How To Use Shopping In A Sentence

  • Should we no do a little what you call shopping for the babies, and haf a farewell feast tonight if I go for my last call at your so pleasant home?" he asked, stopping before a window full of fruit and flowers. Little Women
  • Some retailers, including Sears, have already held some "door-buster" early-morning sales, which makes Black Friday -- the day after Thanksgiving that's looked upon as a kick-off to the holiday shopping season -- a little "grayer," he said. Boulder Daily Camera Most Viewed
  • She went to the top of a multi-storey car park at Brent Cross shopping centre in north London, sent text messages to some of her relations saying, "I love you," and then jumped off. Mental health care under fire after suicide of 21-year-old model
  • Prices may vary so it's well worth shopping around before you buy.
  • The stores, usually located in suburban shopping centers, target middle-class consumers with brand-name clothing, accessories and furniture.
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  • Fashion outlets, also known as discount warehouse stores, are large shopping areas often located on a city's outskirts.
  • While San Mateo is a pleasant destination for home shopping and browsing, it also has excellent restaurants and cafes.
  • The retail group outbid all three competitors for space in the shopping centre.
  • Last time I went shopping for the ingredients for taco soup, I found a brand of salsa (I forget the name) that offered salsas in different flavors, such as roasted garlic.
  • The proposed shopping centre has called forth an angry response from local residents.
  • Find supermarket shopping almost impossible now, barely able to walk let alone push a trolley so did my first internet shop last night. AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR
  • At malls and huge shopping plazas, you get pushed and jostled.
  • I finally caught up with him inside a store in one of the shopping plazas.
  • The town now boasts the Harlequin shopping centre.
  • How to go local• Support local farmers by shopping at a farmers market, or buy a share in a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) group, a community of individuals who pledge to support a farm operation so growers and consumers share the risks and benefits of food production. With summer here, consider eating more locally grown foods
  • The rapid tone changes often resembled a shopping list of styles from other series. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a thriving shopping centre for the people who live in the immediate area .
  • The new scheme is designed to take the strain out of shopping.
  • I'd like to smile and skip down shopping lanes whistling cheerfully but it just isn't in me.
  • Wash your hands after visits to the restrooms and breakrooms and also remember that shopping and any trips to public places can result in exposure to infections.
  • Thus, people used housing subdivisions strictly for residential purposes, shopping centers only for commercial uses, and office parks only for work.
  • They are really cool and more edgy than the shopping centres. The Sun
  • Espion subscribers also get neat features like text messaging, and can receive promotional messages offering them shopping discounts and club invites.
  • They have to come into town to do their shopping and that costs money.
  • He sounds like an actor with a vowelly shopping-mall accent, and I never fully believed him.
  • The holidays are over, but the post-holiday sales are spurring plenty of shopping activity.
  • It splashed down into the shopping cart, splattering mucus in every direction.
  • But Dave says absolutely no serious shopping before the comprehensive spending review, which is the tiniest bit unfair, I told Mummy, because no one looks at Manuela and counts up what she spends on all her funny shirts and cardies, they can't if they never see her. Mrs Cameron's diary
  • What others have failed to duplicate is the appealing shopping experience found in these pleasantly feminine one-stop-shopping specialty stores.
  • A few pedestrians carrying their evening shopping sheltered from the rain in doorways.
  • The usual homilies about bagging the best deals and shopping around seem almost insulting. Times, Sunday Times
  • This shopping trip was a real eyeopener. The Sun
  • For many of them, Miami shopping adds significance to their otherwise dreary lives.
  • Shopping by mail order lets you beat the queues.
  • This years typical shopping basket of goods provides a snapshot of changing consumer trends.
  • The police fired teargas in the central shopping district to disperse the rioters, creating panic among shoppers.
  • Products include shopping bag, garbage bag , T - shirt bag, biodegradable bag bag, non woven bag.
  • A terrorist bomb ripped through the town's packed shopping centre.
  • We can show them what a beautiful area this is, with shopping, the fells and our market towns.
  • Throughout Thursday, the rush on Celtic merchandise in the big shopping centres of Dublin was frenzied.
  • Amr Nabil/Associated Press An army tank guarded a fire-damaged shopping mall. Egypt Opposition Ramps Up Pressure
  • Minneapolis-St. Paul is a winter carnival of skating, skiing, and shopping
  • I'll have rants about bra shopping and other subjects later, I'm sure.
  • It also hopes to become the shopping destination for designer clothing.
