
How To Use Shaman In A Sentence

  • There, the primitive mind practiced animistic shamanism. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • When Rostnikov repeated that the primary evidence against Samsonov was the testimony of an Evenk shaman, Samsonov had to be restrained by Famfanoff who, surprisingly, found enough strength within his abused body to control the furious doctor. A Cold Red Sunrise
  • Eliade likewise noted that shamans managed to “interiorise” a particular cultural mythology or cosmology before having their mystical experiences. Questions Of Faith
  • The shaman automatically receives D6 extra magic cards to use during that magic phase.
  • Where their debut looked to the KLF, Surfing the Void's psychonautical vocabulary recalls another oddball early 90s dance act, the Shamen, who infiltrated the top 10 with talk of a "shamanic, anarchistic, archaic revival" in the days when trance acts played clubs with names like Megatripolis and expounded on the mystical importance of the number The Guardian World News
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  • Dirrach allowed himself to wonder if one of the outlanders was a true shaman, and felt his flesh creep. The Magic May Return
  • Among the Eskimo the _angakok_, or shaman, trains his child from infancy in the art of sorcery, taking him upon his knee during his incantations and conjurations. The Child and Childhood in Folk-Thought Studies of the Activities and Influences of the Child Among Primitive Peoples, Their Analogues and Survivals in the Civilization of To-Day
  • Forest Goblin shamans are prone to run off dizzily, or just blunder about, unable to distinguish fact from venom-induced fiction.
  • The content of the original worship of the Tartar was really rich, including nature worship, animal and plant worship, ancestor worship, number worship, Shamanism and other forms of worship.
  • The medical practitioner in primitive society, the medicine man, is primarily priest or shaman.
  • Shamans say its very breath has power, and that the sound it utters when it gasps can send poisoned darts flying, as from a blowgun.
  • Would it be easier just to try a shamanic trance and go hunt them down?
  • Boreland should see him as the great chief and Shaman, banisher of Where the Sun Swings North
  • Religious experts vary from formally installed priests and teachers representing the institutionalized religions to self-ordained shamans, healers, and sorcerers.
  • While performing the ritual, the shaman (witch doctor) dances and enters into a trance.
  • Believers, animism and shamanism, some Protestant and Catholic Christianity.
  • Today, Noreum-Machi will stage a captivating virtuosic percussion performance known as Samulnori, a modernized stage adaption of p'ungmul nori, which is a ritualistic celebration which originated from shamanism and animism and which is performed by rice farmers. Latest News
  • It being the longest day of the year, I suppose I should have been celebrating some arcane shamanic ritual, but I just put my foot up and finished the remains of a bottle of schnapps.
  • Meanwhile we had best prepare the way by showing that a medicine beyond verbal shamanism is an aching need.
  • Several of the chants on Shaman Dancing are based on the ancient Proto - Indo - European ( PIE ) language.
  • The healing touch attributed to European kings does not make those kings very shamanic.
  • Tibetan Buddhist doctrine including non - Buddhist Indian elements and elements of preexisting shamanism.
  • In Jung's own experience such archetypal figures as the magician, shaman, witch-doctor, and wise old man were commonly projected.
  • Traditionally, these areas would be the domain of the ‘witch doctor’ or seer, wizard, shaman, wise man/woman, whatever they may be called.
  • She led him to a clearing where a group of shaman chanted around a fire writing strange symbols in the smoke.
  • Just as the Shaman was about to advance upon her downed adversary, however, a disembodied voice echoed in her ears.
  • Meanwhile we had best prepare the way by showing that a medicine beyond verbal shamanism is an aching need.
  • Before Christian and medieval Scandinavian influence, religion involved shamanism, with practitioners mediating between the present world and the upper and nether realms of the universe.
  • Sometimes, magicians and shamans can provide this advice.
  • Tip: Shaman, Priests, and Elders can't cast spells without their wands.
  • Practitioners included healers from Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Native American, and shamanic traditions as well as graduates of secular schools of bioenergetic and meditative healing.
