How To Use Smooth In A Sentence
Simply smooth a little on your face at night, lie back and say goodbye to dull and lifeless skin.
The Sun
We lapped the track a few times at a walk, trot and canter and the horse went through it pretty smoothly.
The play is a little overlong and would benefit from cuts, but each scene is interesting and changes are smoothly executed.
A lot of things are a lot smoother and less of a drag now than they were four and a half months ago—finding the food on the left side of my plate, threading my left arm into my left shirtsleeve, typing, reading.
Left Neglected
A vacuum absorbing device absorbs the smooth plane of the extracting device and the socket connector is positioned on the circuit board, thus achieving the goal of automatic assembling.

Having a smooth bore . Use of a gun barrel.
Your pores should appear minimised and your face will feel smooth.
The Sun
The course of true love never did run smooth.
He swept his hands up and down the smooth sides, trying to find a notch or groove.
She smoothed paste wax on the old red linoleum and buffed it by hand.
Bed doth a goddess inarm; smooth ivory glossy from Indies,
Poems and Fragments
Adele brushes her perfectly manicured fingertips atop the cold, smooth metal of the letter opener.
He was asleep on the window, looking angelic as the moonlight shone in, making his skin a smooth pale lucid colour.
The wine possesses a smoothness and balanced depth which is rare at such a low price.
The smoothly boiled porridge, with its accompaniment of thick yellow cream; the new-laid eggs; the grilled trout, fresh from the stream; the freshly baked "baps" and "scones," the crisp rolls of oatcake; and last, but not least, the delectable, home-made marmalade, which is as much a part of the meal as the coffee itself.
Big Game A Story for Girls
In the first half maybe evern longer, his art was much more clean, smooth, and linear, whereas much later, he developed the blockier style of Kirby.
Top 100 Comic Book Runs #30-26 | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
Expertly based on simple, smooth, sculptural lines, exploring colour by layering and integrating silk and viscose, adding another textural element to her work.
This woman wore seamed nylons and kept smoothing her skirt.
Using frequency in speed adjustment to achieve flexibility, asmoothniess and low noise level in speed adjusting.
It is not just about productivity, but predictability, speeding things up, making things flow smoothly.
Designed with grace and precision by Portuguese architect Bak Gordon, this modern home located in the heart of Pousos, is all about smooth and simple design that draws from the modern architecture principles of using simple cubical structures.
How To Create a Minimalist Home
His apparent heresy is not that of the smooth talking cleric, but the statistician specialising in the field of criminology.
The production of a visceral-specific anti-peptide antibody should permit a further investigation of its expression in smooth muscle cells.
Beneath the splenium of the corpus callosum, the dentate gyrus becomes flattened and smooth and continues on to the dorsal surface of the corpus callosum as the thin gyrus fasciolaris.
‘Shh, shh, it'll be okay,’ Matt soothes, smoothing my hair.
Although the softest condition is obtained when the large globules of cementite are embedded in the ferrite, a smooth machined surface is difficult to obtain due to tearing.
A flat or smooth philtrum can present in persons with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.
What they have "incentivized" executives to do, in countless cases, is not to perform, but to game the system, to smooth the numbers, to take insane risks with other people's money, to do whatever had to be done to ring the bell and send the dollars coursing their way into the designated bank account.
Let's Move Their Cheese
Had his career unfolded more smoothly he may not have developed the physique which will muscle him into Vogts' squad.
Uncle Fliakim Sheril, furbished up in a new crisp black suit, and with his spindleshanks trimly incased in the smoothest of black silk stockings, looking for all the world just like an alert and spirited black cricket, outdid himself on this occasion in singing _counter_, in that high, weird voice that he must have learned from the wintry winds that usually piped around the corners of the old house.
Good Cheer Stories Every Child Should Know
They approached the first crossroad and turned right, the road soon becoming smoother and wider as the trees started to thin.
To complain is to rage against a jagged edge in a world you feel ought to be smooth.
Times, Sunday Times
Then the Gods of the Market tumbled, and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew
The Volokh Conspiracy » Democracy and the Appeal of Socialism
After our eyes adjust, we find the walls to be a gorgeous translucent blue, the surface scalloped into smooth, symmetrical wavelets.
