and there's a lot of them - you can watch and get the news," says Patty Fraser, a local resident who likes watching CHCH's personalities, including tanned and square-jawed "weathercaster" Matt Hayes, a "constant Hamilton man. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • You can naturally remove a tan and whiten your skin by a process known as exfoliation --- the removal of outer, tanned layers of dead skin, revealing the lighter skin underneath. EHow - Health How To's
  • She takes off with a perma-tanned Portuguese slicker who involves her in embezzlement and fraud.
  • It is an overwhelming, overflowing kaleidoscope of color, faces, tanned bodies, trophies, medals and ribbons.
  • He peeled off his T-shirt, revealing a chunky tanned torso that reeked of Lifebuoy soap.
  • This isn't reality TV!" they splutter, settling in for 60 solid minutes watching a woman fake-tanned the shade of a third-degree burn glueing diamante craft beads on to her vagina. Grace Dent's TV OD
  • Why, sir, his hide is so tanned with his trade, that he will keep out water a great while; and your water is a sore decayer of your whoreson dead body. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
  • This is the chemical that reacts with the amino acids in the skin to make us look tanned. The Sun
  • The Leopard is a picture of Fordian landscapes made grimily tactile through the sweat and dust coating the actors' tanned visages and finely tailored costumes.
  • Her skin was tanned and freckled, and the girl was positively cute.
  • His lightly muscled tanned bare skin glistened in the sun and he felt very much like an article on display.
  • We're too hairy, too flabby, too veiny, un-tanned, our boobs are too small, our biceps are too undefined.
  • After 6 weeks in the Himalayas, I am deeply tanned from the neck up (and wrists out) and I am 21 pounds lighter. Yes, I'm Back - NASA Watch
  • A flight from Milan or maybe Paris arrives, and they rush up to enthusiastically kiss and cuddle a tanned young man pushing a baggage trolley.
  • You were few and far between, but it was worth the wait - if you're into that whole surfer grungy tanned beach boy look.
  • Sarah's yellow summer dress blew against her long, tanned legs as she sifted through a flower pot half-filled with gravel. The Probability of Him
  • It was made of cheap leather patches haphazardly sewn together pieces of tanned hide.
  • The hide is tanned for leather.
  • Expensively tanned retirees brayed across the foyer of Perth's ice-rink to people they hadn't seen since before last year's Med cruise.
  • I had a big tanned U on my back from constantly wearing swimming togs.
  • The gift shop at the Jicarilla museum provides an outlet for the sale of locally crafted Jicarilla traditional items, including basketry, beadwork, feather work, and finely tanned buckskin leather.
  • They always seemed so blasé, so effortlessly cool; insouciant, suntanned, with great clothes.
  • A bewildered Uncle Sal scurried next to him, almost identically dressed, supported by Herman's tanned arm. RUNNING FROM THE LAW
  • You're so untanned you're practically grey... Well, you want to send out for pizza? MY BABYSITTER HAS FANGS
  • Last year he caused outrage by describing the US President as "suntanned". Undefined
  • Dark tall and with the most tanned, muscular body he's into triathlons. The Sun
  • As I came into the playgrounds this morning, I saw a dashing young fellow, with a tanned face and a blond moustache, who was walking up and down the green arm-inarm with Champion Major, and followed by a little crowd of boys. Dr. Birch and his young friends
  • Its cloth is made from the finest New Zealand hide and tanned with cod oil. Times, Sunday Times
  • These skins are both tanned and tawed, the principal tanning agent being the mimosa bark.
  • The "hide" of the bean may be similarly "tanned" -- the shell certainly becomes leathery Cocoa and Chocolate Their History from Plantation to Consumer
  • Next to his tanned face, hers seemed pallid and unhealthy.
  • The Instructor was tanned, bored, had bandy legs, roamed around saying nothing and then wrote his name in big letters on the board.
  • They previously noted that the edema response for hairless mice closely approximated the erythema reaction of untanned Caucasian human skin, with nearly identical action spectra.
