
How To Use Set out In A Sentence

  • I've seen leadership schools set out on the fringes, including one in an outpost of Jerusalem that teaches would-be messiahs to lead in the coming apocalypse.
  • It is best to set out all the circumstances that may lead to a deduction from wages and put these in the documentation you provide to employees. Times, Sunday Times
  • See, for example, the comments set out as notes under the entries for Thoosuchus and Yarengia.
  • The day before the event they will set out guide posts and will work from 8.30am to 4pm on the day, leading walkers on the route, manning checkpoints and providing information.
  • Charged they were that they worshipped an ass's head; which impious folly -- first fastened on the Jews by Tacitus, Hist., lib.v. cap. 1, in these words, "Effigiem animalis, quo monstrante errorem sitimque depulerant, penetrali sacravere" (having before set out a feigned direction received by a company of asses), which he had borrowed from Apion, a railing Egyptian of Alexandria [224] -- was so ingrafted in their minds that no defensative could be allowed. The Sermons of John Owen
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  • Harvard-educated Internet entrepreneur and cosmopolite Alex Vik and his wife, Carrie, set out to conjure up a comprehensive personal vision here that involves ranch life, sports, and luxury; a genuine sense of place; and a reach for something universal. Off the Beaten Track
  • Neither man has even come close to achieving what they set out to achieve - helping their party recover from its crash towards obliteration.
  • Clay, read how ishawooadescribed that round and think, high pressuer, could it have been an overcharge ... undercharge ... could the rifling been shot out at the chamber mouth .. all these can cause the indicators he listed, bullet set out alittle could not cause this "unless" there was an excessive gap at the chamber mouth. An Unequal Progress in Accuracy
  • Some of these commentators build up dialectics into an alternative to all previous forms of logic, something that supersedes such ordinary reasoning as the simple syllogistic form of argument set out on the first page of this chapter.
  • So, as John suggests, why won't they simply put the matter to rest by confirming or denying the facts as set out in the memos?
  • I have set out the relevant enactments above.
  • The swimming pool was decorated with fairy lights and floating candles and a table for the intimate party of 12 was set outside.
  • She pulled her sling out of her pack and gathered three or four appropriately sized stones and set out to find her dinner.
  • And this means that the theories of universally acting psychical repression, of the unconscious, of the endopsychic censor, of the significance of resistance and amnesia, of the employment of highly complicated and phantastic symbolism, of the manifestations of sexuality and so forth have been made use of in a high-handed, uncalled for, unnecessary and unscientific manner to prove the truth of the thesis with which the author set out upon his journey. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • The uncontradicted evidence of Mr. Hopkins was that they refused due to the termination policy set out in the contract proposed by Lithonia.
  • It also set out plans to cause many casualties by releasing the disease in crowded areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • They set out on the last stage of their journey.
  • I did not set out to earn a living as a house musician, title searcher, or trail blazer. Being Multi-faceted in a Two-Dimensional Society, part 2, with R. H. Phillips, Author of "Witness to a Crime"
  • Frank Debenham, T. Griffith T.ylor, T.yggve Gran and P.O. Robert Forde, the Second Western Party, set out from Cape Evans on December 14, 1911, to geologize in the area of Granite Harbour, and they built a rock shelter that they called Granite House, a name they took from a Jules Verne story. Terra Incognita
  • The morrice dancers accordingly set out upon their further progress, dancing and carolling as they went along to the sound of four musicians, who led the joyous band, while Simon Glover drew their coryphaeus into his house, and placed him in a chair by his parlour fire. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • The most obvious source of the necessary electrical energy would be solar panels set out on the lunar surface.
  • Handing down the legal equivalent of a rap on the knuckles, Judge Teare said the public might see his compassion as "impossibly lenient", but explained he had been swung by the moral standing of those arraigned before him, as set out by counsel of the defence in mitigation. Hugh Muir's diary
  • Now she determined once again to set out without him. The Ordeal of Elizabeth Marsh: A Woman in World History
  • Such duties would be set out in a statute and reinforced by a revised oath of office. Times, Sunday Times
  • We had lunch at my grandmother's place, and then set out for a nice relaxing drive along the Deeside road.
