strong drink

  1. an alcoholic beverage that is distilled rather than fermented
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How To Use strong drink In A Sentence

  • It was still a quite strong drink, and frankly, it wasn't something you'd drink in big gulps but was a sort of thing which would make you satisfied with a few sips out of it.
  • Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that continue until night, till wine inflame them!
  • I see too drunk muscle Jian - hung wide strong drink horse charm of the Tianshan Tianchi.
  • Unfortunately both strong drinks brought the worst out of the taste testers.
  • In this quarter, on the polling-day, the police were in strong force, and the liquor-shops were all closed -- that is, the shutters of those dens of iniquity were up; but as the doors were open there was no difficulty in obtaining strong drink. Election Day in New York
  • My favorite drinks are Malibu pineapple and Amaretto sours - I can't drink strong drinks.
  • The one content to doze away life with as little labor as possible and all the enjoyment compassable; his log hut, wool hat, homespun suit, and corn and bacon the limits of his desires ...; loving his gun and his horse, addicted to tobacco and strong drink, quick to anger, a dangerous enemy, and a fast friend. The Rise of Cotton Mills in the South
  • That's true, Phil, there was a touch of sense there, if not sarcasm," said the widow heartily, for she was an abhorrer of strong drink! Post Haste
  • Mezze choices include a tangy lemon and spinach squid and a raw beef with cracked wheat, but it's the strong drinks served in the open-plan bar that get you in the mood.
  • How we came to be was a complicated story, one not to be told unless under the influence of a few strong drinks.
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