How To Use Slaughter In A Sentence
Five cows and 30 sheep were slaughtered during the event, which together with the bride's R60000 lobola cost the groom a total of R200000.
It is not hard to fathom why Rwanda, still not fully healed from an ethnic slaughter that was egged on by radio zealots, would look for ways to regulate what it calls "divisionism" in the media.
NYT > Home Page
It emerged that a slaughterman, a trained marksman, tried to kill the animals with a .22 rifle from a vehicle, with a vet present.
Children in particular should not have to witness wholesale slaughter of animals to which they may have become very attached.
Bull calves from dairy herds are usually castrated, becoming steers, and sent to feedlots, where they are fattened for slaughter, usually before the age of 2.

Jackson and Lee continued to preside over the wanton slaughter of men, women and children to defend the rights of freedom for white Virginians while supporting the slavery of black Virginians, among others.
Certainly observant Jews remember the crusaders as evil butchers, who on their way to Jerusalem, slaughtered and massacred many thousands of Jews and decimated entire Jewish communities such as Speyer, Worms and Mayencea and of course, when they arrived in Jerusalem, put the holy Jews of the city to the sword.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Hog waste is a major pollution source, communities surrounding the factories are strangled by a foetid stench and animal rights groups have long complained about the inhumane way pigs are raised and slaughtered.
Many animals are not properly stunned as they are pushed through the slaughterhouse as quickly as possible.
The industry is highly vertically integrated, with poultry production companies (known as integrators) contracting with farmers (referred to as growers) to raise the birds prior to slaughter Number of broilers and other meat-type chickens sold in the United States, 2007 (Source: USDA Census of Agriculture, 2007).
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Scenes of milking, slaughtering and butchering cattle, and hunting wild cattle in swamps are also shown.
Once finished, a titan claws its way from the ground and starts off on a tear towards your enemy's town, where it slaughters anything in its path.
How can our brave Bible-bashing warlords keep spinning tales of freedom & reconstruction, while presiding over scenes of torture and slaughter?
The slaughter and butchery of 200 cattle and the consumption of 40,000 kilos of beef, even if spread over a year or two, suggest the participation of many communities, perhaps from a whole clan or tribe.
The pre-emptive slaughter of healthy animals was extended by the administrations in Whitehall and Edinburgh yesterday.
Only the sizzling Mongolian lamb hotpot, mayo-slaughtered wasabi prawns, the stodgy dumplings and leaden-battered soft-shell crab were truly terrible.
Over the course of the year, he's almost hit on the head by a sparrowhawk, gets a whiff of "bad badger breath" when three cubs cannon into his lap, and watches two stoats massacre a screaming leveret, their normally creamy bibs "the colour of a slaughterman's apron".
A Year in the Woods: The Diary of a Forest Ranger by Colin Elford
I don't have any open wound healing is slaughtered,nobody knows my heart setbacks.
Although he trained under an Orthodox rabbi in Israel, his Conservative ordination means the animals he slaughters cannot be certi fi ed as kosher by any supervising agencies.
Sue Fishkoff: The New Jewish Food Movement: Jews Who Meet What They Eat
We have banned the use of veal crates, and taken action to ensure humane slaughter.
Pigs are innocent victims of a cruel, unrelenting slaughterhouse industry.
I don't have any open wound healing is slaughtered,nobody knows my heart setbacks.
The lesser charges include first-degree and second-degree manslaughter as well as criminally negligent homicide.
The noise of the wind and the voice of the driver who was the slaughterman.
By the time Hiss was offering his secrets to Stalin's agents, the news about the gulags - vast concentration camps which slaughtered over 15 million innocent people - was out and beyond dispute.
A typical meat-eating animal welfare advocate is personally responsible for the slaughter of twenty-two warm-blooded animals per year, 1,500 in an average lifetime.
Achilles slaughters sheep and they feast and drink.
Most people would have considered this almost a slaughter of Cappagh by the Larries Lassies but my source tells me that it was a tough match and that Cappagh were very determined.
Wu Jinying is grasping steel knife to slaughter a cattle in workshop is involute arm, hand.
