How To Use Seventh In A Sentence

  • The lower opening is formed by the twelfth thoracic vertebra behind, by the eleventh and twelfth ribs at the sides, and in front by the cartilages of the tenth, ninth, eighth, and seventh ribs, which ascend on either side and form an angle, the subcostal angle, into the apex of which the xiphoid process projects. II. Osteology. 4. The Thorax
  • On the seventh floor there is a big tea room where you can watch television and get a coffee while you wait for us to finish with Jason so you can give him a lift home.
  • General Alfred Terry traveled due west from Fort Abraham Lincoln in Dakota Territory with a force that included Custer and his Seventh Cavalry troopers.
  • In the men's 4 x 200-metre relay team, he finished seventh.
  • But if there was no national style, there were local variations such as the monasteries and churches at Jarrow and Monkwearmouth in the seventh century. Early medieval architecture: a story of castles and churches
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  • There was a runner on first with two out in the seventh.
  • Along the sixth and seventh floors of the western wing, a glazed corridor extends south beyond the building's edge.
  • Practicing fourths and consecutive sevenths challenges the ear in ways that sixths and thirds don't, in addition to enhancing hand stability.
  • Doherty took a 6-2 lead last night, compiling a 107 break in the second frame but Dale hit the highest break of the televised stages with a 140 in the seventh frame.
  • Science, for instance, is in its seventh edition.
  • Second-place winner Nada Bader, a 12-year-old seventh-grader from Crestwood Middle School, met her downfall with the word "conniption" - a fit of rage, hysteria or alarm. Times Leader News
  • On Seventh Avenue, slack-jawed visitors scrambled for digital cameras, and taxicabs actually slowed down for something other than a fare.
  • Consistently, Owen rhymes the last two words in the fifth and seventh lines of each stanza, which is very effective.
  • The children the seventh heaven with their new toys.
  • Another storyteller in the SF and fantasy realm whom I really admire is Orson Scott Card -- both for the Ender and the Seventh Son series. It Ain't the Meat
  • That could see Tommy Bridewell aboard the Quay Garage Honda posing questions of the title chasing pack as he ran only marginally down in seventh place ahead of Alastair Seeley on the second Relentless Suzuki and Chris Walker riding his privately entered Suzuki
  • My good friends of masher persuasion are in seventh heaven when they have the opportunity of admiring eight pretty faces.
  • I was the seventh child in a family of 11.
  • Her best this season in four races was a fifth place in Germany which left her in seventh place overall in the rankings.
  • The seventh defendant, Donna Walsh, was scheduled to be arraigned Wednesday.
  • This particular afternoon he had tried to play the seventh hole as it should be played, and though we had both foozled, I had won the hole and romped triumphantly home with the side of pig. 32 Caliber
  • Laurie and Ken Graff are using The Maize's services on their family farm and ranch in Hondo, Texas, for the seventh year--though they do things a little differently.
  • (Read The Observer's extensive coverage here.) "Save The Hotel" activist Gregory Jones once took issue with my use of the term "fleabag" to describe the dowdy would-be landmark on Seventh Avenue. Win Trip To 'Luxurious' Hotel Pennsylvania!
  • Functional illiteracy is considered anything less than a seventh-grade reading level.
  • Under the regent Prince Shotoku in the late sixth and early seventh centuries there was a bringing together of Buddhism and the indigenous Shinto religion that would color Japanese Buddhism from then on.
  • School administrators mailed letters to all parents of seventh graders describing the project.
  • He played T-ball, then moved on to peewee baseball, and played on the high school team since he was in seventh grade at the middle school.
  • State St., seventh floor ; 312-629-6635; News -
  • The rectus abdominis muscle inserts at the fifth through seventh costal cartilage, and it helps flex the vertebral column and provide support for the torso.
  • His seventh house contains Mars while Libra is at the Ascendant containing Uranus.
  • Unfortunately, on the last restart, I got caught behind a backmarker and dropped from third to seventh.
  • It was Gillingham's seventh league defeat in a row, but coach John Gorman would not talk of relegation.
