How To Use Sidelong In A Sentence
I noticed Steven giving me a sidelong glance once we were seated in our comfortable booths at the diner.
I glanced sidelong at Brendan sitting next to me before exchanging a look with Josh across from me.
sidelong glances
There were no shrieks of protest; just a sidelong, questioning glance.
Eros felt himself stir beneath his kilt. he sent to Morrigan, casting her a sidelong glance.
Etched in Bone

Teddy sent Christopher a sidelong glance and then fully faced him as he set the sketches on Christopher's desk.
When he felt her sidelong glance, he cleared his throat and forced a smile as he met her somewhat dark blue eyes.
Rebecca gave Lydia a sidelong glance that could be interpreted as a glare.
Vicki cast him a sidelong glance and noticed the angry look on his face.
Celeste gave Azrael a sidelong glance as they exited the subway to the street.
Surrender the Dark
Through the arch on the left we are given a fascinating glimpse of the interior of the theater from a sidelong perspective, looking crosswise toward the farther tiers of seats, where the audience is beginning to gather.
We climbed the stairs, and when arrived in the kitchen, realised in a sidelong glance, that we had both blushed.
And viciously contemning the Church more often than not entails a disdainful sidelong glance at the benighted faithful who persist in allegiance to her.
Shamus could feel his ears turning bright red, and a sidelong glance at Amber told him she was blushing just as much as he was.
He glanced sidelong at his passenger, wondering what she was running away from.
His sons and daughters were many, and all good, save for one sidelong skellum, Piet, his second son, who afterwards went to live among the
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He would steal a sidelong glance here and there, though she never knew.
The group entered the store, Vicki only vaguely aware of Cora and Andy's chatter and Wil's long, sidelong scrutinies.
It is this dilatory or sidelong compliance I am talking about.
ZALEWSKI: Well, basically there's a new device called the ambient orb, which is a gizmo that allows you to get certain information just through a sidelong glance.
CNN Transcript Dec 15, 2002
an amiable villain with a cocky sidelong grin
After lunch they walked back to the State house together, Truslow regarding his thoughtful companion with sidelong whimsicalness.
In the Arena Stories of Political Life
The envious billows sidelong well to whelm my track; let them; but first I pass.
She looked at me sidelong, angling her head towards me.
Hmm.10am: The Guardian's Ewen MacAskill is off to hear Newt Gingrich's press conference on steps of Columbia State Capitol building, and sends along his thoughts about Sarah Palin's sidelong endorsement of Gingrich:Lots of people think Sarah Palin does not matter much anymore, having opted against joining the race for the nomination.
South Carolina primary: Mitt Romney's rivals ask taxing questions
“I could ease your pain,” the Morningstar said, glancing at Dante sidelong.
Etched in Bone
Mr. Lake intercepted Sara's sidelong glance and sent her a reassuring smile.
shot out sidelong boughs
But every time we leave, she calls us back in, and weeps and laughs and touches our faces and recites our names, till my daughters get very puzzled and dart sidelong glances at me.
She was looking at him in a sidelong way , but with curious intensity.
Based on the play by Maurice Maeterlinck, it is the story of an inscrutable love triangle pieced together, and simultaneously dissolved, in a multitude of sidelong glances and half-hazarded yearnings.
An Otherworldly Opera
She couldn't resist a sidelong glance at him.
moved downward in a sidelong way
To look with a sidelong glance, indicative especially of sexual desire or sly and malicious intent.
She was approaching them at a brisk trot, greeting her numerous acquaintance as she passed with familiar nods, at each giving her horses an additional touch, and pursing up her lips to accelerate their speed; indeed, she was so intent upon the management of her reins, and her eyes so fixed upon her cattle, that there was no time for more than a sort of sidelong glance of recognition; and every additional smack of the whip seem'd to say, "_Here I come -- that's your sort_.
Real Life In London, Volumes I. and II. Or, The Rambles And Adventures Of Bob Tallyho, Esq., And His Cousin, The Hon. Tom Dashall, Through The Metropolis; Exhibiting A Living Picture Of Fashionable Characters, Manners, And Amusements In High And Low Life
However, that old saw was repeated with a sidelong, meaningful glance at his middle son.