  • Today's white paper will set out a 10-point customer commitment charter aimed at recruiting the public in the battle against crime and anti social behaviour in their area.
  • Rip Van Winkle, a kindly, lazy, henpecked man, set out for a remote part of the Catskill Mountains.
  • Acting on reports from his scouts, Antony and the assassin Decimus Turullius set out with several legions and Galatian cavalry and defeated the leading legions; Octavian was compelled to halt. Antony and Cleopatra
  • Having again experienced, in November 2006, the joy and emotion of the personal and blessed participation of Your Holiness in the patronal feast of Constantinople, the commemoration of the St. Andrew the Apostle, the First Called, I set out "with a joyous step" from Fener in the New Rome, to come to you to participate in your joy in the patronal feast of Old Rome. Archive 2008-06-29
  • Shipowners and salvors, as hereinafter defined, may limit their liability in accordance with the rules of this Convention for claims set out in Article 2.
  • A comprehensive check list for matters to be dealt with in the terms of engagement letter is set out in Section 03.
  • And when day-break dawned and the star of morn appeared in sheen and shone, he broke up the sitting and, dismissing the youths, donned his court-dress and leaving his house set out for the palace of the The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Like any exploratory survey, the scientists are finding they have more questions now than when they set out.
  • Critical social research does not set out to find the "causes" of observed social phenomena. Critical Social Research
  • Firstly I must explain from the start that I manage an organisation called Two Sides, which has been set up by all sectors of the UK print and publishing industries to explore the Myths and set out the Facts about the Print and Paper industries which actually have a great environmental story to tell. Books, Ebooks and the Environment « Tales from the Reading Room
  • Even before the first wagon train set out he ventured as a mountain man among bacterial viruses.
  • They set out an estimable tuna salad perked up with toasted pine nuts.
  • At the micro level, there are a number of well-defined rules, set out in the Geneva Convention and other war crimes/war-fighting agreements.
  • A string of five rowing boats set out from the opposite bank.
  • They first set out to convert the heathen.
  • Making an effort to curb her impatience, she set out to explain. FINAL RESORT
  • These were the new readers the Irish Times had to attract in order to survive, and Gageby set out on a subtle course to achieve it.
  • How can a balance sheet of European colonialism in Africa be set out? The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • The government set out to destroy the organization root and branch.
  • That said, there are clear lacunae in the programme set out so far. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mudge and Roseroar had recovered completely from their insidiously induced lethargies and were eager to set out again. The Day of the Dissonance
  • Early Zionist leaders, from the late nineteenth century onwards, consciously set out to create a class of Jews who were the opposite of the Jews of the shtetl (the traditional Eastern European Jewish ghetto).
  • Following graduation from high school, he set out for Tokyo to prepare for university entrance examinations.
  • He checked the tank she had set out for him, tested the regulator, then tapped on the pressure gauge.
  • He wanted them to guarantee all bank deposits and set out a concrete timetable for action. Times, Sunday Times
  • He set out what each of the backers have to find. The Sun
  • Their bluegrass is very widely defined, and we were about to set out on tour when I said, "By the way, can you do this? Mike Ragogna: A Tiger Suit, Junip & Great Companions: Conversations with KT Tunstall, Dar Williams, and José González, plus a KT Video Exclusive
  • 1When the uproar had ended, Paul sent for the disciples and, after encouraging them, said good-by and set out for Macedonia.
  • The gaiety with which they had set out had somehow vanished; and yet there was no enmity or malice between them.
  • As I have said, it was meant in a conciliatory and friendly way in the context in which I have used the word throughout my life and as set out earlier in this Statement. The full FA report from the Luis Suárez Patrice Evra racism case
  • Then he heard that bigger prawns were to be found in Libya, and set out immediately.
  • So instead you set out either to strengthen your position or to undermine his.
  • For the pioneers who set out to confront these lands, following trailblazers like Daniel Boone, the conquest of the West is a story of courage and hardship that forges the character of America.
  • The history of this is in fact set out in the joint judgment of Justices Gummow and Hayne in Angas Law Services.