  • In those cases in which the phrenitis did not begin immediately, but about the third or fourth day, the disease was moderate at the commencement, but assumed a violent character about the seventh day. Of The Epidemics
  • Five days shalt thou labour, as the Bible says. The seventh day is the Lord thy God’s. The sixth day is for football. Anthony Burgess 
  • It will be observed that this hymn provided syllables only for the six tones of the _hexachord_ then recognized; when the octave scale was adopted (early in the sixteenth century) the initial letters of the last line (s and i) were combined into a syllable for the seventh tone. Music Notation and Terminology
  • Saisse followed him into the lift and pressed the button for the seventh floor. CODE BREAKER
  • Then Dave Boone and Wally made a stand that roused the perspiring spectators to something like enthusiasm, for Mr. Boone was a mighty "slogger," and Wally had a neat and graceful style that sent the Cunjee supporters into the seventh heaven. Mates at Billabong
  • Jon Newby, now top scorer after his seventh goal of the season, would be a prime target for ambitious clubs.
  • I f J; tDuarr % ad Fe - bruary had then been placed before March, tiie month Quialitk woald have been the fifth in name, hot the seventh in revkoninr. Plutarch's Lives, tr. by J. and W. Langhorne
  • Scobie took the mound for the seventh, retiring the first batter.
  • Ninety-seventh Street," he said, "and what a pesthole it always was. HOPE TO DIE
  • She knows how to spell "conniption," too, and that's what earned the Charleston Middle School seventh-grader the title at the Regional Spelling Bee. Undefined
  • Before the middle of the seventh century A.D. the area had been "ruralized," for instance the Trajanic street fountain being used as a dump for slaughtered cattle remains (see Lower Agora - North, July 20-August 2). Interactive Dig Sagalassos 2003 - Conclusions: Urban Development
  • With consideration to the strategic review by Miller Tabak and the condition to the transaction with DMRJ. the Company executed an Asset Purchase Agreement and a Note with Skinvera LLC, a company wholly owned by Frank J. Massino, former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company, whereby Skinvera purchased all assets and assumed all existing liabilities of the Company's skincare business (except for assets and liabilities related to kinetin and zeatin) and received $1.8 million in cash in return for a $1.8 million Secured Promissory Note which bears interest at 6% per annum and is due on the seventh anniversary of the Note. Medindia Health News
  • But in short, Green Bay is seventh in the league in yards allowed per game and Atlanta is fifth in scoring defense. Rodgers-Ryan must-see
  • Maskelyne entered Cambridge in 1749 where he studied mathematics and graduated seventh wrangler in mathematics in 1754.
  • Wang: In the seventh chapter of the Agama Sutra, a Confucian and a Buddhist are discussing the issue of life and death.
  • Kentucky on December 18 in the Jimmy V Classic, tallied 20-plus points for the seventh time in 11 hames this season. NCAA Men's Basketball - San Diego State vs. Duke
  • And everything after the fact so foreknown, the game itself sometimes already in the past while he still described it; often the afternoon papers were on the streets with the final box score while he described for his listeners the seventh-inning stretch or reported a struggle in the box seats over the recovery of a foul ball -- his foreknowledge hindsight, a coy tool of suspense: DiMaggio swings. Style in Fiction
  • OPEC's gathering in Quito two days ago was the seventh meeting with no change in output quotas.
  • Moreover, Zonabend states that the last-born of many siblings - starting with a seventh child in the actual case she provides - are not to have ordinary godparents and, therefore, strangers are often accepted for the task.
  • Whether he knew it, he was on course for a historic achievement, becoming only the seventh batsmen in Test cricket to score centuries both on their first appearance at home and on their debut abroad.
  • In the seventh edition (1720) I find to my great solace and comfort the entry, dog, 'a well-known creature, 'a somewhat meagre definition, improved into 'a quadruped well-known' by Nathaniel Bailey, whose dictionary, first published in octavo (1721), ran through a very large number of editions and became the standard authority until superseded by Johnson. On Dictionaries
  • So, the cleanest, most ethical holier-than-thou Congress ever is now defending the unprecedented adoption of ram-down rules for a radical, multitrillion-dollar program to usurp one-seventh of the economy on the grounds of “two wrongs make it right”? Matthew Yglesias » Endgame
  • Two hours and fifteen minutes into the game, upon the expiration of his seventh turn, Ted removed his glasses to wipe them slowly with the worn cotton of his flannel shirt.
