How To Use Skillful In A Sentence

  • (The show's skillful book, which interrupts the singing and dancing with pogroms and exile, is based on stories by Sholom Aleichem.) With Harvey Fierstein as Tevye, 'Fiddler' roars right along
  • The document, which critics of the plan describe as convoluted and skillfully worded, does not specify any dates for construction or even mention demolition. NYT > Home Page
  • It occurs to me that this may be, at least in part, because they are unusually unskillful and unsceptical users of the medium.
  • However, the Trouts have skillfully created a spectacle as beautiful as it is thought provoking.
  • Yes, they might very well be skillful and well trained, but she doesn't know that.
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  • A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner. 
  • On this magnificent necklace, worn by either a young woman or man, the beadworker has skillfully played with colors and geometric shapes.
  • The script lacks any such subtleties and none of the cast is skillful enough to be able to suggest any depth beyond the script's superficial characterizations.
  • I mean, they were sort of old fashioned in the way he would post the quotes, and yet it was a very skillful use of medium and I thought, you know, politicians kind of quaked when they went on there. CNN Transcript Jun 13, 2008
  • In order to change this situation, Buddhism introduces the skillful means of meditation practice.
  • Review: Light-hearted (skillfully borderline silly) and inventive story with strong characters and good back story about Kaz's bleb paranoia since the death of his parents at the "hands" of a bleb (a set of steak knives attached to a coat rack). REVIEW: The Year's Best Science Fiction #21 edited by Gardner Dozois
  • He who cures a disease may be the skillfullest, but he that prevents it is the safest physician. Thomas Fuller 
  • Although a skillful flatterer is a most delightful companion if you have him all to yourself, his taste becomes very doubtful when he takes to complimenting other people. Charles Dickens 
  • Now, because he was her client, she tried to look at his unskillful behavior, and the ways he shut himself off, with compassion instead of contempt and fear.
  • ‘Like a mine worked by unskillful hands’: this reminds us that Humboldt got his start in mining and that, for all his enlightenment, the darkness of the mine never quite left him.
  • Fanciful miniature fruits and leaves interpreted in carnelian, agate, onyx and rock crystal are skillfully fashioned into opulent bracelets and chains.
  • In Buddhist terms, this technique is essentially the replacement of unskillful thoughts with skillful thoughts.
  • Miller was an armorer for the Army Marksmanship Unit who taught Vickers how to fit a barrel - the old fashioned way - slow, deliberate, no jigs or fixtures, just skillful handwork.
  • Do I beat my current boss and my potential future bosses to not only look good and competitive but skillful too?
  • Ruddy-faced men, bronze-faced men, pale-faced men; young women, girls, matrons and "flappers"; caddies burdened with bags of golf clubs and pockets bulging with cunningly found balls; skillful waiters hurrying here and there with trays on which glasses of various shapes, sizes, and of diversified contents tinkled musically-such was the scene at the The Golf Course Mystery
  • Rooted in Germanic idea of "strength" (which lives on in our English term kraft paper), crafty once meant "skillful. Christian Science Monitor | All Stories
  • Capt Yost continued the approach, skillfully aligning the aircraft with the runway using right rudder and fanning the speed-brakes once the landing was assured.
  • There is an especially delicious dish of fish braised in brown sauce, which is cooked by a skillful chef.
  • Instead of static, talking-head interviews, all are skillfully supplemented with stills and clips, and are indexed by subject.
  • Sometimes the road to illusion is created by hoaxers, people who engage in deliberate acts of trickery with the aim of proving how gullible other people can be when a skillful imposture is presented.
  • The telepic also dealt skillfully with the common issue of longtime friends as would-be lovers.
  • He skillfully parried all the interviewer's most probing questions.
  • Corgan is a skillful melodist in everything from pseudocountry to metal, but he'll repeat a catchy phrase to death, as if congratulating himself for thinking of it. Under The Grunge
  • Soprano Gretchen Johnson skillfully sang the witty minimal texts set to an academic mix of serial and popular music styles.
  • As he headed down the fairway, revelling in his skillful shot, he noticed something floating on the surface of the pond.
  • By 1702, Robert Quary could report that the militia is ‘so undisciplined and unskillful and in such great Want of arms and ammunition proper and fit for action, that not one fourth of the militia is fit to oppose an Enemy.’