A judge accepted her plea that she was guilty of manslaughter, not murder.
However this leaves physicians in a difficult situation, since if they accede to a request from a patient to cease routine treatment, or to help her to die, they may very well under present laws, be charged with manslaughter.
The Rav brings a number of sources that essentially prohibit women slaughterers based on the fact that a shochet is a communal position and women cannot hold communal positions.
Restrictions and slaughter provisions apply to domestic fowls, turkeys, geese, ducks, guinea fowls, quail, ratites, pigeons, pheasants and partridges reared or kept in captivity.
Harold had kept his bodyguards - the housecarls - with him but they could not stop the onslaught and Harold and his men were slaughtered by the Normans.
I couldn't stand to watch them slaughter the cattle.
Not the $8 an hour knocker, sticker, bleeder, tail ripper, flanker, gutter, sawer, and plate boner slaughterhouse jobs that even Americans prisoners on work release won't do.
What Do Immigration and Religion Have to Do with the Price of Meat? Everything!
Throughout, the metaphor of brother against brother is a kind of metonymy for civil butchery in which family members slaughter one another in a grim contest of reciprocity.
They sabered the officer who raised a white surrender flag, and bayoneted the wounded in a merciless slaughter.
But by gum, I just can't bear the notion of some Joe Lunchpail and his slovenly wife trundling clumsily through my private slaughterhouse, or trying on my world-renowned collection of 16th century undergarments.
Several offences such as manslaughter may be committed by omission.
Then it would be slaughtered, plucked and cleaned in time for dinner on the day itself.
As for the Last Supper, some of us see no reason for Jesus eating the paschal lamb because HE WAS THEPASCHAL LAMB - soon to be slaughtered on the hill of Calvary. by
The Ecological Impacts of Animal Agriculture
In May the Government announced plans to publish a draft Bill on corporate manslaughter with the timetable for legislation, plus further details, to be announced this autumn.
The non-intellectual wing of the Christian Right Community has committed a sacrilege and blasphemy, (to say nothing of the secular crime of high treason), because they have accepted the fiction of a cynical team of writers, who depict the god they describe as a homicidal, Demonic, maniac, and touted these despicable properties as "holiness," and used that as an excuse to support and urge the slaughter of their chosen Muslim fantasy enemies.
voluntary manslaughter
Not out of hatred but out of love for humanity, King condemned an American military campaign that sent its soldiers "to slaughter men, women and children" and construct "concentration camps we call fortified hamlets.
Scott Kurashige: Obama's Crisis and MLK's Hard Truths
The mass slaughter of animals seized from wildlife markets in Guangdong province was launched despite appeals for caution by the World Health Organisation.
And then we shall not be sorry because we cannot get a Gairfowl to stuff, much less find gairfowl enough to drive them into stone pens and slaughter them, as the old Norsemen did, or drive them on board along a plank till the ship was victualled with them, as the old English and French rovers used to do, of whom dear old
The Water-Babies A Fairy Tale for a Land-Baby
Donnelly, 37, ran a campaign that emphasized his relative youth - and a recent illness of Slaughter's - as well as what he called her neglect of all constituents except the ones in Monroe County.
Tonawanda News Homepage
The driver was arrested on a charge of manslaughter.
Farmers hoped to send their animals to early slaughter to avoid financial losses.
Before the middle of the seventh century A.D. the area had been "ruralized," for instance the Trajanic street fountain being used as a dump for slaughtered cattle remains (see Lower Agora - North, July 20-August 2).
Interactive Dig Sagalassos 2003 - Conclusions: Urban Development
A civil war in Sri Lanka, extending nowhere else, untainted on either side by even a whiff of Islamism -- a war in which a minority people, slaughtered mercilessly for decades, have come to identify (at least to some extent) with a brutal counterforce called the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, is now effortlessly connected to 9/11.
Archive 2009-04-01
In some cases, entrails of slaughtered animals are served back to others ‘stuck in the queue’ at slaughterhouses.
Organic livestock producers must not feed mammalian or poultry slaughter byproducts to mammals or poultry.