  • Sabbatarianism appeared within the bounds of the association at an early date and Seventh-day Baptist churches were formed (1705 onward). Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"
  • He was a seventh child and his mother, left a widow in early life and compelled to earn her livelihood, saw scant chance of educating him when the kindly assistance of a Canon of the Cathedral and President of the Collége de Noyon relieved her difficulties. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The region's three three top spellers went head-to-head for four more rounds until Wyoming Seminary seventh-grader Benjamin Hornung was done in by "sorghum" - a type of grass or a syrup from the juice of a sorgo. Times Leader News
  • The Golden Hurricane forced a pair of turnovers from the Bulldogs 'Paul Pinegar in clinching their seventh win in eight games to close the season. - Scores
  • John between the preceding vision and the following one, implying, on the one hand, the solemn introduction to the eternal sabbatism which is to follow the seventh seal; and, on the other, the silence which continued during the incense-accompanied prayers which usher in the first of the seven trumpets (Re 8: 3-5). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Practicing fourths and consecutive sevenths challenges the ear in ways that sixths and thirds don't, in addition to enhancing hand stability.
  • WSJ's George Stahl reports January retail sales inched higher by 0.3%, regis tering their seventh straight monthly gain. Snowstorms Put Damper on Sales
  • V.S. Laxman and Mahendra S.ngh Dhoni bought up unbeaten half centuries in a record 164-run partnership for the seventh wicke ... Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • As a 24-year-old in 2001 he rode an excellent race to finish seventh overall, leading many to bill him as a future winner of the race.
  • Amedee was now in the "seventh," and knew already that the phrase, "the will of God," could not be turned into Latin by 'bonitas divina', and that the word 'cornu' was not declinable. The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • His family had moved from a smaller house a few miles away right before he entered seventh grade.
  • He used to have a seventh thrall, an ex-stripper named Ebony, but Eric packed her and her two kids up and sent them to live out at Orchard Lake with the werewolves, then released her from thralldom. Crossed
  • CARLSBAD - To close his high school water polo career, Collin Smith led Carlsbad to a record seventh straight section title last season. Fore, right!
  • The seventh and eight plenums, held in August and November 1999, began preparations for the Ninth National Party Congress scheduled for the first quarter of 2001.
  • Suzuki opened the seventh with a twisting shot to left-center field, but Hideki Matsui snagged it in front of the warning track .
  • Not until the seventh day after you receipted for same did the first symptoms appear. CHAPTER I
  • Lindisfarne became a place of pilgrimage during the priory's ‘golden age’ in the seventh century and all the tourism literature boasts it has remained so ever since.
  • Six had minor gunshot wounds, the seventh had tripped over a fallen tree and broken an arm.
  • On the seventh, all the symptoms were exacerbated; had no sleep, but the urine of the same characters, and the understanding disordered; alvine dejections bilious and fatty. Of The Epidemics
  • For example, the gravity field on the lunar surface is about one seventh as strong as on Earth.
  • Armstrong himself said the group was "livid" with the lengthy seventh stage Friday that concluded with a dangerous and steep descent through the rain. Cavendish wins 9th stage of Giro amid rider protest
  • Sometimes, you might as well be looking at a mimeograph, or a seventh-generation photocopy.
  • His nadir came in the shape of a double-bogey at the par - 5 seventh where he pranged one into the rough, another behind the green and, all the while, swished his club about in ill-disguised anger.
  • Kennedy formally recognized a new provisional government on the seventh, a mere two weeks before he himself was murdered.
  • He was seventh in overall batting, with an average of .324, and 10th in total trips to the plate with 623.
  • The Giants also couldn't have gone wrong at this spot in the backdraft with UCLA's Chris Horton, the safety who eventually went to Washington in the seventh round and provided the best bang for the buck of any player in the 2008 draft. Backdraft: Joe Flacco among changing parts in '08 re-draft
  • Involvement of the seventh cranial nerve results in weakness of the ipsilateral facial muscles and a vesicular rash in the external ear (zoster oticus) or on the hard palate.
