
How To Use Swampy In A Sentence

  • He also expressed concern over other violations by real estate developers, who took small lakes and swampy areas in the northern part of the city as development sites for housing complexes.
  • From his examination, Tabor determined there was a lower and older layer of coal and underclay that was a poorly drained, swampy landscape dissected by well-drained Oxisol-forming uplands. - latest science and technology news stories
  • A nickname for the United States Department of State, whose offices were built in a formerly swampy area of Washington, D.C., known as Foggy Bottom because of vapors rising from the swamp. Foggy Bottom
  • First, today as in the past, canoe travel in the swampy coastal areas of Cameroon is the most efficient method of portage - not only for goods but also for ideas.
  • With six albums ' worth of material to draw from, the swampy septet, which is mid-way through a lengthy tour that included an appearance by Mr. Grey on " A Prairie Home Companion, " should come out cooking. Stuffed With Turkey Day Blues
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  • For 20 minutes, we stood by a swampy pond, trying to home in on a small fluttering piratic flycatcher in the brambles. Strange Paradise
  • Consisting of grassy islands, swampy stretches and mangrove-covered banks, the estuary was an incubator for aquatic life.
  • The more open borders of these swampy woods may be covered by dense thickets of swamp cyrilla, black titi and large gallberry. Weeks Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Alabama
  • For 20 minutes, we stood by a swampy pond, trying to home in on a small fluttering piratic flycatcher in the brambles. Strange Paradise
  • swampy bayous
  • The nutria are particularly threatening to the state's unique "floatant" marsh, a boglike carpet of interwoven plant life that literally floats in the swampy waters. The Rat That Ate Louisiana
  • While nitrous oxide is created naturally in swampy soils, its leakage from fields is multiplied by the breakdown of nitrogenous fertilizers and the engine emissions of large farm machines.
  • At the back of Biggs Avenue, there was a swampy area that emptied into the sea.
  • In the swampy bottoms, water-lilies rose naked out of sun-baked mud.
  • Like the Médoc in Bordeaux, the low-lying parts of the Maremma were swampy or marshy for much of their history with chronic problems of malaria.
  • Wet rice grows well in the swampy valleys which separate the minor ranges, and dry rice on the rises; while tapioca, tobacco, pepper and gambier thrive on the medium heights. The Golden Chersonese and the way thither
  • After the original survey had been completed, it was necessary to resurvey a section that was in an area of swampy lowlands.
  • Perceiving their intention, the Syracusans began a second counterwork, consisting of a stockade and ditch, which started at the point of junction between the old city-wall and the new, and ran across the low swampy ground as far as the Anapus. Stories from Thucydides
  • Now the Hither Isles are flat and cold and swampy, with drear-drab light and all manner of slimy, creeping things, and piles of dirt and clouds of flying dust and sordid scraping and feeding and noise. DARKWATER
  • A grouse (Canachites canadensis) that is dark gray barred with black, found in swampy forests of northern North America, and popular as a game bird.
  • We passed some swampy woods, rather dim and junglelike. Mark Twain: A Biography
  • This stork is quite common in shallow waters and swampy areas.
  • In what had once been the river's swampy valley was a beautiful park, the Tiergarten. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • Here, earlier in the year, eleven bridges had been constructed, each a labor of accuracy; and perhaps as many swampy places had been "corduroyed" by carpeting them with long parallel poles. The Blazed Trail
  • He drove to an old lodge in the swampy bottoms where Carmine liked to relax with the boys.
  • It all began with a swampy piece of land at the top of Liardet St, which was drained and filled to become terra firma.
  • They found it a plashy, swampy place, prolific in mangroves and true ferns, with here and there a cultivated patch. The Life of Sir Richard Burton
  • The men had been camped for a month in swampy terrain, much of it malarial. Pure water was scarce.
  • A kind of sedge rush, common in swampy places in the West India islands, the _Adme cyperus_, enjoys a reputation for the cure of yellow fever. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • A very humid climate fostering tropical vegetation in a swampy and lagoonal surrounding is characteristic of this period.
  • Unlike other lynx which prefer the cold, heavily timbered northern forests, the bobcat lives in all habitats except in metropolitan areas, even swampy woods and deserts where there is water.
  • They could not move their heavy mortars over the swampy ground.
  • A very humid climate fostering tropical vegetation in a swampy and lagoonal surrounding is characteristic of this period.
  • During the Carboniferous the climate was hot and humid, and there were extensive swampy forests dominated by giant tree ferns and conifers, club mosses, and horsetails.
  • It was a crannog: a grouping of round, reed-thatched huts raised on oak piles above the swampy ground and connected by a network of swaying rope-and-wood causeways. Dark Moon of Avalon
  • Somewhere in the region of 100 colonists arrived in this hot, humid, swampy atmosphere in 1607.
  • Thus, while the field-cricket delights in sunny dry banks, and the house-cricket rejoices amidst the glowing heat of the kitchen hearth or oven, the _gryllus gryllo talpa_ (the mole - cricket), haunts moist meadows, and frequents the sides of ponds and banks of streams, performing all its functions in a swampy wet soil. The Natural History of Selborne, Vol. 2
  • As the fixed member of the water triplicity, Scorpio also relates to locations where water collects and stagnates: muddy or swampy grounds, bogs, marshes, sedimentary deposits and quagmires.
  • The lowlands in the west are mostly swampy; the reed-filled marshes of the area are called ciénagas by the people of Colombia. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Cape buffalo prefer areas of open pasture, close to jungle and swampy ground where they can wallow.
  • The river drains into swampy areas round Lake Bangweulu.
