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How To Use Shrieking In A Sentence

  • So it's a little more than passing strange that Mr. Brooks clucks about Mr. Obama's "über-partisan budget" when, given the last few weeks of shrieking and wailing from the Republicans about socialism and communism, he's been the voice of moderation in the room. Moderately Shocked
  • On the fives court, his nervous housemaster could relax, “rushing about,” as Roald described it, “shrieking what a little fool he is, and calling himself all sorts of names when he misses the ball.” Storyteller
  • So he will never be where the fathomless manhole awaits, where the safe falls from the high window shrieking like a bomb-he is a pilot through Earth's baddest minefields, if we only stay close to him, be where he is as much as we can-yet Maximilian's doom is never to go any further into danger than its dapperness, its skin-exciting first feel .... Gravity's Rainbow
  • In the end the keeners stalked the funeral processions screaming and shrieking all the more like vengeful banshees and had to be chased by the priests.
  • Instead of being crushed at once, as perhaps the writer expected, it darted forward, quite briskly and cheerfully, at six or seven miles an hour; requiring no spur or admonitive to haste, except the shrieking of the little Egyptian _gamin_, who ran along by asinus's side. "[ Heads and Tales : or, Anecdotes and Stories of Quadrupeds and Other Beasts, Chiefly Connected with Incidents in the Histories of More or Less Distinguished Men.
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  • Over the years, I'd gone from what I fondly imagined to be a switched-on, youngish-minded mum to a rancid, middle-aged harridan, glaring at shrieking texting huddles in the street – youngsters I didn't even know, but would consider lightly birching. It's all too easy to hate teens – try a little love instead | Barbara Ellen
  • Here is a business that has shrieking fanatics lining up around the block in the middle of the night to buy its product.
  • Cosmo writes, “Cosmo is absolutely correct, “Reaching for hyperbole and shrieking outrage at every turn doesn†™ t help your argument”.” Paranoia « BuzzMachine
  • With sound cutting out and shrieking feedback, the actors soldiered on, and it didn't ruin the performance, but it was a right scunner, cause that matinee show was kicking arse up till that moment. Archive 2010-06-01
  • Then she ran off, faster than any wildcat, and the men went on howling and shrieking, trying to untangle those knots.
  • He made a noise of what I took to be assent, muffled as it was by the furious flapping of his frilly pinny over the shrieking smoke alarm.
  • Eventually, it creaked to a juddering, shrieking stop and a huge door, rust-pitted, streaked with red and belled outwards with age ground slowly aside.
  • I do it to get shriekingly frightened because that makes me very excited and produces all sorts of fun chemicals.
  • This one friend has been shrieking about her exes, and in particular, how one of them just keeps bludging on her, and how she keeps him happy by giving him $500 a month.
  • She jumped, shrieking as she quickly swung around to face her addresser.
  • Gavin seems happier than I've ever seen him in Bachelor world, where he lives the life of supermodel Sultan, wooing compliant, star-stuck ladies in deserted theme parks, providing them with burlesque ie stripping classes, going on excursions to clifftop picnics where shrieking fillies are made to hurtle across the cliffs by Tarzan slide, clinging round his powerful torso. The Bachelor: Grace Dent's TV OD
  • AND, they shrieked even louder that the district must not close down the local jr high (in order to aggregate more children into a single location so that broader education could be offered tailored to the needs and interests of each individual child). never under estimate the non-linear nature of the results of screaming bug-eyed single mothers with limited information and rationality (and more children than money) shrieking about 'the children'. Page One of My Next Book, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • What becomes shriekingly clear after you publish a book is this: Nobody cares as much as you do. Holly Robinson: A Writer's First Year: "Do Not Snort on NPR" and Other Tips for Flogging Your Book
  • Consider the most famous image to come out of the Vietnam War: a child doused in napalm, naked, arms upraised, shrieking with pain, running down the road toward us.
  • They can talk quietly, knowing that they won't be drowned out by an army of shrieking teenyboppers.