  • His portraits are of heroes, both known and unknown, and his technique relies on a range of influences, including the swirling brushstrokes of Van Gogh, the skillful drawings of Degas and the pop stylings of Peter Max.
  • The Romans learned the practice from the Carthaginians and quickly became very efficient and skillful at it.
  • He was also a robust, competitive and skillful GAA player in both hurling and football.
  • To me, he's rusty, he's unskillful right now, his shot is off.
  • What's stunning about Flower and Garnet is how minimally all these complex emotions are communicated and how Behrman skillfully negotiates the volatile path of his story without lapsing into melodrama or sentiment.
  • If it puts you in a nostalgic mood, you should immediately obtain Frederick Turner's "Renegade"—an entertaining and skillful evocation of the time when Miller's memoir of bottom-feeding American expats in Paris was known as the dirtiest book in the world. In Praise Of the Gross
  • A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner. 
  • She will turn 32 this summer, but remains one of the game's most skillful playmakers.
  • To describe a single extrasystole, an ectopic heartbeat, as like a slight stumble in a dance and to introduce the complex mechanism of hearing with the statement that 'every one of us has a tiny harp inside his ear' suggests that he is a skillful teacher.… The kathartai, forerunners of doctors in pre-Hippocratic Greece, were said to purify the soul by the soothing and calming combination of music, dance, poetry and song. The Chicago Blog: April 2006 Archives
  • These sculptures are at once highly crafted and naturally formed, skillfully manipulated and sloppily organic.
  • Alice de Souza has dealt herself a winning hand and she has played it skillfully.
  • In any art the specialist, even if he is unskillful, is always superior to the most talented amateur.
  • Moreover, in the judgemente of those that are experte in sea causes, yt will breed more skillfull, connynge, and stowte pilott and maryners then other belonginge to this lande. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation. Vol. XIII. America. Part II.
  • Yes, they might very well be skillful and well trained, but she doesn't know that.
  • Yet perhaps because the book is so skillfully wrought, one wishes that it could have been written without not just foul language but also foully specific images, such as that of a 16-year-old girl sleeping with a sadistic drug dealer. Desperate Kids On the Run
  • The highly unusual interplay of materials affords rich tonal contrasts and skillfully integrates the solidity of the carved wooden structure with the intricacy of the inscribed inlays.
  • Skillfully and carefully, the owner maneuvered it into position between the stacks of oats, unhitched the tractor and turned it around to the face of the threshing machine.
  • Apparently Thais don't trill their tongue skillfully enough to produce an intelligible ‘r’ sound.
  • He doesn't only quite skillful in oral presentation , but also possesses rich expressions.
  • His campaign skillfully spun a web, not of political opinion, but of beliefs and feelings.
  • The child has become skillful in reading and writing.
  • An affluent attorney as well as small planter, Moore campaigned as ‘a skillful electioneer [who] courted the lower stratum of society.’
  • This country belonged formerly to the Jews, and became useful for shipping from the donations of Hiram king of Tyre; for he sent a sufficient number of men thither for pilots, and such as were skillful in navigation, to whom Solomon gave this command: That they should go along with his own stewards to the land that was of old called Ophir, but now the Aurea Chersonesus, which belongs to India, to fetch him gold. Antiquities of the Jews
  • If we examine crystals carefully we find, not only that nature has here provided geometric forms of marvelous beauty and exactness, with faces of polish and quoins of acuteness equal to the work of the most skillful lapidist, "but that in whatever manner or under whatever circumstances a crystal may have been formed, whether in the laboratory of the chemist or the workshop of nature, in the bodies of animals or the tissues of plants, up in the sky or in the depths of the earth, whether so rapidly that we may literally see its growth, or by the slow aggregation of its molecules during perhaps thousands of years, we always find that the arrangement of the faces is subject to fixed and definite laws. Scientific American Supplement, No. 344, August 5, 1882
  • Perhaps, most important to me as an economist, the West was not only the builder but also the most skillful mover and shaker in today's international institutions.
  • Maxwell's text, in opening and closing monologues, overwrites the story of his family's trans-American migration onto the biblical arc of the Creation and Redemption allegories, a contemporary flavor skillfully affected by somehow tasteful references to free-basing. Selby Drummond: Half-way Between Gesture and Thought: Choreographer Sarah Michelson's "Devotion"
  • It is a skillful technician that never blunders. 
  • Two lads with notably large feet and broken shoes dance skillfully while a slovenly, fat woman picks at her guitar.
