
How To Use Supernova In A Sentence

  • For instance, the expression for star might be `bright-white-continuing", while one might think of a supernova as `radiant-splendid-dying". THE BROKEN GOD
  • The crab nebula is the remnant from a supernova explosion 1054. High Energy Neutrinos from Cosmos
  • It should be clear by now that Jackson has been royally twisted by the trifecta of supernova fame, seemingly unlimited cash, and a profound loneliness - none of which he asked for.
  • The other object is SN 2007gr, which was first detected in August 2007 in the spiral galaxy NGC 1058, some 35 million light-years away it's one of the closest Ic supernovae detected in the radio waveband. GRB Central Engines Observed in Nearby Supernovae? | Universe Today
  • At least one supernova occurs per decade in our galaxy.
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  • To describe her, she said, don't use the word supernova. Drive
  • A supernova explosion marks the dramatic endpoint of the life of a massive star.
  • The discovery confirms the accepted theory that type II supernovas are produced when elderly, bloated stars known as red supergiants run out of nuclear fuel and collapse.
  • The new data support earlier research by Haggerty showing that carbonado diamonds formed in stellar supernovae explosions. January 9th, 2007
  • Even though supernovas can appear as bright as galaxies when viewed with optical telescopes, this light represents only a small fraction of the energy released.
  • These giants will end their brief lives dramatically in convulsive explosions called supernovae, just a few million years from now. Space Business and Industry News at
  • The heavier metallic elements, some of which living systems also require, are formed only in very massive stars during supernova explosions.
  • The picture provides evidence that supernovae are one source of cosmic rays, highly energetic particles that bombard the planet, passing through us in their thousands every day.
  • From some angles, a supernova may outshine a galaxy.
  • The red circle in the upper left part of this image is SN 1572, often called "Tycho's Supernova" for Renaissance astronomer Tycho Brahe.
  • According to Edward Sion, Professor of Astronomy and Physics at Villanova University, T Pyxidis may be in fact a "ticking time bomb," and potential threat to the Earth if it were to go supernova, which it may do sometime in the future, though very, very far in the future on our timescale: by Scion's calculations, at least 10 million years. Could A Faraway Supernova Threaten Earth? | Universe Today
  • SuperNova 3.1 includes new database interfaces and Unix System Labs' Tuxedo transaction processing monitor.
  • Analysis of some of its images of very distant supernovae is giving credence to the idea of dark energy, and that it’s been around a long time, exerting its repulsive force between objects for that entire period. We Don’t Know Everything Yet « Hyperpat’s HyperDay
  • Thorium and uranium, for instance, are forged in the heat of a supernova, and barium and bismuth via the capture of neutrons within red giant stars.
  • Causes such as transparency, openness and open standards are so critical that it's important there be wise, "clueful" people throughout the industry working for those issues, said Bradley Horowitz, a vice president of product management at Google, at the Supernova conference in San Francisco. Latest from Computerworld
  • Although a nova is much less energetic than a supernova, if recurrent novas are not violent enough to expel more gas than is falling in, mass will accumulate onto the white dwarf star until it passes its Chandrasekhar limit. Dawn Before Nova | My[confined]Space
  • Astronomers commonly observe intense flashes of light from a variety of stellar explosions and outbursts, such as novae and supernovae. Innovations-report
  • Pamela: A hypernova is one of the things that we call the sub-class of supernova that form gamma-ray bursts. Astronomy Cast
  • I read up on interstellar objects and astrophysics and studied quasars, pulsars and supernovas, but my main focus was black holes.
  • They analyzed the polarization of various parts of the supernova's spectrum, beginning immediately after its discovery in September 2001.
  • “Whether V445 Puppis will eventually explode as a supernova, or if the current nova outburst has pre-empted that pathway by ejecting too much matter back into space is still unclear,” said Patrick Woudt, from the University of Cape Town and lead author of the paper reporting the results. Astronomers Find Type Ia Supernova Just Waiting to Happen | Universe Today
  • No gamma-ray burster has ever been identified with a supernova before.