  • Like shrieking teenage girls, they gathered around her and clicked away on their mobile phone cameras.
  • Spectacular rock formations including the Dancing Bear and Druid's Writing Desk, will have your kids shrieking with delight and excitement.
  • Over the years, I'd gone from what I fondly imagined to be a switched-on, youngish-minded mum to a rancid, middle-aged harridan, glaring at shrieking texting huddles in the street – youngsters I didn't even know, but would consider lightly birching. It's all too easy to hate teens – try a little love instead | Barbara Ellen
  • Her struggling and shrieking was met with deafening, stinging slaps to her cheeks, rendering her even more determined to be released from his death grip.
  • I did, however, see them tittering, shrieking, guffawing and hooting with laughter at the madcap slapstick that has become the trademark of these two spiky-haired, South Yorkshire clowns.
  • CNN, I don't want to see you plumbing the depths of your counterintuition on your website, or lending credence to the notion that the gutless mopes in their cars, shrieking racial slurs at the images of children have an interesting point of view that we should "hear out" because of the need to be "balanced. Arizona Elementary School Will Whiten The Faces Of Its Own Students On A Mural Because Some Racists Yelled At It
  • Instead of being crushed at once, as perhaps the rider expected, it darted forward, quite briskly and cheerfully, at six or seven miles an hour; requiring no spur or admonitive to haste, except the shrieking of the little Egyptian gamin, who ran along by asinus’s side. Notes of a Journey From Cornhill to Grand Cairo
  • They were dragged from their homes, shrieking and weeping.
  • Shrieking with excitement she hugged her father, clasping him tightly in her thrilled rush.
  • Shrieking out and wailing, all the lawless teeth are gnashing.
  • She broke a string on her Les Paul right on the first song, then switched to a Firebird which kept shrieking due to some kind of microphonic problem with the pickups not liking the distortion effect or something.
  • They were all shrieking with laughter.
  • He's proven himself too shriekingly partisan to be trusted again.
  • The main source of his claim appears to be an article which is a fairly transparent, shriekingly anti-left, smear campaign.
  • I was shrieking with delight, screaming down to my parents and sharing the news with them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Along with some wild, hallucinatory sculptures e.g., a vulture feeding a shrieking calavera to its young, all atop a gaily mosaicked skull, this was probably the highlight. Kenneth Hite's Journal
  • It's just a maelstrom of shrieking children, crass commercialism, and ratcheting credit card debt.
  • But we could also argue that the act of portraying the high priest of the Old Ones in such cutesy-kitschy form represents an attempt to tame, defang, and neuter the shrieking horror of our plight instead of gleefully accepting it. Archive 2010-03-01
  • And he could not help but contrast it with the weak pipings and shrill quaverings of factory girls, ill-nourished and untrained, and with the raucous shriekings from gin-cracked throats of the women of the seaport towns. Chapter 8
  • Screaming, shrieking, wailing, she worked herself into a frenzy.
  • Shrieking with simulated frustration, Clarkson flew into a bate, picked up a hammer and smashed his desktop to smithereens.
  • I often hear them at night scampering about, shrieking and yowling.
  • Her little hooter was shrieking, crying for help to others of her own kind. LET NOT THE DEEP
  • It builds to a shriekingly funny (and scary) revelation and a dénouement so brilliant it's almost demonic. GreenCine Daily: Interview. Eugene Levy and Christopher Guest.
  • The heavy bass of the music, combined with the shrieking laughs of drunk girls reminds me of why I like to avoid parties.
  • Her shrieking, wailing voice was the whisper of mortality piercing the ears like the banshee's own call, a twin to the driving terror that pierced the mind.
  • The constant noise of the battle gave way to a barrage of artillery shells shrieking through the canopy.
