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How To Use Sugar In A Sentence

  • Does the plain, unsugared doughy type bagel look alike surpass the overly decorated with hundreds and thousands and pumped full of sweet chemicals with optional coating of chocolate (half dipped) Tescos Express doughnut win every time? Rabbit Stew. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Neither of them sugar-coat the ups and down of working in the industry, but they will open your eyes a great deal about the false assumptions that you're making.
  • Oh - and I want a food mixer of some sort, because creaming butter and sugar by hand is not a lot of fun.
  • Put all the fruit in a saucepan on a gentle heat and add a couple of tablespoons of caster sugar and a slug of something pleasantly alcoholic such as brandy, whisky or even sherry.
  • One of the processes of digestion is to reduce food to a substance which can be absorbed in the bloodstream as sugar.
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  • Low blood sugar - a level below about 60 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) - results from too much insulin and not enough sugar in your blood.
  • Take the white of one egg, and measure just as much cold water; mix the two well, and stir stiff with confectioners 'sugar; add a little flavoring, vanilla, or almond, or pistache, and, for some candies, color with a tiny speck of fruit paste. A Little Cook Book for a Little Girl
  • Metformin and sulfonylurea drugs -- the latter a class of diabetes drugs including glyburide, glipizide, chlorpropamide, tolbutamide and tolazamide -- are often among the first medications prescribed to lower blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. Drug linked to increased risk for older diabetics
  • The best philosophy is to change your food habits to a low-sugar, high-fibre diet.
  • ‘We tooted and tooted,’ says Harry, ‘until the white sugar lump melted into the pale horizon.’
  • French presses don't do this, so you get full-strength coffee flavor goodness without the bitterness that makes you want cream and sugar. What is the best coffee maker, percolator, for camping?
  • Without slave labour the plantations of sugar and cotton could not have been as rapidly developed.
  • The fact that I first met it as part of a pavlova didn't help: the deep clouds of snow-white sugar-cake need a fruit with a sting in its tail (the Antipodeans are bang on with their inclusion of passion fruit) if the dessert isn't to cloy. Tender delights
  • All this makes him an apposite starting point for those on the far right in search of intellectual sugarcoating.
  • Avoid too many sweet fruits; mango, pineapple and melon are full of sugar. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this crucible I have mixed together just one ounce of sugar and one and one-eighth ounces of solidified oxygen, solidified by the force of chemical affinity and bound up in a white salt called chlorate of potash. Religion and Chemistry
  • The opening Thursday of SugarHouse Casino, Pennsylvania's 10th casino, comes after years of community protests and delays.
  • And mashed banana with sugar and milk, and banana custard, banana milk shake and banana fritters. Times, Sunday Times
  • It traces the history of sugar and its social and economic impact on the island in a lively and informative exhibition. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has been frequently asked if the existing and accepted formula for determining in advance the amount of refined sugar that may be extracted from either beets, _masse cuite_ or raw sugar, is to be considered exact, without special allowance being made for raffinose. Scientific American Supplement, No. 832, December 12, 1891
  • Tartaric acid is what gives balance to sugars in white wines and tannins in reds.
  • Imagine you are making jam and have gotten to the point where you pour the steaming liquor of fruit, sugar, and pectin into the jars.
  • On that day people give each other sugar skulls with a name label crudely pasted on the forehead.
  • One scoop of ice cream holds seven teaspoons of sugar.
  • Dust the strudel tuiles with powdered sugar and reserve.
  • Anyway, today we made a pistachio dacquoise (remember that a dacquoise is a meringue--whipped egg whites--with sugar and nut flour(s) folded into it), an apricot-passion-fruit gelee, some apricot glaze, two sablee dough shells (we didn't get to do those, as the only sablee dough left was too soft to work with, so we'll do it tomorrow), and each of us made an inverted puff pastry recipe and put four turns in the dough. Lily, Rosemary, and the Jack of Hearts
  • That includes the ever-popular plum cake, plum pudding and Yule log, marzipans glittering with a coat of sugar, and delightful creations such as nougat, truffle and gateaux.
  • For the crust, stir the flour, cornmeal, sugar and baking powder together in a large mixing bowl.