  • Skillfully, she unlatched the catch and opened the door, allowing Edward and James to enter.
  • Even the accounts of the slave revolt are woven skillfully into the novel.
  • Overall, the storylines are engaging and skillfully intertwined, and the acting well-done.
  • Beyond mere rhetoric, Church leaders have skillfully capitalized on their formidable influence in Catholic countries.
  • In between running here and there I managed to pull off a skillful feit for work. » Multitudes of fun
  • In this case he is surely right, but I am left wondering whether the factors in relationships between confessant and confessor that he so skillfully unpacks are felt equally in all types of those relationships.
  • Connie tried pumping her for information on what Hardwick wanted, but she evaded the questions so skillfully that Connie realized she was in a different league.
  • We also have to remember that many intelligence officers are trained to be skillful liars.
  • Miller was an armorer for the Army Marksmanship Unit who taught Vickers how to fit a barrel - the old fashioned way - slow, deliberate, no jigs or fixtures, just skillful handwork.
  • She skillfully uses ethnohistorical methods to demonstrate that although changes occurred, essential values persisted.
  • The story of a shikse (a word I'd never heard and thus had no idea was derogatory) from a small New England town, taken in, hoodwinked, and swindled blind by such skillful means as she never dreamt existed. HUMORLESSBITCH
  • The First Great Mystery of China: How skillful is the leadership? Postcards From Tomorrow Square
  • She has created an intriguing story by skillfully interweaving fictional and historical events.
  • It occurs to me that this may be, at least in part, because they are unusually unskillful and unsceptical users of the medium.
  • Ger was also a highly skillful footballer and produced some skillful displays with his school teams.
  • We also have to remember that many intelligence officers are trained to be skillful liars.
  • His singles have skillfully mixed pop R & B with gentle hints of UK garage rhythms.
  • Because this moment at the threshold of a group is so momentous for a child, it is also, as one researcher put is, "highly diagnostic... quickly revealing differences in social skillfulness .
  • After skillfully ducking and dodging the two shoes hurled at his face at his final press conference in Baghdad, our dodger and ducker-in-chief calmly reported the size of the famous shoes. David's Flying Shoes v. Goliath's Bloody Ruse
  • Beauty will not intrude on proceedings when the bell sounds on Saturday for a bout between two fighters, one explosively combative, the other composed and skillful.
  • Beyond this, Aertsen skillfully foreshortened objects never before honored with such attention: sausages, fish, a skinned ox head, a recumbent haunch.
  • Now, because he was her client, she tried to look with compassion instead of disdain or repugnance at his unskillful behavior and all the ways he shut himself off.
  • Here the artist rises to the challenge of equaling in visual terms the musicians' balance between skillful technique, extreme discipline and spontaneous emotional inflection.
  • The word for right is dexter, from which derives our word dexterous, meaning ` skillful, clever, or artful. ' VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IV No 1
  • He gives Meade a full and fair hearing, pronouncing him competent if not overly skillful.
  • On Buis 'tune "Zest for a Zizz," he suggests the opulence of Ellington's dozen horns by skillfully arraying The Astronotes' five winds in background and foreground roles. Joost Buis And Astronotes: Controlled Anarchy
  • For the primal suggestion of the legend, may we not say that the sea, that enormous force of Nature with many reserved energies in its vast bosom, though bestrid and subdued by a ship, at times breaks loose and destroys, in spite of skillful navigation and perfect machinery? Homer's Odyssey A Commentary
  • With a skillful blend of message and media we could turn this into a win-win situation.
  • One successful formula involves the skillful alternation between aerobic and anaerobic training.
  • Rey and his crew skillfully brought the boat to a near-standstill, pointed into the wind and on the verge of stalling out.
  • Although a skillful flatterer is a most delightful companion if you have him all to yourself, his taste becomes very doubtful when he takes to complimenting other people. Charles Dickens 
  • With their skillful hands they even made the asparagus and peas taste good.
  • Because the wealthier party can afford the more skillful attorney, the system unjustifiably favors the wealthy.
  • It was an elite, skillfully and ruthlessly controlling demoralized and apathetic masses.
  • Once prohibition took hold, many barmen lost their jobs, and the bartenders that worked in speakeasies in those days were not as skillful as their predecessors had been. Karl Kozel: Bartending Straight Up
  • All respect to the Konrads, as they are working hard, smart, and skillfully on a unique fishery, but I feel that the triploids should be asterisked since they are genetically modified. New Record Brown vs. New Record Rainbow: Apples and Oranges?
