How To Use Simply In A Sentence
It might as well be closed, because in many American hospitals you're simply shooed from the windowsill after you've been nursed back to health (usually in 72 hours or less), and you're expected to "fly" on your own.
Mark Lachs, M.D.: Care Transitions: The Hazards of Going In and Coming Out of the Hospital
She is simply bartering goodies in return for comparative quietness.
Simply smooth a little on your face at night, lie back and say goodbye to dull and lifeless skin.
The Sun
Also the competition (as it's not all that hard to play)'s prodigious, even at youth orchestra level, so, in addition to playing something which almost often simply sounds flutey, it's very hard to get anywhere.
The dozen pictures she had shot during a recent bath time -- including a few of Nora rinsing with a handheld shower sprayer -- were, for Cynthia, simply part of the vast photographic record she was keeping of her family's life.
Lynn Powell: Pornographer or Soccer Mom?

Many of the bays and inlets are simply beautiful and consist of rock or sand, sometimes dropping away dramatically into 50 feet of water, at other times sloping gently in to shallows of just a few feet.
Some teachers also punish students by flogging them with whips made of rubber (from strips of old car tires), with heavier canes, or simply by slapping, kicking, or pinching them.
The theory I do not accept: one simply folds his sails, unships his rudder, and waits the will of Providence, or the arrival of some compelling fate.
An established order of seeing, of understanding, of ruling, is simply exploded - the Modernist spirit asserts itself.
People were simply showing their deep respect, their real admiration and their love for one they felt had touched their lives.
Simply inserting the word "conservation" in the pesticide label and slightly watering down the percentage of the active ingredient, brodifacoum, does not make this rodenticide safe for wildlife, nor will it make it any less persistent.
Maggie Sergio: The Proposal to Poison a Wildlife Refuge
I don't think you're playing devil's advocate (a word every/filmer seems to want use) simply by making entirely senseless comparisons between films like Transformers and There Will Be Blood, and ranting on with points of view that even someone in defense of Transformers would never use.
Things I Noticed While Watching 20 Minutes of JJ Abrams’ Star Trek | /Film
The countless mini-roundabouts popping up where there just simply isn't room for a roundabout is another danger, increasing the number of small shunts & bumps.
The potential adopters of siblings are simply not there.
Times, Sunday Times
All three leads are simply stellar in their roles and the interactions ring absolutely true.
As the author repeatedly points out, the pornographic material he seized wasn't simply more explicit than 18-certificate films or top-shelf magazines.
They were too cool to play an encore, or perhaps they had simply run out of songs.
Times, Sunday Times
It simply consists of a steel hook and a piece of rope with a loop on the end.
The fork was simply a military development of the agricultural implement.
Of course the bulk of those opulent knick-knacks manufactured for the Carolingian and Ottonian Emperors, and now to be seen at Aachen, are as beastly as anything else that is made simply to be precious.
Until that point, you must simply bear the horrible dialogue and two-dimensional characters.
Keeping to a Japanese theme, I'm using soba noodles and tamari soya sauce - the real stuff, no additives or caramel, simply soya beans, salt and water.
Cleland was occupied with his visual recorder, surveyor, gravitometer, and whatever else he could wield in the saddle, or simply with gazing around.
Benedict, put simply, is living out what he spoke of in Deus Caritas Est, which is true charity: Can we simply exclude them, as representatives of a radical fringe, from our pursuit of reconciliation and unity?
In the future, fights and disagreements between husbands and wives will simply result in the immediate end of their marriages.
People like Momtaz Begum simply sweep up their waste and dump it into the barrel.
Radioactive waste is simply spent fuel.
But everything of mine seems so tacky (trouser wise) but luckily, I found a ripper pair in the shop which are simply perfect.
They say that simply flushing out rogue unleaded petrol is sufficient.
The Sun
In the course of the summer, I came across several offered for sale in plantsmen's catalogues which I simply had to have.
For an evening look, simply add glitzy heels, a blinging clutch and statement jewellery.
The Sun
They simply called them theotisci, those who speak the vernacular, the language of the people (theod).
The best way to reduce the risk of hydroplaning is to simply slow down when roads are wet.
