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How To Use Tact In A Sentence

  • I'm still in contact with her - we write a couple of times a year.
  • The warden of prisons was contacted for information on the convict's behavior on the chain gang, or in a few cases on the State Farm.
  • This contact of his had passed on to him a list of slightly disreputable jewelers and watchmakers in the area, on which I was rather impressed and a bit taken aback to find my appearance.
  • Dom recognized a master tactician when he saw one. SOMEDAY MY PRINCE
  • We berate those who cross the line and leave the immature and underdeveloped open to the physical abuse of contact and collision sports.
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  • Although I agree the procrastinatory tactic sounds a little off. Wolverine Trailer Attached to The Day The Earth Stood Still | /Film
  • It's a bit unexpected not to include any measures of syntactic complexity - even something as simple as mean sentence length.
  • Side effects of all topical treatments include allergic and contact dermatitis, depigmentation of surrounding normal skin, and postinflammatory hyperpigmentation.
  • All Slavic languages, to a greater or lesser degree, have developed from contact with the Urnfield culture.
  • Copper is known to be taken into solution as copper sulphate at the surface, and to be redeposited as chalcocite where these sulphate solutions come in contact with chalcopyrite or pyrite below. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • I have had it carbon-dated to 1790, so it is pre-Western contact.
  • With more than a decade of contactless payment experience, the company has delivered tens of millions of chips to the market.
  • Christian's works are secretive yet allusive, related yet solitary and, above all, tactile and handmade.
  • My hand came into contact with a small lump.
  • The contacts for the USB connector are even gold-plated to ensure better conductivity, according to Razer.
  • Because wheat emerges so quickly, weeds must be killed before drilling using tillage or contact herbicides.
  • Meanwhile, Mr. Christie is taking the same tact in what he described as a "passionate" relationship with Mr. Sweeney, who has the power to single-handedly block bills. Christie, Sweeney in Standoff Over Funds
  • This seems like an unnecessary attention-seeking tactic, making sure we notice a particularly sleazy line.
  • These require you to face manipulative individuals, relinquish your rights unfairly or be exquisitely tactful when you'd be justified in blowing up. Times, Sunday Times
  • The State Department contacted American embassies around the world to make sure that they repeated the line that it was an aberration and not in line with American ‘values.’
  • It should also be noted that there are no contact-period materials from the Johnson site and that the only historic materials recovered date to the nineteenth century and did not occur in the provenances associated with the figurines.
  • And try to minimize contact, she suggests. Write memos instead of dropping into his office.
  • NSW Architecture Awards Announced: Gorgeous Oz-chitecture Balgowlah House by Reg Lark – Inhabitat about mission submit a story shop advertise with us support us press contact sign up NSW Architecture Awards Announced: Gorgeous Oz-chitecture Balgowlah House by Reg Lark – Inhabitat
  • He may be intense and sometimes untactful on an issue you are debating, but that will only be on that ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The class approach centers on the examination of the tactics of class domination and the dynamics of the class struggle.
  • A number of people contacted the paper to claim that flu cases were clogging doctors' surgeries and forcing schools to appoint supply teachers in place of ailing staff.
  • It was so obvious they have had contact since NZ and this was a scripted farce to deter us from the fact that Jason Mesnick the most hated man in America and his ice princess walk of shamer Molly WERE CHEATING. Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
  • Contact your local council to campaign for pedestrian schemes in residential areas.
  • A client who uses aggressive tactics against you to get their way is a real liability, and you should extricate yourself from the situation as quickly as possible.
  • If I'm trying to find a contact name and I type "Kab" that means I'm looking for someone whose name starts with or includes those letters; don't autocorrect it to "tab" just because I have someone whose name does include that. Samsung Galaxy S II and HTC Incredible S smartphones – review
  • We are so strict with our physical intactness . It is certainly more important that a man to keep his intact virtue.
  • Although he showed by laying down some bunts he knows what he can do with his speed, he hasn't mastered the tactic and bunts the ball foul or into outs.
  • Your first point of contact should always be the company. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dates of discovery of these elements as 1789 for uranium, 1829 for thorium, 1899 for actinium and 1913 for protactinium.
  • Please contact our agent in Spain for further information.
  • Thus, they determine the feasibility of strategic and tactical plans.
  • We need set up intact and scientific legal mechanism in ecological environment protection requirement.
  • He also contacted the police once he got back to mainland Australia but was told they could not help.
  • Burying one's head in the sand is an equally ineffective tactic. Global Warming, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Workers in East Asia thus need to explore and combine a variety of tactics to defend their legitimate interests.
