How To Use Simple In A Sentence
I'd live the transient and ephemeral existence of a backpacker for a week, an existence of freedom and simple pleasures.
It's a bit unexpected not to include any measures of syntactic complexity - even something as simple as mean sentence length.
A monk will be hired to chant some Buddhist scriptures and perform a simple ceremony at the morgue instead of at a funeral parlor.
It was a simple rectangle of crudely mounded basalt rocks, a distinctive arrangement reminiscent of the way Samoans and other Polynesians marked their dead in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
The side dish the day I visited was a simple mixed olive salad, a mélange of black and green olives with spicy oil.

She pulled the black scrunchie out of her long glossy red-gold hair, the silky strands having been confined in a simple low, sleek ponytail.
Our simple submission is the majority in the Court of Appeal got it right for cogent and sound reasons.
Such an approach not only allows the authors to discuss the work from many different angles, but allows them to do so without implying that the practical quandaries in The Angel of History can be reduced to a simple meaning.
The styles are simple, with set-in shoulders, pared-down forms and the type of finish you might expect from ready-to-wear.
When Just Any Old Lycra Won't Do
The films he made look simple at first glance, yet already invite a more complicated response.
Whatever you think of Strandlof and the months he masqueraded as a brain-injured veteran, the simple truth two months after his web of lies came apart is that public disgrace seems to have changed him little.
Heroes or Villains?
Fitness functions include a simple linear problem for binary strings and classification of data sets which are dynamically loaded from a specified data file.
Tracey is wearing a simple black dress.
But the two teaching modes have changed from opposition to complementation instead of a simple conversion.
It was hard to believe that something so simple could be so tasty, a creamy potato flavour that was concentrated by long slow cooking in olive oil, seasoned with the sweet tang of long cooked onions all morticed with beaten eggs.
At My Table
The center console is neat and simple, stressing a less-is-more minimalism.
It was a simple plain white envelope with Yoshiki written in gold on the front.
For the kids the knee-jerk tourist products are wooden toys, but they are lumpish, boring objects, unlikely to appeal to any but the most simple-minded of toddlers.
Once on the storage server, a photograph can be displayed on any TV screen or monitor in the house via a simple video client.
He perceived that many forms had been subjected to what he calls degeneration, or, as we say, modification, and that the progress from the simple to the complex was by no means direct.
Lamarck, the Founder of Evolution His Life and Work
Quick Tag (Mac): Quickly add tags to the current song playing in iTunes with a simple, universal keyboard shortcut and autocompletion for quick tagging.
The 23 Best iTunes Add-ons | Lifehacker Australia
't think that when people grow up, they will become morebroad-minded and can accept everything. Conversely, I think it's aselecting process, knowing what's the most important and what's theleast. And then be a simple man.
I personally try and keep it simple with a Grande, skim, triple, bone-dry cappuccino, which is Starbuck's English for the kind of cappuccino you'd get at the Rome airport.
Mark Strausman: A Chef's-Eye View of Starbucks
Expertly based on simple, smooth, sculptural lines, exploring colour by layering and integrating silk and viscose, adding another textural element to her work.
In the simplest case, the wires carrying the electrical signals are used to form an electromagnet which attracts and releases a metal diaphragm.
Furniture shapes became more angular, with edges defined by simple piping.
Collins Complete Books of Soft Furnishings
The principle of the itinerary engine is simple: from a departure address and an arrival address, or from longitude/latitude coordinates, Maporama International's servers calculate an optimized itinerary, respecting several constraints: the shortest or the more rapid itinerary, a pedestrian or car itinerary, a multimodal itinerary
Internet News: Travel Archives
I realised you don't need to make the most amazing sauce with ten layers of flavour: food can be simple and beautiful.
Times, Sunday Times
Thus the expectations regarding the strength of sexual selection for polygyny, polyandry, and monogamy are fairly simple.
So, in the next article in this series we'll explore Vim's simple plug-in architecture, which allows you to factor out parts of your .vimrc and isolate them in separate modules.