  • Hot dense matter is in every star and supernova; warm dense matter pervades the cores of large planets like Jupiter and occurs transitionally when a material goes from solid to plasma.
  • He was apparently the one who planted the rumour Barack Obama would appear on the Nov. 1 episode of Saturday Night Live as a result of a donation Lorne Michaels made to his campaign, and he also leaked the supernova rumour that SNL cast member Kristen Wiig "canoodled" with Joe the Plumber during one of the show's after parties. Bill Doskoch: Media, BPS*, Film, Minutiae
  • Glassy supernova with a color scheme that will appeal to anyone who likes leopard's default space wallpaper ohh nice wall, just had some trouble getting past its title hah didn't know how else to describe it = \ any other ideas? may not post replies Aqua-Soft News
  • A supernova is an explosion of a massive star - the explosion is so bright that it briefly outshines the rest of the galaxy.
  • This gave me a chance to talk about the cosmological distance ladder, parallax, cepheid variables, type Ia supernovae, and much more. High School Physics Free-For-All
  • The highly tilted orbit of Haumea and elongated one of Sedna suggest something even more dramatic perhaps shook up the early comet belt, such as a supernova blast from a nearby star's implosion. Dwarf planets Pluto, Eris battle for a spot in a vast universe
  • Although the explosion originally escaped detection, its aftermath -- a hot, expanding gas cloud known as Cassiopeia A (Cas A, for short) -- is one of the best-studied supernova remnants. SpaceRef Top Stories
  • According to that explanation, known as the diffusive shock acceleration mechanism, clouds of charged gas rush outward during a supernova and generate strong magnetic fields. Wired Top Stories
  • With this type of supernova, there was no convincing evidence of any polarization—at best, less than 0.3 per cent polarization.
  • But they are still being created in the heart of the hottest, most energetic regions in the Universe, such as supernovae, gamma ray bursts, quasars and even stars like our Sun.
  • Most neutron stars are created when a large star dies as a supernova.
  • In this article, accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) applications in searching for violation of Pauli exclusion principle and study on supernovae are discussed as examples.
  • Supernovae are among the most spectacular phenomena known to astronomy.
  • BLOCK: That's 10-year-old Kathryn Aurora Gray of Fredericton, New Brunswick, the youngest person ever to discover a supernova.
  • Even farther away, enormous stellar explosions called supernovae can sometimes bring faint galaxies into view that may have never before been seen. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Because in the roiling cauldron of activity that galaxy formation, some stars go supernova.
  • The chances of a planet surviving a supernova always looked terribly slim.
  • Identified as E0102-72, the supernova remnant lies about 190,000 light-years away in our neighboring galaxy, the Small Magellanic Cloud.
  • They discover comets, asteroids, quasars, pulsars, supernovae, planets orbiting other stars, and galaxies at the edge of the universe, but none have ever claimed to have discovered a UFO.
  • They are possibly generated the collapse of a massive star that does not present the characteristics of a supernova or hypernova, or by the merger of two white dwarfs Space News From SpaceDaily.Com
  • Researchers then compare the supernova's intrinsic brightness with its reduced brightness as viewed from Earth.
  • These assumptions would rule out some of the prime suspects in the mystery: comets, brightening stars known as novae, and exploding stars known as supernovae. Top headlines
  • Causes such as transparency, openness and open standards are so critical that it's important there be wise, "clueful" people throughout the industry working for those issues, said Bradley Horowitz, a vice president of product management at Google, at the Supernova conference. News
  • From the high lancets, sunlight streamed in, and the dust motes flared like supernovae as they passed into the light.
  • This reveals how fast the universe was expanding at the time the supernova explosion occurred.
  • The rotated elliptical shell could explain the polarization angle, but failed to match a feature in the supernova's flux that suggested an uneven absorption of light from the photosphere.