  • Contact Shelter who advise anyone worried about being made homeless ( shelter. The Sun
  • He spent some time expressing his preference, for tactical reasons, for smaller neutron bombs before developing his argument.
  • He hates physical contact of any sort - he doesn't even like to shake your hand.
  • Contact a local law enforcement official for assistance. Times, Sunday Times
  • He urged any member of the community with information to contact the nearest police station.
  • This ensured that the beaglers could not use the traditional Wiltshire Police tactic of letting the hunt drive away while holding sabs up.
  • I shall contact you by letter/telephone.
  • Results It was observed by light microscopy that the cytomembrane of cultured cells was intact, with no cell injury.
  • Once initial contact is made, building a close relationship with business associates is key.
  • In Admiral Spruance, it had found one of the Pacific War's most effective tactical naval commanders.
  • Campbell, contact all of the COs of all of the other brigades, wings, regiments, and divisions.
  • Owing to these qualities they are utilised for prolonged and searching reconnoitring duties such as strategical reconnaissances as distinct from the hurried and tactical reconnaissances carried out by fleeter machines. Aeroplanes and Dirigibles of War
  • It's science fiction but it gives a good inside on war strategies and tactics.
  • It's a clever business tactic: Not only is the donation tax-deductible, but participating nonprofits bring in their lists, and shoppers are incentivized to buy, knowing the profits go to worthy causes. Artful Style on the Bowery
  • These tenacious guerrillas come from Chechnya, Pakistan, and Uzbekistan, and they use classical guerrilla hit-and-run tactics.
  • An instrument used to measure tactile sensitivity.
  • Many dinosaur skeletons that are nearly intact have also been unearthed. Times, Sunday Times
  • We consult to the media about canopy questions, we have a canopy newsletter, we have an email LISTSERV, and so we're trying to disseminate information about the importance of the canopy, the beauty of the canopy, the necessity of intact canopies, to people outside of academia. Nalini Nadkarni on conserving the canopy
  • So went you go to work on the iron do you remove you head out of your 4th point of contact, to place your brain bucket on? Think Progress » WellPoint Failed To Deliver Tens Of Millions Of Dollars It Promised To Help Uninsured Americans
  • It is a tactical target sport played by wheelchair athletes with cerebral palsy and other conditions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Considering that the ship has been down almost 60 years, the wooden decking is in most places surprisingly intact, though it has rotted almost completely away in some areas.
  • I contacted a wine merchant in London and told him I wanted to buy some that would be fit for drinking in ten years time.
  • The Times contacted two tribal elders in the area by phone. Times, Sunday Times
  • Members in Ireland have tracked down the original carriage; it was acting as a holiday home, and was virtually intact!
  • What the UN and the West are doing is the colonial thing of merely resorting to bully-boy tactics, Neither would attempt to pass judgement let alone threaten to intervene using military force, in any election held in the Russian Federation or attempt to invade China because it does not have democractic government. Ivory Coast's descent into madness
  • I hate to say it, but there are at least eight colonies on the outer rim of Confederate territory that we have not had contact with since the end of the civil war.
  • The second wave is syntactic: attacks against the operating logic of computers and networks.
  • Protective mechanisms prevent thrombin and other procoagulant enzymes from forming in healthy intact blood vessels.
  • We contacted the fraud squad but they say they cannot help us. The Sun
  • He never contacted his children after he emigrated to Australia
  • The presence of gold and silver in your portfolio will insure that you will emerge from the abyss with your capital intact.
  • Microfracture exposes the subchondral bone, gently abrades it, yet leaves it intact during an arthroscopic procedure.
  • Ancient parfleche and quillwork designs are reinterpreted in beadwork, a craft that arose in the post-Contact era, when glass beads became available beaded moccasins, right, $125 and up; baby mocs shown in additional photos at bottom, $35-$80; Melvin Miner beaded rattle, below, $70. Stephanie Woodard: Adventure Shopping Alert: Sale on Fine Lakota Crafts
  • This implies a net magnetic moment less robust than the compass needle of single-celled magnetotactic bacteria.
  • He's tactless and lacks judgment but he's irresistible just the same.
  • Inside a spacecraft in orbit round the Earth an astronaut could float weightless, hardly in contact with the floor.
  • We contacted the fraud squad but they say they cannot help us. The Sun
  • The tactful use of his skills and a clear understanding of the game have made this young man an instant favourite with the crowds in an alien land.