  • Or did you just pretend to miss it, because it feels SO DAMN GOOD to engage in petulant shrieking? Matthew Yglesias » Government for Sale
  • And if that threatened squall should burst its bonds and come shrieking and howling in fury across the surface of the sea, scourging it into a mad turmoil of foaming, leaping water and blinding spindrift, while the burnt-out crew of the schooner were making their passage across to the _Mercury_, it might be very bad for them; for even should they be fortunate enough to avoid capsizal, it might be exceedingly difficult, if not altogether impossible, for the ship, smitten and bowed down by the might of the tempest, to pause and pick them up. Overdue The Story of a Missing Ship
  • I hit the brake, and it only resulted in a shrieking squeal of rubber on the gravel of the road.
  • Outside on the streets the water hydrants dribbled miserably after entertaining shrieking Hispanic kids all day long in exuberant gushes.
  • Some mornings crows divebomb them and the pigeons will start shrieking and from my bed it sounds like little airborne children shouting for help. Memory Wall
  • Then a magpie began to pipe his arpeggios, which sounded sweet and clear in the morning air; and this seemed to be the signal to start a chorus of whistling and shrieking up in the thick boughs, where a flock of paroquets were hidden; and a glow in the east made the morning grey look so opalescently beautiful that it was hard to believe there could be any danger. First in the Field A Story of New South Wales
  • She jabbed at the button to turn the alarm off, and it stopped its absurd shrieking.
  • Many on the left have reacted to him and his fellow evolutionists like a troop of shrieking baboons.
  • To these I would add the frenetic monotony of motor racing commentary, and the nasal shrieking of the gee-gees callers.
  • Two nights ago, at the Nyabitaba hut, it was pouring so violently, the tin roof was shrieking.
  • In my book, I refer to my mother as General Patton in pedal pushers, and frequently paint her as a shrieking harridan for whom water in the kitchen sink or unraked shag carpeting could produce bouts of rage: earsplitting, fist-shaking, God-summoning rage that fortunately predated the presence of guns in the suburban household. Eric Poole: She has Every Right to Kill Me
  • Simultaneously, there was the shrieking of a parrel, up the main; and I knew that someone, or something, had let go the main-topsail haul-yards. The Ghost Pirates
  • It spans musical emotions from the jagged shrieking solos of the sorceress to the seductive siren songs of the maidens.
  • Shrieking yowls rang through the cold trees behind me, unearthly and terrifying, and that fear was all that dragged me to my feet again.
  • Chehl tried to get free, shrieking in pain and terror, but he couldn't break loose.
  • We then returned, shrieking with joy, to the bar. Times, Sunday Times
  • I stood there, shrieking with terror, unable to move.
  • We're shrieking and yelling and hooting and clapping and stomping - telling this man just how much we love him.
  • They were followed by a wild though picturesque rabble of rabona women, carrying great bundles tied on their heads or backs, shrieking and chattering in their native tongue like gariho monkeys. The Story of Paul Boyton Voyages on All the Great Rivers of the World
  • And clasping the youth to the breast of him, * Kissed his cheek a - shrieking the shrillest shright. [ Arabian nights. English
  • I was fully expecting that in contrast to the shrieking flying monkeys that descended on Pharyngula blog over the wafer business discussed there, that there would be some kind of contorting to point out how President Steve's incident was different and special and non-sacrisomething, sorta like how it was ok for him to take the GG's parade salute. Wafers, slow news days and lessons to be learned.
  • No loud shrieking filled her ears, and so she continued.
  • In my book, I refer to my mother as General Patton in pedal pushers, and frequently paint her as a shrieking harridan for whom water in the kitchen sink or unraked shag carpeting could produce bouts of rage: earsplitting, fist-shaking, God-summoning rage that fortunately predated the presence of guns in the suburban household. Eric Poole: She has Every Right to Kill Me
  • There are two springboards in the middle, and a double flume of Alton Towers proportions that unloads shrieking youngsters at high speed into one of the two shallow ends.
  • It would, naturally, be far worse at Walker's blog, since you know that shrieking retards like Twatsy and his favourite fellatrix "mahmood" would show up to drag the discourse down to their level. The first rule of holes, Walker, ...