He pressed his palm against Rob's chest, felt his heart beating slowly beneath the smooth, tanned skin and taut muscles.
My family has not forgiven me yet, but perhaps if I make these, that will smooth things over! why so much baking soda? browning effect? because there's not that much molasses (acid). and it's only 4 cups flour. somebody enlighten me! oh and for your molasses question - depends if you want the stronger molasses flavor. robust is probably what is more commonly referred to as blackstrap molasses. the light stuff I think tastes too light for something like a ginger cookie, I think. and given there's only 1/2C of molasses in this recipe to go along with 2 C of regular sugar, I'd def say go for the robust.
Jeremy Zawodny's linkblog
Man, the surface of the skull is comparatively smooth, and the supraciliary ridges or brow prominences usually project but little — while, in the Gorilla, vast crests are developed upon the skull, and the brow ridges overhang, the cavernous orbits, like great penthouses.
For years, breakfast for me has been a smoothie made with an apple, a banana, blueberries and rice or soy milk.
Upon heating the plastisol coating to a temperature which is sufficient to cause fusion of resins contained therein, a highly permeable polymeric ply having the appearance of a smooth, continuous film is formed.
Continue whisking until the mixture looks smooth and creamy.
Her skin felt smooth and cool.
The "SynchroRev Match" function automatically controls and adjusts engine speed when shifting to the speed of the next gear position, essentially "blipping" the throttle to smooth out any up / down shifts.
Smooth, like a Rhapsody: ... what, Manju, no gerbil reference?
The Volokh Conspiracy » Prosecution for Insulting Religion — This Time, Buddhism
At the end of an hour, the ascent becoming every moment more abrupt, we had passed the belt of trees and bushes, and reached the smooth and scoriaceous cone, which, during the rainy season, appears from the bay to be covered with a velvety mantle of green.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 30, April, 1860
Unlike most men I was accustomed to about me, he was smooth-shaven.
Chapter 13
Blend the soup until smooth and ladle into bowls.
The Sun
Now, whenever I go out on the porch I remember how rusty and pitted the railings used to look and how it bothered me, and the several hours I spent sandpapering it smooth, then the three coats of brown Rustoleum I applied, and now I'm watching it get whiter and cleaner with every new layer of paint I apply.
A Productive Day
Quiet and intense, he speaks in a halting manner, sometimes garbles his sentences and lacks a smooth personal touch.
Minn. governor fights GOP on taxes for wealthy
They are introducing new measures to ensure the smooth running of the business.
This arrangement had been working well, facilitating a smooth transition of business from Carl Stock to himself.
The smooth surface of the lake reflected back the brilliant moonlight.
Pupillary size is controlled by the action of the constrictor and dilator smooth muscles of the iris.
He sat at the opposite side of the table from Nero, his expression unreadable due to the fact that his face was concealed by a smooth oval mask of flawless black glass.
The Overload Protocol
a final leave of great Circe; who by her art calmed the heavens, and gave them smooth seas, and a right forewind (the seaman's friend) to bear them on their way to Ithaca.
The Adventures of Ulysses
The sea erodes everything, washes it smooth and round-edged.
In one smooth motion he then aerials to a lower landing, then hurdles onto another.
The surface of the nails were smooth and without any defects.
All of which begs the question as to whether or not somebody SHOULD make a MMORPG based on the Wheel of Time series, though if they do I look forward to a variety of braid tugging and skirt smoothing emotes along with an "agelessness" slider in the character creation tool.
The Ancient Gaming Noob
I extend my best wishes for your career. As a HR expert, your guidance will help the team in America. They have got the right person for the position. Wish you a smooth sailing ahead and a path full of joy, May all your dreams come true in the future!
Keeping the edge wet is most important for gloss and eggshell, as is smoothing off with gentle finishing strokes.
render-set the walls so they'll look nice and smooth
His face was smooth and beardless, a testament to his youth, with high cheekbones and a delicate looking nose and mouth.
Rub the surface smooth.
The spiral wave inhibits normal waves, just as eddies in a stream inhibit the smooth flow of water.
The metal band around the mouth is made of a copper alloy. Apart from its decorative use, it also smoothed the rough, unglazed rim.