  • This old quarter remains mainly intact and well worth exploring. The Wine Roads of France
  • It is a remarkable reminder of the culture of the Getes, a Thracian people who were in contact with the Hellenistic and Hyperborean worlds, according to ancient geographers.
  • Primary health care teams are the first point of contact for users of the service.
  • Women manifestly have the ability to detect rivals and to employ a variety of tactics to place themselves at an advantage over them.
  • You have the tact and determination to keep people talking until an agreement has been reached. The Sun
  • Everything tallied except the intactness of the body, discovered fully clothed and inviolate. DEATH AND TRANSFIGURATION
  • If you go over the carpet with a fine - tooth comb, you may find your contact lens.
  • The Kenyan athlete made a tactical error in starting too fast.
  • Details of the problem will be logged by the Help Desk staff who will then contact the appropriate agency.
  • If you feel uncomfortable about it, though, you can opt out by contacting your bank. Times, Sunday Times
  • Outsiders gradually brought influences like barbecue sauce and side dishes, but the core Texas values remain stubbornly intact at these old school joints: meat seasoned only with salt, pepper and smoke, and served without plates or utensils. You gonna eat that? Random musings on food and life in Orange County, California » Don’t mess with Texas
  • The technology is similar to contactless credit or debit cards. The Sun
  • It is spread through sexual contact with sores, which Mercer called chancre ulcers, that typically are painless. The Intelligencer / Wheeling News-Register
  • The Army officer in tactical command of coalition forces in Iraq says out loud that the war isn't going precisely as planned, and the media works itself into a mouth-breathing, eyeball-popping swivet.
  • But the organist made his profession clear by explaining that the committee had just invited him to oblige the company with a solo on the piano, but that he had been hitting the champagne so hard that he doubted if he could tell the keys from the pedals, and he added that if they'd excuse him he would go to sleep, which he immediately did with his head on the shoulder of the lady recitationist, who tactfully tried not to notice that he was there. Cinderella And Other Stories
  • Failing that, and still believing that you are a victim in this whole lash-up, I am going to contact a federal agent who has exposed a number of phonies Peter Sumaruck II
  • Perhaps the original decoration lies intact beneath the layered generations of wallpaper and ever-changing tastes in house paint, ready to be rediscovered.
  • When you contact these two wires, the machine will start at once.
  • Mice produced reaginic antibody within 1 wk of painting with the contact sensitizing agent picryl chloride.
  • What is particularly galling is that the authors never bothered to contact me or my department head or dean to inquire about this matter.
  • On Sunday they did not do themselves justice tactically or in terms of conviction, but they are extremely lucky to have a chance of making amends so quickly.
  • Contact us to let us know your experiences. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tact is a valuable commodity.
  • One name conspicuous by its absence was that of Nigel Kneale, whom Whitaker contacted very early on.
  • This enabled him to make contacts, as did a stint as an independent scout. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had no idea my flirting tactics identified me as part of a social group. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was astonished to find that she had only four hours' contact time in her first term. Times, Sunday Times
  • The prospective employer should contact the state board of nursing for issues previously reported.
  • Dogmatic constraints, tactical stereotypes, schematism in place of originality, and the boring repetition of truisms are contributing factors in creative infecundity.
  • It's difficult to emerge from such a scandal with your reputation still intact.
  • In the third chapter, I discourse upon the exercise of the CIS tactic and its merits.
  • In ruling out a Yes vote from the get-go, Israel conceded immediate defeat in the world body, in the process forgoing a range of tactical advantages it could have gained by signaling qualified support for a resolution and then negotiating to help shape its wording to a text Israel could have profited by backing. Bradley Burston: Ten Reasons Palestine Is Right to Bring its Case to the UN
  • It urged them to contact local offices for expert advice in dealing with the current problems.
  • Although the two ships crossed paths several times on the return voyage, they never made contact.
  • Off to the Charity Ball is a firm favourite, with its livid pastels against bright white, the skulking figures throwing dark, tactile shadows onto the projecting shelf below.
  • We use notebook and linear Array CCD to in-phase non-contact measure the vibration of roadbed and rail in the open air.
  • Also, in answering your other question, I think to contact him you should write an honest-to-god letter and send it via snail mail. A Brother By Any Other Name | Her Bad Mother
  • The igneous contacts are sharp and are commonly concordant with the bedding and/or foliation in the host rocks.
  • You can do the tactful talking that repairs a friendship or a working relationship. The Sun
  • The incident should have been handled with more tact by the police.