Her babysitter was slaughtered but Rachel managed to escape - though not before offing Bateman with an ice pick!
In his case, on appeal, the Chief Justice for the first time ruled that the defence of chance medley that downsized murder to manslaughter could not be pleaded under British law.
If malice aforethought is lacking the unlawful homicide will be manslaughter.
This is a slaughter of the two candidates who seemed to have Iowa locked up between them.
To avoid the stress of transportation, the turkeys will be humanely slaughtered on the farm.
The spelling of our language in respect to the pronunciation is also wonderfully defective, though perhaps less so than that of the French; as the words slaughter and laughter are pronounced totally different, though spelt alike.
Note XV
Thus, even though nomads have to get much of their food by slaughtering animals from their herds, their way of life is still religiously respectable.
In other lands however there are pillagers and marauders that keep me strong, but soon will come a time when slaughter shall cover these lands and I shall rise above the rest.
Women ran screaming with children in their arms, and old folk tripped over one another trying to escape the slaughter.
This shows us the reason why in mixed modes any of the ideas that make the composition of the complex one being left out or changed, it is allowed to be another thing, i.e. to be of another species, as is plain in chance-medley, manslaughter, murder, parricide, &c.
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
The "slaughterman" was in fact an eighty-year-old lady and, once a week, she would buy a beast from the market and keep it in her paddock.
The emasculation of common sense
The squirearchy does not have some exclusive licence to indulge in barbarism just because grandpa thought slaughter was a sport and the tenants know their place.
Slaughtermen culling sheep during the foot-and-mouth crisis were leaving loaded guns unattended, a court was told yesterday.
He wanted the manslaughter charge dropped and says the case is full of uncertainty.
Powell said the deal could help end the ethnic slaughter in Darfur, which the United States government has declared a genocide.
‘Some bury them deep under the ground, but others may send the pigs to the underground slaughterers and then sell them in the market,’ Tian said.
Shipwreck stayed in Sgt. Slaughters amphibious tank with the Baroness, hes smooth like that.
First Look: G.I. Joe's Complete Cast - General Hawk, Destro, Duke, Baroness, Ripcord, and More! «
Accidental homicide is often called involuntary manslaughter, for which one can serve time.
(Very) Basic Economics and Abortion
One tipster told the tech blog Boing Boing that he was "told by a friend" that slaughterhouses in Iraq sometimes dump blood in canals.
Councillor Douglas said civilians would have been slaughtered had the device gone off.
To be certified as halal an animal must be slaughtered by a Muslim butcher who recites a prayer over the animal and then quickly slits its throat.
So Adam, you figure a manslaughter charge – and maybe a 5-year sentence or at least hard time in juvie – is more appropriate for a child who is raped by her father?
Matthew Yglesias » Legislation Effecting Women: Now With Input From Women
The ritual slaughter is justified by the doctrine that the soul of the victim went straight to heaven.
The three countries are preparing to resume the slaughter of whales for profit and restart the international trade in whale meat.
When hundreds of survivors of a shipwrecked French fleet washed up on the beaches of Florida, they were put to the sword, beside a river the Spanish called Matanzas ("slaughters").
We were helpless to stop the slaughter.
But how," inquired he, turning to Monteith, "did you happen to be in Ayr at this period? and how, above all, amongst the slaughtered Southrons at the palace?
The Scottish Chiefs
What better way to control and lead the sheeple of this world to slaughter, or at the least, under total control.
They would use up excess grain and other food and slaughter old animals - not as sacrifices, but because they were not expected to survive the winter.
Therefore, the traditional approach might be that he should face his trial again on a charge of murder rather than manslaughter.
The jury took less than two hours to reach a verdict of not guilty of murder but guilty of manslaughter.
Machine-guns, gas, high explosives, flame-throwers and air attacks slaughtered the lines of men marching out of the trenches.
The jury returned a verdict of manslaughter and Dunphy was sentenced to twelve months' imprisonment.
We just learned how to multiplicate and slaughter them in an industrial scale.
