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  1. publication in serial form

How To Use serialization In A Sentence

  • One potential source was Salmond himself, who recently earned 20,000 smackers for a newspaper serialisation.
  • Object serialization used to sequence of the disk file.
  • Written in short lengths for newspaper serialization, the autobiography is not a literary masterpiece, but it is the more impressive because of the commonplaceness of much of its material.
  • RMI uses object serialization to marshal and unmarshal parameters and does not truncate types, supporting true object-oriented polymorphism.
  • In two serialisations, thousands of words of reportage and endless interviews, its author succeeded in guaranteeing that once it reached the bookstands, his book would be a blockbuster.
  • Application failed during request deserialization: December « 2008 « everything e-diotic
  • Serialization of products, product standardization and management standardization, users can satisfy of different technical requirements.
  • And that's where the money lies - in newspaper serialisations.
  • This story would lend itself well to serialization on television
  • I could move toward total serialization, or I could move toward some reunderstanding of the chromatic situation in twelve-tone music.
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