Chronic idiopathic intestinal pseudoobstruction is usually caused by disease of the enteric nerves or smooth muscle.
The wildflowers, many of which bloom in May, include waterleaf, wild ginger, red trillium, Jack-in-the-pulpit, smooth and woolly blue violet, Solomon's seal, false Solomon's seal, and enchanter's nightshade.
On a smooth track the hard-top S4 handles beautifully, and I have no doubt the cabrio would be similarly impressive, but the price you pay for this is too high and not necessary.
Delicious berried aromas have an herbal tinge that follows through on a medium-bodied palate with juicy flavors and smooth tannins.
The genus Prionospio Malmgren 1867 includes species with smooth, non-pinnate and pinnate branchiae arranged in various combinations.
You look over the side of the deck and see smooth flowing waves, and the rain leaving ripples in the water.
It helps keep the village running smoothly and upholds the village's customs.
Though the bottom ten feet or so had been polished smooth, the flanks higher up were like crumbling battlements.
Tuning the Rig: A Journey to the Arctic
Your pores should appear minimised and your face will feel smooth.
The Sun
The Magistrate smoothed down his beard and inserted a small nip of whisky before replying.
I think the term for what you meant is 'smoothy' smooth person or Chronicle
In appearance and atmosphere he was a strapping big college man, smooth-faced and easy-mannered, clean and simple and wholesome, with a known record of being a splendid athlete and an implied vast possession of cold culture of the inhibited sort.
I mutter a sheepish apology and get to my feet, smoothing my shirt and trying to flatten my hair.
Various vehicles bowl along over the smooth highway.
The honey means that the sweetness isn't cloying and the smooth flakes of almond give a rustic feel.
Times, Sunday Times
Mix together the egg, 125g muscovado sugar, treacle, buttermilk and remaining butter until smooth.
Were here, announced Jace as the smooth roll of wheels over pavement turned to the jounce of cobblestones.
Cassandra Clare: The Mortal Instrument Series
Her smooth black hair fell around her shoulders, and her cream-coloured dress nearly matched her pale complexion.
Then pound the liver to a paste, add a tablespoonful of salt, a saltspoonful of white pepper; add three quarters of a pound of clarified butter; pound well together and pass through a wire sieve; put into pots; smooth over the top with a knife, then pour over hot clarified butter or lard and keep in a cool place.
My Pet Recipes, Tried and True Contributed by the Ladies and Friends of St. Andrew's Church, Quebec
Get the ready-mixed grout on a squeegee, smear it into all the gaps, then smooth away any excess (see below).
Times, Sunday Times
She was one of the ship's top engineers and she kept it running smoothly.
Zhang EY, Stein R, Chang S, Zheng Y, Zderic SA, Wein AJ, Chacko S: Smooth muscle hypertrophy following partial bladder outlet obstruction is associated with overexpression of non-muscle caldesmon.
Publications of the Urology Division
Knead the mixture until it reaches a smooth consistency.
The taut skin of these desiccated animals feels smooth under the hand and hard, like water-polished stone.
Studies suggest that retinoic acid increases collagen production, which might smooth out wrinkles.
Times, Sunday Times
During the phase ramp, fringing field effects smooth the phase profile.
And then he saw the smooth mask of Dr. Anderson descend, veiling the vivid sensuality of Joy.
The visual communication between members bordered on symbiosis as they smoothly switched up guitars, worked pedals, bashed away at keyboards and wailed through guitar solos.
It was cool without being chill, and took the warmth of one's hand flatteringly soon, as if it liked to do so, yet kept its freshness; it was smooth without being glossy, mat as a pearl, and as delightful to roll in the hand; and of an exquisite, alarming frangibility that gave it, in its small way, that flavour which belongs to pleasures that are dogged by the danger of a violent end.
The Judge
Their conjugal affection still is ty'd,And still the mournful race is multiply'd:They bill, they tread; Alcyone compress'd,Sev'n days sits brooding on her floating nest:A wintry queen: her sire at length is kind,Calms ev'ry storm, and hushes ev'ry wind;Prepares his empire for his daughter's ease,And for his hatching nephews smooths the seas.
Mystery bird: Black-capped kingfisher, Halcyon pileata
I set her upright, she smoothed her jacket and, not looking to me for even a moment, took her leave of the carriage with the vaguest suggestion of a smile on her face.