Designed with grace and precision by Portuguese architect Bak Gordon, this modern home located in the heart of Pousos, is all about smooth and simple design that draws from the modern architecture principles of using simple cubical structures.
How To Create a Minimalist Home
Nothing is more simple than greatness; indeed, to be simple is to be great. Ralph Waldo Emerson
This is just criminality plain and simple.
Times, Sunday Times
It's time for the Senate to release him from legal limbo and give his nomination a final vote by simple majority.
The morons do not even protect the exposed steel with paint - and something as simple and old-fashioned as using galvanized bolts in the first place is clearly way beyond their ken.
It's not exactly simple, but it has no pretensions to art either.
For those who don't know about Shannon, he was the father of information theory, which in its simplest form means he made possible the leap from telephones and telegraphs to computers.
And now here is my secret, a very simple secret. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eyes.
It took me two days to do three "simple" jobs ... installing a shutoff valve behind a gas stove, replacing/fixing a tub faucet stem, and capping a sump pump.
Projects You Shouldn’t Try To DIY | Lifehacker Australia
Simple, rustic meals, focusing more on quality ingredients, such as first-rate olive oil.
The smart bookmark is a kind of saved search -- "These codes can range from simple queries to a string that will search a domain and give you the latest stories, or simply those related to a keyword." - but it's complicated.
Internet News: Firefox 3 bookmarking tips
David's summation is simple: "In the very decade when it's clear that new antibiotics must be developed the industry has stopped developing them.
Family Affair
The recent discussion about pterosaur patagia inspired this simple, but I think effective, visual representation of many possibilities for patagial ? configurations.
Life's Time Capsule: Pterosaur Gallery
The golden rule when creating your design is: keep it simple.
This may have been a simple inconsistency in their responses or an indication that some youthful blunt smokers either do not know or do not define blunts as containing marijuana.
Bon sinon mercredi ou jeudi (mais j'vais prendre mercredi si jeudi j'suis tout seul ca va pas et 'simple) faut que j'fasse une affiche qui pete bien pour la promo du poisson ....
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
In his famous "antinomies", he proved four propositions: first, that the universe is limitless in time and space; second, that matter is composed of simple, indivisible elements; third, that free will is impossible; and fourth, that there must be an absolute or first cause.
The Profits of Religion, Fifth Edition
The skin of people with EB simplex is so fragile that even minor rubbing may cause blistering.
The truth is we'll never know for sure who would have been better, but the simple fact that party leaders are unwilling to allow its voters to hash these questions out for themselves is troubling.
Amateurs can easily fill the tubes using simple agricultural tools, after which bags are arranged in a spiral that is gradually corbelled inwards as it ascends to form a dome.
Men have been unwearied in their efforts to obscure the plain, simple meaning of the Scriptures, and to make them contradict their own testimony; but like the ark upon the billowy deep, the word of God outrides the storms that threaten it with destruction.
The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan
They invited us to partake of their simple meal.
Most of the advice is simple but transformative.
Christianity Today
Thedrain saturation current is increased 10% after bonding. To disperse heat of GaNHEMT, this flip chip bonding method seems to be simple and effective.
Rocker - style tail plate: simple structure, light weight, load small, easy to install.
Given its inherent curiosity, even the simplest mind will exhaust itself devising solutions to challenges it confronts.
simple unstudied charm
So simple enhancement of MT and some template tags, one creates a review which is a div class in the template.
Bouchons were originally wine bars where the local silk workers or passing stagecoach drivers could fill up on a simple, hearty cuisine that was based on fresh local products -- mostly pig in the form of andouillette, fried crackling, tripes, petit salé -- and lots of the local wine among like-minded souls, enjoying their brief moment of freedom amid laughter and loud, boisterous behavior.
Jamie Schler: A Side Trip to Lyons: Le Bouchon
A simple drive through the countryside, past sheep ranch after sheep ranch, is balm for a weary soul.
They lived under nine independent caciques or chiefs, and possessed a simple religion devoid of rites and ceremonies, but with a belief in a supreme being, and the immortality of the soul.