  • The Keck 10-m telescope in Hawaii, the 6. 5-m Magellan telescope in Chile, and the MMT telescope in Arizona rapidly focused on the new star, revealing that the wavelengths of light emitted from the supernova were stretched or 'redshifted' by 80 percent due to the expansion of the universe. - Articles related to On vacation, Obama tries to strike right work-play-political balance
  • The ultraviolet flash from the supernova explosion, which we first saw 18 years ago, ionized the ring and causes it to glow.
  • At least one supernova occurs per decade in our galaxy.
  • There remains some doubt as to whether T Pyxidis will go supernova at all. Could A Faraway Supernova Threaten Earth? | Universe Today
  • I read up on interstellar objects and astrophysics and studied quasars, pulsars and supernovas, but my main focus was black holes.
  • The chances of a planet surviving a supernova always looked terribly slim.
  • I read up on interstellar objects and astrophysics and studied quasars, pulsars and supernovas, but my main focus was black holes.
  • The Sun agglomerated from a huge cloud of gas and dust, which was largely the debris left from previous expired stars and supernova explosions.
  • I read up on interstellar objects and astrophysics and studied quasars, pulsars and supernovas, but my main focus was black holes.
  • The risks associated with catastrophes such as asteroidal/cometary impacts, supervolcanic episodes, and explosions of supernovae/gamma-ray bursts are based on their observed frequencies. Ethical Technology
  • Gamma-ray bursts and hypernova-which have energies more than 10 times that of supernova-are known to be some of the most energetic and explosive events in the universe, but the detailed explosion mechanism and nature of their progenitors are still unknown," says Yamaguchi. Innovations-report
  • The great Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe observed a supernova in 1572.
  • Conversely, to achieve a certain redshift in such a universe, the light has to travel a greater distance than it would in a uniformly expanding universe, in which case the supernova has to be farther away and therefore appear dimmer. Archive 2009-03-01
  • `Ah, oh, but the light from the supernova won't reach Neverness for thirteen more years. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Outer space was a vivacious place, filled with planets and stars, moons and black holes, supernovas and asteroid belts.
  • Astronomers made more than 104,000 observations with it, including planets, comets, stars, interstellar gas, supernovae, planetary aurorae, galaxies, and quasars. Times, Sunday Times
  • Supernova from Dolphin Software offers full screen reading in speech and Braille with integrated magnification and works on any of the supported Windows platforms.
  • So even if Eta Carina turns out to be the right type of supernova to become a hypernova and a gamma-ray burst, we're okay because it's not pointed at us. Astronomy Cast
  • They have studied several dozen exploding stars, called supernovae, and discovered that the universe is expanding at an ever-accelerating rate," prize awarder, the Nobel Committee for Physics at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, said. Reuters: Top News
  • Scientists are now predicting that the end will come when T Pyxidis, a supernova, explodes. Mainstream Baptist
  • The new supernovas were found in galaxies ranging from four to seven billion light years away.
  • These superheavy elements do not exist naturally on earth; they may be generated by supernova explosions in stars, or by fusions during the dawn of the universe.
  • A supernova within 100 light-years of the Earth would likely be a catastrophic event for our planet, but something as far out as T Pyxidis may or may not damage the Earth. Could A Faraway Supernova Threaten Earth? | Universe Today
  • Both supernovae and the rare but brilliant gamma-ray bursts are cosmic explosions marking the deaths of massive stars.
  • There's hope that these rings will shield Neverness from the light of the supernovae. THE BROKEN GOD
  • The supernova was named after the famous astronomer Tycho Brahe, who was one of the people who observed and recorded the supernova when it first appeared in the sky in November 1572.
  • The research and analysis ranges from providing more accurate hurricane predictions, to climate change, galaxy formation, black holes and supernovas.
  • An international team of astronomers has identified the surviving companion star to the 1572 supernova explosion witnessed by the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe.
  • Type Ia supernovae all explode with nearly the same amount of energy and therefore have almost the same intrinsic brightness.