  • A million cubic meters of contaminated dirt has been converted into parkland, nearly 3,000 apartments, and shopping centers, all with high tech amenities and smart energy meters to make future improvements plug-and-play. Terry Tamminen: The City of the Future Is Already Here
  • However, shopping wisely - with an eye on bargain buys - should soften the blow to your bank balance.
  • Billboards advertising assorted Americana jostle for position with US-style shopping malls and brash, brutalist hotels.
  • So could some swanky offices and shopping centres eventually sufferthe subprime fate?
  • In the tea ceremony, the couple punctiliously distributed canned soft drinks toted in plastic shopping bags and snapped photos of each other.
  • To get through the night I amble around the main shopping areas. The Sun
  • Just type in a search for "epilator" and you'll find online shopping sites offering all kinds. Life's Little Updates
  • Ever since I found out that they make adult sizes I've been daydreaming about 'heeling' to work (just think how exciting that walk to and from London Bridge would be on wheels), about skating carefree-ly round Paul when we go shopping, and about generally being the coolest kid in the playground. The One With The Fad
  • In a large supermarket, phone top-ups will be available at all checkouts and will become part of a family's weekly shopping basket.
  • By entering the codes at the checkout while shopping online you receive a reduction in the price. The Sun
  • The shopping trolley contained a box with a vintage ring inside. Times, Sunday Times
  • With a curvy frame and bright rainbow colours, this bike folds in seconds and is small enough to fit in a shopping bag. The Sun
  • He really hates shopping but he goes anyway, and takes his medicine.
  • ‘No buts,’ she cut me off, ‘Tomorrow you and I are going shopping!’
  • Staff said North Star Shopping Center in Rolex is not set up special counters and distributors.
  • It was once Britain's default shopping destination for expectant mums and doting grandparents. Times, Sunday Times
  • Culture vultures looking for more sightseeing than shopping. The Sun
  • My shopping precinct has no less than FOUR bakeries.
  • I left the rest of my shopping and ran for the car, knocking over a display of biscuits in my haste to dodge people and escape.
  • Indeed, the next day we're ready to emerge from our chrysalis for some shopping in town.
  • The Barbary States filled outrageous shopping lists, such as cannon to protect their harbors from the very people they were extorting. William Dietrich: Pirate Parallels
  • The spread of home banking would make online shopping even more convenient.
  • Online shopping for lingerie is becoming more and more popular and for a good reason.
  • He just bought this short - sleeved shirt in the shopping mall.
  • I spent this afternoon doing Christmas Shopping.
  • The town has another curiosity - the farm shop, which has ballooned into Britain's poshest supermarket, complete with wicker trugs instead of shopping trolleys and quails' eggs by the dozen.
  • Changes were being rung on the usual male-female antinomies—shopping, burping, etc.—when one of the wives went a little too far. The Human Car Wash of Self-Esteem
  • And he concludes, after referring to the fortuitous duty-free shopping interlude I shared with Bashar en route back to London from Damascus, by remarking: By this time, Michael, whos a very engaging personality, is a friend of the family! A Question of Honour
  • Today - after visiting the moneychanger to change some notes into Australian dollars, I did a spot of shopping - and left my purse behind at the counter. Almost disaster
  • The same applies to walking round stores putting shopping in a trolley. SHOPPED: The Shocking Power of British Supermarkets
  • At the desk, customers can make appointments with personal shoppers, arrange private shopping parties, request monogramming, preorder items from its high-end Collection line, look at color swatches for bridesmaid dresses that are sold online, and order clothes, such as those from the kids 'line called crewcuts, that aren't carried in most stores. Concierge Services and Mismatched Socks
  • It's nice to think of them picturing Father Christmas and his sleigh whooshing across frosty rooftops, as opposed to me thrashing my way around a soulless out-of-town shopping centre.
  • For the daily chores fell mainly on the shoulders of the women: shopping, running around to find particular things.
  • You can learn a lot by watching professionals … and teleshopping people are professionals at convincing others. 3 Things You Need to Know about Using Dialogue in Non-fiction | Write to Done
  • The shopping mall opens and the nearby high street is turned instantly into a wasteland of building societies and vomit. Times, Sunday Times
  • The next course is a ‘Menu Planner’ that's built around five easy-to-follow steps: Search for a meal, choose an entrée, add extras, get your menu, and make a shopping list.
  • He said he had been alerted to the high sugar content of many cereals by going shopping. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your shopping is about to get more expensive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once considered an adventurous shopping experience, these price slashers are now in easy proximity to the suburban jungle.
