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[ UK /sˈɪmpə‍l/ ]
[ US /ˈsɪmpəɫ/ ]
  1. unornamented
    a simple country schoolhouse
    her black dress--simple to austerity
  2. having few parts; not complex or complicated or involved
    a simple substance
    simple mechanisms
    a simple design
    a simple problem
  3. (botany) of leaf shapes; of leaves having no divisions or subdivisions
  4. lacking mental capacity and subtlety
  5. easy and not involved or complicated
    a simple game
    found an uncomplicated solution to the problem
    elementary, my dear Watson
    an elementary problem in statistics
  6. apart from anything else; without additions or modifications
    only the bare facts
    the simple passage of time was enough
    shocked by the mere idea
    the simple truth
  7. exhibiting childlike simplicity and credulity
    dewy-eyed innocence
    listened in round-eyed wonder
    childlike trust
  1. a person lacking intelligence or common sense
  2. any herbaceous plant having medicinal properties

How To Use simple In A Sentence

  • I'd live the transient and ephemeral existence of a backpacker for a week, an existence of freedom and simple pleasures.
  • It's a bit unexpected not to include any measures of syntactic complexity - even something as simple as mean sentence length.
  • A monk will be hired to chant some Buddhist scriptures and perform a simple ceremony at the morgue instead of at a funeral parlor.
  • It was a simple rectangle of crudely mounded basalt rocks, a distinctive arrangement reminiscent of the way Samoans and other Polynesians marked their dead in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
  • The side dish the day I visited was a simple mixed olive salad, a mélange of black and green olives with spicy oil.
  • She pulled the black scrunchie out of her long glossy red-gold hair, the silky strands having been confined in a simple low, sleek ponytail.
  • Our simple submission is the majority in the Court of Appeal got it right for cogent and sound reasons.
  • Such an approach not only allows the authors to discuss the work from many different angles, but allows them to do so without implying that the practical quandaries in The Angel of History can be reduced to a simple meaning.
  • The styles are simple, with set-in shoulders, pared-down forms and the type of finish you might expect from ready-to-wear. When Just Any Old Lycra Won't Do
  • The films he made look simple at first glance, yet already invite a more complicated response.
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