Not one could grasp, or even imagine, the possibility that our simple-minded Palaeolithic ancestors were capable of art.
Everything was explained in it -- everything made clear; and gradually she realised the natural, strong and pardonable craving of the rich, unloved man, to seek out for himself some means whereby he might leave all his world's gainings to one whose kindness to him had not been measured by any knowledge of his wealth, but which had been bestowed upon him solely for simple love's sake.
The Treasure of Heaven A Romance of Riches
Remember the importance of the visual image and try to keep your theme unified and simple.
Known usually for somewhat opaque public statements, he ended his comment on the incident with a simple declarative: ‘Let the kids play.’
They go for feel and function, leaning towards seam free, simple, unfussy styles.
It was funny how some couldn't spell the simplest word or even make a complete sentence!
Its simple to grow and is closely related to wild dock and sorrel, is classed as a vegetable but treated as a fruit.
You stay in simple but comfortable thatched wooden houses, built on stilts.
Times, Sunday Times
It won't be until that age that they've earned enough money to enable them to live a simple life in retirement.
Some of these commentators build up dialectics into an alternative to all previous forms of logic, something that supersedes such ordinary reasoning as the simple syllogistic form of argument set out on the first page of this chapter.
Serve with a simple cucumber and fresh dill salad.
Times, Sunday Times
I had refastened it in a simple bowknot, a sort of knot which on Gor, in certain contexts, as in the present context, is spoken of as a slave knot.
Renegades Of Gor
There are great views of the Camel estuary from the terrace, where you can eat beautifully simple dishes like lobster risotto with basil and orange.
Times, Sunday Times
The simplest explanation is that such people are "gluttons"; and the most romantic explanation is that there is some psychiatric reason making it necessary for them to overeat.
The Human Brain
Would you enjoy being a quintuplet in the early 20th century when, as a reproductive anomaly, the simple fact of your existence made your family a freak show.
The compact dimensions of the system means minimum impact on interior space and the design of the drivetrain is surprisingly simple but highly efficient.
This is not a simple party concern but rather a matter of urgent national interest.
+The Story+ of this ballad, simple in itself, introduces to us the elaborate question of the ‘lyke-wake,’ or the practice of watching through the night by the side of a corpse.
Ballads of Mystery and Miracle and Fyttes of Mirth Popular Ballads of the Olden Times - Second Series
With a simple formula like this does Ninja Assassin deliver the goods, or does it fall on its own sword.! » 2009 » December
If you have it in a narrow bed between wall and paving, life will be so much simpler and pruning will be a quick, painless job.
Times, Sunday Times
He was fixing his car when the shell landed in front of the simple home where he and his family lived as fruit farmers.
Times, Sunday Times
These stones extend down the watercourse, over which water flows with the aid of a simple submersible pump.
The right to attach is a simple concept, and it has worked powerfully in other markets.
Boing Boing
Many simple things, for example picking up an item, activating a switch or initiating a dialog, can be done with a single mouse click.
‘I want to go back to when things were so simple’ sings Weiss in a high-pitched hillbilly squeal on ‘Piggly Wiggly’.
Besides, double bottom fermentation and multiple bottom fermentation are simple and effective measures.
The idea assumes that most people, most of the time, will take the simplest route to their destination.
't think that when people grow up, they will become morebroad-minded and can accept everything. Conversely, I think it's aselecting process, knowing what's the most important and what's theleast. And then be a simple man.
Cut simple holiday shapes out of paper or felt, then hang with thread from curtain rods, hanging lamps, doorways or over the outside of a lampshade.
Can you cook up a simple egg dish for us right away?
Cela aurait été plus simple (moins intéressant?) de commencer par une conférence plus “locale” (public romand, ville romande et langue parlée en Suisse romande).
Going Solo Venues, Open Stage, and Link Love — Climb to the Stars
All these methods assume that there is no recombination, and they rely on the existence of a single simple coalescent history or genealogy for all sites in the locus.