  • Monifeth Man finishes seventh in the Coral Cup, better than any other Irish trained runner.
  • Starting pitcher Andy Pettitte watched Hughes work from the dugout in the seventh inning and said the way Hughes' fastball was rising, it looked a little bit like Mariano Rivera's devastating cutter.
  • Moments later, a high-pressure air line connecting to main ballast tanks allowing the submarine to control its depth bursts its seal in the seventh compartment.
  • I'm not yet some fanatic stylite, sitting on a pillar, waiting for the snap of the seventh seal, so I am somewhat familiar with the world around me. Archive 2006-09-01
  • But I as the seventh child of a small tradesman at Noyon, I had not a sou to my name, nor personal knowledge of any capitalist but Daddy Gobseck. Gobseck
  • The Bagnatos are a seventh generation fishing family who've been trawling the waters off Sydney for the past 50 years.
  • Amedee was now in the "seventh," and knew already that the phrase, "the will of God," could not be turned into Latin by 'bonitas divina', and that the word 'cornu' was not declinable. The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • But if you free yourself of these expectations and regress back to a seventh grade mentality, you will have a great time.
  • (In addition, there's a strong literary echo of the seventh song, "Auf einer Burg," in the eighth, "In der Fremde.") "In der Fremde" brings the cadential figure back: Categorical denials
  • When she has all her grandchildren around her, she's in seventh heaven.
  • It's a slow-ish news day here at TEV, which is just as well because I'm now in something like the seventh week of promising my agent that I'll deliver my rewrite in "two or three weeks". PROFILE: ALAN HOLLINGHURST
  • One piece includes blues-like flatted thirds written as D-sharps and a few later pieces involve E-flat and B-flat accidentals that suggest dominant seventh harmony.
  • With the last chapter of the seventh and final book already locked away in a secret location, she also knows his fate.
  • He knew how the traffic congested at the junction of Seventh Avenue and Forty - second Street.
  • China's economy is now the seventh largest in the world, eclipsing Canada.
  • By Standard International Trade Classification the seventh kind of product " Machinery and transport equipment"(shortened form "SITC7") have been the most active products in course of trade-off.
  • Investigation, or of what should be inquired first and what last; sixthly, of the Limits of Investigation, or a synopsis of all natures in the universe; seventhly, of the The New Organon
  • The one of the five who has a vote this year, Kansas City Fed President Thomas Hoenig, today cast his seventh straight dissent, the most at consecutive regular policy sessions since 1955.
  • The second version defines the seventh continent as Oceania Australia, Indonesia and other surrounding islands and brings in the bigger challenge of Carstensz. The Seattle Times
  • On the words ‘No sense was stung’ the minim triads again banish the clumping quavers, though this time the triads are no simple concords, but a dominant seventh of E major followed by an F triad that is simultaneously major and minor.
  • Now that he's been promoted he's in seventh heaven.
  • The gnomes of Zurich chugged in at seventh while Milan notched up a distant 11 th place on the Jones Lang LaSalle index.
  • Bannister (1-1) scattered nine hits over 6 Zc innings and Jose Guillen provided the support with his seventh homer and two RBIs. Homepage | INFORUM | Fargo, ND
  • He was critical of the small quotas, which would mean that one vessel could catch a seventh of the total for certain species in a single fishing trip.
  • I'm playing a lot for Montauban, which is great," said the Fijian, whose new team are seventh in the table with three wins and three losses. The Roar - Your Sports Opinion
  • Islam is a monotheistic Abrahamic religion originating with the teachings of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, a seventh century Arab religious and political figure.
  • With Venus and Serena Williams set to meet for the seventh time in a Grand Slam final at Wimbledon on Saturday, the spotlight is as much on ... Tennis News: Stories, Tournaments, Rankings, Money Leaders, Davis Cup
  • Castroneves, also a Brazilian, was no slouch either, racing to three victories and three poles and finishing seventh in the points.
  • Last Monday, Clinton made his seventh visit to Ohio this year.
  • We booked the first visit with our local general practitioner in the seventh week of pregnancy.