Video: How to reduce the risk of hydroplaning
They decided to close the museum purely and simply because it cost too much to run.
As executrix you are required to value the home on the inventory you file with the court, so you could simply divide that number by four and base your offer on that value.
Then they can be served simply with a honey and mustard dressed salad, or with some slices of gravadlax as a luxurious garnish.
But this subtlety is swept aside in performances that are simply too hard-driven.
‘Maria Maria Maria’ is simply gorgeous - a dark, reverb-soaked slab of despondency with a lyrical combination of absurdism and sincerity that could only have come from Merritt.
It was simply a relationship I had with a friend who was an experienced magician, regular chats and conversation with someone who was a good friend.
Remember that special "dietetic" or "diabetic" foods often cost extra money and may not be much healthier than simply following the suggestions given here.
The nobles of his court believed he had simply gone away from them for a time to meditate.
Blues music, as he sees it, is simply part of a continuum of black pop.
Some seem to have simply added a pull-out keyboard tray to the armoire / entertainment center and renamed it a computer cabinet.
It is likely to have benefited more from erecting the jawbone outside the island kirk and turning it into a tourist attraction, than the museum, which will simply be adding it to its existing collection.
When a predator pounces, simply escaping in the opposite direction is often the worst option.
It is simply not the case that prison conditions are improving.
I prefer the term reachable in the context of EE though simply because the common distinction between first set and follow set is not so important in Trail.
Planet Python
It is showing a letter embracing a woman and the depiction to emphasize emotion filled letter is simply unparallel .
Too often, they were simply bantered around as high-sounding slogans.
The smart bookmark is a kind of saved search -- "These codes can range from simple queries to a string that will search a domain and give you the latest stories, or simply those related to a keyword." - but it's complicated.
Internet News: Firefox 3 bookmarking tips
This regress is signalled not only by increases in mental confusion but by typography less and less coherent, the type straying over the page, and with some pages simply blank.
This conundrum poses two questions: First: does collective stupidity actually have a bottom limit or is it some kind of great cosmic suckhole from which reason and common sense simply cannot escape?
The End-of-the-World Survival Kit
The Other in Being and Nothingness alienates or objectifies us (in this work Sartre seems to use these terms equivalently) and the third party is simply this Other writ large.
Jean-Paul Sartre
Wind energy simply cannot employ as many people as the coal industry currently does.
The money could simply go into the public purse, helping to lower taxes.
The band simply didn't have the time or resources to find an adequate replacement for Frank.
Machines can be cloned simply by copying these resource files.
Some webmasters will simply link to any website that links back to them.
However, unlike the Buicks of the recent past, the tail lamp is not a single cross-car strip, but simply at each of the corners.
We should simply make sure that we correct in the right way.
Christianity Today
The two cross-fertilise easily to form a hybrid, which is apparently often sold to un-suspecting buyers who simply ask for bluebells.
In between the 9th (1987) and 10th (1993) editions, the M-W lexicographers discovered that the people who had imported the bird into the western US called it simply "chukar," not "chukar partridge," and furthermore pronounced it in a completely anglicized form, not knowing or caring that that made it a homophone of some polo term. CHUKAR.
Various criticisms made over the years are simply ignored.
Times, Sunday Times
Catherine Street were largely ignoring shoplifting and simply passing its cost on to their customers.
Bynes, who recently announced her retirement from acting on Twitter only to 'unretire' a week later, simply axed her @chicky account last week without going public about her decision.
Starpulse Entertainment News
Thus, among many of the tribes the sun is wakanda — not _the_ wakanda or _a_ wakanda, but simply wakanda; and among the same tribes the moon is wakanda, and so is thunder, lightning, the stars, the winds, the cedar, and various other things; even
The Siouan Indians
One can put it quite simply: How can any significant journal be funded in our time?
Instead, we decided to hang up the heavier long underwear like regular clothing and simply bundle our lighter underwear with a rubber band.
Country life has simply become less appealing.
Times, Sunday Times
We've simply never seen someone so completely unmoored from the normal requirements of national office before.