  • Sorry, Auntie, but I can't understand why you would call Judith Bingham's Mass "shriekingly unattractive". London on a summer Sunday...
  • I scared her society friends by dropping from the ceiling onto her lap, and you never heard so much shrieking in your life.
  • The audience was shrieking with laughter.
  • Cosmo is absolutely correct, “Reaching for hyperbole and shrieking outrage at every turn doesn†™ t help your argument”. Paranoia « BuzzMachine
  • Aboriginal songs include many kinds of vocalizations ranging from growling, grunting, and shrieking to bitonal syllabic chanting.
  • A previously unknown letter has surfaced, detailing the "shriekingly funny" Dreadnought hoax of 7 February 1910, when members of the Bloomsbury group of writers and artists donned beards and costumes to disguise themselves as Abyssinian princes and gained access to the pride of the British naval fleet. How a bearded Virginia Woolf and her band of 'jolly savages' hoaxed the navy
  • Just as we'd all left the movie set, the distant sound of shrieking became audible.
  • The bride immediately swapped her L-plate for a pair of glasses, revealed she was a lawyer, and pointed out the contract wasn't legally binding – before downing yet another sambuca and shrieking for the compere to take his top off. Isy Suttie: My Edinburgh
  • Monk and I sat watching the returns, shrieking and clutching each other and saying "Omigod, omigod, he's really going to do it!"
  • I stopped the incessant shrieking and put the phone to my ear.
  • It can be heard in advance by loud shrieking, and may run around your legs with ropes and topple you.
  • The audience was shrieking with laughter.
  • We ascribe to the philosophy that if she's not shrieking in pain, she's fine.
  • Sometimes, when a soft southland dog went down, shrieking its death-cry under the fangs of the pack, this man would be unable to contain himself, and would leap into the air and cry out with delight. The Mad God
  • The only sounds were of owls shrieking and the squelch of their feet. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • Maybe shrieking and yelping in the background while a bunch of hollow-eyed Irish crooners half-heartedly mumble a chicken-in-a-basket classic is just what Jackson needs to get his career back on track.
  • It's just a maelstrom of shrieking children, crass commercialism, and ratcheting credit card debt.
  • He is frightened by the shrieking noises the tree makes at night.
  • Bernie continued madly thwacking my back with his hand, while waving the other in the air and shrieking, ‘She's alive!’
  • Here all concerns about aid, suasion, and civilizational prejudices were drowned out by shrieking simulators and thundering tanks.
  • The first time it had happened, Peter was sound asleep until the shrill sound of shrieking woke him up with a start.
  • I could hear, once more as I'd heard so long ago the people screaming, shrieking in pain and just as before it was the most painful thing I could possibly experience.
  • Saint Michael advances towards the viewer, while the damned souls tumble, shrieking, into hell.
  • The heavy bass of the music, combined with the shrieking laughs of drunk girls reminds me of why I like to avoid parties.
  • Then came such a bloodcurdling sound that Todd stopped shouting and Katrina stopped shrieking. FINAL RESORT
  • I would say it was more like panicked shrieking.
  • We went to Venice a few days later and it was full of dirty pigeons and busloads of ghastly American tourists shrieking at each other like fishwives.
  • That lovely, silky, shrieking voice was pretty dreamy.
  • A couple of months ago when Deborah Howell was "deluged" with "uncivilized" comments about her failure to correct a blatant misrepresentation, the Washington Post ombudsman and others had a shrieking fit of the vapors and spent days on the fainting couch mumbling incoherently about the rude insults they had to endure. Hullabaloo
  • I did, however, see them tittering, shrieking, guffawing and hooting with laughter at the madcap slapstick that has become the trademark of these two spiky-haired, South Yorkshire clowns.
  • Several witnesses swore our newlyweds had a sustained ashrieking argument just before the unspeakable happened.
  • We spent many early evenings down at the swimming pool, paddling when the water was not deep enough for total immersion, listening to the baboons shrieking and gabbling from a nearby hill.
