How To Use Strong drink In A Sentence

  • It was still a quite strong drink, and frankly, it wasn't something you'd drink in big gulps but was a sort of thing which would make you satisfied with a few sips out of it.
  • Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that continue until night, till wine inflame them!
  • I see too drunk muscle Jian - hung wide strong drink horse charm of the Tianshan Tianchi.
  • Unfortunately both strong drinks brought the worst out of the taste testers.
  • In this quarter, on the polling-day, the police were in strong force, and the liquor-shops were all closed -- that is, the shutters of those dens of iniquity were up; but as the doors were open there was no difficulty in obtaining strong drink. Election Day in New York
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  • My favorite drinks are Malibu pineapple and Amaretto sours - I can't drink strong drinks.
  • The one content to doze away life with as little labor as possible and all the enjoyment compassable; his log hut, wool hat, homespun suit, and corn and bacon the limits of his desires ...; loving his gun and his horse, addicted to tobacco and strong drink, quick to anger, a dangerous enemy, and a fast friend. The Rise of Cotton Mills in the South
  • That's true, Phil, there was a touch of sense there, if not sarcasm," said the widow heartily, for she was an abhorrer of strong drink! Post Haste
  • Mezze choices include a tangy lemon and spinach squid and a raw beef with cracked wheat, but it's the strong drinks served in the open-plan bar that get you in the mood.
  • How we came to be was a complicated story, one not to be told unless under the influence of a few strong drinks.
  • He is that rare bird, the night-owl who likes talking without the prop of a strong drink in his hands.
  • The sermon was a fiery denunciation of strong drink.
  • I was about to enter and deliver a stiff lecture on the evils of strong drink when I thought the better of it and turned on my heels.
  • The word intemperance is generally employed as applying to the abuse of strong drinks. Life and Conduct
  • Gilbert to sell strong drink as an innholder at the north end of Fish Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period Illustrative Documents
  • He has tempered the strong drink with water.
  • It is generally accepted that the priest had a liking for strong drink and some of the stories place him in pubs and outside a glass of the hard stuff.
  • Whilst there he had drunk a couple of strong drinks, but intended to stay the night.
  • And he arraigns his indolence and constantly asserts that delicate repasts and strong drink have helped uncage the wild animal in him. Là-bas
  • He has tempered the strong drink with water.
  • When asked about his pre-match routine, he said that the trick was to "have a smoke to calm your nerves, then toss back a strong drink to tone your muscles.
  • My favorite drinks are Malibu pineapple and Amaretto sours - I can't drink strong drinks.
  • The Yacht pub in Clontarf was buzzing at midnight last night and strong drink was being consumed at a terrific rate.
  • I have no sympathy," replied Prudence, "with a man who deliberately fuddles himself with strong drink. The Ragged Edge
  • Malay, looks upon the Englishman as little removed from a "Kafir" -- an uncircumcised Philistine -- who through ignorance constantly offends in minor points of etiquette, who eats pig and drinks strong drink, is ignorant of the dignity of repose, and whose accidental physical and political superiority in the present world will be more than compensated for by the very inferior and uncomfortable position he will attain in the next. British Borneo Sketches of Brunai, Sarawak, Labuan, and North Borneo
  • The Anglo-Saxon word beor referred to a sweet, strong drink, not made from cereals, and probably a fruit wine/cider/perry.
  • The term cider entered the English language as a corruption of sekar, a Hebrew word for strong drink which itself derived from the ancient Greek sikera. The Full Feed from
  • Inspiration, -- _Woe unto him that giveth his neighbour drink, that puttest thy bottle to him, and makest him drunken also_: and again -- _Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink_. Advice to a Young Man upon First Going to Oxford In Ten Letters, From an Uncle to His Nephew
  • Shipping Girl Genius (and Other Trivial Matters) "Although strong drink is a mocker, I find that I need to be mocked. Archive 2009-01-01
  • The scent of rose water hung in the air, covering the stale smell of pipe tobacco and strong drink.
  • He also points to a fondness for strong drink taken neat; whisky and vodka rather than English ale or Irish stout.
  • Temperance groups - as devoted to their cause as were the drinkers - did their best and often succeeded in persuading boozers that strong drink was their undoing.
  • Raven walked up beside him and pretended nothing of him as he ordered a strong drink from the barkeep.
  • I am of that [2514] nobleman's mind, Melancholy advanceth men's conceits, more than any humour whatsoever, improves their meditations more than any strong drink or sack. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • He also points to a fondness for strong drink taken neat; whisky and vodka rather than English ale or Irish stout.
  • He has tempered the strong drink with water.
  • But tears and prayers were unavailing; all of man he had ever had in his nature was now brutified by strong drink; as well might she have knelt to the tiger thirsting for blood, as to him. Holidays at the Grange or A Week's Delight Games and Stories for Parlor and Fireside

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