Transition: How Obama is Building a Government - Swampland -
So the boys decided it was high time someone did a humorous send-up of these books, in the form of a warm, satirical and very funny guide to a country that simply doesn't exist.
For me it was and will remain, simply about choice, ours and theirs.
Times, Sunday Times
Referred to simply as the Gothic Cruise (for brevity), this cruise is for fans of goth and industrial music and has been held annually for the past 15 years.
Twilight Lexicon » Go Cruising Vampire Style
But there is simply not time to lengthen the prices of the others.
The Sun
Sparing us all the obligatory arguments about Ford “defining the American West” with his sweeping, desolate camera shots and Wayne’s anabashedly American Americanness, there’s just no denying that Ford and Wayne — tag team partners on more than 20 films — are simply one of the most prolific duos in celluloid history.
Top 10 Actor / Director Tandems In Movie History | Best Week Ever
Bosnia are not simply in Brazil to elicit sympathy or provide romance, and they score an awful lot of goals.
Times, Sunday Times
People are repulsed at the idea of limiting the amount of children someone can have, despite the fact that our schools, health care, and planet itself simply cannot support us.
It was growing increasingly obvious as I defended myself against her attack that she was simply toying with me, drawing out my technique as a schoolmaster draws recitations from his students.
For a moment she feared he would simply step over, grab her wrist, pull out the money.
In time, like all corruptible passions of the flesh, this one would simply burn itself out.
What Kerry said was absolutely accurate if the draft is again reinstituted…..simply put: if you are simply a high school graduate, you’ll be first drafted….fact!
Think Progress » Feingold: We Should Challenge Generals Whose ‘Assessments…Were Wrong’
Underneath the ‘ordinary ’dial is another which has a rather diabolical look, but which is simply a piece of horology that shows those star signs that tell your horoscope.
She wouldn't get any surgery, and she is going to need emergently, so they try to exhaust all the capabilities of the military trying to find a neurosurgeon and simply could not find one that would come in time.
CNN Transcript Jan 19, 2010
Simply put, it was on that date that the communist era in Bulgaria started.
The Sun Valley Center simply calls the house The Center, Hailey, and makes little of the Pound connection; the arts organization's main building is in nearby Ketchum
Pound House
So, as John suggests, why won't they simply put the matter to rest by confirming or denying the facts as set out in the memos?
It is a still a point of hot debate with skiers as to whether Les Arcs is a work of architectural genius, or simply a hideous alpine eyesore.
With a full lieutenant commander 's uniform a bad guy could simply walk in.
The Sun
These are mind-boggling questions for a person of normal prudence because in science, colour is simply light of different wavelength.
We simply do not have the space for well-organised drills of vegetables that lead to a wicker gate opening out onto a woodland meadow.
At the height of the craze, I stood on the North Bank at Highbury in a forest of bananas, watching awestruck as they celebrated another goal going in by either bopping your neighbour over the head, or simply chucking the thing in the air.
Can we now treat this vaccine as what it is: something that might simply save a life?
Times, Sunday Times
The movie is, simply and succinctly, not especially funny.
To join our campaign, simply fill in the petition form on this page and post it to our offices.
The Sun
From his side of the racial divide, the ordeal of mobilization proved simply redundant.
For example, many shorefaces - the dynamic zones between the continental shelf and the beach - are not simply surfaces of sand but rather are underlain by rock or mud.
Naturally, I was appalled to discover that Knog's entire product line is simply a cheap ruse to smuggle sapphist erotica into America.
Conspiracy By Mail: The Hidden Dangers of Online Bicycle Retail
As I said, I do not intend to defend this view, but will use it simply as an adornment.
The mystery simply enveloped him.
Christianity Today
The agreements governments have with their citizens about which services are to be provided will be simply unaffordable.
Times, Sunday Times
To fly with such a burden in daylight is simply to court disaster.
Development of Aircraft in War
Wedgwood did not suddenly create and start selling his "basaltes" ware simply because it showed off white hands to advantage.
"Selling was an intellectual pleasure, an art form" for Josiah Wedgwood.