  • For example, warring factions often induce drought and famine through the use of scorched-earth tactics.
  • In the event of difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service Department.
  • The design of contact lenses can be divided into spherical, toric and multifocal.
  • Le Monde, read by some 2 million people every day, is one of the country's most influential newspapers with extensive contacts in the French establishment and an unwaveringly intellectual tone.
  • As a matter of fact, we are continuing our contacts and meetings.
  • The use of images of fetuses has generally been a favoured tactic of the anti-abortion lobby.
  • A contactless smart card works in proximity to a reader.
  • Campbell was required to abstain from drinking alcohol and have no contact with three individuals.
  • The fossil material includes complete postcranial remains (many of which are partially articulated) and skulls so well preserved that even the most delicate bones are still intact. Australian Fossil Mammal Sites, Australia
  • If you have taken the test before and have previously been prescribed glasses or contact lenses, your optician may want you to take the test while wearing your glasses or contact lenses.
  • Never apply water to a burn from an electric shock while the casualty is still in contact with the electric current.
  • Then she flinched, thinking herself completely stupid, blunt and tactless.
  • If you choose, you need (almost) never be uncontactable.
  • It nodded to itself, a mannerism cultivated during its contacts with humans. T2©: RISING STORM
  • The days when you could just hoof the ball up to a striker have long since gone; even Wimbledon don't play by these tactics any more.
  • With the help of catastrophe criterion, the anomalism criterions of the crossfeed between dam body and foundation are acquired from the real contact area or fractal dimension curve vs.
  • An intact Ozone Layer prevents about 99% of the sun's UV rays from reaching the Earth.
  • Another scam involves a fraudster calling a bank and informing them that a company's contact details have changed, and then telling the company that the bank's details have changed.
  • However, tactical considerations may dictate that some conditions and definition terms are omitted from the vendors' draft of the heads.
  • HIV is a lethal contagious disease spread by contact with blood and body fluids.
  • If crows have become unwelcome guests, Martens recommends scare tactics, such as Mylar tape, pie tins, scary eye balloons, scarecrows, and auditory alarms.
  • However, concern is great and several specific questions are being raised about risks to humans in close contact with infected cats and the need for surveillance of disease in cat populations.
  • I hadn't imagined I would have such an intimate contact with the raw fury of nature.
  • The jets may also minimise trauma and blood loss because there is no physical contact with the patient. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have only occasional contact with supervisors, other health professionals and the client's family.
  • The muscles were exclusively for display purposes and were designed to invite conversation and, obviously, contact. Times, Sunday Times
  • The characteristics that best predicted autotomy - smaller body size or female gender - also correlated with a lower escape rate by the alternative escape tactic, struggling and pinching the predator.
  • The northern margin of the melange is marked by a thrust contact with both the Carboniferous sedimentary rocks and extrusive volcanic sequence.
  • Try to establish a physical address and telephone contact number. Times, Sunday Times
  • Organisers hope the project will make it easier for people to contact their GPs on health and fitness matters.
  • Feel free to contact me for information on resources to help you get organized.
  • If a man is not thrilled by intimate contact with nature: with the sun, with the earth, which is his origin and the arouser of his acutest emotions -- Literary Taste: How to Form It With Detailed Instructions for Collecting a Complete Library of English Literature
  • Orders for games included 48 chessboards and chessmen, 12 sets of fox and geese, 6 sets of jackstraws, 9 boxes of ninepins, and 3 sets of German tactics.
  • You're graceful, poised, tactful and exude quite a refined, princess-like presence.
  • I put my cousin in contact with a friend who works at the company.
  • The castle has remained intact over the centuries.
  • Why was this relatively short period so crucial in establishing new international contacts? World History: Patterns of Change and Continuity
  • It looks more like reluctant tactics than true repentance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus, each outlay of dutiful public "support" was eventually marred by some tactless remark or hint of encouragement to an outraged bitter-ender that, if only they kept faith, there might still be a way. Hillary Goes Out With a Whimper
  • Rommel's army had to be worn down, and if it had been allowed to withdraw intact into the mountain fastnesses of Tunisia, securing a decisive land victory in North Africa would have been rendered immensely difficult.
  • He continued to be held incommunicado, that is without contact with the outside world, including his family and lawyers, until August 2005, from when his wife was allowed to visit him on a monthly basis. Amnesty International USA: Most Recent English News Releases
  • Contacts in Europe identify vessels that will command a hefty ransom and follow their voyage until they are within range of the gangs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The nut on the end of the axle holds on the wheels, and the inside of the bearings are always in contact with the axle.