  • Violent events such as stellar flares, supernovae and the explosion of galactic nuclei produce a concoction of subatomic particles, primarily protons and electrons.
  • By 2011 debris in the center of the ring, which is about a light-year in diameter, was blazing more intensely as the supernova entered a new stage of stellar demise.
  • Although the explosion originally escaped detection, its aftermath — a hot, expanding gas cloud known as Cassiopeia A — is one of the best-studied supernova remnants. Undefined
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  • The Stone Roses were a supernova, their debut album a bright flash in the pop universe that remains a signpost and a favorite more than 15 years later.
  • Information about the termination shock may also provide insight into the more powerful shocks generated by supernova explosions.
  • There are meteors and comets and supernovas and yes, black holes.
  • Galaxies with high levels of star formation like M82, also known as "starburst" galaxies, have large numbers of supernovae and massive stars. Solving the Mystery of Cosmic Rays' Origins | Universe Today
  • Great talent, beauty, brains, her warmth, crackling wit, generosity and welcome smile - all wrapped up in one long-legged supernova is just too damn much for one woman to have - but this lady has it all. ON THE BUBBLE - PERSONS OF INTEREST CONTINUED
  • Such "hypernova" by definition are one hundred times more luminous than ordinary supernova. Superbright Supernova First Observed of Antimatter Variety | Universe Today
  • A large amount of matter, left over from a supernova explosion spiraling inward towards an invisible black center.
  • An axially-symmetric geometry can explain many basic features of core-collapse supernovae, but significant departures from axial symmetry are needed to explain most events. Astronomers Find Type Ia Supernova Just Waiting to Happen | Universe Today
  • Fraser: Okay, so a hypernova is a supernova that also has a gamma-ray burst. Astronomy Cast
  • We would like to understand better the connection between gamma ray bursts and supernovae.
  • Modern detectors which should be capable of detecting the gravitational waves from a supernova collapse in our Galaxy are described.
  • Although that would mean the scene between Supernova and Ralph was essentially miswritten to not give the secret away and that scene was the biggest basis for me thinking it probably wasn't Booster. Week 36: In All Their Grandeur and Monstrosity
  • This was worked out by two groups who, in the 1990s, were studying exploding stars called supernovae. The Economist: Daily news and views
  • Kathryn Gray was studying images taken at an amateur observatory when she spotted the magnitude 17 supernova in the galaxy UGC 3378, in the constellation of Camelopardalis. BBC News - Home
  • Stars on the grand scale of V391 Velorum do not burn bright for long, and after a relatively short lifetime of about ten million years these titans blow up as supernovae.
  • A nearby black hole, hurtling like a cannonball through the plane of our Milky Way, has provided possibly the best evidence yet that stellar-mass black holes are made in supernova explosions.
  • This was done by using Hubble to peer halfway across the universe to find ancient exploding stars called supernovae.
  • Only a dozen such hypergiants are known, and scientists suspect that Rho Cassiopeiae will soon destroy itself in a supernova explosion.
  • Supernovae can outshine an entire galaxy and are often easily seen in neighbouring galaxies with simple amateur telescopes.
  • The light from the blinkans, from the supernovae that the Architects have made, this shaida light races across the galaxy, yes? THE BROKEN GOD
  • Wouldn't it have been more likely to supernova then, before the companion became a WD?
  • For example, amateurs have always been to the fore in discovering comets and novae, hunting for supernovae, and monitoring events happening on the planets.
  • Standard candles simplify calculations immensely: since the supernovas all have the same wattage, the dim ones are far away and the bright ones are nearby.
  • As matter builds in the space between the stars, the increase in energy can cause matter to be ejected from the system as a nova or supernova.