Of course it is circular in the sense that, based on my proffered definition, since intelligence ultimately permeates all aspects of being, what we call sentient beings (life forms) are simply different manifestations of intelligence playing with itself, or as one old text puts it in the title: 'You are the Eyes of the Universe.'
Telic Thoughts
A dot after a note ordinarily meant that it was half as long again as its normal value, but otherwise it simply signified that the notes on either side were irregular in some way. 5.
It is impossible to hypnotise someone simply by saying a particular word or phrase.
In order for to find out if a suit jacket was sewn or glued, simply ask your tailor or the salesman you're consulting.
When chopped, blended or simply chewed, plant compounds in watercress known as glucosinolates are broken down into phenylethyl isothiocyanate.
Times, Sunday Times
Man might think that he's the most intelligent life form on earth but this is simply a dreadful mistake.
The rest was simply and solidly made from elm, ash or oak.
Malory: The Life and Times of King Arthur's Chronicler
They were simply skilled craftspeople hired for jobs and trained through a system of apprenticeship.
These games could be defined simply as ` handball played with a paddle, 'the only difference being that paddleball employs a perforated wooden racquet and a large spongy ball, while racquetball, which is rapidly pushing both handball and paddleball into obscurity, employs a small strung racquet and a lively rubber ball.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIX No 1
If I answer no I simply return the questionnaire without any clinical data.
Earth is such a beautiful, unique, unbelievably complex planet and yet humans are simply hellbent on destroying it and everything on it.
Death by Plastic
So my advice is this: Keep the eight-glasses-a-day rule--not as a do-or-die goal, but simply as a tool to remind you to drink enough water to make up for any shortfall from your food.
He possibly could have cautioned him for holding and hitting as well, or he could have simply ordered them to break.
Many Roman traditions and institutions also disappeared or simply became redundant in the process, not least the arenas and amphitheatres for the circuses and games once supported by the state and municipal authorities.
You can just imagine the wind howling round outside while everyone crowds into a stone cottage, a fire roaring in the grate and a group of friends simply playing together for the sheer fun of it.
You simply use a split stance - your feet spaced about hip-width apart, one foot forward, the other behind you.
When increased regulations made running the chatline more difficult in Britain, he simply chased business elsewhere.
Adipose tissue is not simply a depot of energy, but is an active endocrine organ.
After a time teaching drama in borstals, prisons and community centres, he suffered two more breakdowns until one day, while sitting on a bus, his persistent angst, dread and fear of failure simply evaporated.
Columns of the arcade are simply the rolled steel members of the frame, exposed and made silver with intumescent paint.
Many listeners are, rightly, suspicious of free jazz as a refuge for those who simply cannnot "play" in the accepted sense.
In this sense, peasants were simply tenants who worked a strip of land or maybe several strips.
One of the most appealing things about the questers in The Wizard of Oz is that they already possessed what they sought - they simply needed the quest to reveal their hitherto hidden qualities.
The province takes a laissez faire approach in administering the hunting and trapping of wolves in BC, which is based simply on the reproductive potential of the species, and shockingly, without knowledge of wolf numbers.
Chris Genovali: The Death Cults Among Us
This week, we got the clue about the French Protestants of the Reformed Tradition, and the one about St Paul's Letter to the Galatians, but got hopelessly stuck on the clue that simply said "discombobulated".
Archive 2008-02-01
Some incendiary issues should simply be avoided.
Christianity Today
I'm sure Sergen meant well and simply wanted to share his pleasure with the widest possible audience, yet there is a dark interpretation of these events: namely, that the Besiktas players were attempting some kind of wind-up.
The spacey grooves of the title track and the hushed melodies of the second single are pleasant enough, but simply don't resonate as strongly.
There is talk of a massive fall in profits and a slump in turnover - talk that some outposts of the empire were simply not performing well enough to survive.
Given the completely negative associations nihilism has for many of us, simply to have it redefined as a theological posture is worth the price of the book.
But he failed to disclose that he had simply transferred his interest in the facility to his wife.
Simply running an ad advocating a position on a law has gotten them into a criminal court.