  • My legions were set in a convenient crenel overlooking the drawbridge and the low, swampy woods about a mile off to the west of the moat house. Virginity
  • The cold weather at this time had made possible the swampy regions in which the Orczy rises, and had enabled the Russians to approach close to the German line of defense. The Story of the Great War, Volume V (of 12) Neuve Chapelle, Battle of Ypres, Przemysl, Mazurian Lakes
  • A mountain biker was injured and had to be rescued on Thursday on a swampy part of a trail on Mount Seymour where bikers ride over fallen logs.
  • Rolling hills, rising away from the swampy ground that bounded L'Enfant; scattered trees, uncultivated fields. GALILEE
  • Ten days later the fires had burned out and I shared a railway buffet car with dozens of Cree and Swampy Cree travelling north from Thomson to Hudson Bay.
  • He settled on the swampy alluvial deposit of a muddy river with his minder.
  • They are heavy-bodied, thick-necked anthropoid apes, native to the swampy coastal forests of Sumatra and Borneo.
  • In the lowland areas podocarps and hardwoods were predominant with kahikatea (Dacrycarpus dacrydioides) growing in swampy areas and rimu (Dacrydium cupressinum) on drier sites. Southland temperate forests
  • A few dwarf birches unfold their leaves amid the rocks; a few sub-arctic willows hang out their catkins beside the swampy runnels; the golden potentilla opens its bright flowers on slopes where the evergreen _Empetrum nigrum_ slowly ripens its glossy crow-berries; and from where the sea-spray dashes at full tide along the beach, to where the snow gleams at midsummer on the mountain-summits, the thin short sward is dotted by the minute cruciform stars of the scurvy-grass, and the crimson blossoms of the sea-pink. The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • They could not move their heavy mortars over the swampy ground.
  • As the swampy beat introduced the song, there was a gradually building cheer as people clicked to the songs identity.
  • But my in-house appetizer of lime-colored watercress risotto had a viscid, swampy texture, which wasn't helped by the three fatty pieces of short rib on top.
  • A large brownish wading bird(Aramus guarauna) of warm, swampy regions of the New World, having long legs, a drooping bill, and a distinctive wailing call.
  • As he watched, one jumped across what was clearly a swampy patch round a small spring. A DEATH IN TIME
  • Krishna Pandit did the same and was extremely happy when the snake guided him through the swampy and marshy land, until he reached the hollow trunk of a mulberry tree.
  • McPherson, in his report, says that the region inhabited by the Croatans is a low woodland, swampy region, locally known as pocosin land, abounding in whortleberries and black berries, which bring some revenue to the people. The Croatan Indians of Sampson County, North Carolina. Their Origin and Racial Status. A Plea for Separate Schools
  • With that, I flew off and landed in a muddy heap in the swampy infield, while the bike sagged directly to the ground.
  • They could not move their heavy mortars over the swampy ground.
  • The ankylosaurs were heavily armoured dinosaurs, 2 to 10 meters long, quadrupedal, slow moving, and fed on swampy soft vegetation.
  • Most significantly, the Viking is an amphibious vehicle, designed in Sweden primarily for amphibious operations and for their ability to move through swampy terrain, as well as snow. CAMP DO-NOTHING
  • Mite wood borings in the Paleozoic are primarily known from coal ball permineralizations and silicified peat which was deposited in swampy environments.
  • The unease is not restricted to the desperately poor, swampy country of 10m people.
  • In many places the river was bordered with prairies or swampy meadows, on which grew several kinds of fruit, such as mulberries, plums, wild apples, raspberries, and strawberries. Travels in North America, From Modern Writers With Remarks and Observations; Exhibiting a Connected View of the Geography and Present State of that Quarter of the Globe
  • A very humid climate fostering tropical vegetation in a swampy and lagoonal surrounding is characteristic of this period.
  • Maybe it's the swampy landscape littered with piles of gnarly kauri rescued from the deep wet soil and the knowledge that this timber once helped shape the country's colonial beginnings, but is no more.
  • Ut's slippery, semi-improvised antirock was shrill and swampy, an unpredictable amalgam of loose strumming and phantom sputtering. Chicago Reader
  • They are actually being used in this country to reclaim swampy, boggy land.
  • They flourished in the swampy, jungle like lowlands of Parris Island, where palmettoes and nut grass grew in abundance. The Twelfth Of August -The life story of Sheriff Buford Pusser
  • He was on one large North Canterbury sheep station in a swampy area at the confluence of the Pahau and Hurunui Rivers.
  • WINDING ALONG HIGH ground where tall oaks, maples, and hickories crowded the sky, we descended to a swampy bottom filled with palmettos, water oaks, gums, and bald cypresses. Fire The Sky
  • The airplane impacted a swampy area inverted, abeam of the departure end of Runway 20 and about 120 south of the runway.
  • Trains were being announced yet at the same time there was swampy, spongy soil underfoot. MIDDLE AGE: A ROMANCE
  • A small tortoise, called a terrapin, [198] is taken in some rivers, creeks, and swampy grounds, and is used as an article of food. The Conquest of Canada (Vol. 1 of 2)
  • A floristic inventory of phanerogamic hydrophytes from the temporary swampy environments of coastal plains of northern of Rio de Janeiro State was made.
  • I thought it was summed up by one of the UAF when the Pseudo Swampy was interviewed after being ejected from the TV Centre. ‘Rent A Mob’ Attack Police At BBC TV Centre « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Elm, ash, gean, the wild cherry, and the rare native large-leaved lime, Tilia platyphyllos, also grow in these woods, and stripes of alder wood follow the swampy seepage from springs and wells higher up. Wildwood
  • I flew off and landed in a muddy heap in the swampy infield, while the bike sagged directly to the ground.
  • His statement about building livestock barns in swampy areas is particularly insulting.

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