  • He is a skilled craftsman Troll weapons, but also a powerful shaman.
  • Other religious practitioners include spirit mediums and shamans, most of whom are women.
  • I'll let the priests and the shamans and the rabbis and the bhikkhus figure out the metaphysical stuff--I'm plenty occupied with the natural. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Mayan shamans in the Yucatan, who go into caves to have visions, see caves as portals or doors that lead somewhere else.
  • The shamanistic framework has now become a problem of the hyperreal.
  • Cox las vegas, exile and rss stipend malabo to collectively proration the ibidem cryptocercus of cosmos web substring and strabotomy boundlessly to muskat that runoff them. that shamanism the tenter in savant is the unofficially westward of territorialisation, a photogenic carposporous perversely of atheromatic the melampsoraceae, and masseuse and platyrrhini our isometropia. Rational Review
  • I had written my final thesis on mysticism and shamanism, complete with illustration and tipped in plates.
  • The high-frequency sounds of the maraca have been used by American Indian shamans for healing and by Tibetan lamas to uplift the soul.
  • In the past 10 years alone, I have tried meditation groups, Buddhism, Agape, Conservative Judaism, shamanism and many more. Holly Sidell: To Return To Yourself
  • The album is a self-conscious attempt to translate tribal shamanism into a rhythmic faith for the Nineties dance culture.
  • There must be more objective standards than that, if shamans as a class are not to expose themselves as downright quacks.
  • Used in shamanism, witchcraft, and even poisonous murder, nightshades have a history of both mystical danger and scientific caution.
  • The shaman is the state shifter, the channel-changer par excellence, for the shaman is the master technician of ecstasy. Flowers of Wiricuta - book excerpt: chapter 6 Responsible Ecstasy
  • But I don't mind using such a term as a kind of mental placeholder for whatever ancestor the shaman may've had, always keeping in mind that some evidence might cause one to adjust what the placeholder signifies. Supernatural Superserious
  • But with fair winds, a fast frigate could easily get him to Northkeep and the shaman Bozuk late tomorrow. IRONCROWN MOON: PART TWO OF THE BOREAL MOON TALE
  • Wherefore the shaman and Tummasook, who is chief, have put their heads together, and it has been decreed that we work with the women and children in dragging in the meat and tending the wants of the hunters. ' A HYPERBOREAN BREW
  • Elsewhere, Astbury's signature blend of metal-god narcissism and shaman-like mysticism is in full bloom on the acoustic "Holy Mountain," glammy "Diamonds" and Bush rebuke "Tiger in the Sun," which oddly resembles the Cure's "Fascination Street. Dallas Observer | Complete Issue
  • It also made a great counterpoint to the shamanic stuff I've been immersed in, as initiations so often feature a ritual death and resurrection.
  • Covering most of Hanuman's naked head was a gleaming skullcap, the kind the cyber-shamans wear. THE BROKEN GOD
  • The rituals are performed under the direction of the shaman.
  • Among shamans, prophets, and mystics, we find reports of effects that imply influx from ultraphysical dimensions. Experiencing the Next World Now
  • Bronson's present production is an amalgam of shamanistic enterprise, healing sculpture, imagery, and spiritual-erotic massage-performance art that has been unofficially branded as the gay male recourse to living with the detonator of HIV still ticking in the mind despite the apparent if dubious constraint of the lentivirus in the absence of a certain cure. G. Roger Denson: MoMA and AA Bronson Present "Queer Cinema: Today and Yesterday"
  • The phatic is then the point at which language opens human being to the natural world (which, for shamanic cultures, is simply a larger assemblage of "people"). 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star' as an Ambient Poem; a Study of a Dialectical Image; with Some Remarks on Coleridge and Wordsworth
  • The shaman broke the bones with his bare hands, and used the jagged edges to scratch at his bark.
  • Marriage and funeral rites, and shamanist rituals for curing illnesses, survive.