  • Shopping for her nursery, Kelly Horvath bought a new window shade because its label advertised its child safety features. The News Tribune - Tacoma - - HOMEPAGE
  • Do not throw rubbish onto the ground. Do not waste water. Use both sides of paper when you write. Stop using plastic bags for shopping. Make classrooms less noisy.
  • A huge funfair and children's fairground will also be set up in the centre to turn Bradford into a vibrant shopping experience.
  • Vintage diamanté necklaces were top of the shopping list.
  • The teacher donned his cap and sunglasses, turned off the tape recorder, and dropped the gun into the plastic shopping bag. OUTCAST
  • Wood has given way to cement as the main building material, and new forms of architecture include high-rise buildings for offices and residences, and air-conditioned shopping malls.
  • We went on a shopping trip and got him all set up for the new term.
  • He is a citizen without a country, trapped in a no man's land of fast food outlets and endless shopping opportunities.
  • He was workshopping an innovative movement performance with street people, the desperate and creative young.
  • Paddy fields and orchards have given way to shopping plazas and industrial buildings.
  • Soviet women carry the main burden of shopping, homemaking and child rearing.
  • Walking hand in hand, we passed several other people on roller skates, in bikinis and swimming trunks, with shopping bags in their hands and all.
  • When all was mixed, wrapped in muslin, and dumped into two large pans of water simmering on the Aga, the ladies went off to Mar'ton, too, for more shopping.
  • Prices may vary so it's well worth shopping around before you buy.
  • The whole Hunter experience skiing, snowtubing, dining, shopping and staying at the nearby Hunter Inn made for a refreshing and productive weekend outside of the big city. Jon Chattman: Feels Like the First Time (Because It Is): Skiing in Hunter, NY
  • The retail group outbid all three competitors for space in the shopping centre.
  • He has even been known to go shopping himself on occasion.
  • Stash old plastic or paper shopping bags near the rubbish or garbage bin and then you can re-cycle them as bin liners.
  • Veterans Affairs Minister Alan Griffin said Anzac Day was an occasion for remembering those who fought and died for their country, not for shopping. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • Marlene was already flipping through the _American Heritage Dictionary_ -- she had brought it in a plastic shopping bag because of my previous day's challenge of "shim" -- and she triumphantly told me, holding the fat volume in my face, that no such word was listed in it. Beard
  • However, that is an attitude that is shaped by my very Western lifestyle wherein Western grocery stores have no such thing as food courts attached to them wolfing down a sandwich slapped together at the Boar's Head deli counter while waiting in the Express checkout line does not count as a food court, and food courts in shopping malls are teeming with screaming, disobedient children, making for a highly unenjoyable, stressful decision-making process between deep-fried hot dogs impaled on sticks and peddled by pimple-faced Rain-bo Brites and the less arterially noxious chicken "patty" that has been breaded, deep-fried, and smeared with diet mayo. Tampopo - A Crunky Quickie at the Market
  • The mayor took me out shopping and bought me some fantastic cowboy boots and a cowboy hat. The Sun
  • In the end I had to buy something in the shopping centre to be allowed to use theirs. The Sun
  • Instead, the film cuts to some months ahead as Everett encounters Beechum at a local shopping mall.
  • The shops, each retaining many original 1920s art-deco features such as tiling, 'sunburst' lights and engraved glass features are time capsules of suburban shopping from nearly a century ago. Archive 2008-05-01
  • G20 leaders face lingering economic trouble as conference is set to open economy still wobbly from the worst recession in seven decades, restraining greedy bankers and plotting a future course for sustainable growth - the leaders of the world's major derivatives in the second quarter, as the level of risk eased in the global Wall Street, sex-and-shopping chick lit is so over. - Articles related to India inks nuclear pact with Argentina
  • She'd been on everybody's back most of the week, getting a feel for her New York companies and finishing up with dinner with Eric last night-which, while fun, could not by any stretch of the imagination be called restful-and today Ria was looking forward to a leisurely day of shopping and sightseeing. Beyond World's End
  • These complexes, complete with hotels and up-scale shopping, are "uneconomical" now, Cahill said, arguing they are too expensive to build and would not attract enough visitors as unemployment climbs and the state faces its worst financial crisis in decades. Breaking News - The Post Chronicle
  • The self-willed semicoma she fell into at the start of her shift—which lasted through every shopping item she swiped and every receipt she tore out of the till—suddenly left her and she’d felt strangely alive. The Redleys
  • The builder designed a new shopping center for the company.
  • Who among us hasn't come back from a shopping excursion, looked over the just-purchased haul, and wondered, What was I thinking?
  • Self-contained campuses including health clubs, clinics, shopping complexes and even schools are mushrooming, and developers are offering resort-like living away from the city.