  • It will keep its regional and national leadership intact.
  • Children need physical contact with a caring adult.
  • This test is usually performed to identify substances that cause contact dermatitis.
  • Contact Dr. Gray about academic advisement.
  • A key component of that warfare by the ubër rich was to emaciate or destroy the unions through new laws restricting unionization, bankruptcy courts killing labor contracts, diversion of pension funds, abusive tactics against organizers, shipping jobs elsewhere and PR campaigns vilifying the very concept of collective bargaining to redress serious economic disadvantages. Sneak Attack
  • If you would like to reproduce, post, or archive any portion of this story, please contact me and obtain permission first.
  • an inexpedient tactic
  • Never apply water to a burn from an electric shock while the casualty is still in contact with the electric current.
  • Your drawing shows that much of the enamel is still intact.
  • Flattery, cajolement, humble supplication and the finer maneuvers of tact, all have this in mind. The Foundations of Personality
  • Two new tactical rifles are now available from companies which were once known as handgun manufacturers.
  • The tactic will prove as futile now as it did before. Times, Sunday Times
  • Contact dermatitis in the ear canal can result from almost any local irritant, including topical anti-infective agents and anesthetics and other topical preparations.
  • Newspapers and television viewing are largely proscribed and inmates are often unable to contact their families for months.
  • When mixed in among boundary plants it may even enhance security as the branches bear hooked prickles which reduce its tactility.
  • If you experience any unusual symptoms after withdrawal of the treatment then contact your doctor.
  • She is still in close contact with Sarah.
  • The Inspector, who was also at the meeting, urged anyone finding drugs paraphernalia, including burned tin foil and syringes, to contact the police straightaway.
  • Most of these molecules are generated during the grinding and malaxation, when active enzymes from the damaged fruit cells come into contact with vulnerable polyunsaturated fatty acids in the green chloroplasts. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • extended sense", but they are incapable of satisfying (B2), precisely because their way of satisfying (B1) is committed to a non-concatenative realization of syntactic structures. The Language of Thought Hypothesis
  • Dealing with my Father MSgt Leslie Cooper USAF Retired who died a paralyzing horrible death from cancer exposure to working on Titan II ICBMS and having daily contact with Veterans and Veterans with Service Connected disabilities, they are considered noncombat and face more dangers of dying an early age than those in combat and they are the Cold War Veterans. 911 VETERANS AND SURVIVING SPOUSES NEED HELP!
  • Manufacturers must contact owners of faulty cars. Times, Sunday Times
  • The paintings have been created using tactile road-surface materials such as sand, grit, gravel and liquid tar.
  • If you are worried, contact their class teacher or tutor. The Sun
  • Campaigners for tenants' rights say that the number of unscrupulous letting agents exploiting tenants and landlords with underhand tactics has risen dramatically over the past two years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your consultant will be happy to contact you and arrange an appointment at a time to suit you.
  • Total Football was more pronounced in the days where the great Johann Cruyff was the talisman of the starting XI, but it still hangs out as an overarching tactic employed by theDutch. The Volokh Conspiracy » World Cup 2010:
  • Dan, and Greece, and Mosel have set forth in thy marts wrought iron: stacte, and calamus were in thy market. The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Complete The Challoner Revision
  • He then quitted the Congress membership, finding that sainthood is tarnished by too close contact with politicians. Changing India
  • The code was validated by comparing the computed forces and torques with the analytic solutions for a hemisphere and sphere in point contact with the wall and also computations for axisymmetric spherical caps and spheroids.
  • I first become fully aware of my own tactile sense.
  • Authorities say when they had last recontacted the pilots, the pilots answers were so vague, they were ordered to take the plane through a series of unnecessary maneuvers to prove it was under their control, not hijacked. CNN Transcript Oct 24, 2009
  • At the end, we had a big shoot-out over the stalling tactics. The Good Fight
  • The team use their expertise and contacts to lever funds from venture capitalists and business angels, though this continues to be a tough end of the funding spectrum.
  • The conman asks the person contacted to contribute a small sum of money to speed up the release of the funds.
  • For quick input, the stylus isn't terrible, but writing long e-mails or even inputting several contacts can be grueling.
  • Using a paring knife or a melon ball scoop, hollow out the bottom of the cake, keeping the removed section intact.
  • While most pollsters say they would contact clients whose analyses didn't tally with the numbers, few ever do.
  • Forensic dentists will assist if intact teeth are found.

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