  • The thing the article doesn't mention in much detail, presumably because the writer isn't diabetic, is how awful hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) feels. SeeLight:
  • Tea, flour, sugar and molasses. THE LAST OF THE GENTLEMEN ADVENTURERS: Coming of Age in the Arctic
  • Sugar, fat and protein molecules are taken through the cell membrane where they are processed by the mitochondria into energy. The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
  • We opted to share a portion of raspberry crème brûlée with cream which tasted absolutely fabulous, full of raspberries with crisp caramelised sugar and rich cold cream.
  • My family has not forgiven me yet, but perhaps if I make these, that will smooth things over! why so much baking soda? browning effect? because there's not that much molasses (acid). and it's only 4 cups flour. somebody enlighten me! oh and for your molasses question - depends if you want the stronger molasses flavor. robust is probably what is more commonly referred to as blackstrap molasses. the light stuff I think tastes too light for something like a ginger cookie, I think. and given there's only 1/2C of molasses in this recipe to go along with 2 C of regular sugar, I'd def say go for the robust. Jeremy Zawodny's linkblog
  • In order to prevent this happening, most recipes suggest ‘washing’ the sides of the pan with a wet pastry brush to brush down any undissolved sugar; easier still is to put a lid on the pan and let steam do the trick.
  • Equal amounts of flour and sugar should be added to the mixture.
  • The helpers provision the couple's fledglings with a steady supply of lerp, sugary casings secreted by plant-sucking insects. Signs of the Times
  • Heat the egg whites and the remaining caster sugar in a large clean, heatproof bowl. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bring the caster sugar and 500 ml of water to the boil in a medium saucepan, then add the lemon juice, stem ginger, star anise and the vanilla pod.
  • The product is sweetened with organic crystallized cane sugar and contains no unnatural stabilizers or preservatives.
  • Then stir in the cinnamon, sugar, tomatoes, garlic and raisins.
  • Mix the flour, sugar and raisins together in a bowl then add the liquid, stirring well to combine.
  • The hawthorn-orange-milk sugar uses fresh and orange skin for the main sauce on the basic traditional milk sugar, meanwhile, it is the new sugar products to strengthen dietary fiber.
  • You can sweeten it by adding sugar or honey. The Sun
  • I remember on this occasion of our last sugar bush in Minnesota, that I stood one day outside of our hut and watched the approach of a visitor -- a bent old man, his hair almost white, and carrying on his back a large bundle of red willow, or kinnikinick, which the Indians use for smoking. Indian Boyhood
  • (Salmon, salt, pepper, sugar, and dill – the osmotic pressure semi-dehydrates the salmon, creating a brine that it sits in.) Chris Travers (Quote) The Volokh Conspiracy » Are Carbs Worse than Fat?
  • She would cajole family members with promises of help and milk and sugar. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yellow variegated leaves are still quite efficient at using the energy of sunlight to produce sugars.
  • Chew sugarless gum, suck on sugarless candy, and drink plenty of unsweetened fluids.
  • Before you turn the page, wondering why I've chosen such a dreadful piece of sugary sentimentalism for this week's painting, give Greuze's grieving girl a second glance.
  • `He was her sugar daddy ," Betty had supplied later, over a Fourth of July feast of cinnamon buns. STONE CITY
  • An exception is tartrate crystal deposits that look like granules of white sugar but are tasteless and can easily be removed.
  • At dinner, they ate as they had before, although in time Bittman found that even his evening meals came to include more "vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains and less meat, sugar, junk food, and overrefined carbohydrates. Thoughts on the minimalist and "vegan until six"
  • True to form, the finished 2003 wines delivered record-breaking levels of tannin, sugar and alcohol; many châteaux have made clarets weighing in at 15 per cent-plus alcohol, as in Australia and California.
  • Coffee, cotton, peanuts, mangoes, citrus fruits, and sugarcane are other important crops.
  • Stools of children with lactose intolerance tend to be acidic and contain undigested sugar.
  • If you have diabetes, you should aim to closely control your blood sugar levels.
  • The American Heart Association (AHA) is reporting that Americans are eating about 22 teaspoons of sugar (or 350 calories) every day from the "added sugar" in processed foods and beverages. Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D.: Artificial Sweeteners: Are They Better or Worse Than the Real Thing?
  • No refined sugar, no gluten, no dairy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Similarly, in freesia florets the increase in perianth sugars was more than 10 times higher than the decrease in starch content.
  • Heat gently until the sugar dissolves.
  • The development of the sugar industry was directly linked with the African slave trade, due to the harsh physical demands and labour intensiveness of farming sugar.