  • The rights conferred were only rights to residence for the specific purpose set out. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's not like any of us back then set out with this grand idea in our heads, like, ‘We're going to make trance music and be huge.’
  • The Select Committee has taken an interest and has recognised that we have fully funded the programme that we set out.
  • The prince and he then performed the ablution, and the prayer enjoined, which is called Farz; and that done, they set out. The Arabian Nights Entertainments - Complete
  • The traditional budget ensures compliance with the conditions set out in the appropriations; that is, it acts as a control mechanism.
  • The management board has set out its goals/plans/proposals for the coming year.
  • In fact the specific problem which he set out to solve was to find two mean proportionals between two straight lines.
  • He set out to meet them at Stamford Bridge as arranged and arrived at the appointed place first.
  • We set out to determine exactly what happened that night.
  • Your contract will set out the terms and conditions of your employment.
  • You haven't set out your ideas very clearly in this essay.
  • They set out the tea-things on one of the little tables, feeling a mutual need to discuss Mem'sab's strange proposition. Werehunter
  • The fishermen set out at sunset for a night's fishing.
  • Your Honours will see section 61 set out at page 412 at the bottom in the footnote on the page.
  • We set out over the past year to refute those people who said we couldn't do more than one thing at a time.
  • In order to examine these submissions it is necessary now to set out the relevant legislation.
  • Before we come to the words used, I set out the judge's findings on malice.
  • We will set out more details in due course. Times, Sunday Times
  • Are our lives so full of colour and drama that we must set out to make them greyer and more boring?
  • You are invited to provide Architectural Services for the above project and to carry out all necessary duties in connection therewith and as set out hereunder.
  • daringly, he set out on a camping trip in East Africa
  • The ... Act ... set out an entirely new regime for new lettings where they involved absentee landlords.
  • The tables were higgledy-piggledy, and the whole place was set out as if it had originally been as unlike a café as it was possible to be, and the owner had hastily attempted to correct this.
  • Then he chose out an hundred of the doughtiest riders, and he and Sharrkan and the Minister Dandan set out for the hermitage, and the hundred horsemen led the mules with chests for transporting the treasure. — The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Got the ticket and set out on the road again at a very sedate pace and being very careful with my driving.
  • For the reasons set out in the judgment of Staughton L.J. I would reject that contention.
  • That night it stormed again and in the morning they set out through the driving rain, though the thunder and lightning had stopped.
  • We now set out to climb the hill.
  • And her inquisitor was the so-called 'Birther Bishop', Anabaptist minister Ron McCrae, who is deeply opposed to Obama, and - say critics - cynically set out to trap her. Home | Mail Online
  • The moollah armed them, the companions embraced, and they set out on their journey amid the acclamations of the whole crowd. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 330, April 1843
  • It's about a recovering paedophile and I don't think people could stomach it - especially as it doesn't set out to explain, only portray.
  • The first rule, set out in the first sentence of the first paragraph, is of a general nature and enunciates the principle of peaceful enjoyment of property.
  • In relation to counsel's fees, there were a number of advices that have not been set out in the schedule.
  • Set out tender bedding plants such as petunias and marigolds after the last frost of spring.
  • For the reasons set out in the unrevised judgment, which I now hand down, this appeal is dismissed.
  • Set out tender bedding plants such as petunias and marigolds after the last frost of spring.
  • Consider the impact it will have on your own life and set out parameters. Times, Sunday Times
  • But when you set out to capture moments, digital cameras and camcorders win hands down.
  • We had set out reluctantly on a Friday evening at the end of a hard working week through a wintry countryside glittering with frost and wreathed in freezing mist.
  • In terms of the aims set out in 1955, it can be said that green belt policies have been fairly successful.
  • The study set out to examine bias in television news coverage.
  • She came back in October and set out to rearrange her wedding for a third time.
  • I was an investigative journalist and set out to ascertain the facts about violence in South Africa. Times, Sunday Times
  • He will be the key player in the meetings of the Conference of the Presidents, which meets monthly to set out the agenda for the sittings of the European Parliament.
