
How To Use Silicon valley In A Sentence

  • We may still be able to save Las Vegas, as it is encysted by libertarian Nevada... but San Francisco, I fear, is already seething with the RED VIRUS, which has spread to it's outer "Bay Area" provinces, such as Mountain View and other Silicon Valley cities. Obama's Commie Mama
  • It would be interested to find out if this study separated San Jose/Silicon Valley MSA from the San Francisco/San Mateo/Marin MSA. The High-Tech Job Capital Is…The Big Apple? - Bits Blog -
  • Not only does this process have much capital behind it - fed by the deep-pocket venture capital organizations of Silicon Valley an hour to the south - but it has its epigones in the press.
  • The term Silicon Valley was coined in the 1970s and refers to the 50-mile stretch between San Francisco and San Jose, where companies such as National Semiconductor -- Top News
  • The gentle woo-woo spirituality of New Age is attractive because it refuses the grinding realities of life spent in the shadow of Wall Street and Hollywood and Silicon Valley.
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  • Major chip-makers and optoelectronic component manufacturers are in the north of Silicon Valley and biotech companies are in the south.
  • One of the key instigators of the Microsoft case, Silicon Valley attorney Gary Reback, famously perorated that Microsoft had become a "threat to the underpinnings of a free society. The Trustbusters' Last Meal Ticket
  • March 30th, 2009 BANGALORE - He may not know the nitty-gritty of recession, but Sriram Prasad, owner of a 'dhaba' in India's Silicon Valley, knows that these are hard times. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • The ear-popping ascent from the floor of Silicon Valley winds under moss-covered trees, eventually becoming decidedly too small for two cars to pass. Ridge Monte Bello and Paul Draper's forty years of making it | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • California, the world's sixth largest economy and home to booming Silicon Valley, had come perilously close to brown-outs on Thursday.
  • Today their horizons include Silicon Valley and dot-coms.
  • Nor are they as offensive as their contemporary fashion analog: the Birkenstock sandal, which is worn almost exclusively by grubby millionaires (Silicon Valley residents, Olsen twins): Colleen Werthmann: Hillary Clinton Pen-Pal Reveals Letters: "A Portrait of the Grown-Up Dork as a Young Dork"
  • In Dyson's case, she was the permanent and permanently vacant Silicon Valley networker who got the job largely out of name recognition.
  • He came of age in a time when hardworking young men and women like him went to Wall Street or to Silicon Valley, and-once properly "incentivized" by the likes of Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton-seemed to save the national economy, creating what appeared to be great general prosperity while doing well themselves. Harper's Magazine
  • Agriculture was California; there were no sprawling defense and aerospace industries, there was no Silicon Valley.
  • The term Silicon Valley was coined in the 1970s and refers to the 50-mile stretch between rss feed
  • When Silicon Valley has it sfiber chain sawed, people are down. Reminder: You Can’t Stockpile Broadband
  • The school is part of a joint venture involving Silicon Valley businesses aimed at preparing students for high-tech jobs.
  • In San Francisco, Silicon Valley's siren call has lured restaurant employees to dot.coms that pay more than the $7-8 an hour earned by the average kitchen crew.
  • The spires of San Francisco are lost in a bank of fog to the south, and beyond, unseen but not unfelt, lies Silicon Valley.
  • The word "pivot" is often batted around in Silicon Valley circles to indicate a change in direction or business model for a company. Michele Colucci: Know Thy Customer
  • The infotech boom that Bangalore witnessed has made it India's Silicon Valley, but this high profile tag has come at a very high cost.
  • If anything, from an institutional point of view, Silicon Valley is — counterintuitively — a textbook example of 20th century capitalism.
  • ‘The level of energy and entrepreneurialism reminds me of Silicon Valley, 1999,’ he says.
  • The mention of Bavaria may still conjure up images of rowdy beer halls, oompah bands and red-cheeked folk in dirndl and lederhosen, but the state capital, Munich, is revamping itself as Germany's answer to silicon valley. How Bavaria became a European silicon valley
  • Free from national ambitions, the city, which has morphed into Germany's equivalent of Silicon Valley, now feels consciously international—or perhaps unselfconsciously post-German. Conducting a Transfer of Power
  • The world is lousy with places claiming to be another Silicon Valley.
  • Silicon Valley is still operating under the rules and values I described nearly three years ago.
  • There are a few things about Silicon Valley that remain intrinsic to the area and IMHO cannot be carried over to another region of the world. Where In The World Is Innovation
  • Voters also defeated Proposition 201, a complicated measure aimed at restricting shareholder lawsuits, which have plagued Silicon Valley high-tech companies.