  • The central theme of Sugar and Slaves is the rise of the big slave-owning sugar planters who completely dominated their island societies by the late seventeenth century.
  • He dropped down beside Patrick and started eating some of the dry sugar-coated goodies.
  • The specialist suggested that children should not eat too much sugar.
  • Stir in the suet, sugar, currants and lemon zest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each of these sugary sweet snaps was masking trouble behind the scenes. The Sun
  • They refine sugar using this way.
  • Then you dip it in batter and deep fry it before sprinkling icing sugar on top. The Sun
  • Jeri and I got back in the car and drove south, past shrimp stands and abandoned old sugar mills.
  • The Indians of America carry all their products, such as maize, sugar, coffee, etc., in bags made of this leaf, which they know how to arrange so well, that they transport an "arroba," or twenty-five pounds any distance without a single grain escaping, and without any appliance other than a liana or creeper to tie it up with. Scientific American, Volume 22, No. 1, January 1, 1870 A Weekly Journal of Practical Information, Art, Science, Mechanics, Chemistry, and Manufactures.
  • Bimeby he see a great big stalk er sugar-cane stan'in 'up in de cornder, en he cle'r up his th'oat en talk biggity: Uncle Remus, His Songs and His Sayings: The Folk-Lore of the Old Plantation. By Joel Chandler Harris. With Illustrations by Frederick S. Church and James H. Moser
  • Add the sultanas, candied peel or mostarda, caster sugar and hot water or stock; simmer for 5 min.
  • Sugar unbalances the endocrine system, which includes the adrenal glands, pancreas and liver, causing the blood-sugar level to fluctuate widely.
  • Venison was seldom served without this accompaniment, but furmety, sweetened with sugar, was a favorite dish of itself, the ‘clean broth’ being omitted when a lord was to be the partaker.
  • She cleared out the sugary snacks and stocked up on fruit and vegetables. The Sun
  • They rotate their crops, thereby helping the soil to recover from centuries of monoculture under sugarcane.
  • They've shown for the first time that the skeleton is an endocrine organ that helps control our sugar metabolism and weight and, as such, is a major determinant of the development of type 2 diabetes. August 10th, 2007
  • Apothecaries would not sugar their pills unless they were bitter. 
  • Mama, meantime, made sugared tea and spooned most of a cup down TeClar's throat, after which he seemed to go to sleep. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • Taste and adjust the seasoning with salt and sugar. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mix together the egg, 125g muscovado sugar, treacle, buttermilk and remaining butter until smooth.
  • Whisk together flour, oats, sugar, baking powder and salt in a large bowl.
  • There is butter for the waffles, and powdered sugar, and strawberry jam.
  • Saturate lump sugar with bitters in a thick tumbler or mug.
  • Given their love of luxe, Leos tend to overindulge in delectably unnecessary high-fat and sugary goodies.
  • There's sugar in toffee and in jam, and they're hot, leastways they're hot to be made. Little Miss Peggy: Only a Nursery Story
  • To serve the dessert, whip the cream with the confectioners' sugar.
  • The ingredients - water, milk protein, fat, sugar, emulsifiers, stabilizers, flavours and a lot of air - are mixed together before being pasteurized and homogenized.
  • Sprinkle with ground cardamom, sugar and dot with butter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Coffee, sugar, cotton, and indigo (a blue dye) from Haiti accounted for nearly one-half of France's foreign trade.
  • The all-natural cola, with ingredients such as kola nut, lemon juice, licorice and caramel-sugar syrup, will roll out first in Las Vegas in June. Ad Track: Starbucks splash stick says no to sploshing
  • That's the equivalent of about 1 teaspoon of sugar in a gallon of water.
  • Add the icing sugar and pulse a few times until combined. The Sun
  • a socialite's life † heidi montag and spencer pratt were busy spreading a message of 'grope' - ugh! popsugar † mischa barton is Friday October 24 2008 @ 7: 55AM Popbytes
  • But this past year has been an especially punishing one for the country, with a drought over the summer leading to an exceptionally meagre yield of wheat, maize, sunflowers, soybeans and sugar-beet - all key crops.
  • The company said clinical trials showed the drug helps patients achieve lower blood sugar when injected prior to meals.
  • This is called muscovado sugar, which is afterwards refined. Our Own Third Reader: for the Use of Schools and Families
  • No more sweets, fried foods or sugary drinks, including Gatorade.