  • It can soon become apparent that the individual is having difficulty meeting the expectations set out in the new position. The Sun
  • The results are set out, with misprints, in two tables, and Boyle's conclusion was that the experimental findings matched the predicted results very well in the case of compression, less well in the case of rarefaction. Sticky Wants to Grab
  • After three years as cembalist and conductor at the Italian opera in London, he set out upon a tour as virtuoso. A Popular History of the Art of Music From the Earliest Times Until the Present
  • He and his best camel and its driver were gone, but all his people and servants and _oont-wallahs_ [27] were in the _serai_, [28] and said they knew not where he was, but had received a _hookum_ [29] over-night to set out that day for Mekran Kot. Driftwood Spars The Stories of a Man, a Boy, a Woman, and Certain Other People Who Strangely Met Upon the Sea of Life
  • We've spelled out our plans, we've set out our spending plans for the next six years.
  • Between the outbuildings, we glimpsed tables and chairs set out beneath a canopy of mulberry trees in the courtyard. Times, Sunday Times
  • Documents rarely set out to trick historians, but they can bamboozle the unwary at every turn.
  • While there is no evidence to suggest that embroiderers set out to comment on their source material, their works do nevertheless point to the ways in which the mass media may influence readers' thoughts and ideas.
  • People claimed that the precedent set out by the sleeper hit in 1998 was finally superseded.
  • After salvaging a round of 70 thanks to two late birdies, Woods will set out this afternoon with Sergio Garcia in a reprise of the 1999 US PGA Championship at Medinah.
  • He set out to make it quicker, less cluttered, less cosy. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was an investigative journalist and set out to ascertain the facts about violence in South Africa. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite an in auspicious start to the holiday, holidaymakers were undaunted and set out in their thousands to the various resorts.
  • The principal authority on which we rely for that view is conveniently set out in the bundle of materials that the appellant has provided to the Court.
  • The coroner said he was not proposing to set out a list of recommendations to hospitals.
  • She set out to break the world record.
  • At that time, I will try to set out what I think are the chief merits and demerits of our Constitutional proposal.
  • A group of human heroes and villains set out to respectively save or exploit the situation.
  • Microlights have at last achieved what they set out to be: a largely reliable and relatively cheap way to fly.
  • ‘Leaflets could set out clearly the pros and cons of Caesareans,’ she said.
  • And there was afterwards writ a proper and careful treatise, and did set out that there did be ruptures of the Æther, the which did constitute doorways, as those more fanciful ones did name them; and through these shatterings, which might be likened unto openings -- there being no better word to their naming -- there did come into this Particular Condition Of Life, those Monstrous Forces Of Evil, that did dominate the Night, and which many did hold surely to have been given this improper entrance through the foolish and unwise wisdom of those olden men of learning, that did meddle overfar with matters that did reach in the end beyond their understanding. The Night Land: Chapter 7
  • I won't set out to cultivate Mark or to make anything special of him. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • When I had swum a while -- how many breaths I cannot say, for I did not draw breath -- I recalled the undine and set out to find her. The Urth of the New Sun
  • The new statute had set out the management arrangements governing the institutions which the county authority had taken over.
  • Before considering any of the decided cases, we must set out the relevant statutory code.
  • I should record, however, that I am unpersuaded by the reasons for delay set out at the end of the Form 86A. I accept, of course, that the merits of the argument may also be relevant in deciding whether or not the time limits should be extended.
  • The rest bring their own pruning saws, chainsaws, rakes, trimmers, blowers and whatever else is needed and do the work that is set out in the yearly planner.
  • So when the Siamese need rain, they set out their idols in the blazing sun; but if they want dry weather, they unroof the temples and let the rain pour down on the idols. Chapter 5. The Magical Control of the Weather. § 2. The Magical Control of Rain
  • As I have set out above, the school has for many years taught pupils from a wide variety of ethnic origins, cultural backgrounds and religious faiths.
  • It is the recognition of this that has further compelled the proponents of cosmopolitan democracy to set out their case.
  • From 1816, General Aleksey Yermolov set out to subjugate the mountain peoples, building forts south of the Terek and founding the fortress city of Grozny “Menacing”. The Return
  • This policy must set out out the aims of mobile working and the limitations that must be imposed. Times, Sunday Times
  • In May of 1985, Simpson and his partner Simon Yates set out to scale the west face of Siula Grande, a hitherto unclimbed peak in Peru.