If the house is fairly tight, the simplest route for makeup air to enter the structure is often the unused fireplace chimney.
Mole is a creature of great loyalty and peace, satisfied to live a quiet and simple life.
The one-size-fits-all approach persists because it is clear and simple.
The Sun
The fix might be as simple as installing a controller to cut costs, increase prices, and hound deadbeat customers.
That argument is unfortunately over-simple.
Simples, don't watch trash like this and the stations will stop broadcasting it - it's in your own hands people!
In the evening, families eat a simple meal of leftovers or eggs and toast.
Participants were randomly assigned by an ‘adaptive biased coin’ technique, rather than simple equiprobable randomisation, to ensure balance of group numbers.
`How else may one progress from the simplex to the higher stages of plexity?
And yet ever so simple, just hard-boiled eggs soaked overnight in beet juice.
Archive 2005-03-01
The opening vignette, ‘Lullaby for a Broken Dog’ is simple piano tinklings and a man's spoken words over the hiss and pop of a needle on an old record.
Kevin Wilkinson's simple metal dinghy, propelled by a single scull from a rowlock at the stern, maintains one of the oldest crossings of the Mersey – now transferred to the canal because the nearby river itself is bridged.
Britain's Best Views: the Mersey ferry, Liverpool
That for exportation is usually obtained by pressing the copperah in a simple press turned by bullocks.
The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
Marine base in the province until, one day soon, the American military can install him in an “abandoned government building” or simple "a clump of ruins" in that city.
Fixing What's Wrong in Washington... in Afghanistan
A simple single-storey pavilion is enclosed by folded concertina walls and roof, prompting irresistible comparisons with origami.
In the first stage, that of the simplex, one is caught within the bounds of a single worldview.
A simple mathematical formula has been devised to allow you to calculate the interest due.
Your materials are simple - muslin cut into 8-1/2 ‘squares to create the base window frames, and a variety of prints, calicos, or other fabrics to use for the windows.’
THERE is a simple truism that governs all competitive pursuits, poker very much included: you win some and you lose some.
Times, Sunday Times
The secret is simple: stop griping about the public sector and start viewing it as a source of business opportunities.
Software is complex and dynamic and that 'simple fix' you put in place last week could have undesired consequences.
Try starting simple, with maybe just a geometric shape, such as a triangle or circle.
The failure of such simple-minded thinking has also been proven by its total failure for Cuba, which has survived under American sanctions for more than four decades.
What you get are basically four fun, simple little games, that are great to come back to for the odd five minutes of playing.
So the simplest method of disconnecting the pipes is to saw through them or to cut through them with a pipe cutter.
Instead, I found myself lusting after bananas, marmalade, muesli, and the simple pleasure of a glass of cold milk.
The world number one played a simple safety shot to leave the white ball on the bottom cushion and Doherty played the ball deadweight into the pack of reds.
Another method is the simple technique of healing with crystals by using elixirs or essences.
The thing that struck us in doing the Levitical month was the simple power of obedience," Harrell said in a recent interview.
Cathleen Falsani: Living Leviticus: Who Could Do It? Who Would Want To?
The fluorite tends to occur only as cubes modified by the dodecahedron, with simple cubes or octahedra uncommon or absent.
The mixture will resolve into two simple substances.
When you are struggling with an unfamiliar language, the simplest conversations can be misinterpreted.
In the simple experiment, a converging lens focuses laser light from two pinholes onto two different photodetectors.
Here he pauses, then continues, sounding like a cook admitting that a recipe is deceptively simple.
However, the constraints of HTML and web browser technology prevent the reader from personalizing the files, although we have provided readers with a simple search engine, and some indexing and annotation.
Both François Massialot, in Le Cuisinier roïal et bourgeois, and Menon, in Le Cuisinière bourgeoise, speak of the bourgeois kitchen as simple in style and limited in possibilities, but where special occasions required special efforts, indicating that for them the term designated a style of life and social position beneath that of the nobility.