  • Ignoring orders, Pullo charges ahead with drawn sword and a band of shrieking Ubians follow him.
  • Basically, a bunch of women are shrieking laughter at each other while they neck Lambrini before heading out on the pull, staggering around like chimps at a tea-party.
  • During one afternoon survey in the Mwofwomero Forest, in the Rubeho Mountains, he heard a fruit bat shrieking.
  • There was bustle and movement everywhere, shrieking steam-whistles, quay porters with cases on their shoulders, lively "shanties" coming from the prams. Hunger
  • the shrieking of the mindless wind
  • With a deep breath, Jeananne plucked at her harp and sang a shrieking tune to the only audience member without the means to block out sound.
  • A group of students were shrieking with laughter.
  • Enter the oddly tiny, shrieking creatures with lasers strapped to their heads.
  • Except there's no singing, just guttural animal shrieking, and the candyman has been trampled to death by Heelys. Gabriel Delahaye: LiveBlogging the Kid Nation Finale: At Last, Greg Can Go Home and Masturbate in Private
  • As for the suburban commuters who in their road rage deafen us with their horns and shrieking brakes, clog our streets, pollute our air and regularly kill us, they vote elsewhere. Bike lanes or homeless shelters?
  • She saw headlights; she heard shrieking of brakes, it was a car.
  • Since everything that follows -- from the shrieking brattle of "Two Sails on a Sound" to the enchanted tribal vocal exercises of "Slippi" to the slow-building celebratory scuttle of "Too Soon" -- feels similarly crazed, drug-induced, and apparitional, Here Comes the Indian makes for particularly lucid listening.
  • A little over 300 years ago, shrieking war cries and flying tomahawks shattered the summer calm in a frontier town of the Massachusetts Province.
  • They wouldn't hear it on the beach, not over the hiss and roar and suck of the ocean, and not over their own talking, singing, shrieking.
  • Still the horrible shrieking came out of his mouth.
  • The final portion of the song is its shining moment, a powerful distorted guitar and the pounding piano provide a strong backdrop for a shrieking theremin.
  • I was shrieking with delight, screaming down to my parents and sharing the news with them. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm half asleep and I have to streak over to the other side of the house to the keypad and when I get there, I'm all fuddled because the alarm is shrieking, and I'm half-asleep, and I'm so confused, and I blank out on the code.
  • She was shrieking abuse at them as they carried her off.
  • I believe that if you're going to have a loud public hissy snit with a total stranger you have the obligation to eventually let it escalate into a shrieking, hair-pulling, rolling-on-the-ground donnybrook and really give the crowd a show.
  • Now road cars don't like circuits; they tend to behave like hysterical drag queens shrieking and shimmying through simple manoeuvres.
  • Your highness, sorry about the shrieking termagant!
  • We then returned, shrieking with joy, to the bar. Times, Sunday Times
  • And when David Ortiz capped the comeback with a bases-loaded gapper that drove in three runs, she and I rose in unison with the crowd, jumping up and down, pumping our fists and shrieking with delight. Starr Gazing: Family Traditions
  • When you disturb them by opening the door, they open one eye in a ‘sod off, no way am I leaping and shrieking for the likes of you’ sort of way, and then return to their slumbers.
  • I think Avatar would have given Altman the shrieking blue fantods, if you'll excuse the expression. A cynical satirical thriller with a heart
  • Hugh Grant as one of the two front members of an 80s pop band was shriekingly, peek-through-your-fingers gigglingly funny, and the songs they did were OMG perfect. Charmed :)
  • The wife (assuming they're married) is a terrified, shrieking thing, no doubt from having to live with such a foul-tempered man.
  • She jumped, shrieking as she quickly swung around to face her addresser.
  • If she had to listen to a minute more of their mindless chatter juxtaposed with Evie's ear-splitting shrieking, she might go mad.