  • His tanned face was wreathed in smiles and he hugged his two small children and gave his wife a kiss.
  • The implant mimics the body 's natural defences and makes patients look tanned. The Sun
  • Every few days I would go to the beach and spend hours on end surfing and getting tanned and going to the seafood shop and buying calamari and oysters and clams to eat.
  • I breathe in the tanned, tattooed skin on his hard body, smelling of tobacco and the earth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Michelle was a lightly tanned and very pretty Italian girl about my age who wore a light blue shirt and a denim skort.
  • Dark tall and with the most tanned, muscular body he's into triathlons. The Sun
  • He is brown, not to say bronzed, tanned to the colour of nutmeg.
  • Whereas Christopher, a writer, should be pasty white and horribly pale, like a baker, not tanned like some playboy off a yacht.
  • Unlike many redheads she was tanned to a coppery colour.
  • The hide is tanned for leather.
  • She still has nicely tanned skin, chiseled facial features and a tough, determined look.
  • She was wearing a red miniskirt from beneath which stretched acres of perfectly toned, perfectly tanned leg. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is stocky and tanned and is wearing Bermuda shorts and sandals. Times, Sunday Times
  • The muscles in his forearms tapered into strong, tanned hands and calloused fingertips.
  • My mother did beadwork, tanned all the skins, sewed furs, made soap, smoked meat.
  • On the other side, the backpackers, tanned and fit, casually shoulder their rucksacks and adjust their sunglasses.
  • But one time my dad shot a bear skinned it out but letf the skull and all in the hide threw it in the freezer in a garbage bag wiating for it to get tanned. neverr did get tanned several years later my grandma goes in to the deepfreeze opens up the bag only to have a a big old black bear looking her in the face. A Freezer Full of Mystery
  • His strongly - built body and suntanned skin make him look a sportsman.
  • Long black hair, brown eyes, creamy untanned skin. Minnesota Menage
  • Roan leather is nothing but sheep-skin, stained or colored; basil or basan is sheepskin tanned in bark, while roan is tanned in sumac, and most of the so called moroccos are also sheep, ingeniously grained by a mechanical process. A Book for All Readers An Aid to the Collection, Use, and Preservation of Books and the Formation of Public and Private Libraries
  • The pelt, which is unaltered by the hydroquinone bath, on being removed from the latter, and in the presence of alkali, assumes a red colour at first, which changes into violet, blue, and finally brown, the pelt being thereby converted into a quinone-tanned leather. Synthetic Tannins
  • Kurt Forster was an impressive man, tall and tanned and wiry with fierce green eyes and shaggy blond hair.
  • Modern bags are often made from tanned sheepskin cut to shape, rubber, or rubberized cloth.
  • He had a tough tanned face and clear eyes.
  • This compares with shipments of feathers, for instance, valued at [pounds sterling] 135,453 over the same period, or of untanned cowhides priced at [pounds sterling] 3 million.
  • All tied up Dare to bare a tanned midriff. The Sun
  • A tanned woman with very blonde hair and long legs, wearing a sheer pinafore and a light-blue bikini underneath, climbed on to a table and started taking photographs.
  • The department of manufactures was represented by massive furniture in calamander, ebony, and satinwood, carved with the most elaborate devices, dainty laces made by the nimble fingers of village women, beautiful productions on tortoise shell and gold, heavily embroidered cloths of gold, and a large collection of the various curios for which the East is famous, besides a display of tanned hides and jewelry of exceptional merit. Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission
  • It wells up her perfectly tanned throat and finally she starts to shake, honey blonde hair cascading over slim shoulders.
  • There is something too controlling about Britney with her tanned shiny skin, tight smile and big forehead.
  • Luckily their fellow traveller is not new to this, and a brilliant shot with guns with silver bullets .... it seems that his tanned face may once have worn a mask ... Archive 2007-10-01
  • Toned, tanned and without an ounce of fat, they are the focus of all attention, and usually know it.