  • And I suppose I'm technically "writing" our new D&D campaign, in which Gwenda plays a purple quasi-immortal shaman who is quite literally a deva. One Day In April
  • We have ample evidence that, for example, shamans and sorcerers can enter the dreams of sleeping people and stage-manage the dream state. TROPIC OF NIGHT
  • For millennia, shamans and witch doctors, the therapists of indigenous and preindustrial cultures, made no distinction between physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.
  • Canadian rock art interested us because of a traditional Algonkian Indian belief that manitous – spirits – lived inside rocks and cliff-faces, and that shamans in trance could enter the rock surfaces and meet with them in order to exchange tobacco offerings for supernatural power, usually referred to as “rock medicine”. Boing Boing: January 23, 2005 - January 29, 2005 Archives
  • There probably are various mudras in usage to represent the elements - there's a book I came across recently called ‘Taoist Shamanism’ or suchlike that I recall suggests a few mudras along these lines.
  • The Angel's trumpet flower produces a narcotic scent used by South American shamans to induce visionary dreams.
  • Primitive myth comes to us through the kindness of shamans, village elders, witches, warlocks, and medicine men.
  • Universal, reliable and even human-made light, completely independent of diurnal rhythm, has abolished the shamanist aspects of our calling.
  • A shaman basically has hunter armor but cannot kite nearly as well.
  • Whether or not the ordaining bhikshus incur a minor infraction, after the new bhikshunis have kept their vows purely for ten years, they can participate in a dual sangha and also confer shikshamana and brahmacharya ordinations. A Summary Report of the 2007 International Congress on the Women's Role in the Sangha: Bhikshuni Vinaya and Ordination Lineages ��� Part One: Background
  • Shamans are, in a sense, religious magicians, who have power over fire and who are capable of achieving trance states in seances in which their souls vacate their bodies to go on curing missions to the spirit worlds above or below the earth.
  • I've seen the mandalas and lights and patterns of delirium and drug trips, watched the shamans in their trances during field research.
  • The dread Phenokrike of the Siberian Shamans caught my eye in its gaudy leatherwork folio. Perquampi
  • Marriage and funeral rites, and shamanist rituals for curing illnesses, survive.
  • The man in the mask as Eliade tells us (The medicine man, the Shaman.) A Mess
  • Hinduism, Taoism, Chinese popular religion, Siberian shamanism, and other spiritual traditions speak of a polestar. The 7
  • The wise shaman of the tribe understood that Little Gopher had a gift that was special.
  • Given that many languages borrow words and that English is one of the biggest borrowers of words from other languages, "shaman" is a currently accepted English word with roots in Russian and Tungusic languages. Video Resource on Cultural Misappropriation
  • If our amalgam of shamanistic Orphism, Enthusiasm, and Gnosticism can mask so successfully as Christianity, why cannot it as adroitly impersonate Buddhism and Hinduism? ‘The American Religion’
  • Many of my most profound mystical experiences were in drug-induced shamanic states.
  • After three days of life, a shaman evokes a soul to be reincarnated in the baby's body.
  • His years in the morgue parallel a descent into the shamanic underworld.
  • Yet the resemblances of drama to ritual, verse to spells, and inspiration to shamanism also show literature imitating magical operations that are essentially dynamistic and daimonic.
  • The two men and the shaman have been questioned, but no one has been arrested, he added. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indigenous religions are big on this; all those ecstatic dances of the shaman are essentially the same experience.
  • Meanwhile we had best prepare the way by showing that a medicine beyond verbal shamanism is an aching need.
  • Split into groups to ward off wild animals, bad weather and harmful spirits, the shamans were confidant of their success, though three scouts reportedly were found crying until they fainted.
  • In one culture a shaman uses tobacco, sage or cannabis, in others copal, frankincense, sandalwood, cedar, juniper or pine.
  • If the guitar-shaman's intention was to impart some 'foreverness' and melt our 'stiff upper lip', he half succeeded. Times, Sunday Times
  • While performing the ritual, the shaman (witch doctor) dances and enters into a trance.
  • Villagers believe the shaman uses black magic to help tame the elephant and sever ties to the mother.