  • This was the site of the Foucher Plantation, owned by Paul Foucher, son of a New Orleans mayor and son-in-law of Etienne de Bore, famed as the granulator of sugar from cane syrup. Undefined
  • She added sugar to her tea.
  • It is a large family, belonging to the tropics and subtropics, and many of its members furnish important foodstuffs: the coconut, date, sago, palm sugar, etc.
  • But perhaps it was there on the terrace of the Villa America, tossing back Bailey cocktails, that Hemingway acquired his taste for tart, unsugared drinks. He Was a Cocktail Artist
  • A very common cause of browning is a more complicated reaction known as sugar-amine browning.
  • The products of this reaction are oxygen (O2), water, and carbohydrates, such as starches and sugars (Figure 5.5). 5. How plants live and grow
  • There was no candy, no sugary cereals. Times, Sunday Times
  • Top with 1 big tbsp sugar-free muesli and serve. Times, Sunday Times
  • I helped for a day in a sugarbush collecting sap and watching it boil down. Archive 2005-10-01
  • The pentose sugars, whose molecules contain only five carbon atoms instead of six, caramelize very well.
  • Apart from the damage that drinks dispensing machines are doing to school pupils' teeth, cans of sugary drinks are also adding to their daily calorie intake, resulting in obesity.
  • Put the sugar, lemongrass, lime and a good pinch of ginger strips into a shaker and muddle them together well. Times, Sunday Times
  • Additional sugar may increase dough softness.
  • At night you can hear the call of the Cape Eagle owl and during the day you might see bokmakieries, sunbirds, sugar birds, steppe buzzards, heron and many many more.
  • The cheapness of sugar creates an incentive for food manufacturers and retailers to sell consumers more of it in more formats, and drives sugarless foods out of the market.
  • Side effects may include headaches, muscle pain, joint stiffness, weakness, high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), sugar in your urine (glucosuria), swollen hands and feet due to fluid retention, and redness and itching in the area you inject. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • As for those limitations of the "feminine mind" which render her unfit to consider the victuallage of a nation, or the justice of a tax on sugar; it hardly seems as if the charge need be taken seriously. The Man-Made World; or, Our Androcentric Culture
  • Visitors to the show will receive a lace bag of wedding favours, five sugared almonds which traditionally convey blessing, with a Bible text inside.
  • Put the sugar, lemongrass, lime and a good pinch of ginger strips into a shaker and muddle them together well. Times, Sunday Times
  • The world of kitsch is in a certain measure a heartless world, in which emotion is directed away from its proper target towards sugary stereotypes, permitting us to pay passing tribute to love and sorrow without the trouble of feeling them. Roger Scruton on Beauty
  • Paul Bert, in his remarkable studies on the influence of barometric pressure on the phenomena of life, has recognized the fact that compressed oxygen is fatal to certain ferments, whilst under similar conditions it does not interfere with the action of those substances classed under the name of soluble ferments, such as diastase (the ferment which inverts cane sugar), emulsin and others. VI. The Physiological Theory of Fermentation. Reply to the Critical Observations of Liebig, Published in 1870
  • Meanwhile, in another small saucepan, combine pearl onions and sugar with water to cover barely.
  • Flour, sugar, dried beans, canned beef, milk.
  • I did say there was some fun to be had, and I'd be a cold cynic if I didn't admit there was some sugar-coated amusement present in this series.
  • They comprise the full range of cups and saucers, milk jugs, covered sugar bowls or boxes, slop bowls, teapots and stands.
  • South with cotton, rice, sugar, etc. Virginia, North Carolina, Kentucky, and Tennessee evinced their noted superiority in the culture of the nicotian plant, which is in such great favor with the consumers of tobacco. By Water to the Columbian Exposition
  • In a large bowl, cream butter and confectioner's sugar.
  • The plasma membrane transport of other metabolites such as amino acids and sugars can also be assayed by the changes in membrane potential.
  • Fructose, aka levulose, found naturally in fruits and, to a lesser extent, vegetables, is the sweetest of all sugars.
  • Try excluding sugar and fat from your diet.
  • Remove from the oven and sprinkle with a further 4 tbsp caster sugar. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was about to bake them with just a little sugar, when I saw a little box of salted butter caramels on the counter, a souvenir from Brittany, and thought I would use a few to sweeten the fruit instead.