  • A shirtless, belly scared, sag titted, (but nicely tanned) thousand year old man came up to me and accusatorially asked if a pile of trash (about 50 feet from us,) belonged to me. Archive 2006-10-01
  • I would watch the dark, tanned bodies of fishermen, untangling their seine, getting ready for the toils of the day.
  • He was young and tanned with a floppy mop of hair under his helmet.
  • The man who stood there was quite small, with a heavily tanned face, clipped moustache, dark wavy hair. A SEASON IN HELL
  • He looked tanned and well rested after his vacation.
  • However, the only ‘great whites’ likely to be on display are the untanned torsos of some of the bathers or the gleaming smiles of the children as they play in the water, unaware that inflatable sharks will be prowling the pool.
  • It was obvious that the men were brothers just by looking at them - they all shared the same dark hair and tanned skin, square jaws and high cheekbones.
  • The tanned, trim body was wearing a blue-and-white striped jersey with the sleeves pushed up and gabardine pants.
  • He looked like the goody-goody boy next door, tall and with a slight build, a little tanned, with wavy brown hair and plain brown eyes.
  • He is always suntanned and incredibly fit.
  • While the rest of you may yearn for an even Bisto colour all over, I'm happy to sport that telltale white bracelet of untanned skin round my left wrist.
  • Her hand was small and cold in his, and he noted that she was younger than he had first judged her to be, a small woman with cropped, dark hair, untanned skin, and clear, pale eyes behind dark lashes. Sudden Rain
  • Six foot, tanned, with hair streaked blond by the sun. Times, Sunday Times
  • A friend from Hawaii, tanned and bright-eyed, is similarly attired except that her pants are a dazzling green; a green that mirrors the rolling, tree-blanketed vista that extends for miles outside the window of Walker's luxuriant kitchen -- which is where she and I settle after her friend excuses herself. Alice Walker: On Finding Your Bliss Interview by Evelyn C. White
  • curry tanned leather
  • I arrived at the audition looking healthy and suntanned and was sent to put on a wig and uniform.
  • [Page 60] 1 A kind of leathern shield made of untanned deerskin worn hanging from the shoulder. Diaries of Court Ladies of Old Japan
  • She slapped the reins against the flat of her palm, a slight frown furrowing her tanned brow.
  • The thin hair was plastered back onto his tanned skull. THE ZANZIBAR CHEST: A Memoir of Love and War
  • Most people come back from holiday looking tanned and relaxed. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the present work the dynamic mechanic properties of acidulated hide, chrome tanned leather and polymer-impregnated leather have been investigated by means of dynamic mechanic methods.
  • A bewildered Uncle Sal scurried next to him, almost identically dressed, supported by Herman's tanned arm. RUNNING FROM THE LAW
  • Jasmin, who had her tanned foot in the tiger's mouth, had very long legs inside some equally long, baggy blue jeans. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • Two embroidered black garters enwrapped her waistline with tanned shorts to match her top.
  • Beneath the wagon was always swung a "rawhide" -- a dried, untanned, unscraped cow's hide, fastened by its four corners beneath the wagon bed. The Red-Blooded Heroes of the Frontier
  • His head is perfect, tanned the shade of aspic, kept beautiful by concentration.
  • Unbuckling the large silver dolphin clasp on her black leather belt and rolling down well-cut designer trousers, she reveals cream lace scanties and a flat, perfectly tanned stomach, toasted pale gold.
  • Instead of blue, her eyes were a deep, tawny brown that complemented her tanned skin.
  • Original Tony, you sorry, ignorant dolt: look at a light-skinned, brown-haired Ashkenazi Jew; then look at a light-skinned, dark-haired Bene Romi from central Italy; then look at a tanned, curly-haired Sephardi from (originally) Iraq; then look at a negro Falasha Jew from Ethiopia; then at a brown-skinned, smooth-haired Cochin Jew from southern India; and explain, if you can, how these are all from one race. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • She was wearing a short, thin halter dress that exposed her delicate shoulders and the vaguely tanned skin of her back.
  • Tanned and looking younger than he is, he speaks with slow deliberation, well aware of the power of the spoken word.