  • Silicon Valley computer firms and other high-tech companies have been hit hard by the lawsuits.
  • The state's Silicon Valley also contributed to English's high tech lingo: software, hardware and megabyte.
  • NTC , is more enthusiastic about Silicon Valley's attempts to webify television, and he's been following Google The $56 billion Ad question - Fortune Tech
  • As we cruised through the hills above Silicon Valley, the company's strategy became perfectly clear: Tesla wanted to help "retool" the auto industry by getting people excited about cars again. Michael Brune: McCain's New Attack Ad Won't Stop Pain at the Pump
  • And we called it "cluetrain" because it's an old silicon valley joke - the clue train stops there four times a day, but it never takes delivery ...My heart's in Accra
  • He's secured $2 million in venture capital from investors such as Vancouver, the Canada-based McLean Group and Jim Boettcher, a well-known Silicon Valley tech investor.
  • America's not an Iowa cornfield or the Chicago stockyards or the Rocky Mountains or Silicon Valley. FOLLOW THE SHARKS
  • He's secured $2 million in venture capital from investors such as Vancouver, the Canada-based McLean Group and Jim Boettcher, a well-known Silicon Valley tech investor.
  • If this guy lived in Silicon Valley, he might be a zillionaire today.
  • Manufacturing company Arasor produces the unique optoelectronic chip central to the laser projection device being developed by Silicon Valley-based Novalux, which is being used by a number of television manufacturers. Introducing Laser TV, the Plasma Killer | Impact Lab
  • The school is part of a joint venture involving Silicon Valley businesses aimed at preparing students for high-tech jobs.
  • The company is scheduled to go public this week, adding many of the Pixarians to the nouveau fiche of Silicon Valley. High Tech In Toon Town
  • The netizens of silicon valley, who provide software solutions to the world, are ignorant about cyber crimes.
  • -- Silicon Valley kids -- so-called 'lobbyconners' -- won't pay the entry fee for tech conferences but they will loiter in lobbies to make connections. Coffee Break: Oct. 15
  • He's a former hacker and current high school truant who has turned what he describes as a lark -- Chatroulette was intended to entertain his friends, he says -- into ambitions for storming Silicon Valley. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • There is no shortage of well-rehearsed explanations for Europe's underperformance: less venture capital and no Silicon Valley community to foster start-ups; an allegedly more risk-averse culture; a more fragmented market with substantial language barriers, making it easier for U.S. firms like Groupon and LivingSocial to snap up smaller European rivals. Digging For Europe's Tech Gold
  • Voters also defeated Proposition 201, a complicated measure aimed at restricting shareholder lawsuits, which have plagued Silicon Valley high-tech companies.
  • In a reference to the bruising shareholder battle at the Silicon Valley firm over the acquisition of Compaq, Fiorina said the battle has made the company stronger.
  • Sramana Mitra is a technology entrepreneur and strategy consultant in Silicon Valley.
  • America's not an Iowa cornfield or the Chicago stockyards or the Rocky Mountains or Silicon Valley. FOLLOW THE SHARKS
  • The Silicon Valley Mercury News reports on what they call the "graying" of Stanford: Stanford Grapples With An Aging Faculty
  • This kind of deception is the rule, not the exception, in Silicon Valley. Scripting News for 1/13/2007 « Scripting News Annex
  • It's very difficult to lure talent away from Silicon Valley.
  • London's fume-filled, concrete roundabout may not have had the glamour or scale of California's Silicon Valley, but the label helped pinpoint a new generation of tech talent that included music site and printworks The tech startup stars
  • Bono or Lady Gaga, the term "Silicon Valley entrepreneur" hardly springs to mind. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • In the year that gave us BP's Gulf oil spill and the presumed end of the prolonged healthcare reform battle, my mind is tingling over the newest finger-pointing saga that has been unfolding among venture capitalists and "super angels" in Silicon Valley. Pedro L. Rodriguez: Michael Arrington: Persona non Grata? Behold 'AngelGate'
  • These well-to-do, often politically connected professionals—including the increasingly intertwined wealthy of Wall Street, Hollywood, and Silicon Valley—espoused what might be called gentry liberalism, a creed according to which the middle classes had to be punished for their racism, sexism, and excess consumption. Who Lost the Middle Class?
  • Young Indian entrepreneurs are at the forefront of the infotech revolution, whether in Silicon Valley, Bangalore or Hyderabad.
  • The call gathers its participants from Chicago, Boston, Silicon Valley, and New York. Is This the End of News?