  • H. E. Dorje Rinzin Rinpoche, master of the seventh Dzogchen Dharma King in China, stamps his fingerprint onto the congratulatory letter he wrote to H. H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.
  • The building is covered by a reinforced concrete roof of mansard profile, which houses the seventh storey.
  • Lewis was 'jazzed' about the seventh season of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" and the series 'pick-up into syndication. Featured Content
  • The short ‘coda’ completes the symmetry of the piece by reprising both the texture and added dominant seventh chord of the introduction.
  • Following the futuristic The Handmaid's Tale, Margaret Atwood's seventh novel, Cat's Eye, returns to more familiar territory.
  • In seventh place when it came to brains Cicero placed Cassius Longinus—“that barrel of lard”—who was sometimes called the fattest man in Rome. Imperium
  • Section one of chapter three hundred and seventy-two of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and eleven, as amended by section one of chapter two hundred and eighty-three of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and twelve, is hereby further amended by inserting after the word "substances", in the seventh line, the words: — or cocaine, alpha or beta eucaine, or any synthetic substitute for them, or any preparation containing the same, or any salts or compounds thereof, — by inserting after the word Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • The champion knocked Biggs out in the seventh round.
  • This is the seventh year in succession that they've won the cup.
  • the Byzantine period, between the fourth and seventh centuries A.D.
  • They emerged on top in our last round-up of filtering software, and this seventh version puts them even further ahead of the pack.
  • The fourth and fifth Lessons were read by two bishops, the sixth and seventh by the cardinals, the eighth by a subdeacon, and the ninth by the Pope himself. The Station at St Paul
  • The rose is the emblem of England and in heraldry is used as the mark of cadency for a seventh son.
  • The champion knocked Biggs out in the seventh round.
  • The stylised look of the film might be off-putting to those who demand photorealism above all in their special effects work, but anyone with the slightest affection for pulp SF serials or comics will be in seventh heaven.
  • Immigrants aren't the only ones embracing Seventh-day Adventism. Adventists' back-to-basics faith is fastest growing U.S. church
  • Near the end of seventh grade the teacher in gym class had us run, jump over a hurdle, and land on a mat head first while doing a roll.
  • On the tenth day of the seventh month there was a special annual ceremony of confession and atonement for sin.
  • Although this would-be seventh province need not share all of Border with its predecessors, it would be sure to share a certain subregion of Border (a subregion that is itself a line-segment) with each of the others.
  • His seventh and eighth symphonies get an occasional airing, as do the serenade for strings and the robust violin concerto.
  • At approximately the seventh week of gestation, the ventral and dorsal buds fuse.
  • Whether it be on the first date or the seventh, many single men don't take lightly to being refused a little hanky panky. Even if they say they're OK with it.
  • Ronald de Boer notched one in the seventh minute.
  • Mwitwa expressed happiness at the team that is being drilled by Japanese Judo expert sensei Hosui Sakaki, a seventh dan, saying they had responded well to the training.
  • Brahmagupta attempted to give the rules for arithmetic involving zero and negative numbers in the seventh century.
  • McCoy is cruising to his seventh consecutive jockey's championship.
  • Southampton should have registered a club record seventh successive League win but failed to turn their general superiority into goals.
  • Lady Florimel wept incessantly for three days; on the fourth she looked out on the sea and thought it very dreary; on the fifth she found a certain gratification in hearing herself called the marchioness; on the sixth she tried on her mourning, and was pleased; on the seventh she went with the funeral and wept again; on the eighth came Lady Bellair, who on the ninth carried her away. Malcolm
  • On the other hand, if by "brewski" you mean coffee, Seventh Avenue can accommodate you many times over, likewise if you're looking for a new cell phone, a manicure or a refi. Alfred Gingold: Thy Neighbor's Ass
  • Also, the Seventh-day Adventist church at the back of Golden Lane was damaged when a breadfruit tree crashed through the wall and landed on the altar.
  • But these days, she's also ‘Mrs. Kate,’ a folksy singer/songwriter recording her seventh album.
  • Roslea is the site of an ancient church and convent dating back to the seventh century.
  • Not one of them is written in the type of small, utilitarian script, called current minuscule, which was the common form of handwriting used in liturgical handbooks and schoolbooks in the seventh and eighth centuries.