Quite often when I'm driving somewhere on my own, my cell phone will start vibrating with repeated texts coming in and when I finally get home (we rent a condo together) she will petulantly ask me why I did not respond to her texts and I'll simply reply with "… because I was * driving*??" and stare at her like she's on drugs.
Rachel Lucas
According to what he could gather from the conversations, this officer had been paying off the military and they had been simply waving him through each day.
The greatest danger is that we simply create information overload for our executives.
I had simply never clicked with anyone like that in nearly 20 years of searching and trying.
How much easier, and how reassuring, if they could all simply be understood as primitive, unevolved manikins.
Times, Sunday Times
We have three of the greatest kids there are, simply because some other people were prepared to allow us to adopt those children.
He is simply looking to confirm his recovery from a hamstring tweak sustained in the warm-up game against Halifax.
To put it simply, the new proposals mean that the average worker will be about 10% better paid.
Watersports on the beach are well patronised, although most people choose simply to bake in the sun.
To add programs to the Quick Launch, simply click and drag any program icon into the Quick Launch menu area.
Some have simply had a bad relationship with their editors or the publishing house.
The fact is that the LSC's mistakes were simply human errors, compensation for which was adequately reflected in the offer of £50 by way of botheration payment.
She was a character actress who specialized in either cantankerous or kindly older women for three decades, simply by knitting or unknitting her eyebrows.
We could simply use the words unharmful or healthy.
That morality test.
An acquaintance assures me that this was simply due to the fact that this was a low-spec model, a cheapie, and that other models have features-a-plenty.
Beyond simply looking fantastic the wildly stylized world of the film is an obvious reminder not to take things too literally.
That is why I use the term devotee because it brings a different connotation; someone who is dedicated to following a specific faith rather than simply acknowledging it because they were born into it.
The Nation: Top Stories
Why couldn't ESMD have simply directed that things be done in metric in the first place - in compliance with NASA's own regulations (note the OIG report from 2001 years before Constellation was even started).
NASA Watch: June 2009 Archives
He submitted that the meaning of the phrase cannot simply be merged with the requirement for complete crystal submersion in the silicone layer, as that would render it otiose.
When you're shooting sports action or wildlife - or simply trying to keep up with fast-moving children - the 10 frames-per-second high speed with mechanical shutter continuous shooting* and new tracking auto focus feature will ensure you never miss that vital moment.
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We simply cannot recommend it highly enough - not just for hurling aficionados but for sports fans everywhere.
Darker shoes are also less likely to look dirty simply because stains won't show as much.
So how 'bout simply saying a muted but sincere 'Thank you, God' for an honest and smart president who's trying to move ahead by untangling the 'fubar' mess left by the crooks, dummies and wackos who ruled Washington for eight long years.
Giles Slade: Obama Without Glamour
Are New Agers just simply home-grown nature-lovers, or are they one of the greatest dangers to confront Christendom?
Just think, if the people who are now kvetching about freedom of speech simply posted their names on the website, then none of the speculation would have happened.
While, as Steve pointed out, patriotism can easily slip into jingoism, that is simply a way for some people to channel their personal idiocies.
Planet Atheism
To put it simply, this bike climbs like a squirrel, descends like a greased squirrel on a luge, corners like a decagon, and accelerates like a methamphetamine-addicted rabbit.
Happy Birthday To Me: BSNYC Turns 1
How could he simply throw in the towel - not with a bang but a whimper - and in such an unseemly way?
Call it ‘Frisco Jazz,’ call it ‘Dixieland’ or ‘Traditional Jazz,’ it matters not - it's simply good-time music!
Simply fry off a diced onion in butter until soft, add some chopped red cabbage, some vegetable stock and a glug of brandy.
With a simply prick of a needle; he had enough blood to test.
Does a disorganised clothing industry with little commercial interest in quality simply reflect our own limited needs and aspirations?
Some people miss out on care and support simply because they end up confused and bewildered by the process.
Times, Sunday Times
Well, I don't think when you're talking about the history of a presidency the job simply is to unify the country.
They are scented with different essences, and may be shaped as fruits or flowers, or simply made in little drop shapes.
As the batteries run low, patients simply strap on a power pack that recharges the batteries via radio waves beamed through their skin.