  • A pathetically forlorn figure, he set out to destroy all traces of the religion of his ancestors.
  • He set out to visit every one of them and he did just that repeatedly, criss-crossing the state like a country singer on tour.
  • If we set out with that high ideal which would seem to be demanded as a characteristic of a great religious teacher, and certainly of one claiming to be a prophet of God, we ought to expect that his character would steadily improve in all purity, humanity, truthfulness, charity, and godlikeness. Oriental Religions and Christianity A Course of Lectures Delivered on the Ely Foundation Before the Students of Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1891
  • The fifth submarine, beset by a broken gyrocompass, did not set out until 05.30 and would spend most of the day travelling in circles. Sealing Their Fate
  • Whilst Marx appears to make use of something like the stratified and transformational ontology set out above, he adds another element: the ontology is also fetishized.
  • A comprehensive checklist for matters to be dealt with in the terms of engagement letter is set out in Chapter 03.
  • Communists set out to construct heaven on earth, and built hell.
  • Jesus was a man, of illegitimate birth, of a benevolent heart, and an enthusiastic mind, who set out without pretensions of divinity, ended in believing them, and was punished capitally for sedition by being gibbeted according to the Roman law. Global Democracy and the Rise of the King of Darkness
  • But I rebel against the impoverished imagination and ambition of some of what passes for popular fiction and TV and film drama; and it’s in that spirit of rebellion that I set out to write a book full of ‘moreness’. The Big Idea: Philip Palmer « Whatever
  • A statement from the school said Mr Munro had achieved what he had set out to do, having overseen its transition from an all-age boarding school to a junior day school with a new nursery.
  • Children will profit from drill in and out of school in the science of avoiding offense and of giving happiness, but unless the categories -- _acts that give offense_ and _acts that give happiness_ -- are wide enough to include the main acts committed in the normal relations of son, companion, employer, husband, father, and citizen, those who set out to avoid alcohol and tobacco find themselves ill equipped to carry the obligations of a temperate, law-abiding citizen. Civics and Health
  • Bell set out to catalog species according to their ecology and their sexuality.
  • We set out at a cracking pace and met only charabancs overloaded with defiant voters.
  • Yet there is a mood and a mindset out there that will be hard to change.
  • One hundred and one years ago, three men set out to see some penguins. Times, Sunday Times
  • "We didn't set out to be an emo band," says the bassist.
  • Some of the most complex but decisive concepts in modern physics and mathematics are set out with lucidity and concise elegance. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The company has set out to prove once again that it can not only compete with Hollywood at their own game, but create glossy miniseries that feel like feature films.
  • Secondly, if this meeting was only to do with matters arising from procedure concerning the Speaker's Statement, why does Harriett Harperson's amanuensis set out in extenso an agenda that can only be germane to a discussion of the substance of the Speaker's proposed statement, under the heading 'Parliamentary Privilege: Four Principles'? Archive 2008-11-30
  • A pathetically forlorn figure, he set out to destroy all traces of the religion of his ancestors.
  • In a remarkable letter of application, he set out his reasons in detail.
  • “You will observe, Sir,” Morris summed up, that “we set out in this war without arms, ammunition, clothing or stores of any kind, without money or credit except with our own people, that despising the practices of the most experienced Nations, We determined to pursue the purest principles of Economy in our own way, until we have by dear-bought experience learned that we knew almost nothing about the matter.” Robert Morris
  • Tolstoy set out for Germany in 1857, anxious to study social conditions that he might learn how to raise the hapless serfs of Russia, bound, patient and inarticulate, at the feet of landowners, longing for independence, perhaps, when they suffered any terrible act of injustice, but patient in the better times when there was food and warmth and a master of comparatively unexacting temper. Heroes of Modern Europe
  • The final section of the show featured a miniature artist's office, with file cabinet, worktable, chair and wastebasket all set out on a funky full-sized work table.