  • We sense this as he remonstrates at one point by cellular phone with his parents in Tehran about a funeral at which he should be present, yet which he will have to miss, on account of his work, except for the seventh day of mourning.
  • Competing in his first ever octathlon, he recorded a fine score of 4,019 points for an individual seventh place.
  • It was the Czechs' seventh win in nine world championship games against its neighbor.
  • From the seventh month onwards, with adequate care, a child born before full term has a good chance of survival.
  • The region's three top spellers went head-to-head for four more rounds until Wyoming Seminary seventh-grader Benjamin Hornung was done in by "sorghum" - a type of grass or a syrup from the juice of a sorgo. Times Leader News
  • He was in his seventh heaven.
  • The Word, "the," being interlined between the seventh and eighth Lines of the first Page, the Word "Thirty" being partly written on an Erazure in the fifteenth Line of the first Page, The Words "is tried" being interlined between the thirty second and thirty third Lines of the first Page and the Word "the" being interlined between the forty third and forty fourth Lines of the second Page. Archive 2008-11-01
  • The Phoenicians were the pioneers in the seventh century BC, scouting for the imperial purple dye found in the murex sea snails of the Moroccan coast. Atlantic: A Vast Ocean of a Million Stories by Simon Winchester – review
  • Research has shown this to be the seventh occasion on which this club has been honoured by an address from you and this fact made me wonder whether perhaps you might be breaking a record of some sort and, indeed, I found that you are in rarified company. The State of the Economy
  • To pass 500 in your first innings but lose, and for a seventh time in eight championship games at that, is patently demoralising.
  • French workers are taking their rolling strike against planned pension reforms into its seventh day.
  • She completed the double in the seventh race where she shared favouritism at 6/4 with him.
  • Not in chambering and wantonness; not in any of those lusts of the flesh, those works of darkness, which are forbidden in the seventh commandment. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • The seventh track off of Purity of Essence!
  • Having had a poor run of three bogeys in four holes from the seventh, she had the consolation of a strong finish.
  • The motor on the outstroke crosses V-shaped parts about from one-sixth to one-seventh from the out end, the displacer charge now passing into the motor cylinder, displacing the exhaust gases by these ports and filling the cylinder and the space at the end of it with the explosive mixture. Scientific American Supplement, No. 484, April 11, 1885
  • Wasdin dueled Reynoso to a scoreless tie through six innings, but walked Greg Colbrunn to start a five-run seventh. National League Baseball - Diamondbacks vs. Rockies
  • For all my snark and displeasure, there are still some good things about the Complete Seventh Season.
  • Bellamy Road came out of his seventh-place finish in the Kentucky Derby with a splint injury and has not raced since.
  • However, the reality is that the figures still signal expansion for the seventh consecutive month even if the pace is easing somewhat.
  • There are six sites for development in Central Place, with the area opposite the Market Theatre constituting a seventh site.
  • An artillery battery belonging to the Seventh Virginia Regiment galloped after and did some damage.
  • Yet I have to say that its rigorous and intransigent atonal style with a preponderance of chromatic note clusters and major seventh and minor ninth intervals now seems outworn, its initial impact long dissipated.
  • Figure 27 Detail of purse lid from the early seventh-century ship burial at Sutton Hoo, Suffolk.
  • The Sparks increased their signature brutish nature to win their seventh consecutive game.
  • The building is covered by a reinforced concrete roof of mansard profile, which houses the seventh storey.
  • His unbeaten 46, scored in typically uncomplicated fashion, took the pressure off the becalmed Di Venuto in what could prove to have been a vital partnership of 74 for the seventh wicket. Durham 272-2, Nottinghamshire | County Championship day one match report
  • - Islam was introduced into China in the seventh century.
  • Alminova was seventh in the 1500 at the 2010 World Indoor Championships in Doha, Qatar but it was there that she was tested and her blood contained pseudoephedrine, a decongestant which is also a stimulant. Runner's World Racing News
  • Percussive rhythm and pointillist effects propel this chant-like song depicting death as a beautiful woman marching on a road of bleached bones; difficult intervals, many sevenths and ninths.