  • As a healthier alternative to refined white sugar, I chose granulated cane juice, which has not been stripped of all its nutrients.
  • “Hold on there, sug,” he croaked, pronouncing the endearment like the first part of the word sugar. Water Song
  • To freshen the palate we finished with summer fruits in a delicate sugar basket with a strawberry coulis - a mouthwatering combination.
  • Boil the sugar, vinegar, and cinnamon together until they begin to look sirupy. Woman's Institute Library of Cookery Volume 5: Fruit and Fruit Desserts; Canning and Drying; Jelly Making, Preserving and Pickling; Confections; Beverages; the Planning of Meals
  • Put two thirds of the fruit in blender with 1 tbsp icing sugar. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is now strongly suspected that one major culprit is sugared colas,’ they wrote.
  • In a particular brand of beverage, any serious deviation from the target sugar content could result in loss of consumer acceptance, the ultimate nightmare of any marketing organization.
  • In the social context, drugs such as caffeine, sugar and chocolate are well accepted and much enjoyed by millions worldwide.
  • Take two shots of Havana Club light three-year-old rum, half a shot of freshly squeezed lime juice, a teaspoon of sugar and an eighth of maraschino liqueur.
  • When you eat carbohydrates your body produces insulin which regulates your blood sugar levels and helps your body store fat.
  • Given their love of luxe, Leos tend to overindulge in delectably unnecessary high-fat and sugary goodies.
  • Wheat, maize and sugar beet are planted in rotation.
  • We were planning to boil it down later that night for a sugaring off party the next day.
  • Beat the butter and sugar; then blend in the egg.
  • As part of that instinct, we're also programmed to prefer energy-dense foods like sugar and fat.
  • Use a spoon to slowly turn the mixture until the sugar has dissolved. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cow's milk, wheat, tomatoes sugar and fruit are some of the most common triggers.
  • The flavour, however, is less sugary than you might be led to expect, salty and redolent of rosemary, garlic and vinegar.
  • To make the crumble, put the flour, oatmeal, oat cereal and sugar into a food processor and blend for 30 seconds.
  • Cream white and brown sugars, salt, butter and crunchy peanut butter thoroughly in large mixing bowl. Beat egg and vanilla into creamed mixture until light and fluffy.
  • As it approached the crossroad, a truck loaded with sugarcane pulled out, blocking the road.
  • Made from a composite of grass and sugar-cane pulp, the utensils are entirely natural.
  • Avoid sugar, instead use fresh and dried fruit to sweeten food. The Family Nutrition Workbook
  • Her experience with sugaring (which is the same idea as waxing) wasn't something she wished to repeat.
  • For the coconut and sesame seed crisps: In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a paddle, combine butter and sugar and beat until fluffy.
  • Whip the cream until it just holds its shape and then stir in the sugar and sift in the cocoa.
  • Melt the butter in a saucepan and stir in the sugar.
  • Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world?
  • So shelve that sugar and stir honey crystals into your brownie batter instead.
  • He heaped sugar over the coffee powder in the cup.
  • Try the mango pudding, which came on steaming dry ice, but skip the affogato, which tastes like coffee grounds mixed with milk and sugar. Finicky Traveler: The Gramercy Park Hotel
  • Mix together the soy sauce and brown sugar and pour over the steak. The Sun
  • The main ingredients are cane and Beet sugars combined with other carbohydrate foods such as corn syrup , cornstarch, honey, molasses, and maple sugar.
  • Place the eggs and sugar in a food mixer and beat for 5-10 minutes until thick and creamy, then slowly add the oil, beat together and add the remaining ingredients.
  • (in this case a bar of so called "nougat" which was really just a lump of sugar). An Exercise in the Fundamentals of Orthodoxy
  • For us, sugaring is a wonderful part of our lives all year around, a special blend of hard work, good times, and lasting memories.
  • NSW Sugar will pioneer harvesting techniques that collect the whole cane crop, then separate it at the mill.
  • ‘We all had it,’ she says, sitting on a rug in front of her mud hut while her granddaughter mauls a stalk of sugarcane.
  • If a hot saturated sugar solution is allowed to cool slowly, the sugar comes out of solution and crystallizes on the bottom of the container.
  • Composed of hundreds of ephemeral objects, from sugar cookies to vials of cheap perfume to devotional candles, popular santos, kitschy trinkets and cans of Goya beans, ‘Infinito Botanica’ is a vast still life.
