How To Use Shredder In A Sentence
The DVD / CD shredder is a no-brainer to use and requires no technical knowledge of any kind.
When the house lights go down this fall, a new generation of axe shredders, drummers and fearless frontmen will come together and rock.
The data shredder is free, so you get what you pay for, and since it's free, then it's probably as good as it's going to get.
Free tool lets you “shred” your data | Sync Blog
As usual in a "bash the shredder" thread such as this, I see the word "musicality" bandied about, with no actual indication as to what it means.
The Guitar Superdork Returns
A conveyor then drops the cheese down into the shredder where a set of knives spin at a high rate of speed to shred the product.
The file shredder's mission is to scramble files before deletion, making them garbled and unreadable.
In the blusterless world of modern indie rock, she's something of an anomaly: an honest-to-God shredder.
Polishing Machine, Wide Buffing Machine , Air - Dust Removal Machine, Cake Machine, Shredder Machine, Auto Stacker Machine.
While too many shredders today rely on stock scales and mechanical articulation, Holt and Altus deliver a master class in how to make solos kick ass.
The only thing I couldn't get into the shredder was the huge roll of blueprints for the Convention Center in Miami, but because the Republicans would be using it too, and there was no longer a plan in existence to sabotage the air-conditioning units to which the blueprints could be linked, I thought it safe to leave them in the office.
I wrote my name on a blank sheet of notebook paper, and tried to push it into the shredder, but I couldn't quite line the paper up with the feed.
Along with a few shredder friends, I saw him perform at a local guitar shop.
When Black Mountain evoke shredders of yesteryear such Blue Cheer and Led Zeppelin, their technique falls nearer to Galaxie 500 and the Velvet Underground, who forsook showmanship and dug deep in search of music's fundamental soul.
An early example of 'shredding', but with a sense of melody that most shredders lack.
His bro Kurt's a pro snow shredder.
This week, Iron City will be buying scrap known as shredder feed, which includes common household appliances, for $13 per 100 pounds.
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In my home office, I have a computer, photocopier, fax, shredder, cordless phone and scanner.
They still ate pizza krang still sounded annoying, Shredder cracked terrible jokes.
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Well it must be a bit of a laff feeding all them job applications you get through the shredder thinking of all them noddies waiting for a reply, while all the time I was in the frame for the job.
There was a shredder on the page with them that kept arresting Rowena's attention; it seemed comparable to the old shredder, and was not very expensive.
This gardening tool is considered the best among all the garden shredders since it is available with a plunger for increased portability and built-in wheels.
Ideally, use a shredder with a cross-cut action, as these turn paper into tiny pieces of confetti.
They share a powerful shredder, and compost all healthy plant material.
Into this volume, the system IST Energy has designed includes space for 3 tons of MSW storage at the front end (so it only has to be fed once per day), with a shredder, dryer, pelletizer, zero-emission gasifier, and internal combustion engine electricity generator that runs on the syngas extracted from the MSW.
Nung - fu needs a new blade for the old shredder.
I wrote my name on a blank sheet of notebook paper, and tried to push it into the shredder, but I couldn't quite line the paper up with the feed.
Has your company got a shredder?
She tried to sell me the idea of buying my own paper shredder.
The Massachusetts-based Cave In originated in the mid 1990s as a brutal, dynamic, metal-tinged hardcore band akin to influential shredders like Converge, Coalesce, and Botch.
He is also co-editor of the Art/Lit mag called Sienese Shredder which recently published visual/text poems from John Ashberry.
There was also machinery to buy a large shredder, a loader and a tractor attachment to turn the compost.
The single greatest deterrent to identity theft is probably a paper shredder.
It consisted of a father and son who had a truck with a shredder on it.
On the basis that specialist equipment - bins, banks, balers, compactors, skips, shredders - and facilities are required, suppliers must have surety of payment.
Shredders are available for as little as £10.
After the defeat of their old arch nemesis, The Shredder, the Turtles have grown apart as a family.
Billy: My guess is that we have a new shredder.
But I'd already turned on the shredder in the corner of his office, and now I ran Serena's letter through.
For sensitive documents, Consumer Reports recommends using a crosscut shredder. —
Spring cleaning: How long to keep tax returns, other documents?
And then I will tell you you must have the special chipper / shredder in the Palace where you found my money, okay?