Brightly Burning
For those of us who are dependent, we need support, not sidelong glances if we tell someone we're on narcotics.
the plow lay sidelong on the ground
She then preceded him from the sitting room, allowing nothing to show on her expression save calm due to his continued sidelong scrutinies.
She was looking at him in a sidelong way , but with curious intensity.
His watery grey eyes peered out from nests of wrinkles, his look sidelong rather than direct.
`Since you have not yet given your prognostication, I will ask for it now," Ellel said, with a sidelong look.
darting eyes looking sidelong out of a wizened face
seated sidelong to the window
His big dark eyes were steady and ironic, nose large, faintest ghost of a mustache, front teeth big and white in sidelong grin.
Blues Machine
I cast a sidelong glance, to see if she's noticed.
Other diners in the cafeteria cast sidelong glances as they hear his Québécois accent decry the injustices of the street.
They'd asked how I was, expressed their shock, but under that there was the fidgeting, the sidelong glances.
Vincent sent her a sidelong glance before refocusing his attention on the road again.
They were walking sidelong the lockers to their own when a locker opened up out of nowhere and hit Mae smack in the face.
These days, trailers had open tops, passengers got on and off sidelong, and the conductor moved around on a special step.
A sidelong glance revealed a handkerchief, he heard its rustling.
No," said Biddy, with a sidelong glance that made her look almost minxish.
A lot of sidelong glances and knowing looks were passed around when people thought we weren't looking.
She smiles, even before turning to him, and then casts a sidelong glance in his direction.
He had to endure years of sidelong glances at the school gate.
She gives me a sidelong glance from behind the white frames of her glasses.
“A new delicacy I found out about,” he said, and looked sidelong at Picard, “called hardtack.”
He gave Oliver a sidelong glance .
I did my best to ignore him, which wasn't easy since he kept sneaking sidelong glances at me and then pretending he hadn't been.
She cast a sidelong glance at Eric to see if he had noticed her blunder.
She couldn't resist a sidelong glance at him.
He gave her a sidelong glance.
Beside me, Lucas was shaking and I gave him a sidelong glance, only to find him silently laughing.
On came the red-haired monster, his face contorted with rage, his sword humming as it again began its death-promising sidelong cuts through the empty air.
The Woods Out Back
The sidelong edge is an important composition part of the rotary blade.
Mat dug his hayfork into the straw and manure and gave a sidelong frown at the farmer, coming from the back of the barn with a bucket in one hand and his milking stool in the other.
The Eye of the World
She gave him a quick sidelong glance.
The oxen shuffled their feet a little and looked sidelong at the cottage, the chickens, a curtain ruffling in the breeze in Ramona's entryway.
Carbonaro and Primavera
She threw another sidelong look at Qualary and found the woman's eyes fixed pleadingly upon her.
In completely unrelated news, apparently, my old unintentional icon theme of upset-looking people with guns is being challenged by a new unintentional theme of icons of people looking sidelong at other people.
I'm not a lier. i had to lie.
He cast a sidelong glance at Gertie, who let loose a little sob.
How to Flirt with A Naked Werewolf
They filed past, meriting hardly a sidelong glance from the fielders.
She gave him a queer sidelong glance, and it seemed that her voice suddenly became too light, too careless.
She cast a sidelong glance at Eric to see if he had noticed her blunder.
“True dat,” Isda said with a sly smile, glimpsing Celeste with appreciation in a sidelong glance.
Surrender the Dark
He'd seen his friend dismiss a flirtatious girl with gentle chivalry and no second thoughts, and he'd seen the occasional sidelong glances the brunet had sent his way.
She gave him a quick sidelong glance.
She cast a sidelong glance at Fern.
All these invite the sidelong glances of those who pretend not to be looking, as when in a restaurant, she struggles to keep the food on the fork long enough to deposit it in the mouth.
She cast a sidelong glance at Fern.
He stole a sidelong glance at the young woman sitting next to him on the train.
If you see sidelong glances, rolling eyes or other signs of distraction, it's time to stop talking.