The Pig & The Butcher « KN | KITSUNE NOIR
Farmers will be able to take animals to any slaughterhouse willing to accept them as long as it can be reached in an uninterrupted journey which takes less than four and a half hours.
Called shechita in Jewish kosher laws and zabiha in Islam's halal rules, these slaughter practices were developed in a primitive desert world where human survival should have been the only concern.
Kamran Pasha: Was Jesus a Vegetarian?
The scene in Dances with Wolves where the Souix Indians come upon the herd of slaughtered buffalo and the white man had only used miniscule parts of the buffalo.
But in reality, they lost their rights long before they were born, in an 1873 decision of the U.S. Supreme Court aptly denominated The Slaughter-House Cases.
Tens of thousands attended rallies to express their revulsion at the one-sided conflict and the slaughter of thousands of Iraqis.
Even manslaughter could be covered by a fine if there were mitigating circumstances, or if the victim were a slave.
Alternatively, we let inert hanging bug zappers slaughter any bug stupid enough to stumble in with a small shower of crackling blue light.
Afterward, Raguel slaughtered a ram from the flock and gave them a cordial reception.
As a machine that German workmen have invented and that is called a thrasher, but is at the same time a chopper — it has chains and knives, and cuts up the straw and thrashes the grain at the same time — so did Sprinkler and Razor work together, slaughtering their enemies, one from above and the other from below.
Pan Tadeusz Or, the Last Foray in Lithuania; a Story of Life Among Polish Gentlefolk in the Years 1811 and 1812
More than 491,000 sheep were exported to the Continent for slaughter last year.
Sanzone said the judge ruled there was not evidence beyond a reasonable doubt to show the boy acted with malice or premeditation, meaning that he would have been convicted of involuntary manslaughter if he had been older.
News for Lynchburg News Advance
Could it be that we oppress and kill each other so readily because our abuse and slaughter of animals has desensitized us to the suffering and death of others?
Its hero is not, as the title might suggest, a reigning monarch: he is, in fact, an ex-con living in 1985 Pittsburgh having served a seven-year jail sentence for manslaughter.
Foot-and-mouth disease is now in its sixth month and almost four million animals in Britain have faced the slaughterman.
And when they have outlived their usefulness, they are slaughtered or sold cheaply for lab experiments.
He believes that a ban on fur would be the opening salvo in a wider war on religious practices such as shechita, the traditional Jewish method of slaughtering animals for meat which has been the subject of intense criticism around the world in recent years.
The Guardian World News
Matthew Patterson, 37, of Bacliff will serve two, two-year prison terms consecutively after a jury convicted him of intoxicated manslaughter in October.
The Facts: News
The huntsmen will tell you that foxes need to be culled in some areas because of the way they slaughter lambs, sheep, chickens, etc.
Hardly anyone in the town escaped the slaughter when the rebels were defeated.
I was fonder of Tom Tryon in "Texas John Slaughter", sort of a cut-rate pastiche of Ford's cavalry trilogy.
Davy Crockett, the Green Hornet, the Phantom and other heroes of my youth who werent really heroes of my youth
Given the relentless nature of the systemic torment and slaughter of millions of other sentient beings that take place day after day, violent responses from nonhuman animal lovers are inevitable and are a morally acceptable means of extensional self-defense on behalf of the voiceless, defenseless victims.
He no longer heard the cries of the animals or saw the flowing blood....
Despite being the one running around trying to save killers and judges and lawyers from being slaughtered in gruesome fashion, Nick felt like more of a villain -- albeit an impotent one -- than Clyde.
Rabid Rewind: Law Abiding Citizen
Attorney General Jim Hood told reporters after court recessed that prosecutors would ask the judge to allow the jury to consider a lesser charge of manslaughter in the case.
* Both shechita (kosher slaughter) and dhabiĥa (hallal slaughter) involve cutting across the neck of the animal with a non-serrated blade in one clean attempt in order to sever the main vessels.
British Fast-Food 'sacrificed' to the devil
Chambers, who was charged with second-degree murder, pleaded guilty to first-degree manslaughter, a lesser, but still very serious charge.
