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  1. a predilection for sentimentality
  2. the excessive expression of tender feelings, nostalgia, or sadness in any form

How To Use sentimentalism In A Sentence

  • The cynical sentimentalism only serves to make it more sickening.
  • The note is not only not a declaration of war or the prelude to a declaration of war, but a species midway of humanitarian sentimentalism and lawyerlike arguments which can have, at least for the present, but one consequence, that of encouraging Germany in intransigentism -- that is, the maintenance of her point of view regarding naval warfare. New York Times Current History; The European War, Vol 2, No. 4, July, 1915 April-September, 1915
  • I think we should be as maudlin as we like and embrace our sentimentalism.
  • Shortly, thereafter, sentimentalism became prominent in other genres.
  • The feeling that I would have you obey for your soul's sake and without which you are but half alive, is not the blind passion of an oversexed sentimentalism. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • The Waltons and their family-friendly, values-based sentimentalism led the charge for an entire brigade of sentimental sap.
  • The anarchic comedy of these performers effectively tempers Baxter's tendency towards deferential sentimentalism.
  • It is meant to act as a check on the problematic impulses of romance and sentimentalism.
  • His vision of the landscape was subjected to dreamy sentimentalism and romantic anecdote, rather than being acknowledged for its experimentalism and social content.
  • Representing croppers who aspired to the middle class (whether accurate or not) was essential to the sentimentalism of the documentary form.
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