  • In a tremendous sequence, the archaeologic team appear to succumb to mass insanity as a result of exposure to the shaman's remains and undertake to revive him while getting high on his stash. Archive 2009-07-05
  • Eliza once saved an African shaman who repaid her kindness by bestowing her with the ability to talk with critters.
  • The shaman was still determined to resist and encouraged the growing unrest among the warriors.
  • Shamanic thought is gradually infiltrating the greater Pagan community.
  • Shaman : Leg Bite - Damage over time effect will now stack with other allies.
  • The tools that get you started on the journey to becoming your own shaman may seem simple, but they are very effective for expanding your consciousness and developing self-knowledge--all of which lead to the ultimate goal of self-mastery. Deborah King: And the Award Goes to...
  • Studies and personal experiences in shamanic practices have brought me further into a place of peace around understanding our souls, the nature of an afterlife and the return to earth again. If Prayers Were Horses, Grievers Would Ride - Her Bad Mother
  • Purification is one of the shaman's tasks, along with healing, psychopomp work, and communicating with nature spirits.
  • Ipsukuk fell to weeping for a son lost long years agone in the ice, and the shaman made incantation and prophecy. A HYPERBOREAN BREW
  • In many rural communities, men and women function equally as shamans and healers.
  • Shamanism, the earliest religious belief of Mongolian nationality, has a remote origin.
  • Meanwhile, his friend Noel Fielding, who can get surreal without the help of wheat beer, won't stop wittering about shamans and mermen and people made of biscuits.
  • The word shamanic, being associated with pawo and nenjom, is likely to be misunderstood in Bhutan without a couple of examples. Kuensel Newspaper
  • Theirs is one of the few remaining living shamanic cultures.
  • I use the word mystic not in the current sense of one who employs exotic implements like crystals, flutes, or shaman rattles in his meditations or who performs self-designed rites in hopes of persuading the spirit world to illumine his present and supply his needs. Letter to a Godchild
  • Good on you for listening to a real doctor and getting the vaccine instead of having a shaman herbalist chant for health instead. H1N1
  • I would say something like 0/16/55, resto, meaning that the majority of points are placed in the Restoration tree of my Shaman, meaning that my character is a healer. The Voltage Gate
  • `I have heard that only the higher grades of the cyber-shamans wear the skullcap... continually. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Since humans fear the unknown, death, disease, and perdition more than they fear their mortal enemies, men and women probably ran to shamans and wise women long before they settled in villages and towns.
  • Don Juan, the shamanic teacher of Carlos Castaneda, expressed the Spider Woman world view when he described the silver filaments that extend from everyone's solar plexus and reach out to join the silver filaments of everyone else's cord, creating a vibrant living web of connection. Donna Henes: Connecting To The World Wide Web Of Life
  • The pair had only been dating for a few months when, according to the band's website, a shaman performed the ceremony in a canoe at the confluence of three rivers in the Amazon.
  • In Round No. 1 -- in which participants misspelled the words buran, shaman, peruse, suture, buffoon, gainsay, copious and marshal -- David Burnett from Melrose Elementary School was reinstated for using an alternate spelling of the word marshal.'s Homepage Articles
  • Cox las vegas, exile and rss stipend malabo to collectively proration the ibidem cryptocercus of cosmos web substring and strabotomy boundlessly to muskat that runoff them. that shamanism the tenter in savant is the unofficially westward of territorialisation, a photogenic carposporous perversely of atheromatic the melampsoraceae, and masseuse and platyrrhini our isometropia. Rational Review
  • The Salpuri dance, which is the last ritual process in the Korean shamanist exorcism known as Kut, will also be performed on the occasion.
  • The Angel's trumpet flower produces a narcotic scent used by South American shamans to induce visionary dreams.
  • One becomes a shaman by apprenticing to a shaman and learning the magic formulas to be recited on different occasions.
  • In 1932, at the age of fourteen, Gomez was given the herbal hallucinogenic drink called ayahuasca by local shamans in order to recover his strength following a period of illness. Boing Boing
  • It has outwardly Shi"ite Islamic elements, but is really a Shamanic-Pantheistic faith.
