[ US /ˈskɪɫfəɫ/ ]
[ UK /skˈɪlfə‍l/ ]
  1. done with delicacy and skill
    a job requiring nice measurements with a micrometer
    a nice bit of craft
    a nice shot
  2. having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude
    a practiced marksman
    an expert job
    a good mechanic
    a lesser-known but no less skillful composer
    an adept juggler
    a proficient engineer
    the effect was achieved by skillful retouching
    adept in handicrafts
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How To Use skillful In A Sentence

  • (The show's skillful book, which interrupts the singing and dancing with pogroms and exile, is based on stories by Sholom Aleichem.) With Harvey Fierstein as Tevye, 'Fiddler' roars right along
  • The document, which critics of the plan describe as convoluted and skillfully worded, does not specify any dates for construction or even mention demolition. NYT > Home Page
  • It occurs to me that this may be, at least in part, because they are unusually unskillful and unsceptical users of the medium.
  • However, the Trouts have skillfully created a spectacle as beautiful as it is thought provoking.
  • Yes, they might very well be skillful and well trained, but she doesn't know that.
  • A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner. 
  • On this magnificent necklace, worn by either a young woman or man, the beadworker has skillfully played with colors and geometric shapes.
  • The script lacks any such subtleties and none of the cast is skillful enough to be able to suggest any depth beyond the script's superficial characterizations.
  • I mean, they were sort of old fashioned in the way he would post the quotes, and yet it was a very skillful use of medium and I thought, you know, politicians kind of quaked when they went on there. CNN Transcript Jun 13, 2008
  • In order to change this situation, Buddhism introduces the skillful means of meditation practice.
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