  • You are brilliant, active and skillful in professional ventures and gain repute in your field of activity.
  • The child has become skillful in reading and writing.
  • Illustrator Stephanie Buscema has that perfect “retro cute” thing going on with paintings of children, skillfully rendered in gouache. Avalanche of Cuteness :
  • The jackets are skillfully constructed, whether impeccable blazers or little jackets with bouffant sleeves.
  • They skillfully refuted an expert witness's notion that Marsh had been in a ‘dream-like dissociative state’.
  • Methods 22 cases of ruptured inferior lacrimal canaliculus were operated with silica gel collapsible bulb skillfully as holdfast.
  • The bold but subtle planes of the robust little head suggest mobility; a distinct person animates the inert material that Rodin manipulated so skillfully. A Most Revealing Face
  • An unskillful new pilot might be dangerous and historically an unskillful new church bell ringer—if not dangerous—was potentially annoying.
  • cognitively skillful
  • He gives Meade a full and fair hearing, pronouncing him competent if not overly skillful.
  • In other words, we expect quite a lot from the "adroit" waiter from the point of view of active knowledge gathering and skillful orchestration of movements based on the current cognitive map -- representation of the world and management of the body. Being clumsy
  • The helmsman skillfully navigated the ship towards the enormous docking bay doors which engulfed the view screen.
  • ‘Like a mine worked by unskillful hands’: this reminds us that Humboldt got his start in mining and that, for all his enlightenment, the darkness of the mine never quite left him.
  • After all, I was quite… unskillful when I gave you that smack on the mouth.
  • He looked them over, awe and curiosity registering on his face before he skillfully masked his emotions.
  • We've never forgotten about the truth.We are just becoming skillful liars.
  • Nevertheless one sometimes comes across a "rising sun" or a "setting sun" bedquilt which is remarkable for skillful shading, and was an inspiration in the house where it was born, and where the needlework comes quite within the pale of ornamental stitchery. The Development of Embroidery in America
  • The title of the piece was Open Letter from a Writer to the Military Junta and it skillfully attacked the dictatorship with an arsenal of reason, facts and moral certitude.
  • the effect was achieved by skillful retouching
  • But meanwhile, with marvelous artistry, he skillfully carved a snowy ivory statue.
  • The modern stream-of-consciousness technique was also frequently and skillfully exploited by Faulkner emphasize the reactions and inner musings of the narrator.
  • You are brilliant, active and skillful in professional ventures and gain repute in your field of activity.
  • Her profession seems almost engraved in her form as she holds the distaff under her arm, draws the thread skillfully from it, and winds it on the bobbin with her other hand, all the while looking fixedly, eyes not quite focused, at us.
  • Boys are skillful with slingshots and blowguns in hunting small birds.
  • Kennedy skillfully evokes the atmosphere of an edgy defeated Germany and that of a victorious Britain awash in disappointment and disillusion, but she is at her best when conveying the turmoil inside her protagonist’s mind. Cover to Cover
  • In the first lecture of my freshman economics course at Princeton entitled "The Art of Siffing Among Seasoned Adults," I demonstrate how seasoned adults routinely structure information felicitously (i.e., "sif") to further their own agenda, and I point out that economists can be among the most skillful practitioners of this art. ... Economist's View
  • He uses his narrative's inherent elasticity to open perspective and depth of field naturally, then skillfully dollies around and pans in and out of larger contexts as illuminating backdrop for his two odd couples.
  • Join onetime Harlem resident DBR and his band, DBR & THE MISSION, as theyperform worksoff ofDBR’s latest record Woodbox Beats & Balladry, with special guests Emeline Michel — beloved in her native country of Haiti for her skillful infusion of social, political and inspirational content into traditional rhythms — and Erol Josué — renowned for his ties to voodoo as well as for his infectious pop music: Daniel at this Year’s SummerStage «
  • The child has become skillful in reading and writing.
  • Now unjoint the legs and wings at the middle joint, which can be done very skillfully by a little practice. The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887) The Whole Comprising a Comprehensive Cyclopedia of Information for the Home
  • Staying focused on what's important has ensured her success as she skillfully avoids the trials and tribulations of the pressures that surround her.
  • This can be overcome, however, with skillful administration of anesthesia.
  • This system worked pretty well, but it all felt shallow and rather unskillful.
