

[ UK /swˈɒmpi/ ]
[ US /ˈswɑmpi/ ]
  1. (of soil) soft and watery
    swampy bayous
    a marshy coastline
    quaggy terrain
    muddy barnyard
    the ground was boggy under foot
    miry roads
    the sloughy edge of the pond
    wet mucky lowland

How To Use swampy In A Sentence

  • He also expressed concern over other violations by real estate developers, who took small lakes and swampy areas in the northern part of the city as development sites for housing complexes.
  • From his examination, Tabor determined there was a lower and older layer of coal and underclay that was a poorly drained, swampy landscape dissected by well-drained Oxisol-forming uplands. - latest science and technology news stories
  • A nickname for the United States Department of State, whose offices were built in a formerly swampy area of Washington, D.C., known as Foggy Bottom because of vapors rising from the swamp. Foggy Bottom
  • First, today as in the past, canoe travel in the swampy coastal areas of Cameroon is the most efficient method of portage - not only for goods but also for ideas.
  • With six albums ' worth of material to draw from, the swampy septet, which is mid-way through a lengthy tour that included an appearance by Mr. Grey on " A Prairie Home Companion, " should come out cooking. Stuffed With Turkey Day Blues
  • For 20 minutes, we stood by a swampy pond, trying to home in on a small fluttering piratic flycatcher in the brambles. Strange Paradise
  • Consisting of grassy islands, swampy stretches and mangrove-covered banks, the estuary was an incubator for aquatic life.
  • The more open borders of these swampy woods may be covered by dense thickets of swamp cyrilla, black titi and large gallberry. Weeks Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Alabama
  • For 20 minutes, we stood by a swampy pond, trying to home in on a small fluttering piratic flycatcher in the brambles. Strange Paradise
  • swampy bayous
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