  • Cook 2 cups milk, 6 ounces chopped bittersweet chocolate, 3 tablespoons sugar, 1 tablespoon cocoa powder and 1/4 teaspoon chili powder over medium-low heat, stirring, until smooth.
  • He said he had been alerted to the high sugar content of many cereals by going shopping. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fold in the remainder of the sugar with a metal spoon, cutting the egg whites rather than mixing them.
  • If you want to cut calories and sugar, just serve the mango with lime juice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Add the sugar, pour in the gin and cork the bottle or screw on the lid.
  • “Fight Club” is a critique of patriarchy like a non-fat, artificially sweetened white chocolate mocha is a critique of sugary coffee drinks. Matthew Yglesias » Fight Club
  • At the screening, you'll drink a sugary liquid and then take a blood test one hour later.
  • Jerusalem artichoke powder mainly composed of protein, sugar and inulin and trace elements.
  • Even the vanilla buttercream piped onto an otherwise agreeable vanilla cupcake had a grainy, crystallized texture on one of my visits, as if the ratio of butter to sugar had gone astray.
  • The book says much of the author, it reads: ‘To the Irish men and women and children who lie in unhallowed grounds in the sugar cane fields of Barbados’.
  • Anhui Cuisine Anhui Cuisine chefs focus much more attention on the temperature in cooking and are good at braising and stewing. Often hams will be added to improve taste and sugar candy added to gain.
  • The purpose of digestion is to break down complex molecules into simple ones such as sugars, fats, and peptides.
  • Embryogenic tissues were homogenized to a very fine powder in liquid nitrogen and then sugar extraction was carried out.
  • In his act the pill of political polemic may be sugared with a sprinkling of dirty jokes, but it's always there.
  • Pour the sugar into the wine mixture and beat gently with a whisk attachment, then pour in the cream and beat slowly until the syllabub starts to thicken.
  • Acid hydrolysis of crude leaf mucilage extract in both Z. mauritiana and Z. rotundifolia revealed that the main sugar constituents were rhamnose, glucose, galactose, and arabinose.
  • To make the sauce, place 50 ml of hot water, plus the vinegar, oregano, saffron, sugar and the oil into the processor.
  • Eaten on their own as a candy or as an accompaniment to cheese, these little sugar encrusted fruit treats with a name that has no good translation, come in every imaginable flavor from raspberry to mirabelle plum to date. Flora Lazar: Finally -- Locavore Candy at the Farmers Market
  • Taste and adjust the seasoning as necessary, adding a little sugar if the tomatoes are too acidic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Peel it, quarter it, core it, cut it in pieces and then poach it in a sugar syrup.
  • Complex sugars coat almost every cell in the body, as well as microbes that cause disease.
  • Millionaire computer tycoon Alan Sugar, a lifelong Spurs fan, bought a 48 percent stake in the club earlier this year.
  • Stew the apples in a little water till they become a pulp, placing with them half a dozen cloves and half a dozen strips of the yellow part only of the outside of the rind of a _fresh_ lemon of the size and thickness of the thumb-nail; sweeten with brown sugar, that known as Porto Rico being the most economical. Cassell's Vegetarian Cookery A Manual of Cheap and Wholesome Diet
  • They doubled the sugar and added more mirin, the rice wine that lent the sauce, or teri, its distinctive flavor and glazing properties.
  • I wanted the top of the cupcakes to look like a jube so I went a little big crazy with the coloured sugar crystals - they would of looked better if I didn't rush spreading on the swiss meringue buttercream. The Red Deer
  • Middle East, or the opportunities those wars provided for the oil-producing countries to organize and establish monopoly prices, the current price ratio between the monopoly price of oil and the price of sugar on what we call the garbage dump of the world market .... [changes thought] A large part of the sugar in the world is marketed through agreements, through prices set by agreement and not by the world market. Fidel Castro Speech to FEEM Congress
  • There was no attempt to sugar the pill, no saxophone music in the background to soothe the pain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whenever possible I cook from scratch, using fresh and organic ingredients, keeping animal fat, sugar and salt to a minimum
  • The short Serenades are also quite pretty and Hanson makes the most out of their sugary sentimentality.
  • Make a well in the centre, add the butter and icing sugar and work them together with your fingertips. The Sun

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