  • Just as in art everything depends on a limited but skillful use of color and sounds, so too the art of living demands a limited but skillful use of material objects.
  • In less skillful hands, the plot — and there is a good, strong plot — might have foundered in bathos, but Dean adroitly sticks to the high road; although she afflicts her characters with terminal cancer, Alzheimer’s, alcoholism, and adultery, these trials, rather than defining the people who suffer them, serve to reveal their fiber. New Fiction
  • Now, because he was her client, she tried to look with compassion instead of disdain or repugnance at his unskillful behavior and all the ways he shut himself off.
  • After the initial jolt from the imagery, his work holds up: he's a skillful painter.
  • I watch their uncalloused hands, hands not used to such tasks, skillfully wrapping the shape with twine, transforming what had been a violent an chaotic death into something more orderly, peaceful – something that the living could make sense of and that the dead may have ultimately wished for. Boing Boing: January 23, 2005 - January 29, 2005 Archives
  • Many of the critical essays skillfully blend pertinent close readings with wider cultural background.
  • A combination of cowboy and knight-errant, the charro is valiant and skillful. Charreada in Guadalajara
  • With sharp mind and witty words, the silver-tongued diplomat skillfully coped with the tough questions from the press.
  • Bhim, our Nepalese boatman on the sweep oar, skillfully hauls the raft around so that we hit the wave bow-on.
  • Despite the contrast of materials and color, the home's skillful siting puts it elegantly at ease in its rugged environment.
  • Pedro Santamaria, a postdoc with whom I shared the lab in Freiburg, was a skillful transplantation person, he did some attempts to rescue the dorsal phenotype by transplantation of wildtype cytoplasm. Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard - Autobiography
  • No hand, skillfully placed or not, is going to catch all the aerosol content of a fifty mile an hour cough.
  • Gallia was a superb pilot and skillful warrior.
  • Manfred didn't believe in luck, or if he did, that it was the just reward of the skillful. AMAGANSETT
  • Pearl's world, which Bradby skillfully recreates, mirrors the one that she grew up during the 1960s.
  • A little different here because the defense today -- very skillful job of portraying the alleged accuser, in particular the mom and the family, as basically scramming and scheming with a massive con trying to hit the jackpot for millions of dollars. CNN Transcript Jun 13, 2005
  • Beyond mere rhetoric, Church leaders have skillfully capitalized on their formidable influence in Catholic countries.
  • The promoter matched the young boxer with a more skillful fighter.
  • Even the most clever, adroit, and skillful legislature cannot achieve zero risk in human affairs.
  • The child has become skillful in reading and writing.
  • Another quality needed in the practice of Dharma is skillful means.
  • Its arms were made from femurs and fibulae to achieve the sense of scale, its great jointed legs an ornate arrangement of skillfully wired bones, the barest hint of the joins visible between them. The Black Angel
  • Present government has a unskillful and clumsy economic policy.
  • And they perform far more skillfully in soccer, lacrosse and softball than they do in basketball.
  • Another quality needed in the practice of Dharma is skillful means.
  • The Romans learned the practice from the Carthaginians and quickly became very efficient and skillful at it.
  • With a skillful movement he rounded the small fishing-boat.
  • Not only is he a brilliantly skillful footballer, he is also captain and leader of this Czech side.
  • But rather than trying to fly his approach to the green, he played a low punch and rolled the ball within birdie range — a skillful shot and practiced patience that eluded Mickelson not long ago. - Goosen ganders second U.S. Open victory
  • He is very smart and politically skillful, and his time as prime minister was very productive.
  • The Batavian is a skillful fighter, Marcellus," said one young officer to a companion among the group which has been alluded to. The Martyr of the Catacombs A Tale of Ancient Rome
  • Her fingers danced skillfully on the taut strings, creating an intricate melody.
  • The film builds suspense in a skillfully organic manner, then never pays off.
  • For what are idols but what the same Scripture describes in these words: ‘Eyes have they, and they do not see,’ and whatever else may be said of substances however skillfully carved into shape, but withal lacking life and sense?
  • his cuts were skillful
  • an enthusiastic but unskillful mountain climber
  • This is unskillful because it requires subterfuge and deceit, it means that solemn promises made at the time of marriage are broken, and it amounts to a betrayal of trust.
  • He is very smart and politically skillful, and his time as prime minister was very productive.
  • The defilements lead to unskillful actions, which generate karma, the infallible operation of cause and effect in the mental continuum of each individual.