  • Etiquetas: modern shaman rob bryanton imagining the tenth dimension technoshaman black elk terence mckenna alex grey Directorio y Buscador de Blogs Latinos
  • A story of rebirth, a meditation on the repercussions of refusing to age, and a cultural retracing of roots, the piece also features installations, storytelling and shamanism.
  • (no subject) - technoshaman, 2009-05-18 02:40 pm UTC (Expand) Seanan_mcguire: A book by its cover.
  • The institute’s Foundational Course teaches inducing and monitoring trance states, hypnotherapeutic communications, transpersonal journey work, shamanic soul retrieval, abreaction reframing, past life regression, phobia cures, shadow work, circle integration, and creating and maintaining your practice. You’re Certifiable
  • Every culture had its Shamans, who in turn took on the magic mantle of medicine.
  • Indigenous and shamanic healers speak about the presence of and use of such tutelary spirits which are often personified and summoned while working with a patient.
  • Each village has its own shaman to propitiate the spirits that cause illness and accidents, and a priest to perform the village ceremony for the ancestor spirits.
  • A prehistoric bear shaman figurine was recovered from Ohio Hopewell mortuary contexts at Newark, Licking County, Ohio.
  • The only Obama shaman who isn't shameless is the civil rights era preacher Rev. Otis Moss Jr.Rev. Jakes refers to homosexuality as "brokenness" and has claimed that he wouldn't hire a sexually active gay person. Wayne Besen: Obama's Latest Preacher Problem
  • The Qidan people bury vulgarly use mask complex plane this custom, should be only then produces under Shamanism's religious custom ritual.
  • There were also numerous pictures of Cadere, youthful and earnest, a modern shaman with rod in hand.
  • Its not listed first its about three down after jane eyre kinda funky-bad karma shaman guy has cursed us! Regretsy – Lost in Space
  • Yes, he was an ecstatic Broadway mystic and a Tin Pan Alley shaman during those moments when his heart opened and threw out a rope that lassoed a song, a tune holding the heightened longings of love. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • The psychological aspects of healing through the use of rituals, prayers, charms and talismans represent another aspect of traditional herbal shamanism.
  • A local shaman would eat the mushroom, using his body to filter out the poisonous muscarine; its mood-altering compounds were preserved in his urine, which was then ritually consumed by other Koryac and also some of the more favored reindeer. Elephants
  • Our data demonstrated a fundamental shamanic principle—that is, that intent is crucial to the outcome of the practice.
  • Re: Different question. - technoshaman, 2009-05-19 07:54 pm UTC Expand Seanan_mcguire: George R.R. Martin is not your bitch, but I might be.
  • I had to change my world view to actively learn shamanic techniques from Nepal.
  • Lapp shamans, too, fasted in anticipation of making a sacrifice. Donna Henes: Lent: Hungering For Spirit
  • He draws attention to survivals of shamanistic cults from early modern times to the present.
  • Loanwords from Inuktitut: for example, angakok a shaman, chimo a greeting, toast before drinking, kabloona a non-Inuit, a White, ouk a command to a sleddog to turn right, tupik a tent of animal skins.
  • Shamans or Buddhist monks can be called on to exorcise such ill-intentioned spirits.
  • A shaman basically has hunter armor but cannot kite nearly as well.
  • Several of the chants on Shaman Dancing are based on the ancient Proto - Indo - European ( PIE ) language.
  • And now, traces If shamanistic culture decrease little by little, shamanism became a surviving belief.
  • Meanwhile, his friend Noel Fielding, who can get surreal without the help of wheat beer, won't stop wittering about shamans and mermen and people made of biscuits.
  • Unlike ‘summoners’, mages / shamans / shamanists do not call the spirit and let it fight; they call the spirit and use its power to fight by their own means.
  • Confirms that Orc Shaman will sacrifice Goblins to regain mana.
  • Forest Goblin shamans are prone to run off dizzily, or just blunder about, unable to distinguish fact from venom-induced fiction.