The process of negotiation was not entirely smooth.
Add the butter, cream and goat's curd or cheese and mash until smooth.
Times, Sunday Times
For recovery, he mixes his own smoothies with soy milk, frozen blueberries, bananas, and strawberries.
I felt my hand being pressed against a smooth, round mound.
This one still delivers instant glow and smooths out fine lines.
Times, Sunday Times
On its ground floor, executive director Amy Tobin showed me some salvaged-wood tables, benches, and a lustrously smooth black-acacia countertop created by Paul Discoe, an ordained Buddhist priest whose Oakland-based company, Live Edge, utilizes lumber from urban street trees that have been cut down due to storm damage, disease, and other reasons.
Anneli Rufus: Rainwater Toilets and Slag: Touring Berkeley's Greenest Building
For a smooth sauce, run the applesauce through a food mill or buzz it in a blender.
Deliciously charming or incredibly irritating, depending on your point of view, he is always ready with smooth-tongued flattery, eyes innocently beaming behind his spectacles.
His decision to specify something bigger, better or more daring than the norm was logical, not hubristic: he believed it would result in a faster, safer, smoother-running railway.
Matthew Risch, lately of "Pal Joey," is smooth and debonair as Sky Masterson, the high-rolling sharpie who wins the heart of Miss Sarah Brown Morgan James, the dishy Salvation Army doll who longs to save the souls of all the heels on Broadway.
Joy in Runyonland
Use a fork to mash until just smooth.
Times, Sunday Times
She helpfully suggested I try this smoothing shampoo and companion conditioner.
Ideally your interviews always go smoothly, and after each one you craft an effective note thanking the interviewer for the time, expressing enthusiasm and making it clear you listened closely to the hirer's requirements.
How To Follow Up After A Job Interview
Spoon the crumbs into the tart tin and smooth into the corners and up the sides.
Smoothly we left the ground, raised our undercarts, and climbed away into that overcast, threatening sky.
A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner.
A smooth-faced, moon-faced young man was smiling at her good-naturedly.
Amateur Night
Use a smooth file or sanding block to take off the sharp edge with a few shear strokes (down and along the edge simultaneously).
Fold in the almonds and self-raising flour to give a smooth mixture.
Times, Sunday Times
The dagger slid smoothly down the front of his tunic, each button snapped off easily until only one separated his bare chest from the cold dagger.
This is a good plywood for use where one smooth, paintable surface is needed.
Smooth and sleek production from the London singer.
The Sun
Many species of the salamander genus Bolitoglossa are arboreal (tree living), rather than typically terrestrial, and their feet are modified for climbing on smooth surfaces.
Here, a drumlin, an oval mound smooth-sculpted by glaciers, rises to give an uninterrupted panorama of sea, fields and forests from its grassy crown.
That's what it was like to sniff Silences, from the sharp but already layered opening through the dark green first layer and on into the galbanum earth to the very smooth remnants of extreme dry down.
Archive 2009-01-01
Note how smooth the skin of the upper arm is, then compare it to the skin on the elbow.
The country here is an expanse of smoothish tilted slopes, big, empty, and lonely, and crossed (at about the middle point) by a strange narrow gut or gully, up which the railway once ran to Montauban.
The Old Front Line
Smoothes the skin, tightens the pores, and provides an instant burst of radiance, as it stimulates microcirculation.
French Word-A-Day:
He stood there, as calm as ever, wearing only his neat black trousers and his scuffed boots, a few tendrils of plum-coloured hair tracing a colourful pattern against the smooth monotony of his skin.
Not always smoothly — Peirce himself parted ways with his fellow pragmatist William James, largely over the idea that truth was mutable, that is, what is "true" can become not true and even then true again, depending on the situation.
Archive 2008-08-01
Recently, we've smoothed out some minor kinks she had in her takeaway and the top of the backswing.
“Everything else is running smoothly,” she said—too quickly and too patly.
Star Trek: Myriad Universes: Shattered Light
English went smoothly and by the time her fourth period came around any trace of David Walker slipped from her mind.