  • While I did not pay for, authorize, nor supervise their dam project, I think they would be highly offended that you call their skillful use of natures building materials "debris. Dam!
  • I noticed how he paled and saw traces of fear in his eyes even if he masked them skillfully.
  • In Sadness, these two threads are delicately and skillfully woven together to create an elegant and intensely moving documentary.
  • The helmsman skillfully navigated the ship towards the enormous docking bay doors which engulfed the view screen.
  • Curried Vidalia-onion fritters, lightly battered and skillfully fried, come with a sweet-sour tamarind dipping sauce.
  • January 1944: These US Marine Raiders, with the reputation of being skillful jungle fighters, pose in front of a Japanese stronghold they conquered at Cape Totkina, Bougainville.
  • Thomson herself does not fully capture the risk in Mirandolina's skillful duplicitousness or the sense she may be getting caught in her own trap.
  • This book, small and easily digested, stopping just short of the maudlin and the mawkish, is on the whole sincere, sentimental, and skillful. Tuesdays With Morrie: Summary and book reviews of Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom.
  • Durso skillfully gleans her story from both primary and secondary sources, portraying a woman who rebelled against established societal norms.
  • Toth, the Indiana anthropologist, is the founder and co-director of the Stone Age Institute at Bloomington, where he demonstrates how he can skillfully craft the hammers, sharp knives and spear points that evolution enabled the forebears of Homo Sapiens to make long before the dawn of true humanity. Archive 2007-02-01
  • A smooth sea never made a skillful jackie.
  • Still, the stories seamlessly and skillfully intercut, and the film retains a hypnotic coherence.
  • This system worked pretty well, but it all felt shallow and rather unskillful.
  • Joined by a few skillful journalists such as Deborah Scroggins and Michela Wong, they pose a vigorous challenge to the popular beliefs and political bromides typically associated with saving strangers.
  • In demonstrating his versatility, he shows himself to be as much skillful artisan as easy-going metaphysician.
  • We realize that we have at some point done something or said something unskillful that caused pain, and we feel the pain of that recognition.
  • Looking at a gold hair piece with sparkling gems embedded in it, Yu-Min asked the owner in her unskillful English how much it cost. $38 even.
  • It was very skillful of you to repair my bicycle.
  • He did not have a traditional center forward, his wingers were tall, quick and skillful, his central midfielders aggressive ball-winners.
  • It is a skillful technician that never blunders. 
  • Yale at twelve had been difficult but the rigor of residency now and having to live under mother's wing as she performed stereotactic craniotomys, decompressed and debulked tissue with her skillful, tiny fingers, was far too much. Small Talk
  • The outer casing's inverted curve is skillfully worked into the afterdecks to round off the ship's hindquarters in a flattering tribute to the lamented cruiser sterns of yesteryear.
  • Milanich skillfully blends the archaeological, ethnohistorical, and historical literature to provide the reader with a clear understanding of Spanish Florida.
  • So skillful is this manipulation that, despite the deliberate poverty of means in the novel's construction, Our Horses in Egypt still tells an affecting story, both in the half concerning Griselda's finally hopeless effort to bring Philomena back alive and in that focusing on the Palestine campaign. Narrative Strategies
  • Their first writing task was to demonstrate their ability to emulate skillful use of repetition by writing a short speech modeled after those that they had just finished studying.
  • The event had all the trimmings - the beauty of youth, strong emotions and, of course, skillful performances.
  • More importantly, Lamont is exceptionally skillful at contextualizing the incident, and integrating the larger issues with the day-to-day events as they unfolded.
  • Alice in Sunderland is a skillful weaving-together of these disparate threads into a sprawling, meandering non-narrative about, well, Sunderland. Boing Boing
  • Nevertheless, much discretion remains for departments to increase their power, and politically astute department heads become skillful at doing so.
  • It is also clear that people did not crowd into the mission on Azusa Street because of a skillfully crafted publicity campaign.
  • To me, he's rusty, he's unskillful right now, his shot is off.
  • He is rich, gifted, and skillful and is ready to discuss his emotions in detail.
  • Lack of skill in catheterism is doubtless the reason why some have seemed to produce injury rather than benefit by this method of treatment, they not recognizing the fact asserted by Prof. Gross in his treatise on surgery, that skillful catheterism is one of the most delicate operations in surgery. Plain Facts for Old and Young

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