  • If only you weren't so tanned, milady, you'd be more beautiful than any court lady!
  • They are big and scary and kind of bronzed, which pisses me off because I always wanted to be one of those people who tanned easily but instead am pasty or pink depending on the season and dammit, why do those all-powerful goddess labyrinth guardians have it so easy when they probably spend their entire lives down here in the dark where no one will even see them? Archive 2006-12-01
  • Suntanned from riding on his motorcycle, his hair longer than before and distinctly raffish, he didn't look much like the well-groomed man who'd hung around for Liza's birth.
  • Other early materials were parchment, made from the untanned skins of sheep or goats and vellum, or fine parchment, made from calf-, kid-, and lambskin.
  • It had fresco brick wall sides peaking upward as if inside a tent, there were tanned pelts of animal skins as tapestries on the wall.
  • I waddle around out here, a pale old thing among all these tanned sybarites. 52449_CLARA
  • Her deep brown hair and eyes highlight her faintly tanned complexion, and her curvaceous figure is poured into a dark bronze velvet gown.
  • The six page splash features the tanned newly-weds barbecueing corn cobs and canoodling poolside.
  • Next to his tanned face, hers seemed pallid and unhealthy.
  • He watched the way she took up a pickaxe and swung it, saw the muscles rippling beneath her tanned skin.
  • Other early materials were parchment, made from the untanned skins of sheep or goats and vellum, or fine parchment, made from calf-, kid-, and lambskin.
  • The young men regarded this tanned adult with his unpressed appearance and his meadow of fair hair floating in all directions, and felt threatened and uneasy.
  • The wrinkles, furrows and folds around the woman's assessing eyes, dominant nose and chin and clamped mouth are minutely delineated, as are the varying tones of brown in her tanned face.
  • The navvy was a fine specimen of humanity, with a complexion tanned a dusky coffee colour. The Right Stuff Some Episodes in the Career of a North Briton
  • It wells up her perfectly tanned throat and finally she starts to shake, honey blonde hair cascading over slim shoulders.
  • Her lightly tanned skin was set off beautifully by the deep green tunic she wore over what she always referred to as her comfy black pants. Star Trek: Voyager®: Full Circle
  • The black of the suit complemented his coloring perfectly, and the white set off his darkly tanned skin, making his blue eyes electric in their intensity.
  • He took off his shirt to reveal his tanned torso.
  • Neither will I chew tanned horsehide until it becomes soft and pliable for the shoes of a desert scavenger!
  • Walk it off along the vast, wide-open beaches while watching the impossibly tanned volleyball players. Times, Sunday Times
  • The older man grinned, a myriad of wrinkles submerging onto the weather tanned skin, exposing his real age of fifties.
  • Last year he caused outrage by describing the US President as 'suntanned' then days ago his response to the global economic crisis was different to that of the American president because Home | Mail Online
  • The blood poured down his brown, tanned face which shone in the morning sun as though it had been carved of old oak. The Search for Justice - a history of Britain and the British people Volume III
  • He had golden tanned skin, startling blue eyes and short blonde hair.
  • His suntanned face was lined with age, but his deep-set gray eyes were clear and alert.
  • The following offices in New Zealand have the ability to issue export certification for untanned hides of New Zealand origin.
  • The tanned, trim body was wearing a blue-and-white striped jersey with the sleeves pushed up and gabardine pants.
  • The implant mimics the body 's natural defences and makes patients look tanned. The Sun
  • My booked seat on the train was opposite an attractive woman with tanned skin and long curly blonde hair.
  • I lifted one of her suntanned arms and scrubbed with the soap.
  • Unlike many redheads she was tanned to a coppery colour.
  • Brain tanned buckskin has always been the material of choice for people living in the outdoors, and for good reason. It is washable, proof against thorns, cuts the wind, allows your skin to breathe, lasts a lifetime and yet is incredibly soft and comfortable.
  • To get just the right color of salmon pink for the exterior walls, she had the painters match the hue of her suntanned forehead.

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