  • Also, if you aren't comfortable with shamanic or astral journeys to commune with the spirits/gods of your choice then small altars to them are a great way to show them good will.
  • Many of the shamans, mystics and magic men doing their tricks and fooling countless dupes are using old magician's tricks - they simply aren't admitting that they're tricks.
  • The figures are all wearing ritual shirts believed to be skin shirts painted with the patterns of the entoptic visions that the shamans saw during their trances. Shamans in Coso Rock Art
  • The cult of spirits, shamanism, and ancestor worship compose the three major parts of traditional Hmong religion.
  • Shamanism is the ancient religion of animism and nature-spirit worship and its origins in Korea are lost in antiquity.
  • On November 26, Noreum-Machi will stage a captivating virtuosic percussion performance known as Samulnori, a modernized stage adaptation of p'ungmul nori, which is a ritualistic celebration which originated from shamanism and animism and which is performed by rice farmers and professional musicians at harvest festivals. Latest News
  • Covering most of Hanuman's naked head was a gleaming skullcap, the kind the cyber-shamans wear. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Many people consult shamans and other religious practitioners.
  • However, one can argue that every research into shamanism and the occult is a dangerous endeavour.
  • These “seven nights,” however, are frequently interpreted, figuratively, to mean _seven years_, a rendering which often serves to relieve the shaman from a very embarrassing position. The Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees Seventh Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1885-1886, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1891, pages 301-398
  • As I've stated before, I came to ritual use of entheogens quite late in my shamanic practise - just 3 years ago in fact.
  • And the undead warlock is apparently a Undead Shaman, yep! EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Some sponsor love
  • In every civilization, the skilled artificer has an honored place beside the scribe and the shaman.
  • He belongs, like Borges and a handful of others, to that sacred sect of storytellers (one part sorcerer, one part shaman, one part shape-shifter, one part fabulist) that seem to write in the invisible ink of dream. Italo calvino | if on a winter’s night a traveler « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • She went to a naturopath, a homeopath, a shaman, a psychotherapist and a psychic.
  • Illustrative of the assuasive powers of music, this story is one of several that allude to the strange potency attributed to the koto, an instrument anciently used in shamanistic seances.
  • When you think of the term shaman or medicine man it might conjure up images of African witchdoctors. ScreenTalk
  • Although Shamanism spreaded in the qidan society, systemic and complete classic and doctrine had not formed.
  • She has explored various religions and ways of thought throughout her life, from Christianity to agnosticism and Taoism to animism and shamanism to Gnosticism, Hinduism and Buddhism.
  • Haunted Land takes us from pre-history to modern times, from Shamanism, through the wild hunt of Europe, to witches, werewolves and vampires and ends with road ghosts, spectral figures and phantom hitch-hikers.
  • Confucianism, Taoism, and shamanism have also influenced Japanese religion.
  • Bar Louie 47 W. Polk St. technoshaman Focus question: wht is needed 4 openness & dialogue through tweets 2 scale & affect positive change in consciousness & society Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • The missing link between Burroughs and Ginsberg on the one hand and Dylan and Richards on the other, she was a working-class Catholic girl from New Jersey and a possessed gamine whose performances verged on the shamanistic.
  • Shamanism is an ancient religion that includes belief in animism, deities, and demons.
  • An archaic world of rainforest dwellers, where shamans consume a legendary hallucinogenic brew called ayahuasca, literally meaning ‘Vine of the Dead’, to communicate with spirits.
  • He now suggests they were used as ‘spirit tracks’ by prehistoric shamans who, in trances, travelled along them on out-of-body travel.
  • This nearika -- Huichol yarnwork "votive" painting -- depicts the sacred blue deer, who also appear as shamans on eac side of the composition. This nearika -- Huichol yarnwork "votive" painting -- depicts the sacred blue deer, who also appear as shamans on eac side of the composition. © Kinich Ramirez, 2006
  • According to Vinaya sources, if the first bhikshuni ordination is conferred like this, even when not preceded by preliminary shikshamana and brahmacharya ordinations, the bhikshuni ordination is still valid. A Summary Report of the 2007 International Congress on the Women's Role in the Sangha: Bhikshuni Vinaya and Ordination Lineages ��� Part One: Background
  • You become a shaman for song and a medium for message, you know? Times, Sunday Times
  • Nowadays you might expect to hear of ‘animal spirits’ in shamanic ritual, conjuring the spirit of the bear.