Savoring The Past
Many would no doubt take issue with me on that simple assertion, citing personal reasons why it is not so.
Your pharmacist can advise you on simple medicines and/or gripe water that will help prevent colic.
Chinese writers, he confronts the troubling complexities of recent history by means of a simple parable that reaches far beyond the boundaries of its fictional world.
The Times Literary Supplement
He arrived at the solution by a simple process of deduction.
The complicated tariff system loosely based on distance, bandwidth and utility will be replaced by simpler mechanisms.
I keep my stance simple, standing on the line of the crease with my feet a comfortable width apart.
He is guided neither by the maxims of a political ideology nor by conspicuous moral principle, but rather by a simple need to retain power.
The logs ignited with a simple glimmer, and he gently blew on the ember to make it flare to life.
IL2, which is in its design stage, is intended to be an interlingua, albeit a relatively simple one.
It's simple for a thief to break glass panels and then reach in and open a doorknob from the inside.
The simplest and one of the oldest methods is the division by calendar centuries, decades, or years in annalistic fashion.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
So great is the danger of such injurious results, few careful practitioners have cared to adopt the heroic "antipyretic" medication recommended by experimenters, preferring to allow their patients to burn with fever, mitigated only by such simple means as are commonly employed by nurses, than to require them to combat the poisonous influences of a drug in addition to the morbid element of the disease.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 455, September 20, 1884
The simple molecule eliminated can be water, ammonia, or an alcohol.
But even this simple statement will meet vigorous objections from some.
Ordinary working with unusual attitude to complete, simple questions to use a comprehensive thinking to decision, the matter will look at the way, distant ideal rely on real efforts to achieve.
The purpose of the edit is fairly simple—to chop out the boring bits from the original.
The Hand-e-holder is a simple device that consists of two parts: an adhesive disk applied to the back of your iPad, and a strap that looks vaguely like a biking glove and fits snuggly around your hand.
Daily Dispatch: Microsoft patents innovative touch keyboard; Leatherbound lets you compare eBook prices
Taking local document data source as an example, a kind of simple and effective method for creating catalog database in ILAS (Integrated Library Automation System) is introduced in this paper.
Well, simple math tells me that if such were to happen, the unemployment rate would fall to near 7%, a good start, and maybe enough to re-elect the president.
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In appearance and atmosphere he was a strapping big college man, smooth-faced and easy-mannered, clean and simple and wholesome, with a known record of being a splendid athlete and an implied vast possession of cold culture of the inhibited sort.
The machine is quite simple in design.
Simple, A bow is a bow, A muzzle-loader, is a muzzle-loader and a modern weapon is a modern weapon.
On The Crossbow Trend
The wave equation having general forms of planar simple harmonic wave is deduced in this article. It is simple and accurate to solve wave equation by using this formula.
Both Isidore and Feodor were clad in simple chitons that showed off their large, muscular arms.
Many dictionaries of Neapolitan dialect from the late eighteenth century onward tell us that pizza, at its simplest, was merely a generic word for all kinds of pies, and for what would be called focaccia or schiacciata elsewhere in Italy, that is, a flat piece of dough dappled with fat or oil and cooked quickly in a hot oven.
What she offers for six lucky passengers is simple comfort, sumptuous meals and bags of character.
Times, Sunday Times
One of the first applications of the simplex algorithm was to the determination of an adequate diet that was of least cost.
Pope John Paul II knelt in his white robes before the simple altar.
Suppose we admit that Bernadette was not the shy, simple child we knew her to be; let us endow her with a spirit of intrigue and domination, transform her into a conqueress, a leader of nations, and try to picture what, in that case, would have happened.
The Three Cities Trilogy: Lourdes, Complete
Eh, some simple hosebag always seems to think it's about HER.
You never know
Simple convenience as the abstract selling point for an appliance is a hard position to defend over any length of time; someone will inevitably separate the convenience from the hardware, and sell it at a significantly lower price.
Schooner Launches Specialized Servers for Speedy Data Delivery
Its simple pleasures include a cute brass hand pump to fill up your bathroom sink and dinner à deux on your deck.