  • It doesn't set out to break any boundaries but blends styles together into a very listenable mish-mash. The Sun
  • In fact the constitution of 1787 set out to do the opposite: to bolster the centre and weaken the power the states had briefly enjoyed under the new republic’s Articles of Confederation of 1777.
  • The Principles set out a number of attractive goals: cooperative management-labor relations, an end to union corruption and corporativism, and enhanced economic performance.
  • The rights conferred were only rights to residence for the specific purpose set out. Times, Sunday Times
  • He may deliberately set out to corner the market, but do so by buying at legitimate market prices.
  • She was Tim's first choice when he set out to find the perfect engagement ring for the woman he loved.
  • In everything else it is the same as the dipteral, but inside it has two tiers of columns set out from the wall all round, like the colonnade of The Ten Books on Architecture
  • My plans for the firm have been set out in this document.
  • The information is set out in a simple, user-friendly format with clear instructions.
  • The intention of the policy is to protect the roading network from premature structural detrition and procedures for loadings are set out.
  • The Education Act of 1870 set out to provide elementary schools for children up to a minimum age of ten throughout the country.
  • My headset outlines a dim humanoid shape that I would not normally be able to have seen.
  • The expedition set out for the upper reaches of the Amazon.
  • In this poem you set out to write a versified treatise on ‘man, on nature and on human life’, which is bound to be an overwhelming subject.
  • Are our lives so full of colour and drama that we must set out to make them greyer and more boring?
  • Are these cruel jibes really justified, do I really set out to shock? Times, Sunday Times
  • They had been set out on a table in the hugeous to anyone around them. Unexpected Complications
  • That's the conceit of filmmaker Jeffrey Blitz, who set out with digital video camera in hand to document the 1999 U.S. National Spelling Bee championship.
  • Their policies set out to reshape the welfare system.
  • The guests swarmed round the tables where the food was set out.
  • I set out towards the local hostelry for a restorative.
  • A certain hunter, having snared a hare, placed it upon his shoulders and set out homewards.
  • Hohhot is the capital city of the Inner Mongolia region of northern China, and the home of Anda Union, a 10-piece band who have set out to preserve Mongolian culture with its stirring musical styles that should prove remarkably accessible to western audiences. Anda Union: The Wind Horse – review
  • It was the first train journey that we were going to set out on, ofcourse a pilgrimage. Methi na Thepla
  • Their wives set out with candlelit mangel-wurzels - and put the frighteners on their stop-out spouses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Belief and conviction brings energy and drive because there is a clear objective set out before the players and they know where they are going. The Sun
  • I set out to make a dance record which was listenable at home and in the club that was varied in its sounds and emotions. The Sun
  • The loss of a reparable asset out of the base-level maintenance system was unacceptable.
  • In February 2007, a team including Thornton prepared to set out from Boulder for a research cruise from Long Island Sound to Iceland via Norway.
  • N Note the support and educational measures intended to increase compliance with the Written Professional Standards set out in paragraph 71 above.
  • Malton appointed a town centre manager and set out to raise the profile of its shopping centre two years ago because of an alarming drift of customers to supermarkets outside Scarborough and York.
  • This lash-up, especially with its unfortunate geographical proximity to MacArthur's forces, set out a dual challenge for Ghormley: coordination of his own land- and sea-based air forces and coordination between theater commands.
  • Armed with this and with the running data from instruments he set out to calculate the hyperboloid by which he intended to pass the Sun. The Past Through Tomorrow
  • Eight years ago, the partners set out to control their own destinies and were able to do so thanks to an "angel investor" - a silent partner who'd made his own fortune in the restaurant business.
  • He set out on the lonely road to stardom early in life.
  • As planned, I set up a base camp in the north of the park and set out to study the two largest lemurs, Propithecus diadema diadema (commonly known as the diademed sifaka) and Indri indri (commonly known as the indri).
  • The new standards adopted will go a long way towards protecting human health, as they set out new, maximum limits for lead in fish, cadmium in rice, marine bivalve molluscs and cephalopods.
  • They set out as one thing and went through a handbrake turn. Times, Sunday Times
  • I never set out to strip your clothes off and apply a depilatory. THE LAST PLACE
  • The actual demands set out in the document are small beer indeed.

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