Three weeks of rapine, slaughter and plunder were sufficient to anger the king and the emperor, who entered into negotiations with each other.
DEFRA has decreed that a farmer bringing cattle, sheep or pigs onto his holding cannot move any stock off the farm for 20 days except direct to slaughter.
Maybe 60,000 horses a year are killed in two U.S. slaughterhouses for human consumption abroad; only a small portion of those are thoroughbreds, and those are the severely damaged horses.
This decline was coincidental with the expansion of regional feed lots and the pre-cutting of cattle carcasses at slaughter and meat packing houses closer to the farmers.
If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter. George Washington
This led the company to convert a part of the abattoir to slaughter small stock.
Each count of manslaughter carries a maximum penalty of 30 years.
Thus the name indicated the joy of the people at the fancied propitiation of the god by this sacrifice; in antithesis to its joyless name subsequently. valley of slaughter -- It should be the scene of slaughter, no longer of children, but of men; not of "innocents" (Jer 19: 4), but of those who richly deserved their fate.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
This means the High Elves must rely on their bowmen and their magicians for long range mass slaughter.
She made the man blest who had taken away her children, and enriched her bereaver with a present: and took away nothing to make up the slaughter of her sons save the reproach of ignorance and the loss of goods.
The Danish History, Books I-IX
Okay… so the owner likes to surf AND slaughter pigs for luaus.
Everyone knows that murder and manslaughter, kidnapping and terrorism, treason and high treason existed long before today's penal codes.
How ethical would it be to let millions of livestock be slaughtered [if there were a major spongiform breakout in the United States]?
Ministry officials are hoping the slaughter and removal of the livestock will be carried out as smoothly as possible, with lorries carrying carcasses in relays to the rendering plant.
The Dayaks first declared war in 1996, slaughtering 1,000 Madurese.
Rule Of The Headhunters
Whether an offender deserves to be convicted of murder or manslaughter is for the jury to determine.
I keep buying lottery tickets --- the "I'll take money from no one, serve only one term, therefore not spend my term fundraising, work only for the people" with $25 million behind it would slaughter him.
Room Eight
He is understood to be a father of two and a former soldier and lifeguard, who had also worked in a slaughterhouse.
The Sun
In fact, laws of kashrut are traditionally cited as yielding the most humane methods of slaughter.
When the Kulaks resisted giving up their land and their property to be redistributed to "the people", Stalin starved and then slaughtered them by the millions.
Tax Cuts for the Rich, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
'As for amusement, I could kill rats as I used to do; or slaughter a hecatomb of pheasants at Babington,' -- here the old man winced, though the word hecatomb reconciled him a little to the disagreeable allusion.
John Caldigate
As Laurin Zilliacus reminds us, the Book of Esther describes “the use of posts to order the slaughter of the Jews throughout Persian-ruled territory, and then the swift sending of the counter-order that saved them and turned the tables on their persecutors.”
The Tyranny of E-mail
And then we shall not be sorry because we cannot get a Gairfowl to stuff, much less find gairfowl enough to drive them into stone pens and slaughter them, as the old Norsemen did, or drive them on board along a plank till the ship was victualled with them, as the old English and French rovers used to do, of whom dear old Hakluyt tells: but we shall remember what Mr. Tennyson says: how
The Water Babies
Fenian is a term i dont at all mind - cause i do know the orgigins ... but fenian bastard, ans we all know what that is about. and of course there were horrofic atrocities perputated by republicans - kids killed in steet bombs, young women slaughtered in pubs on a night out.
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Both pathogens can colonise the intestines of beef cattle and get into the food chain during slaughter at the abattoir.
It is being slaughtered illegally by the thousands for its wool actually, the underfur of the chiru, which is known in the international market as "shahtoosh" or "king of wool.
Ying Ying the Chiru (Tibetan Antelope), try not to buy shahtoosh
However in sympathetic assistance the charge is often reduced to manslaughter with diminished responsibilities, which ultimately carries a lighter sentence.
Diseased and other poultry on the Infected Premises will be slaughtered quickly.