  • There is no sign that Silicon Valley is losing its innovative edge.
  • The Silicon Valley internet giant is expected to come under renewed attack from activist investors over its plan to splurge billions of dollars on acquisitions. Times, Sunday Times
  • The decision, by Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski, is likely to trigger a vigorous lobbying battle, arraying big phone and cable companies and their allies on Capitol Hill against Silicon Valley giants and consumer advocates. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: Thursday, May 6, 2010
  • Y Combinator's influence in Silicon Valley has burgeoned ever since. The Disruptor In The Valley
  • The underground storage tanks for these chemicals (and you can be sure there were many in the Silicon Valley) sometimes leaked.
  • If the name rings no bell, it may be only that he works far from such centers of nerviness as Wall Street, Hollywood, or Silicon Valley.
  • The term Silicon Valley was coined in the 1970s, named after the material used by companies such as National Semiconductor Corp., Intel Corp. and Advanced Micro Devices Inc. to create computer components. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • Her unassuming husband, Ben, just wanted another computer programming gig in Silicon Valley's depressed job market.
  • We get a lot of wealthy people from Silicon Valley. Times, Sunday Times
  • Silicon Valley firms that fought the change are planning a variety of gimmicks to soften the blow, such as rejiggering the numbers used to estimate the value of options. Calendar
  • A small start-up company based in Silicon Valley has created a system that allows users to send live video feeds directly from their Nokia phones onto the web.
  • Silicon Valley-style entrepreneurs are still a rare breed in both countries.
  • Does southern Alameda County identify with Silicon Valley because of a spillover of the hot high-tech industries?
  • Corvino was the sixth member of the spy ring to be arrested for stealing high-tech secrets from several silicon valley firms.
  • Phelan, one of many passionate arborists dwelling in Silicon Valley, collected and husbanded numerous California flora and fauna on his favorite estate.
  • We get a lot of wealthy people from Silicon Valley. Times, Sunday Times
  • But when Silicon Valley executives bankrolled a trio of anti-lawyer initiatives on the March primary ballot, trial lawyers rebounded.
  • Sramana Mitra is a technology entrepreneur and strategy consultant in Silicon Valley.
  • London's fume-filled, concrete roundabout may not have had the glamour or scale of California's Silicon Valley, but the label helped pinpoint a new generation of tech talent that included music site and printworks The tech startup stars
  • I live in an unimposing neighborhood on the skirts of Silicon Valley backed against the Santa Cruz Mountains.
  • Do stairstep changes.billw, Silicon Valley, CAQuote The Volokh Conspiracy » Stimulus Idea
  • Almost exactly a year ago, we wrote a story about how Silicon Valley was once again partying -- and doling out venture capital -- like it was 1999. Past Tech Trends & Products: Technology Live Archive
  • Speaking of the F.ounders Conference, Mr. Kenny praised the organizer, Paddy Cosgrave, and said the meeting, which ran from Thursday to Saturday and was attended by some 200 entrepreneurs from as far afield as Beijing and Silicon Valley, sent a clear message that the country is open for business. Irish Leader Eyes Path to Growth
  • The one-time Silicon Valley highflier, which makes software companies use to manage salespeople and call centers, has been in a tailspin for three years.
  • For some Silicon Valley acquirers, any breather in start-up valuations is a boon. Web Start-Ups Hit Cash Crunch
  • Just in time, in the same year, the phrase Silicon Valley was coined to capture the rising computer industry in Santa Clara Valley. The English Is Coming!
  • Although the Silicon Valley economy is vibrant, values of commercial properties there and in many other suburban markets still haven't returned to precrash levels as they have in some of the nation's largest cities. Mission West Again Hangs 'For Sale' Sign
  • While it may be true that Fairchild Semiconductor was the home of the “first silicon device and research manufacturing company in Silicon Valley”, the real birthplace is the garage where Bill Hewlett and David Packard launched their company in 1939. Buying Tomatoes at the Birthplace of Silicon Valley - Bits Blog -
  • And these firms are actively recruited by state officials and university chancellors who believe that a biotech boom could turn Wisconsin or Iowa into a version of Silicon Valley.
  • One mid-sized practice working primarily in Silicon Valley claimed all their projects are modeled in 3D from start to finish.
  • We get a lot of wealthy people from Silicon Valley. Times, Sunday Times
  • Backdating was evidently a Silicon Valley folkway. A Backdating Sentencing
  • The Silicon Valley netroot community, a very powerful community, a very important constituency to this administration, is strongly, almost religiously committed to this issue in a very coordinated way and that provides a lot of power and impetus to keep this issue moving and to push the more extreme versions of net neutrality," Powell said. Former FCC Chairman Criticizes 'Religious' Commitment To Net Neutrality (VIDEO)
  • The school is part of a joint venture involving Silicon Valley businesses aimed at preparing students for high-tech jobs.
