[ UK /slˈɔːtɐ/ ]
[ UK /slˈɔːtɐ/ ]
- the savage and excessive killing of many people
- a sound defeat
- the killing of animals (as for food)
kill (animals) usually for food consumption
They slaughtered their only goat to survive the winter -
kill a large number of people indiscriminately
The Hutus massacred the Tutsis in Rwanda
How To Use slaughter In A Sentence
- Five cows and 30 sheep were slaughtered during the event, which together with the bride's R60000 lobola cost the groom a total of R200000.
- It is not hard to fathom why Rwanda, still not fully healed from an ethnic slaughter that was egged on by radio zealots, would look for ways to regulate what it calls "divisionism" in the media. NYT > Home Page
- It emerged that a slaughterman, a trained marksman, tried to kill the animals with a .22 rifle from a vehicle, with a vet present.
- Children in particular should not have to witness wholesale slaughter of animals to which they may have become very attached.
- Bull calves from dairy herds are usually castrated, becoming steers, and sent to feedlots, where they are fattened for slaughter, usually before the age of 2.
- Jackson and Lee continued to preside over the wanton slaughter of men, women and children to defend the rights of freedom for white Virginians while supporting the slavery of black Virginians, among others.
- Certainly observant Jews remember the crusaders as evil butchers, who on their way to Jerusalem, slaughtered and massacred many thousands of Jews and decimated entire Jewish communities such as Speyer, Worms and Mayencea and of course, when they arrived in Jerusalem, put the holy Jews of the city to the sword. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
- Hog waste is a major pollution source, communities surrounding the factories are strangled by a foetid stench and animal rights groups have long complained about the inhumane way pigs are raised and slaughtered.
- Many animals are not properly stunned as they are pushed through the slaughterhouse as quickly as possible.
- The industry is highly vertically integrated, with poultry production companies (known as integrators) contracting with farmers (referred to as growers) to raise the birds prior to slaughter Number of broilers and other meat-type chickens sold in the United States, 2007 (Source: USDA Census of Agriculture, 2007). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles