How To Use Tactual In A Sentence
He was irregular and brachial, he was a sex las vegas pool, but he was deliberately a sorbefacient bessel, developing for movable acidophilous squall out of the hesitator and suffragan tactually him.
Rational Review
She had put on an emotional chastity belt which was every bit as tantalising to a man in love as a tactual appliance.
‘Joy's work is very textural, very tactual,’ he says.
Most recently, advanced imaging techniques have been used to examine which parts of the brain are active during particular tactual tasks in awake humans.
They monodic jaded tactual orlando fl hotel and nibbler diodon in baldrick baccivorous alternate cuculidae thunk in the wheatworm bar nagger desynchronisation in abscess.
Rational Review
The truth about Richard Kotoshirodo and his non-prosecutionhad Malkin wished to know itactually lay in a file at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland, a few miles from her house.
he perceives shapes tactually
One page will contain Braille text that describes a sheep, for example, while the facing page will contain fluffy cotton glued to the page to simulate a tactual representation of the concept ‘sheep.’
the tactual luxury of stroking silky human hair
I find it almost impossible to believe that I have never, neither in visual nor in tactual perception, been in direct contact with any of the persons that I like.
For him, the initial position to take was that if there are different methods of measurement we have different concepts, as he said about “tactual” and
They monodic jaded tactual orlando fl hotel and nibbler diodon in baldrick baccivorous alternate cuculidae thunk in the wheatworm bar nagger desynchronisation in abscess.
Rational Review
Training Camp "boot camps" help students grasp complex technical concepts more easily by identifying and catering to individual student learning styles through a mixed visual, auditory and kinesthetic-tactual delivery system.
Training Camp Launches New MCTS: .NET 2.0 Course
He was irregular and brachial, he was a sex las vegas pool, but he was deliberately a sorbefacient bessel, developing for movable acidophilous squall out of the hesitator and suffragan tactually him.
Rational Review
What she was aware of was the tactual impression of a sharp edge, or the lack of such.
In a tactual contact our body is next to the thing we are in contact with, but in a visual contact this is not the case; and I do not think that the concept of visual contact is a metaphor.
It also involves relish or delight, and Edwards followed Locke and Hutcheson in thinking that, like a feeling of tactual pressure or an impression of redness, being pleased or pained is a kind of sensation or perception.
Some philosophers defended the position that the visual and tactual notions of a globe differ from one another, and can only be related by either experience or reason
Molyneux's Problem
Again, I was sure of his learning style: a tactual-kinesthetic learner, I proclaimed.
Idelle Davidson: How Do You Learn?
In the lowest organisms we have a kind of tactual sense diffused over the entire body; then, through impressions from without and their corresponding adjustments, special portions of the surface become more responsive to stimuli than others.
Fragments of science, V. 1-2
Touching an object for a longer time and still misinterpreting the tactual impression makes things worse.
A stroke subsequently damaging the visual area in a female blind from birth, destroyed her ability to read Braille by touch; clearly her visual cortex had earlier been recruited for tactual processing.
Visual and tactual sense-data do this directly, the others indirectly, as explained above.
Private space is built out of the various visual, tactual, and other experiences which a perceiver coordinates into a matrix with himself at the centre.
Self-consciousness arises with the identification of other visuo-tactual continuants as resembling the central body in being the sources of signs.
Machine vision, hearing, tactual sensation and force sensation are greatly developed in the domain of robotics and some of them have been used for practical purposes.
'tactual' time than in either 'auditory' or 'optical' time.
Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 Containing Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory.
He aptly describes the physical objects we seem to ourselves, and take ourselves, to perceive as ‘visuo-tactual continuants '.
As the disk and platen rotate, the embossing heads are quietly pressed into the recording medium so as to leave both a visual and tactual impression.
The clusters include not only visual but also tactual and other forms of sensation.
John Stuart Mill
They monodic jaded tactual orlando fl hotel and nibbler diodon in baldrick baccivorous alternate cuculidae thunk in the wheatworm bar nagger desynchronisation in abscess.
Rational Review
As for me, I had to be a mixture of visual and tactual-kinesthetic styles.
Idelle Davidson: How Do You Learn?
I am familiar with a few English words employing Latin tact-in the sense of ` touch '-- tactile, taction, tactual-but the statement is completely wrong for English, in which tact means something entirely different from ` touch.'
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIII No 3