  • I looked at the aisles of Oreos and Clorox cleaner, pretending to shop, but window-shopping at a gas station minimart, I found out, was nearly impossible. The Adults
  • My granddaughter does my weekly shopping for me.
  • The festivities included singing traditional Christmas carols and a glorious lighting display on the beach side of the shopping center.
  • Voicing various concerns, including claims that Capital was "overpaying" for the shopping centre and transferring control to Peel "while failing to extract a premium for it", the US group's chief executive, David Simon, said the company was "disappointed by the profound value destruction proposed to be inflicted on CSC and its shareholders". The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Maybe they've just gone shopping.
  • Pietro dismissed their vettura, and together they walked down the principal promenade to the shopping center where they mingled with the endless crowds of pedestrians and looked into the windows of the gay little shops that made Andrea think of Venice. Chico: the Story of a Homing Pigeon
  • And bless her, Flora banned Evelyn from the bathroom until I had my turn, her way I suppose of saying thanks about the shopping. SOMEBODY
  • As the Chinese New Year draws near, everyone is busy in shopping for the Spring Festival.
  • She always goes shopping with a shopping basket.
  • They're fed up with going to shopping malls and coffee shops. Times, Sunday Times
  • While shopping malls aren't known for their creative floral displays, these plants certainly won't look as fake and plasticky in your home as they do in the food court.
  • Cherie Burns has written a bracing, sex-and-shopping account of that life, suggesting that haute couture provided a cloistered young debutante a way to "lay claim to herself" and become a sophisticated socialite. She Wore It Well
  • The deal comes amid mounting interest in European freight and transport hubs, driven by the rise of internet shopping and hopes of economic recovery. Times, Sunday Times
  • We went shopping that day for an outfit for her to wear. The Sun
  • Practical help might include assistance with shopping, cooking and cleaning. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is a name that should be at the top of your shopping list, no matter what styles of music you're currently grooving to.
  • When my first baby quickened I was walking up the street carrying a bag of shopping.
  • Prices may vary so it's well worth shopping around before you buy.
  • A power cut on the busiest shopping day of the week affected both businesses and residents in Kendal.
  • I ended up dining in a Pizza Hut in the basement of the shopping centre, the only customer in the place.
  • Buying clothing is not like shopping around for the latest electronic gadget or a hot set of wheels.
  • Valley, which he thought would have the highest propensity to adopt online shopping. Times, Sunday Times
  • The annual shopping gala looked set to be cut to three days this year with the organisers blaming a lack of cash and interest.
  • Then competition with Mission Valley shopping centers and suburban residential growth prompted a rapid decline.
  • Pull into an upscale shopping mall and the pampered car gets parked just outside the door by the valet.
  • In supermarkets, where space is less limited, self-scanners and store navigators can be attached to shopping trolleys that are then docked at the checkout for payment.
  • I find the physicality and immediateness of real life shopping makes it harder for me to resist my impulse buys. Are You A Big Spender or a Cheapskate?
  • Whether depicting a shiny new shopping mall or an industrial complex, these illustrations are always peopled by rather uniform matchstick men, women and children.
  • Would you get some coffee when you go shopping?
  • Perfect if the mood takes you to have a wet shave or new hairdo while out shopping for designer clobber. Times, Sunday Times
  • When shopping for thyme plants you will use for cooking, pinch off a piece of leaf to taste before you buy.
  • The attackers escaped with her light fawn plastic shopping bag, which contained her denim purse and cash and a white cagoule.
  • The next year, shopping at Home Depot for some army ant anthrax, I saw the bug zappers for sale, then slapped my forehead and got out my checkbook.
  • Needless to say, the UM with dataport is now high on their shopping list Discussion Forum - TuDiabetes - A Community for People Touched by Diabetes
  • This bank holiday weekend could be the perfect time to go showroom shopping and save yourself thousands of pounds on a new motor. The Sun
  • Christmas shopping could be bad for your health, a top physiotherapist has warned.
  • Here's a shopping list of must-haves to keep you looking good for the beach.
  • The NY Times' Haggler column tackled the confounding process of buying mattresses recently, with the help of Consumer Reports, which stated plainly: "Shopping for a mattress can be a nightmare.
  • Shopping for men used to be easy, a nice tie, a good bottle of Scotch, an electric razor and you were sorted.
  • I had to cart my shopping around with me all day.
  • The shopping arcade is a stroll-and-browse region and the preserve of medium tempo Lawrence Welk.