As a revenge fantasy, this isn’t very satisfying, because slaughtering the people who ordered your loved ones massacred is ultimately unrewarding and also conflicts with the higher intellect of this story, which aims to be about a lot more than “you hurt me, so I’ll hurt you”.
Huntress: Year One » Comics Worth Reading
Ferguson, whose models shaped government policy, said other culls should not have been adopted and only led to the unnecessary slaughter of healthy animals.
Ms Grant, who has previously regaled us with tales of her family's butler and the slaughter of innocent birds and beasts up north, recalled being taken with her sisters to school ‘by a handyman’ who had a motorbike and sidecar.
The overpowered bull is usually taken to the slaughterhouse the next morning.
Collins Traveller - The Algarve
If, on the other hand, it has spread and is affecting more than one species, a combination of vaccination and judicious slaughter of the worst-affected animals is the solution.
I don't have a moral dilemma when it comes to slaughtering animals for food, just so long as it is done humanely.
A former teacher and survivor of the Khmer Rouge, a regime that slaughtered more 20 percent of the Cambodian population in the 1970s, Kim sells sweet potatoes, redroot pigweed and tomatoes to Boston-based Tropical Foods and stores in
The Seattle Times
The dopey dame that got Slaughter pink slipped by Uncle Sam turns up to ask for help in dealing with her ex-fiancé, ex-partner, current dope fiend and woodoo wacko.
He was hard at work on his magnum opus: a painting, six feet tall, of the Savior's slaughter on the cross, a feral Pollockian image simultaneously repelling and exhilarating; the colors clamored in crimsons and yellows, blacks and speckled, blue blots.
The farm, which would breed and fatten up to 150,000 hogs annually for slaughter, would have made the facility one of Alberta's largest hog operations.
The owners fear that if they don't pay up he intends to send the horses to the slaughterhouse and hence the glue factory.
Times, Sunday Times
Thirty four people were slaughtered while queuing up to cast their votes.
During slaughter some of the guts may spill onto meat.
He learned butchery, hygiene, slaughtering, cutting and boning - in fact everything related to butchering - to become a Master Butcher.
As the toll of dead seals increased, charter boat skippers around Oban who make their money from nature-loving tourists, demanded immediate action to stop the slaughter.
They carried out Richard's orders to the letter, his arches and calvary slaughtered all before them, burned villages, raided and took cattle herds and desolated the countryside.
By study the influence of transport distance and pig pre-slaughter rest on the ponderance and probability of PSE pork, try to find out the main cause and effective control means of PSE pork.
Several thousand were slaughtered in this sporadic sectarian violence which continued intermittently after 1795.
The Nationalists' military advances were everywhere marked by the slaughter of leftist militiamen and of known left-wing and Republican activists.
It will exclude the loading, collection, and transportation of animals to the slaughterhouse and all slaughterhouse operations subsequent to death.
Thirty four people were slaughtered while queuing up to cast their votes.
If they are indeed as poor as Mr English and others would have us believe, then a media slaughtering of the other teams is long overdue.
In bygone days many stoats were slaughtered to provide skins for ermine robes.
The total cost is not known - this was due to the slaughtering of over 15,000 animals including cattle, sheep, goats and swine.
Numerous Greek heroes and heroines commit manslaughter in myth.
Now, the big question is how do they extricate themselves from a theatre of war that daily looks more like a slaughterhouse?
The 1977 Homicide Act introduced the notion of diminished responsibility, which reduces a charge of murder to manslaughter.
The Seville slaughterhouse was the first official school of tauromachy in Spain.
Men were primarily responsible for herding animals, hunting, slaughtering animals, and maintaining animal shelters.
When news was brought to King James of the despite done to his authority by the defeat and slaughter of his representative in Dumfriesshire, he was much incensed.
The main dish is an unblemished lamb slaughtered and prepared in accordance with Mosaic Law. The Feast of the Passover commemorates the freeing of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt.
Now again an angel might interpose, between Abraham and his maundering delusion that he must slaughter his second son, Isaac.
Pre-slaughter stunning was introduced in 1933 to protect abattoir personnel, not animals, by immobilising the animal to facilitate slaughter.