Times, Sunday Times
In a fundamental conflict between constative force and performative possibility, the assuring parataxis itself begins to serve as a resistant marker of performatives that potentially contradict its simple narrative.
The real issue, they predict, will boil down to fairness and simple human dignity.
All propositions are simple or compounded of simples.
Serfs had simple diets and traveling minstrels and entertainers came to the manor.
Mathematicians had regarded algebraic numbers as, in some sense, simpler than transcendental numbers.
Ge 3: 16, woman's "subjection" is represented as the consequence of her being deceived. being deceived -- The oldest manuscripts read the compound Greek verb for the simple, "Having been seduced by deceit": implying how completely
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
This is much more than a simple critical or social analysis of the history of cinema.
This recipe is marvellously simple and quick.
And he covers what could be fairly abstruse philosophical questions in a remarkably clear and simple way.
She came trooping down the driveway wearing a simple pair of clean jeans that weren't too fancy, a light blue sweat shirt and a colored scarf underneath her black track jacket.
I think a simple affidavit is sufficient (rebuttable) proof in those cases.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Defamation by Government Still Political Question
A collimator is a simple device that uses a reflective surface and lenses to replicate a target at infinity.
The organisational structure most conducive to high performance depends on whether the environment is stable and simple, or changing and complex.
It will make the reforms we have known to date seem simple and uncomplicated.
Only if the same association is shown by others and defies simple explanation should it be taken seriously.
Times, Sunday Times
It was a very simple matter to reverse this procedure, generally after some unpleasantness with the appropriate squadron and station commander.
Putting it on is a rather simple affair, but unless you have tiny hands, there isn't much clearance between the fan and PCB to pinch the tab to remove the dongle.
He was a diffusionist, plain and simple.
The simple meaning of the word consequence is: something that happens as a result of an action.
The Daily Carrot Principle
I'll do my best to keep the overall design and function clean and simple but I'm looking forward to getting properly to grips with the new methodology.
Students are required to undertake simple experiments.
Last is the empirical formula this is the simplest ratio of atoms in a molecule.
In 1981, a young athlete from a western state went into the hospital for a simple knee operation.
There is no simple method to assess proliferation in single gastric crypts.
Sympathectomy has failed to secure a place in ophthalmic surgery, sclerotomy has not been found adequate, and cyclodialysis is not sufficiently simple of execution or permanently beneficial in its results to give it prominence.
Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
We aren't going for the simple reason that we can't afford it.
The treatment of engineering dynamics is almost invariably linear, although examples of simple non-linear formulations are provided.
Ordinary working with unusual attitude to complete, simple questions to use a comprehensive thinking to decision, the matter will look at the way, distant ideal rely on real efforts to achieve.
The simplest solutions like siphoning the washing water onto the garden are the most effective in the long run.
The frieze, where of old would prance an exuberant processional of gods, is, in this case, bare of decoration, but upon the epistyle is written in simple, stern letters the word "EUSTON.
Men, Women, and Boats
But Dominic Iglesias made effort to comfort him, speaking not uncheerfully, determining even to fight the fatigue and weakness which, as he could not but own, daily increased on him, if only for the sake of this faithful and simple adherent.
The Far Horizon
The native medicaster, having placed the green leaves on the patient's temples, would be brewing a concoction of emollient simples.
The Great White Tribe in Filipinia
This would go well with a light chicken salad or maybe some simple pork chops.
Some courts allow attendance on simple or agreed applications by letter, but this is not as of right.
What you have to do with a book, a simple, obvious, exasperating difficult thing, is, read it.
The scoring is for a simple classical orchestra, strings, double woodwind, four horns and two trumpets.
Instead of building large numbers of tiny, free-floating robots to manufacture products, it would be more practical to use simple robot-arms in nanotech factories of the future.
That is the simple premise for this goofy comedy.
The Sun
Their rich, sumptuous food contrasted with the simple and plain food prepared by the ordinary people of Nepal.