  • But when Silicon Valley executives bankrolled a trio of anti-lawyer initiatives on the March primary ballot, trial lawyers rebounded.
  • This so-called news emanated from a deal that consumer-products giant Unilever signed recently with a Silicon Valley company called Ampere Life Sciences. Arlene Weintraub: Anti-Aging Ice Cream? Stop the Presses!
  • Robert Scoble visits Wales and marvels at the spread of what he calls Silicon Valley culture. Blogspotting - BusinessWeek
  • Silicon Valley is obviously strongest in semiconductors, while New York City is arguably strongest in fintech.
  • He became our first bicoastal senior editor in 1997, shuttling between New York and Silicon Valley.
  • Start in the flatlands of the Silicon Valley, where the hopes of software engineers and venture capitalists are slowly coming back to life after five lean years.
  • Silicon Valley is experimenting with silicon nanowires and carbon nanotubes, two structures that could eventually replace standard transistors on chips.
  • Style Sins: Much like angel investors and roughed-up dad sneakers, ill-fitting jeans are a recurring theme in Silicon Valley.
  • Known for his demanding personality, Steve Jobs is considered Silicon Valley's original enfant terrible.
  • But the Tianhe-1A was not housed in some lab in Silicon Valley or Japan; it was in the northeastern Chinese city of Tianjin, at the National Supercomputing Center.
  • Lund, Sweden and California, USA - Scalado (www., the mobile imaging experts, has today announced that it is expanding its global operations with the establishment of Scalado Inc., a new US division that will operate from offices based in Silicon Valley and San Diego, California. SymbianOne - Watching the Symbian ecosystem
  • And by virtue of the concrete connection to Silicon Valley via Highway 101, his brokerage had quick access to leading technology.
  • ‘Nice view you got here,’ said Donn, gazing out at cloudless azure sky and the unobscured view of Silicon Valley.
  • I was wonderstruck when I learnt that the place now known as Silicon Valley once had an opulence of orchards.
  • He wonders if the Japanese inferiority complex towards the United States and Silicon Valley influenced our response, and doubts it would have been so excessive if Umeda lived in Saigon instead of Silicon Valley. Global Voices in English » Japan: On How to Perceive the Japanese Web (Part Two)
  • The highest innovation density, measured in patents per square kilometer, is in San Jose, Calif. (the capital of Silicon Valley) followed by nearby San Francisco and Los Angeles. Warning: A Foul Outlook for Holiday Airfares
  • Tio år i Silicon Valley, och allt Murray Swain hade fått ut av det var en bilring, begynnande flint och ett liv som var ensamt och tomt och genomruttet. Boing Boing
  • Agriculture was California; there were no sprawling defense and aerospace industries, there was no Silicon Valley.
  • Agriculture was California; there were no sprawling defense and aerospace industries, there was no Silicon Valley.
  • In some ways, Silicon Valley performs as a large, decentralised organisation.
  • Lund, Sweden and California, USA - Scalado (www., the mobile imaging experts, has today announced that it is expanding its global operations with the establishment of Scalado Inc., a new US division that will operate from offices based in Silicon Valley and San Diego, SymbianOne - Watching the Symbian ecosystem
  • This would be consistent with the homeshoring phenomenon of tech sectors doing well in lower-wage areas outside of Silicon Valley.
  • Inspired by the mushrooming millionaires of Silicon Valley and the soaring Nasdaq stock market in the U.S., experts and officials chorused that Asia's future was on the Internet.
  • Indeed, their share of Klamath River water pales when compared to the amount taken by California agribusiness and the chipmakers of Silicon Valley.
  • Silicon Valley is widely known as California's high-tech center.
  • Silicon Valley also is playing a major role in policing the Internet jam, like a traffic cop in downtown San Francisco.
  • you're like me, when you think of Google, you think of a lot of folks in jeans and t-shirts, maybe the occasional untucked button down. You know, the uniform of Silicon Valley.
  • Based on research on the microelectronics and biotech industries, I have argued that entrepreneurial ventures such as those found in Silicon Valley and many other U.S. high-tech districts could not exist without the U.S. developmental state. William Lazonick: Nine Government Investments That Made Us an Industrial Economic Leader
  • The financial gymnastics harken back to Silicon Valley's late 1990s dot-com boom, when companies introduced terms like "eyeballs," or the number of people visiting a website, to reinforce how much traction they had with consumers, even if the start-up had no revenue. Groupon's Accounting Lingo Gets Scrutiny
  • It was a toughie, but we finally got it all right and enjoyed great panoramic views of the Silicon Valley and Bay below.