Current areas of investigation include neurohumoral, cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating airway contractility, airway smooth muscle growth and cell surface receptor expression; regulation of postnatal development and growth of the lung; developmental effects of pulmonary inflammation and oxidative lung injury on airway and pulmonary vascular reactivity; biochemical and molecular regulation of membrane ion channels in cystic fibrosis; maturational changes in chest wall and airway function; pulmonary manifestations of sickle cell disease; the physiological basis of ventilator dependence in children with chronic respiratory insufficiency; and developmental aspects of respiratory mechanics and ventilatory control.
Fellowship Program in Pulmonary Medicine
The complexion of the former class is that which we call a brunette, and the skin is most delicately smooth and soft.
The Eventful History of the Mutiny and Piratical Seizure of H.M.S. Bounty: Its Cause and Consequences
In this regard, the political camps ought to tackle the issue of changing the presidential election system only after they help state affairs run smoothly and efficiently.
The concern with keeping everything ‘smooth and quiet’ in the novel, no matter what the social cost, presents white Southern life as determined to efface the rights of all African Americans.
It is fully equipped to make ice cream drinks, frozen fruit smoothies and coffee drinks.
A folder was thrown onto the table; it slid along the smooth surface to land in front of her.
But a spokesman denied his absence would jeopardise the smooth running of the general and county council elections.
These negotiations are intended to smooth the path to a peace treaty.
Smooth-billed anis live in open fields and pastureland, usually near water.
This will be almost falsetto but will have enough heaviness to enable the singer to crescendo smoothly.
Smooth out sharp edges and make sure your blush blends seamlessly.
Times, Sunday Times
As an added bonus, the lava would simultaneously pave roads and sidewalks when it hardens into a glassy smooth surface of igneous rock.
It presents a large, smooth, concave surface, called the iliac fossa, which gives origin to the Iliacus and is perforated at its inner part by a nutrient canal; and below this a smooth, rounded border, the arcuate line, which runs downward, forward, and medialward.
II. Osteology. 6c. The Bones of the Lower Extremity. 1. The Hip Bone
When I say the word biologic to someone like Josephine, her eyes cross a little, and her mouth gapes, and I can hear her little brain rattling around in her skull like a smooth marble.
Part of the German family of smooth, mild pork or pork-and-beef sausages, frankfurters have always been the food of the people, served with grated horseradish or mustard and eaten at street stalls throughout Germany and Austria.
The runners accelerated smoothly around the bend.
Drain and make into a thick, smooth paste by adding a little water.
The rock was mostly poor quality shale and mudstone leaving a smooth soapy floor underfoot and this continued for a few hundred metres without respite.
Each field is built up of gesso, each layer sanded to a flawless finish, the last one airbrushed smoother than any shell.
Desmin and vinculin are functionally related proteins that are present in the membrane-associated dense bodies in the sarcolemma of the smooth muscle cells.
I extend my best wishes for your career. As a HR expert, your guidance will help the team in America. They have got the right person for the position. Wish you a smooth sailing ahead and a path full of joy, May all your dreams come true in the future!
The strapping prevented any unseemly bulges, while keeping the smooth line of the tight trousers that were fashionable at the time.
Hetta was a short, plump, demure young woman, with the softest smoothed hair, and the brownest brightest eyes.
Tales of all countries
Of the nashi grown in New Zealand, 95 percent are Hosui, although smooth-skinned, greenish-yellow Nijisseiki and the mottled Kosui also make excellent eating.
True, old wear produces smooth spider web crazing and softened edges.
The paper was smoothed out, turned over, and marked off with our house of dreams, much like an architect's sketch of a one-story ranch house.
A smart reproof is better than smooth deceit.
While Disney turned out elegant, smooth, richly detailed work, Ub's stuff looked like high-school doodles.
Shaucha constitutes smooth and uninterrupted cascade of neural and neurohumoral events as Ill as appropriate events such as secretions of exocrine glands and muscular activity and metabolic activity.
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There were the black, the white, the brindle, the grey and the grisly, the rough and the smooth, the crop-eared and the lop-eared, the gaunt and the grim.
Such verdicts did not have an immediate impact, and for a while Arsenal's play was smooth but lacking a contrasting pointedness in the penalty area.
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Their great old houses overflow with rough medieval furniture, threadbare tapestries and religious relics worn smooth by the touch of generations.