These tire shredders are incapable of shredding tires in excess of size 17 due to the diameter of the wire in the tire sidewall.
I agree with you! corey on Jul 10, 2009 im glad chris pine as leonardo brad pitt as rapheal robbie amell as donatello nick palatas as michealengo kate melton as venus jet li as the shredder htis will be a good ninja turtle movie so iglad im a ninja turtle fan so i will see the new teenage mutant ninja turtles movie in theatres 2011 see ya. andries price on Aug 7, 2009
Rumor: Return of the Live Action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?! «
A good tool for combating the crooks is a paper shredder.
To date I've rescued villagers while flying around on a dragon, collected lumber at the controls of a machine known as a shredder, battled the undead in a tank, taken on a titan while sat atop a giant, and ridden a torpedo into the side of an enemy ship, to name but a few.
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Upon arriving in Seattle we linked-up with snow shredders B.J. Kaiser and Tim Carlson.
It would be a private oasis, a white, fluffy heaven: Valhalla for the true shredders.
To treat government spending as if it involves feeding money into a paper shredder is to ignore that principle: Money Is Neither Created Nor Destroyed.
Why is it surprising that tax cuts have a bigger effect than spending increases in the real world?
The garden shredder also aids in shredding debris from punning your hedges.
The DVD / CD shredder is able to destroy data at a very fast rate - up to 30 DVD / CDs a minute.
Urschel Laboratories Inc. designs and manufactures cheese shredders.
For a finer mulch, run needles through a chipper or shredder.
This CD gives you many of Vai's contributions to various film soundtracks, adding a greater depth and dimension to his musical scope rather than being just another guitar shredder.
The performances on A Concept from Fire are technically flawless - but that is the bare minimum in an age where metal musicians practice constantly and shredders are commonplace.
When not on the snow, this 16-year-old shredder can be found refining his skating style.
Simply drag and drop files to the shredder icon on your desktop.
They now have a bigger incinerator and have invested in fine shredders.
You can find wicker baskets at your local ‘pound shop’ and paper from your shredder makes great lining.
When a trucker whose RFID card grants him port access approaches the gate, the gate goes up, and the tire shredders stay down.
In general, all garden shredders have a high watt motor and come with silent crushing system.
For assuring your privacy, a shredder is the first action.
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Safely disposing of any financially sensitive information took up too much time, especially after my shredder conked out.
Other blade tools, such as denticulates and spokeshaves, have multiple, deep, retouched notches and probably functioned as shredders or, possibly, as whittling implements.
If you haven't already, make sure everybody in your organization has easy access to a decent crosscut shredder.
"Your call," he says, as he shuffles my presentation closer to the shredder.
During the season, Ski Acres had constructed a big air kicker as a way of enticing snow shredders to their slopes.
Much of the documentary evidence against her had been put through the shredder before she was arrested.
These tire shredders are incapable of shredding tires in excess of size 17 due to the diameter of the wire in the tire sidewall.
Whether the high-tech voodoo works is one thing. But the shredder certainly shreds -- and the shredded paper is recycled as toilet roll.
Green-fingered gardening and DIY freaks can choose from power tools, workbenches, garden vacs, and shredders.
Ideally, use a shredder with a cross-cut action, as these turn paper into tiny pieces of confetti.
Because many of today's frequent-flier programs offer members the full purchasing power of real dollars, business owners can exchange their miles for computers, printers, paper shredders, copy paper and other mission-critical supplies.
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The amphipod Gammarus tigrinus exhibits a range of feeding behaviors, including that of macrophagous grazer and shredder, and predator / cannibal.
The sidewall removal machine therefore will remove the sidewall thus enabling the shredding of these tires in the tire shredders.
The shredder is a hell of a lot more cost-effective.
Definitions for the Perplexed: Damages, Hurts, and Refurbs
Other power tools that are very popular include chippers and garden shredders.
The Swedish neo-classical guitar shredder has a new album out.
Using your food processor's shredder blade, make zucchini (aka courgette) "noodles. - Articles related to Nestlé business growth rate outpaces GDP
Last night at the show in Goettingen, we showered Zann with paper-shredder confetti.
As Serena fed the old letters into the shredder --- we keep them six months --- I glanced at Linda, who was ashen-faced.
"You might as well throw these in your shredder," she said, digging some papers out of her brief case.
I typed it up, sealed it, then fed her letter into the shredder.