How To Use Serialization In A Sentence
One potential source was Salmond himself, who recently earned 20,000 smackers for a newspaper serialisation.
Object serialization used to sequence of the disk file.
Written in short lengths for newspaper serialization, the autobiography is not a literary masterpiece, but it is the more impressive because of the commonplaceness of much of its material.
RMI uses object serialization to marshal and unmarshal parameters and does not truncate types, supporting true object-oriented polymorphism.
In two serialisations, thousands of words of reportage and endless interviews, its author succeeded in guaranteeing that once it reached the bookstands, his book would be a blockbuster.

Application failed during request deserialization:
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Serialization of products, product standardization and management standardization, users can satisfy of different technical requirements.
And that's where the money lies - in newspaper serialisations.
This story would lend itself well to serialization on television
I could move toward total serialization, or I could move toward some reunderstanding of the chromatic situation in twelve-tone music.
It would have been a perfect way to explore the medium, to use blog serialization as a kind of compositional pallete to write the novel.
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It may mean their deserialization, their withdrawal from the use of society altogether, or their more imperfect use.
Letters of Franklin K. Lane
Invoking these methods in reverse order is important because it allows inner objects to finish their deserialization before the outer objects that contain them finish their deserialization.
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They may demand plays and book serialisations and properly researched programmes.
He is perturbed to have been the subject of newspaper serialisation.
· Pluggable class resolvers, making it easy to customize classloader policy, by implementing a small interface (rather than having to subclass the Object*Stream classes) · Pluggable object replacement (also without subclassing) · Pluggable predefined class tables, which can dramatically decrease stream size and serialization time for stream types which frequently use a common set of classes
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That novel was popularized further through a television serialization in 1990.
Similarly, when you deserialize a set of objects, the formatter calls all of the objects' methods that are attribute, then it deserializes all of the object's fields, and then it calls all of the objects' methods marked with the Note also that during deserialization, when a formatter sees a type offering a method marked with the OnDeserialized attribute, the formatter adds this object's reference to an internal list.
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This, and some of the later novels in the series, first appeared as serialisations in The San Fransisco Chronicle.
This allows the items to complete deserialization so that all their fields are initialized properly, allowing a good hash code value to be calculated.
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They frequently published pirated serialisations of Dickens's novels, garnering extra sales for their papers without paying him a cent.
Similarly, when you deserialize a set of objects, the formatter calls all of the objects' methods that are attribute, then it deserializes all of the object's fields, and then it calls all of the objects' methods marked with the Note also that during deserialization, when a formatter sees a type offering a method marked with the OnDeserialized attribute, the formatter adds this object's reference to an internal list.
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His recently completed thriller, Primacy, is available through Paul Bresnick Literary Agency, and his genre-busting mystery, Cadaver Blues, can be found in weekly serialization at The Nervous Breakdown.
The Nervous Breakdown
NET profile manager uses XML serialization to serialize and deserialize custom types.