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How To Use Sentimentalism In A Sentence

  • The cynical sentimentalism only serves to make it more sickening.
  • The note is not only not a declaration of war or the prelude to a declaration of war, but a species midway of humanitarian sentimentalism and lawyerlike arguments which can have, at least for the present, but one consequence, that of encouraging Germany in intransigentism -- that is, the maintenance of her point of view regarding naval warfare. New York Times Current History; The European War, Vol 2, No. 4, July, 1915 April-September, 1915
  • I think we should be as maudlin as we like and embrace our sentimentalism.
  • Shortly, thereafter, sentimentalism became prominent in other genres.
  • The feeling that I would have you obey for your soul's sake and without which you are but half alive, is not the blind passion of an oversexed sentimentalism. The Kempton-Wace Letters
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  • The Waltons and their family-friendly, values-based sentimentalism led the charge for an entire brigade of sentimental sap.
  • The anarchic comedy of these performers effectively tempers Baxter's tendency towards deferential sentimentalism.
  • It is meant to act as a check on the problematic impulses of romance and sentimentalism.
  • His vision of the landscape was subjected to dreamy sentimentalism and romantic anecdote, rather than being acknowledged for its experimentalism and social content.
  • Representing croppers who aspired to the middle class (whether accurate or not) was essential to the sentimentalism of the documentary form.
  • The sentimentalism novel, together with other novel types, has facilitated the Chinese novel narrative from the tradition to the modern.
  • It is a ridiculous sentimentalism that would deny ourselves oil that is peacefully attainable because it risks disrupting the breeding grounds of Arctic reindeer.
  • Here, however, there was a change in tone, from the objective, old-style sporting picture, still practised by James Ward and others into the 1850s, towards open sentimentalism.
  • The latter's sugary European sentimentalism wouldn't matter, but for his position as one of Ireland's three members on the Convention on the Future of Europe.
  • Kudos to federal judges Pollack and Baer for not bending to the victimology and sentimentalism of the times.
  • The difference between great sentimentalism like Yesterday, Hey Jude or Let it Be and schmaltz is subtle but huge and the talent to pull it off is very rare. Matthew Yglesias » Mead: Obama Doomed to Fail for Refusing to Fit My Arbitrary Classification Scheme
  • Through Mrs Swille, the novel hints at the weaknesses of a culture that has long been, and remains, rooted in sentimentalism and melodrama.
  • The sentimentalism novel, together with other novel types, has facilitated the Chinese novel narrative from the tradition to the modern.
  • The plot's got a great deal of emotional heft to it, but never descends into mindless sentimentalism.
  • The poems of Goeckingk contain allusions [30] to Sterne, to be sure partly indistinctive and insignificant, which, however, tend in the main to a ridicule of the Yorick cult and place their author ultimately among the satirical opponents of sentimentalism. Laurence Sterne in Germany A Contribution to the Study of the Literary Relations of England and Germany in the Eighteenth Century
  • Furthermore, Crane's prose denies the consolations of sentimentalism, in which the less fortunate are cast as inferior objects of pity and condescension.
  • There is a ridiculous nature-boy sentimentalism that with increasing force is taking over.
  • Marx detested romanticism, emotionalism, sentimentalism and humanitarianism of any kind.
  • Marx detested romanticism, emotionalism, sentimentalism and humanitarianism of any kind.
  • Similarly, while those watching in 1940 saw a radical indictment, many modern critics have written Ford's film off as hollow, conservative sentimentalism.
  • Many scholars of nineteenth-century sentimentalism have noted the relation between sentimentalism and the marketplace.
  • Before you turn the page, wondering why I've chosen such a dreadful piece of sugary sentimentalism for this week's painting, give Greuze's grieving girl a second glance.
  • Scholars of nineteenth-century sentimentalism note the radical universalism underlying sentimental discourse as well as the broad values of political and social equality it assumes.
  • Taylor's funk-influenced style hearkens back to the days when Motown was pounding out hit after soulful hit, without relying on sentimentalism or retro-chic.
  • The dialogue is often poignant and moving, but the play is never allowed to slip into sentimentalism.
  • But it does not extend infinitely, as false sentimentalism would have us believe.
  • But on the subject of American slavery, film-makers have always had an enormous sea of sentimentalism and melodrama to cross before even considering the subject.
  • The saga novels in Ming and Qing dynasties were always permeated with a strong sentimentalism. Tragic theme is the common feature of the novels of this kind.
  • This is one of those comedies that aims for small time targets, hits them and packs both sadness and affection in spades into its well edited 80 minute running time, without resorting to unnecessary sentimentalism.
  • Literary sentimentalism and the adventure tale after Defoe, with its mixed narrative mode of thrilling episode and pious reflection, also influenced the rhetoric of the slave narrative.
  • Thomson's denunciation of the slave trade, and of cruelty to animals, especially the caging of birds and the coursing of hares; his preference of country to town; his rhapsodies on domestic love and the innocence of the Golden Age; his contrast between the misery of the poor and the heartless luxury of the rich; all these features of the poem foretoken the sentimentalism of Sterne and Goldsmith, and the humanitarianism of A History of English Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century
  • With the work of Richardson and the ensuing wave of sentimentalism that swept through Europe, the emotionalism attributed to women was placed in a new interpretative framework.
  • All kinds of expectations and connotations lie embedded in ‘comedy’: for example, the trap of sentimentalism.
  • This vanishing reflects both the culture's increasing intolerance of sentimentalism and mainstream comics' marginalizing of women readers.
  • It had not come as they expected it would come, nor as the intelligentzia desired it; but it had come—rough, strong, impatient of formulas, contemptuous of sentimentalism; real…. Chapter 5. Plunging Ahead
  • Thus some complain that it is a gloomy religion; others go to the opposite extreme and accuse it of pointing to a state of perpetual chocolate cream; yet again it is attacked on grounds of effeminancy, it is upbraided as being fond of a sickly sentimentalism. Gilbert Keith Chesterton
  • Lessing, Wieland, Herder, Goethe, and Schiller (Wil - helm Münch, “Über den Begriff des Klassikers” in Zum deutschen Kultur - und Bildungsleben, Berlin [1912]), an extremely heterogeneous group of which Klopstock today would appear to belong to what is usually called sentimentalism; Lessing, in spite of his polemics against the practices of French tragedy, is a ration - alistic classicist who worshipped Aristotle; Wieland is rather a man of the Enlightenment whose art strikes us often as rococo; Herder would seem an irrationalistic preromantic. CLASSICISM IN LITERATURE
  • That sentimentalism still can be felt in the emotional landscape of America.
  • Mixing sentimentalism and human rights, however, remains just as potent a formula in the twenty-first century as the nineteenth.
  • Bai Xianyong's particular personal life experience, his sentimental character and the Chinese traditional literary aesthetic views imbue his fiction creations with dense sentimentalism.
  • Bai Xianyong's particular personal life experience, his sentimental character and the Chinese traditional literary aesthetic views imbue his fiction creations with dense sentimentalism.
  • Sickly sentimentalism about sacrifice for others!
  • Planted between chromatic saxophone swells, honeydew tongues of piano and eddying synth pulses, the childish coo of Caroline Lufkin discloses a fey, unabashed sentimentalism that is hard to dislike.
  • It may be too sweet for some, but this type of understated solidarity is the only kind of sentimentalism I can really bear.
  • NATURAL phenomenon of human life brings us to the scientifical source of ethics and I prove that the so-called “highest ideals of humanity” have nothing of “sentimentalism” or of the “_super_natural” in them, but are exclusively the _fulfilment_ of the _natural laws_ for the _human class of life_. Manhood of Humanity.

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