  • Never mind contemporary country music, with its upbeat insipidity, which is to the genre at its best as a giant shopping complex is to the wild terrain eradicated to build it.
  • I observe Barry Diller, with his powerful, vulnerable skull that conveys the air of a Picasso, with his smile that's habitually so melancholic but which, now that I've stopped pestering him about his memories of Paramount, his tussles with Murdoch, his conversion to teleshopping, has become curiously childlike. In the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Part V)
  • Security personnel should conduct searches routinely for any person entering a large facility — a business or apartment complex, a suq or shopping mall, a sports arena, etc. The Right Way
  • Emma's only form of recreation seems to be shopping.
  • They like to shop for all but daily necessities at prestigious department stores in downtown shopping districts.
  • I hope to go shopping on Saturday next.
  • It's not beautiful; too many fine buildings have been demolished to make way for ring roads and shopping centres. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't want to go shopping on my own, shall we go together?
  • It has just announced that it intends to beat its own record for the world's largest shopping mall. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is now a fashionable area for shopping and eating.
  • The celosia for one (seed packet) and now I have dinner plate Dahlias about a foot and a half tall (tuber) bloom or not to bloom will tell the whole story of thrifty shopping. Tulips 2010 « Fairegarden
  • They wear name badges, have cameras round their necks and clutch shopping bags. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the companies that make PCs try to recover from their worst slump in years, you'll find incredible deals on new systems during the holiday shopping season.
  • I've done bare bones, only buying generics, lots of rice and beans shopping, and I've done couponing, which is generally brand-name, lot of variety ... and the couponing was wayyy cheaper. The Journey
  • I am not sure if I will be able to cope with overcrowded trains and a big bag of shopping.
  • ‘They tend to locate in shopping centres and they have not taken retail warehousing space to date,’ said Miller.
  • “People want one-stop shopping, so they look to funeral directors for that kind of help,” explained Koth. The Truth About Grief
  • Another 230 people took part in simulated tasks and interviews emulating the shopping experience.
  • On other occasions, students workshopped their final works online, without my input, benefiting from the workshopping skills and confidence they had learnt in their shared judgements.
  • Once when we were shopping, red tracer bullets were fired from the camp over the village.
  • Broad trees provide welcome shade along the entire way, and the street has a more relaxed and serene ambiance than many city shopping districts.
  • Clients balk at the price, but usually come back after shopping around, he says. Times, Sunday Times
  • The site says that it keeps all of your data synonymized, so while it does know your shopping history, it doesn't in theory know who you are. TechCrunch
  • More often these days you see people with calico or green bags lugging their shopping home.
  • After the woman shook me at the mall, I dropped my shopping bags.
  • If you've ever asked yourself who stays in ratty motels off the highway next to malls, with Walmarts as the high shopping, here is the answer.
  • Khalid Tanveer/Associated Press Members of Pakistan's antiterrorist squad patrolled a market where people were shopping for the Eid Tuesday. Muslims Celebrate Eid al-Fitr
  • She found that the physical effort needed to get the shopping and housework done was just too much and she began having more angina attacks. Coping with Angina
  • Let's bunk off this afternoon and go shopping.
  • We called in at a discount store on the way home but we weren't really in the mood for shopping and nothing there appealed to us except a dustpan and brush for sweeping up all those cat hairs.
  • The journeys they make also tend to be shorter: school runs, shopping, short-distance commuting.
  • After the tiring shopping, we decided to entertain ourself by playing foosball. Archive 2006-05-01
  • I do my weekly shopping on a Saturday.
  • He printed on shopping bags and plexiglas and placed unconventional material like diamond dust on his prints.
  • For those who have put off their shopping till the very last minute, designer-wear ready-mades are ideal to help celebrate the joyous festival in fashion.
  • Over the last two weeks the young people saved their own pocket money to fill the hampers, and then went shopping to buy the food and toys.
  • The toytown shopping park at the bottom of my road has gained yet another cracking addition - an HMV.
  • After the expiry of the lease period, the landowner will be at his discretion to convert the land into a shopping complex or a multiplex.
  • He said that a new application was received by City of York Council yesterday to transform a derelict car park at the rear of the property to shopping space.
  • They have enough trouble finding nutri-tious food without crossing meat off their shopping lists.
  • They went into town to indulge in some serious shopping.
  • The robbery took place at Aker Brygge, an upscale shopping centre and apartment complex on the Oslo waterfront.
  • NORTHUMBERLAND STREET , adjacent to the Eldon Square shopping centre , is awash with people.
  • Shopping list Disco lights - stock up at your local pound shop. Times, Sunday Times

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