  • So , just before her seventh birthday, the family hired a private teacher --- Anne Sullivan.
  • Still he figured to have two more chances before the game ended when the big blowoff occurred in the seventh inning. ROB NEYER’S BIG BOOK OF BASEBALL LEGENDS
  • Preliminary Discourse, pp.xix. lxv. thought, about the seventh century, but was derived, it is claimed, from a more ancient work. 5 The book entitled "Revelations of Ardai Viraf" exists in Pehlevi probably of the fourth century, according to Troyer,6 and is believed to have been originally written in the Avestan tongue, though this is extremely doubtful. The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
  • Jamilla ranked seventh among the top goal scorers, with her teammate Kelly Ann on her heels.
  • They have since gone from strength tostrength, finishing seventh last term, and on Thursday they will takeon Wolfsburg in the Europa League quarter-finals. news feed
  • Tentatively identified by some experts as bounty from one of the wars that racked Middle England in the seventh and eighth centuries, they included sword pommels and dagger hilts, scabbard bosses and helmet cheekpieces, Christian crosses and figures of animals, eagles and fish. Starbulletin Headlines
  • The three-bedroom suite, which stretches over 2,500 sq ft on the seventh floor, has a 1,000 sq ft terrace with panoramic views of Lake Geneva, a real log fire and floor-to-ceiling bulletproof windows.
  • Potts nipped away, unsleeved a brittle record, Beethoven, something traditional, and set the adagio movement from the seventh into slow, crackling motion.
  • Fenagh kept in touch when adding their fourth point but this was cancelled out when Conor Redmond sent over their seventh point midway through the half.
  • Surprise! the seventh firm won the tender by a narrow margin.
  • Ingjald and his son Agnar, whom Bjarki slew; it is told a second time in the seventh book, where Hroar and Helgi are called Harald and Halfdan, and where the story about them is another version of the same story that we have in the _Hrólfssaga_. The Relation of the Hrolfs Saga Kraka and the Bjarkarimur to Beowulf A Contribution To The History Of Saga Development In England And The Scandinavian Countries
  • The commonwealth is now the fifth largest wine-producing state in the country and the seventh-largest commercial grape producer. McDonnell talks about the South's future
  • By cystotomy Reamy removed a double hair-pin from a woman pregnant six and a half months, without interruption, and according to Mann again, McClintock extracted stones from the bladder by the urethra in the fourth month of pregnancy, and Phillips did the same in the seventh month. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • The Seventh seems, in many ways, a summation of what has preceded it in the composer's symphonic oeuvre.
  • It remains to be seen whether America's king of the Tour is dethroned or retires at the very top with a seventh triumph.
  • Nearly every store on this wholesale strip between Sixth and Seventh avenues, it turns out, carries the notorious bumbershoot. 'An Awful, Awful Thing'
  • (These three stages of the single taste) cover the interval between the second - and seventh-level bhumi minds. Mahamudra Eliminating the Darkness of Unawareness ��� Part Four: Enhancing Your Practice
  • The series against the seventh-ranked Black Caps was a welcome relief after the Aussies suffered a 2-0 series defeat in India earlier in the month. | Top Stories
  • The reasons for cutting off funding don't so much involve "compunction" as whether the department has to fund sixth- and seventh-year students in order to meet the teaching expectations of the university. Mamas don't let your babies grow up to be PhDs!
  • Juan Pablo Montoya will start from fourth on the grid with his team mate Ralf Schumacher lining up in seventh position.
  • But a state budget shortfall of as much as $2 billion this year, a lingering hangover from the recession, has persuaded leaders in the Republican-dominated state Senate to seek new revenues, including a seventh-day boost from the so-called sin tax levied on liquor, wine and beer sales. Last Call for Dry Sundays
  • Owen later mirrors his father's retreat into the classical past by converting to Irish language purism, signalled by his decision to restore the seventh-century name of the Murren instead of Anglicizing it.
  • The seventh tone in diatonic scale in solfeggio.
  • He retired 17 consecutive batters from the second into the seventh innings.
  • Ryan came out of the bullpen with two outs in the seventh inning to relieve Pat Hentgen and proceeded to pick off Omar Infante at first base.

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