[- 24 -] And they would have perished utterly, but for the fact that some of the pikes of the barbarians were bent and others were broken, while the bowstrings snapped under the constant shooting, the missiles were all discharged, every sword blunted, and, chief of all, that the men themselves grew weary of the slaughter.
Dio's Rome, Volume 2 An Historical Narrative Originally Composed in Greek During the Reigns of Septimius Severus, Geta and Caracalla, Macrinus, Elagabalus and Alexander Severus; and Now Presented in English Form. Second Volume Extant Books 36-44 (B.C.
His dad was a butcher and slaughterman who was often out of work in the depression, and times were hard.
Ignoring his instincts, Hopkins then rides away as the slaughter and bloodshed begins.
By study the influence of transport distance and pig pre-slaughter rest on the ponderance and probability of PSE pork, try to find out the main cause and effective control means of PSE pork.
The U.N.'s inability to stop the slaughter in Cambodia was a great failure.
Now is the time to make this connection, because current national discussions about food rely on catchphrases that will look familiar to hunters: locally harvested, free-range, organic, humanely slaughtered.
The Manifesto: Eat What You Kill
People are sickened and enraged at the slaughter of a free man and want to learn more about its circumstances, consider its implications and find some way to engage with this atrocity in meaningfully.
Abattoirs were erected in outlying suburbs - consolidating slaughtering, bringing it under stricter control, veiling it from the public eye.
They cynically tried to trade off a reduction in the slaughter of dolphins against a resumption of commercial whaling.
The spirit of the Whitehall farce is demonstrated in an incident ten days ago when a Cumbrian farmer was about to witness eight slaughtermen start to destroy his sheep flock.
Wholesale slaughter was carried out in the name of progress.
Some of these people were animal rights activists who disagreed with cruel treatment of animals in slaughterhouses and animal experiments in the scientific laboratories.
Those involved in the slaughter of wild horses and burros have blood on their hands, and what has transpired is a wake-up call to the Congress.
The tinchel was the name given to the circle of hunters which, gradually narrowing, hemmed the deer into a small space, where they could be easily slaughtered.
At worst, the outcome could be wholesale slaughter on a scale that makes the current level of daily mayhem look like the peaceable kingdom.
Not so long ago, Yorkshire's star Tory retreated onto the backbenches after leading his side to a slaughter in 2001, but it represented the dawn of a new career making mega-bucks.
MLK at 79 Would Still be Debating the Slaughters and Lies of Capitalist Imperialism yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'MLK at 79 Would Still be Debating the Slaughters and Lies of Capitalist Imperialism'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: Corporate media blocks public knowledge of the fury of King\'s outcry over U.S. wars of occupation and the powerful indictment of his government in his Beyond Vietnam speech, that made bold headlines in newspapers around the world.
MLK at 79 Would Still be Debating the Slaughters and Lies of Capitalist Imperialism
Herevpon king Richard, not minding to be so mocked at their hands, approched one daie to the wals and gates with his armie in good araie of battell to giue the assault, [Sidenote: K. Richard assalteth and entreth the citie by force.] which was doone so earnestlie, and so well mainteined, that finallie the citie was entred by force, and manie of the citizens slaine, but the slaughter had béene much greater, if king
Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (6 of 12) Richard the First
Tartan is pulled across the cold steel floor like an animal being brought to the slaughter by a ravenous predator.
But we are developing our livestock; slaughtering is restricted to bulls and nonbearing cows.
She was convicted of manslaughter, but they gave her a suspended sentence.
At the same time, Drs. Frederick Brown and George Phillips argued that though the murderer showed some anatomical knowledge, "the murder could have been committed by a person who had been a hunter, a butcher, a slaughterman, as well as a student in surgery or a properly qualified surgeon.
Jack the Ripper As the Threat of Outcast London. Robert F. Haggard
The junta is mostly known for slaughters and massacres, but there really is a demand for change.
Many are slaughtered for pet food or sold to continental abattoirs.
Thank Christ I changed my name bac~ Never thought Slaughter would have less murderous connotations than the alternative. '
Quite Ugly One Morning