  • When a star explodes in what we call a supernova a large part of the explosion energy is used for accelerating some particles up to extremely high energies", says Helder. Science Blog - Science news straight from the source
  • As a result, ground-based tera-electronvolt telescopes miss many important supernova remnants" including SNR W44, Tanaka said. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Her great talent, beauty, brains, her warmth, crackling wit, generosity and welcome smile - all wrapped up in one long-legged supernova is just too damn much for one woman to have - but this lady has it all. ON THE BUBBLE WITH LAURA LIPPMAN
  • New Utah must have had billions of years to build up an oxygen atmosphere after the supernova. THE MOAT AROUND MURCHESON'S EYE
  • One such amateur astronomer is Caroline Moore, who, at age 14, was the youngest person to ever discover a supernova. Caroline Moore: 14-year old Astronomer
  • After many millennia, these fledgling stars, coupled with the explosive demise of V391 Velorum as a supernova, will likely alter Gum 19's present Janus-like appearance. RedOrbit News - Technology
  • SuperNova 3.1 includes new database interfaces and Unix System Labs' Tuxedo transaction processing monitor.
  • With all their brightness, supernovae gradually die away as a result of internal explosions of unsurpassable intensity.
  • Amateur astronomers have made many asteroid, comet, and supernova discoveries.
  • The supernova observations call out for some gravitationally repulsive substance to drive the cosmic acceleration.
  • A key feature of the collapsar winds is that they are capable of producing radioactive elements necessary to power a long-duration supernova light curve.
  • The title of Paul Gauguin's well-known painting makes a handy list of questions that researchers hope to answer by studying supernovae.
  • Early in the universe within the first few hundred million years such elements appeared only in the core of these collapsing stars, but some of these stars then went through massive explosions known as supernovae, flinging heavier elements back into the gas in the galaxy. The Language of God
  • Whilst the supernovae observations which support the notion of accelerative expansion extend out to billions of light years, observations of the distribution of galaxies only extend out to hundreds of millions of light years. Archive 2009-03-01
  • SuperNova 3.1 includes new database interfaces and Unix System Labs' Tuxedo transaction processing monitor.
  • University of Chicago cosmochemist Nicolas Dauphas and his colleagues have been analyzing meteorites for the microscopic remnants of a supernova that exploded approximately 4.5 billion years ago. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Now known as Kepler's supernova remnant, this object was first seen 400 years ago by sky watchers, including famous astronomer Johannes Kepler.
  • The astronomers realised that a normal red supergiant alone could not have given rise to such a weird supernova.
  • When massive stars die, most of their energy is released as neutrinos in violent supernova explosions.
  • The telescope in Chile was used to measure the polarization of light emitted by the supernova as it brightened and dimmed.
  • These objects are now known to be neutron stars, the collapsed cores of massive stars that have ended their lives in vast outbursts known as supernova explosions.
  • A stellar-mass black hole forms when a heavy star collapses under its own weight in a supernova explosion.
  • Theories of the general interstellar medium require that these large rarefied cavities exist, and astronomers believe the cavities were formed by the combined action of energetic supernova events and the outflowing winds of clusters of hot and young stars. Local Interstellar Gas Mapped in 3-D | Universe Today
  • The acceleration of the Universe can be seen in the redshifts of distant supernovae.
  • In a paper published today in Science, the Large Area Telescope collaboration, led by KIPAC researchers Takaaki Tanaka, Uchiyama, and Hiroyasu Tajima, released the first image of a supernova remnant in the giga-electronvolt energy range (about 200 million times the energy of visible light). - latest science and technology news stories
  • The supernova generated a propagating shock wave, that continues to move rapidly through the low-density bubble interior, and shocks these cloudlets, shredding them fiercely.
  • The society said that in this case the galaxy was "imaged" on Friday, New Year's Eve, and the supernova was located on Sunday. CBC | Top Stories News
  • Since Johannes Kepler's supernova was spotted in 1604, astronomershaven't witnessed one in our own galaxy.
  • The storm, created by the supernova, is a portal to the Orion constellation (or a planet within.) BATTLESTAR GALACTICA: Holy Frack! | the TV addict

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