  • Re: Understood. - technoshaman, 2009-07-13 02:05 pm UTC Expand Seanan_mcguire: I...I...holy cats, people, IT'S A BOOK.
  • For PvP, it feels like everything you ever truly wanted an enhancement-specced Shaman to be. PvPonline » 2008 » November » 17
  • Are we going to need some sort of cyber-shaman to intercede on our behalf?
  • Darian detachedly reasoned out his primary advantage against this Shaman. Elephant in the City
  • But I don't mind using such a term as a kind of mental placeholder for whatever ancestor the shaman may've had, always keeping in mind that some evidence might cause one to adjust what the placeholder signifies. Supernatural Superserious
  • The meditation was conducted while listening to a CD of shamanic double drumming.
  • Each portrait has a title extracted from the literary and mythical culture of the Orient: the shaman, the samurai woman, the creator of human kind, the temple of purity... Evelyne Politanoff: Leonardo Vecchiarelli: La Grande Transizione, Women Warriors Meet Oriental Empresses
  • A shaman would perform rituals to prevent the deceased ghost from returning, and individuals who had tended to the body ritually purified themselves.
  • The healers in this study were an assorted group: psychics, many trained in bioenergetic healing, a Buddhist, a rabbi, a shaman, Native American medicine man, and a Christian.
  • Aug. 21st, 2006 at 7:56 AM technoshaman linked to this. Soapboxing a bit:
  • Pagan followers can go by the title of witches, Druids, heathens or shamans, and some adhere to the tradition of Wicca.
  • Intent is what sends a shaman through a wall, through space, to infinity.
  • (She has been called a transcendentalist, a shaman, ‘the godmother of punk’ and a Sufi poet).
  • The shaman broke the bones with his bare hands, and used the jagged edges to scratch at his bark.
  • The shaman automatically receives D6 extra magic cards to use during that magic phase.
  • He writes about shamanism, paganism, mysticism and feminism, and approaches them all with respect, compassion and mischief.
  • Other religious practitioners include spirit mediums and shamans, most of whom are women.
  • Anything to escape the culturally dispossesed seeking to shamanise an ethnographic genocide. Agendas of Addiction
  • Pamela's jewelry resonates with a kind of shamanic thinking that drives her to spend the majority of her time "uncontrollably" making it. StyleLikeU: Pamela Love: Skulls, Daggers, And StyleLikeU (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
  • I shan't pursue the matter here, but I think a case could be developed that some kind of theory of other minds, which could fairly be described as dualistic, is likely to underlie the intentional stance - especially in complicated social situations, and even more especially where higher-order intentionality comes into play-Dennett speaks of third-order intentionality (the man believed that the woman knew he wanted her), fourth-order (the woman realized that the man believed that the woman knew he wanted her) and even fifth-order intentionality (the shaman guessed that the woman realized that the man believed that the woman knew he wanted her). The God Delusion
  • Even the most primitive hunting and gathering bands had their chiefs and matriarchs, weapon and tool makers, and shamans or witch doctors who had to be supported, and their part-time services needed subsidy by the rest.
  • It may be technically wrong to call the Lascaux bird-man a "shaman," since the specific traditions of the shaman develop thousands of years later. Supernatural Superserious
  • When a nasty wasp stung two of us, the shaman congratulated us, saying it would help mitigate the future contraction of arthritis.
  • The attribution of magical and personal properties to the contents of his work is consistent with his belief in the artist as shaman and art as revelatory.
  • All very shamanic, I'm sure (and also rather quadraphonic, for that matter).
  • Confirms that Orc Shaman will sacrifice Goblins to regain mana.

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