  • The school is part of a joint venture involving Silicon Valley businesses aimed at preparing students for high-tech jobs.
  • Latest expansion will facilitate the early adoption of the Company's technologies for its strategic partners and customers www., the mobile imaging experts, has today announced that it is expanding its global operations with the establishment of Scalado Inc., a new US division that will operate from offices based in Silicon Valley and San Diego, California. WebWire | Recent Headlines
  • Entire lives are laid out with remarkable precision, in captivating prose: a screenwriter carries on a decades-long affair with a beautiful actress, whose descent into addiction he can neither turn from nor share; a bored husband picks up a mysterious woman only to find that his ego has led him woefully astray; a world-beating Silicon Valley executive receives an unwelcome guest at his mansion in the hills; a scuba dive guides uneasy newlyweds to a point of no return. Fun with Problems by Robert Stone: Book summary
  • Corvino was the sixth member of the spy ring to be arrested for stealing high-tech secrets from several silicon valley firms.
  • Tio år i Silicon Valley, och allt Murray Swain hade fått ut av det var en bilring, begynnande flint och ett liv som var ensamt och tomt och genomruttet. Boing Boing
  • Robert "Bob" Noyce, the father of the microchip who co-founded Fairchild Semiconductor and Intel and earned the moniker "mayor of Silicon Valley. Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis
  • Many companies in Silicon Valley, for example, share the dream of being the next unicorn.
  • When he arrived in Silicon Valley in 2005, brought in from Ohio to lead Hewlett-Packard after the stormy tenure of former CEO and now US Senate candidate Carly Fiorina, he was approvingly described as "unpretentious" -- a button-down manager who prized efficiency over flair. mark hurd, mark hurd wife, mark hurd resigns, hpq, hp, hp ceo - Business News
  • It's very difficult to lure talent away from Silicon Valley.
  • California's Bridgelux, which makes high-power LED chips specifically for the lighting industry, is in the process of opening a Silicon Valley plant and investors are eager to join in.
  • But when Silicon Valley executives bankrolled a trio of anti-lawyer initiatives on the March primary ballot, trial lawyers rebounded.
  • And it just so happened that these acid heads were getting jobs at the earliest silicon valley companies - designing new interfaces, virtual reality, and those kinds of things.
  • Marc Ventresca, a lecturer in strategy and innovation at Oxford University's Saïd Business School , and an expert in what he calls the "fail early, fail often" world of Silicon Valley tech start-ups. The Guardian World News
  • Bob and Marcie (not their real names; in fact, they are not real people) are the very epitome of the Silicon Valley lifestyle.
  • Jock, cowpoke, oil roughneck, founder in Silicon Valley, stock trader and such Stephen Herrington: 'Cadillac Tax' Debate Shows We Don't Understand the Problem
  • Whatever the outcome of the conflict between billionaires and multimillionaires in Silicon Valley, it is the workers at the three companies who will foot the bill.
  • What better way to get around Silicon Valley, cauldron of high technology, than by tapping into state-of-the-art gizmology like this? I’m Working on That
  • ‘They are frequently conurbations or city regions such as Amsterdam, Manchester, Singapore or Silicon Valley,’ he said.
  • As mainstream investors clamor for a piece of Facebook, Silicon Valley venture capitalists are betting a new generation of companies can unshackle social networking from the PC—and shift it to the phone. Venture Capital Seeks Some Color
  • Many Silicon Valley companies are growing so fast, they are eager to build a skilled high-tech workforce.
  • Then, in Silicon Valley and Texas in the mid 1970s, the microcomputer was invented.
  • Mr. Benioff, 46 years old and a fourth-generation San Franciscan, recently discussed why decided to stay in the city and the pros and cons of running a technology company there versus Silicon Valley. Looking to Leave, Then Staying Put
  • The Cut writes, "Hlaska is mostly stuff that a young Silicon Valley employee would wear to work: there's a lot of short-sleeved collared button-downs (perfect for crumpling into a ball at the foot of your futon after a long night of coding) as well as laptop covers and leather messenger bags. Chad Hurley, Former YouTube CEO, Now Focusing On Fashion Line Hlaska (PHOTOS)
  • A congresswoman from Silicon Valley is hoping to "protect" consumers of digital content from the U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

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