  • Despite the shrieking pain, his jockey's instincts told him he had not. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only sounds were of owls shrieking and the squelch of their feet. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • The curses of the camel-drivers beating the animals; the cries of the hawkers who sold amulets against leprosy and the evil eye; the psalmody of the monks reciting verses of the Bible; the shrieking of the women who were prophesying; the shouting of the beggars singing old songs of the harem; the bleating of sheep; the braying of asses; the sailors calling tardy passengers; all these confused noises caused a deafening uproar, over which dominated the strident voices of the little naked negro boys, running about everywhere selling fresh dates. Thais
  • Shrieking thunder echoed and re-echoed throughout the gun chamber, shaking dust from the pipes that began to yammer as fuel gushed along them, adding their din to the cacophony.
  • His best comments were not reserved for the performers, but for that hideous shrieking female host.
  • This pronouncement was followed by further shrieking.
  • I snickered and we walked on, passing a room that was shrieking of laughter and lights glowing from the crack in the door.
  • When the uproar finally died down, Eric heard the shrieking coming from the vent.
  • Femme Gougeon, as leader of a horde of viragoes, was rushing among them shrieking more fiendishly than ever. The False Chevalier or, The Lifeguard of Marie Antoinette
  • The screeching metal sounded like innocent angels shrieking and crying from being excommunicated from the riches and comforts of their heaven.
  • Spectacular aerial demonstrations, often in the form of group mobbing by several adults, are accompanied by intense and prolonged shrieking.
  • The usual suspects have swarmed back into the spotlight to shriekingly insist that the most subtle linguistic distinctions be accorded paramount importance.
  • Robespierre, on the extreme Left, with perhaps Petion and lean old Goupil, for the very Triumvirate has defalcated, are shrieking hoarse; drowned in Constitutional clamour. The French Revolution
  • Right smack in the middle of a furious on-foot chase: doors slamming, legs churning, faces twisting, car alarms shrieking, guns blasting.
  • I was shrieking with delight, screaming down to my parents and sharing the news with them. Times, Sunday Times
  • 'Yelling and shrieking -- oh my gracious, it was enough to set your blood all curdled, -- for ear-piercingness I never did' ear nothing like it. The Beetle
  • Aboriginal songs include many kinds of vocalizations ranging from growling, grunting, and shrieking to bitonal syllabic chanting.
  • The superb choir always does something special for such a feast and today was no exception - but the Kyrie, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei were all by a modern composer and shriekingly unattractive. London on a summer Sunday...
  • But at the sight of her bulging, portless sides and merchant rig a shout of exultation broke from amongst them, and in an instant they had swung round their fore-yard, and darting alongside they had grappled with her and flung a spray of shrieking, cursing ruffians upon her deck. The Last Galley Impressions and Tales
  • There are grimaces and tears and shrieking outbursts.
  • Despite the shrieking pain, his jockey's instincts told him he had not. Times, Sunday Times
  • His first compromise comes when backing is supplied by mobster Nick Valenti (Joe Viterelli), on the condition that his singularly untalented, shriekingly nasal girlfriend Olive (Jennifer Tilly) gets cast in the play. Dying For A Broadway Hit
  • Still the horrible shrieking came out of his mouth.
  • And, finally, once you've taken all the time you want to select your favourite smoking gun, and you publish it, and we here in Not-Crazy-Ville demonstrate that it is utter shash, you will accept your defeat gracefully, and not run off shrieking, "Oh, yeah ... well there's this other example that's even better. The CC idiot wanker climate change e-mail challenge.
  • They are the squeaky wheels shrieking for grease.
  • [Cue: Shrieking and chain rattling, and ominous insane pipe organ music fading in the wind ....] Chris Weigant: Terrifying Hallowe'en Nightmares, Left And Right
  • The people, apart from one shrieking widow, were quiet as the grave.