It sounds an odd pairing but used sparingly, the earthy, pungent and aromatic flavour of sage adds rich warmth to simply cooked white fish.
Times, Sunday Times
Yesterday at Ness's we went on this hike for about 3 hrs roundtrip to this amazing place simply called the Viewpoint where honestly and cornily, I felt on top of the world.
Hot Cold Hot Cold
The phenomenon is difficult to measure, St. Pierre and several others said, because the term jury nullification is rarely invoked; defendants with substantial evidence against them are simply acquitted, or juries deadlock. - Home Page
Instead, the governor would require simply that elected officials disclose fully and completely all contributions to their campaigns.
When I got up to criticise her - which led to cheering and catcalling from there on - Cook simply sat back and kept his head down.
Is it actually possible to forge corporate documents simply by cutting and pasting them on a computer?
Chomsky's view of the problem of language acquisition can be simply illustrated.
That would be the option of theistic evolution, which to me is not a logical choice because it requires elements of faith that simply don't comport with science and logic.
Thus, through a process must like Transubstantiation, it'll become simply divine.
They took a quasi-religious attitude to Confucius, worshipping him as ‘the uncrowned king’ rather than respecting him simply as the greatest of teachers.
Jim was not in the mood for any more liquor or food, and simply sat, trying and failing not to clasp and unclasp his hands nervously.
Starcraft II: Devils’ Due
Thus Philo Judaeus may equate the hy - ponoia of a text with its latent theme, its mystery, its secret, its unexpressed, unseen, nonliteral, or simply intelligible meaning.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
An outcry has been raised against the duello, when the fact is that the duello is simply the unit of war.
There is no foundation for ascribing an energetic quality to a crystal simply because it has a particular appearance, colour or name.
They are kind of obfuscated and simply require you to remember things.
Usability vs. Discoverability : #comments
A cure will be found one day, but until then my personal verdict is that age-related arthritis and rheumatism are a natural part of the human condition, and you simply have to put up with it and get about your business best you can.
She simply crumpled in front of me.
Times, Sunday Times
In others, village growers simply find it more remunerative to sell coca to drug dealers than to market pineapples at the local mercado.
More companies are likely to retrench or quietly exit from venture programs if the recent stock market downturn persists, simply because too much money has been chasing too few good deals.
Nations. yep, it's pretty quaint stuff, couched in terms of newness and normalcy, of foreigness and familiarity. it describes the music as modern and "swingy" and yet timeless, as being of universal appeal - they belong to everyone - and yet "from a single nationality." i wonder whether the universalist rhetoric was meant to appeal to non-jews or simply to jews ambivalent about their jewishness? or am i simply being naive about midcentury, metropolitan jewishness? it is interesting to me also that, apparently, zionist discourse had not yet divorced the term palestinian from any association with jewish heritage.
Adult females may simply show a higher degree of fidelity to specific areas than males when they come ashore to fast during the open water season.
All of this was underpinned with ample confidence in the friendly disposition of much of the population-presumably loyalist at heart, simply waiting to welcome British military leaders to their hearthstones.
Music, which mainly focused on techno and dance, simply wasn't interesting anymore.
Put simply, National Geographic picked up on a story of a couple who, having set the autotimer on their camera to take a holiday snap of themselves, found their picture ruined by a curious squirrel 'portrait-crashing'.
Smoking Guns and the Morality of Parliamentary Privilege
A fashion fact: the chopine was a 15th-century platform shoe that, on occasion, rose to a towering 30 inches, requiring madam to walk with a cane or simply a servant - a cane with legs?
The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
But when my poor mother heard that I was committed, by word of honour, to a wild-goose chase, among the rebels, after that runagate Tom Faggus, she simply stared, and would not believe it.
Lorna Doone
Some projects which were funded simply achieved budgetary efficiencies, he said, and did not require as much money as had been first thought.
He rarely comes up with any new material, he simply recycles his old stuff.
It's possible the court will find that this time the gerrymanderers in North Carolina have simply gone too far.
So I, you know, as simply as, you know, ordering a burrito from the burrito joint in Spanish.
What's The Point Of A Degree In French?