Whisk the batter with a wire whisk or hand beater until it is smooth and light.
Pale skin, smooth all over, little pink nipples on a smooth, flat chest, snub nose with a little pale spray of freckles, big, _big_ blue eyes, naked as a jaybird, but for the brass-colored bobby-pins holding up her braids.
Asimov's Science Fiction
Fill cracks and holes with filler and sand smooth.
Times, Sunday Times
Front and rear angulations should be in balance for smooth movement with a good front reach and a strong rear movement.
Mix the flour with the milk to form a smooth paste.
Get your boat up on plane quickly and smoothly, and then throttle back to cruising speed.
Cook 2 cups milk, 6 ounces chopped bittersweet chocolate, 3 tablespoons sugar, 1 tablespoon cocoa powder and 1/4 teaspoon chili powder over medium-low heat, stirring, until smooth.
Warrior stroke Jingtao hack flow without sinking, coward in be in smooth water will drown.
Slowly, I made my way downstairs, gliding my hand along the smooth wooden banister.
If the dust cloud or explosion is spherical and uniformly smooth, all orientations are equally represented and the net polarization is zero.
The small round porthole was coated in a thin layer of fog, and he saw nothing but the smooth ocean basking in the moon glow.
Her skin was as smooth as silk.
These colours can be speckled or spiced up with added sparkle and are available in perfectly smooth or textured options.
Times, Sunday Times
Land firmly, rather than making the smooth, ‘greaser type’ landing.
Fracture is when a mineral does not break along smooth planes, rather along irregular surfaces.
Sound quality is great, and video smooth (but your fingers may cause smudges on its glossy screen).
Beat the egg and add to the potato mixture, blending well to make a smooth dough.
The biggest task is the Government's short time-scale, as changes would be in place by 2007 and, obviously, there is a lot to be done to achieve a smooth transition.
I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me. Isaac Newton
You needed a long bar, made of some dark aged wood, all nicked and scuffed smooth along its edges.
Smoothly steering between R&B and Eurodance, she's breathily seductive on Motivation – by contrast, guest Lil Wayne is positively anaemic – while I'm Dat Chick updates the jumpy minimalism of Destiny's Child's No, No, No.
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Today, the German smooth-haired pinscher is considered the stepfather of several German dog breeds, including the miniature pinscher, wire-haired breeds such as the schnauzers and affenpinschers, and the popular Doberman pinscher.
White House aides say that even the supersmooth John Roberts had to supply additional information about his answers.
The Gathering Storm
Anything from a simple tee to a dressy blouse will work as long as it's fitted and cropped at the waist for a smooth fit.
The aim is to make the process as smooth as possible and help increase the succession rate for buoyant businesses.
You have to file away for hours to get this metal smooth.
Whisk the flour and honey with sufficient milk to make a smooth paste.
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They will see with whom the deal can sail smoothly, without headache.
Times, Sunday Times
Reflection records over the main plateau reveal smoothly-layered, undistorted sediments overlying a relatively smooth basement surface.
Whisk until it is smooth, thick and glossy, then fold through the lemon zest and adjust the seasoning to taste.
Times, Sunday Times
The man was dark-eyed and smooth-shaven all except his mustache, which was so iced up as to hide his mouth.
The lady returned to her side, her dress rustling softly as it slid along the smooth surface.
Yellow; the antennæ fuscous above, also a fuscous cloud at the apex of the anterior wings, the wings hyaline with the nervures black; a spot on the scape within, and three longitudinal stripes on the mesothorax, black; the latter slightly punctured anteriorly; the metathorax smooth and shining, with three oblique carinæ on each side, and a small subovate enclosed space in the middle of the disk.
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
With the smoothest stroke in the game and his newborn baby at home, this was easy labor for Tim Legler.
For arbitrary large initial data, if it is away from vacuum, the smooth solutions to the initial value problem are uniformly (namely, independent of time) away from vacuum.
After gathering my belongings, I let my hair down and smoothed it out after applying a little liner and lip gloss.
The pearly grey colour and rough texture forms an expressive contrast with the smooth white render.
The smoothest road is the A34 from Walsall to Cannock.
Car review: Mercedes-Benz E63 AMG estate
The project viva turned out to be smooth sailing.