  • A million shrieking apes molesting a million typewriters for a million years could not pound out the fear extruded by one plastic sheeter working off a cheetos high in mommys sugar daddys pool house after watching a mere 15 minutes of the rodeo clown surrounded by studio reality Think Progress » Conservatives Falsely Claim New Obama Nuke Policy Prevents Nuclear Retaliation Against Chem/Bio Attack
  • I yelled and grabbed for a stone, there was the crash of a gunshot - and the moujik dropped his piece, shrieking, and clutched at his arm as he toppled backwards among the rocks. Fiancée
  • This one friend has been shrieking about her exes, and in particular, how one of them just keeps bludging on her, and how she keeps him happy by giving him $500 a month.
  • Now, if only I could pray away the shriekingly drunk platinum blonde 50-something ladies across the aisle.
  • Three teenage girls fell about laughing and started shrieking ribald comments.
  • A few of those that don't agree sit in mortal fear, terrified one of these shrieking maniacs will tear their head off for having an opposing opinion.
  • Despite the shrieking pain, his jockey's instincts told him he had not. Times, Sunday Times
  • You dingbats have made that abundantly, adamantly, relentlessly, shriekingly clear for years. Abortion "debate?" What abortion "debate?"
  • The aggressive, sawing electric viola, "grungy" guitar, and shrieking feedback were remarkable at a time when rock music was dominated by bands singing harmoniously about peace and love.
  • The otherwise cool Jane goes shrieking in terror.
  • There are about 200 excited, shrieking tots racing around.
  • Steel met steel with a force that sent a nearby flock of birds shrieking into the air.
  • Eye-witnesses, who had peeped through the door in the said wall, reported that what the Judies seemed to do mostly was to chase one another about the playground, shrieking at the top of their voices. The White Feather
  • The children scampered in all directions, shrieking and squealing, arms pumping with excitement.
  • The high-speed gyrations and shrieking monkeys have been completely eliminated, with a soporific aura of mystique and discovery permeating the recording instead.
  • We then returned, shrieking with joy, to the bar. Times, Sunday Times
  • I didn't take them in out of pity although after being given the minah bird, the constant shrieking drove me nuts and I pawned him off on another naive person. Upon the Notion of Dogs and Expatriots in Mexico
  • I don't know about anyone else, but I find it a little hard to identify with a shrieking harpy.
  • CNN, I don't want to see you plumbing the depths of your counterintuition on your website, or lending credence to the notion that the gutless mopes in their cars, shrieking racial slurs at the images of children have an interesting point of view that we should "hear out" because of the need to be FAZED
  • Inform your honey that you've had it with the hysteria and the shrieking, so her toy poodle has to go.
  • He sees blood spilling from the wound in the pig's back, hears the shrieking and yowling of the other animals in the room. Death's Noisy Herald
  • Looking along the street towards the snow-sugared mountains in the distance, packs of pie-eyed youths stagger out of bars, shrieking and lumbering around inelegantly like something out of a painting by Bosch.
  • Unlike the band’s dance-track first single” Straight to my Heart,” this song and video are a throwback to the BSB who had me shrieking and crying in fangirl joy (Wow, was that a month ago already?). Our Must pick makes us giggle like a schoolgirl. What got you giddy this week? |
  • Then, as everyone stared at the old besom, the rapt silence was broken by the rolling thunder of a single cannon, setting the seabirds to wheeling and shrieking.
  • There was a rapid dashing beneath the great walls; a sudden night of darkness as we plunged through an open archway into a narrow village street; a confused impression of houses built into side-walls; of machicolated gateways; of rocks and roof-tops tumbling about our ears; and within the street was sounding the babel of a shrieking troop of men and women. In and out of Three Normady Inns
  • They huddled in their bathtub while their home crumbled around them in fierce winds that made a sound like shrieking.
  • They were dragged from their homes, shrieking and weeping.
  • Some women staff were fleeing their rooms, shrieking with great excitement.
  • A terrible shrieking of a car rang out, or perhaps it was the lighting cracking in the distance.
  • Never in a million years would I become that shrewish fishwife shrieking from the doorway because my husband had spent the night carousing with the boys in avoidance of his husbandly duties.
  • They glamorize death as an abstract expression of powder bursts and shrieking projectiles.

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