
How To Use Sente In A Sentence

  • This came out of an investigation he was carrying out into when a ternary quartic form could be represented as the sum of five fourth powers of linear forms.
  • Come to think of it, it should read "sententia" but you managed to misspell in Latin the word you misspelled in English. When Latin Tattoos Go Wrong
  • It's a bit unexpected not to include any measures of syntactic complexity - even something as simple as mean sentence length.
  • Second, that the entire Reichstag assented to the declarations made by the speakers on Tuesday that the Emperor had exceeded his constitutional prerogatives in private discussion with foreigners concerning Germany's attitude on controverted questions. New York Times Current History: The European War from the Beginning to March 1915, Vol 1, No. 2 Who Began the War, and Why?
  • After the introductory parts, the book begins with a summary of the scientific papers presented at the seminar.
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  • Many of the ideas presented are on the cutting edge and deal with anything from abstract concepts to fiddlehead ferns, from a number to numeral, from software to the nuts and bolts of a computer.
  • I'm sure there will be a generous amount of worthies stepping forward to parse every sentence, on the eternal quest for the definitive admission that it's over.
  • Running parallel to this tempestuous relationship is the whirlwind romance between weathergirl Hero, played by Billie Piper, and sports presenter Claude.
  • How many of us diagrammed sentences in middle school? The Volokh Conspiracy » It’s Not the Crime, It’s the Cover-Up — Sestak Edition
  • Thos who eat most are not always fattest; those who read most,[sentence dictionary] not always wisest. 
  • So, the system of existential graphs actually requires three dimensions for its representations, although the third dimension in which the torus is embedded can usually be represented in two dimensions by the use of pictorial devices that Peirce called “fornices” or “tunnel-bridges” and by the use of identificational devices that Peirce called Nobody Knows Nothing
  • Proverbs are short sentences drawn from long experience. 
  • So I'm pleased to introduce our first presenter , one of the stars of Traffic , Catherine Zeta - Jones .
  • In writing poetry, one is unfettered by the normal rules of sentence structure.
  • Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
  • In the end the sentence-for criminal conspiracy, corruption and bribery-was a compromise.
  • In the first sentence, the ship is described as a frigate, which has a pretty strong military connotation. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » The Five Page Challenge!
  • Defence lawyers routinely accuse victims who failed to make 'vigorous enough' protests, as in fact having consented.
  • This so-called ‘prop it’ is a dummy subject, serving merely to fill a structural need in English for a subject in a sentence.
  • Tessa Morris-Suzuku of Australian National University perhaps the most widely known Australian historian of Japan presented a paper on colonial Karafuto, one of many topics she is currently researching. 2007: Japan Top Ten Year in Review
  • That notion identifies heritability with the regression of the offspring phenotype on the parental (or biparental mean in the case of sexual reproduction), where both phenotypes are presented as z-scores (i.e., set to mean = 0 and standard deviation = 1). Miss Winter Solstice
  • A notice posted on the chapel of Carrigtwohill, calling one of those meetings, warned such as absented themselves that they would be marked men, as there was famine in the parish, and they should have food or blood. The History of the Great Irish Famine of 1847 (3rd ed.) (1902) With Notices of Earlier Irish Famines
  • Shock,(sentence dictionary) horror! Carl James was seen talking to a woman and it wasn't his wife.
  • The Atherton Gardens estate has presented endemic problems for social planning since its development.
  • He presented with a 24 hour history of right-sided chest pain which seemed to be temporally related to a recent bout of coughing.
  • Among the flowers most commonly represented are roses, lilies, fleurs-de-lis, and sunflowers.
  • He is serving a life sentence with a minimum of eight years. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a life sentence without parole. The Sun
  • We just managed to win,[Sentence dictionary] but it was a close thing.
  • The Bantustans represented an imposed tribalism, with indigenous Africans forcibly displaced onto reservations carved out of the country's poorest land.
  • Irvine has presented a detailed analysis of the controversy regarding the role of these two inositol phosphates in regulating calcium entry.
  • Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
  • A 35-year-old Briton languishing in a Bangkok jail under sentence of death for a crime he says he did not commit is planning to protest his innocence by refusing to plead for a royal pardon.
  • Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
  • From the first, these universal histories represented both scientific advances and political and religious challenges.
  • He did in these extremities, as I conceive, most humbly recommend the direction of his judicial proceedings to the upright judge of judges, God Almighty; did submit himself to the conduct and guideship of the blessed Spirit in the hazard and perplexity of the definitive sentence, and, by this aleatory lot, did as it were implore and explore the divine decree of his goodwill and pleasure, instead of that which we call the final judgment of a court. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Two distinct linguistic groups are represented here. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
  • At a recent function in the village's memorial hall, the residents presented her with a bouquet of flowers and £910 that had been collected in the community.
  • One of the most significant concerns presented by opponents is that suicide ideation is most likely a symptom of psychopathology.
  • During that period of time, he made numerous court appearances, sometimes unrepresented and other times represented by counsel.
  • In such instances, dissenters have a chance to go beyond a statement of what they, in theory, would do on an issue.
  • After the triumph followed the faire Parthenopeian _Leria_, with a lawrell crowne, accompanied with _Melanthia_, whose habites and voices represented the pride of Greece, [A] whereupon the great Macedon rested his head: She bare a splendent lampe, communicating the light thereof with hir companion, then the rest more excellent both in voice and song. Hypnerotomachia The Strife of Loue in a Dreame
  • The legislative branch consists of a bicameral legislation in which all people and ethnicities can be represented.
  • The dependent clause functions as a substitution item in a frame, the frame being the rest of the sentence.
  • This initially meant they were loath to adopt a reportage style, preferring empty streets and unobscured buildings, with people represented only to provide an area of scale or as pure portraiture.
  • Some were serving life sentences for murder.
  • Objective To study the event-related potential N400 character of semantic matching of sentence-ending words in childhood and adolescent schizophrenia.
  • But the bourgeois and the coalitionist press represented this movement as a pogromist, counter-revolutionary affair, and, at the same time, as a Bolshevist crusade, the immediate object of which was to seize the reins of Government by the use of armed force against the Central Executive Committee. From October to Brest-Litovsk
  • Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
  • Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
  • Analyses were also performed by splitting the epifauna into mobile, nonmobile, and attached organisms, but these analyses were not included here because the results are not substantially different from those presented here.
  • ‘I ask the court for an exemplary sentence,’ said Mr Rubira after the court heard two months of testimony.
  • The prince's manner was informal,(sentence dictionary) without a trace of pomposity.
  • Among techniques clearly described to us is his camerawork, which is presented during an early description of the symptoms of anxiety: nausea, shaking, loss of balance and distorted vision. Mike says ANTI-CHRIST is shocking, disgusting, frightening and will leave you feeling uncomfortable. But that’s kind of the point! | Obsessed With Film
  • While pointing out some defects of classical logic[Sentencedict], the paper attributes them to substantial implication being directly applied to inference.
  • Any activity becomes creative when the doer cares about doing it right, or better.Sentence dictionary
  • A case involving an unrepresented litigant can take 2 or 3 times longer to complete than one where the parties are represented.
  • This is an episode from the Mahabharatha and is based on a ritual in which Bhima kills Duryodhana represented as an image in clay.
  • Presented with a series of tricky problems, the Scud decided to play safe and run like the clappers, and just belt the ball for all he was worth.
  • It would take a mind working on a very different level to consider the sentence being for four sales of pot to an undercover narc at an area high school.
  • Should the value of a variable be represented by the amplitude of the output or by the location of nodes?
  • If John Doe is sentenced to a term of imprisonment and later goes out of his mind, the state may continue to keep him in the penitentiary for the duration of his sentence.
  • Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
  • Another advantage of sentences written in active voice is that the sentences are usually shorter.
  • You are on a globe that looks like a crystal ball or a marble in a light bed of cotton wool.Sentencedict
  • But it was not quite the picaresque journey she presented to you. DISPLACED PERSON
  • It's like when I idiotically put two or three parentheticals inside each other rather than doing the normal thing and writing out separate sentences!
  • The court handed him a suspended sentence of two months in prison, with a probationary term of five years.
  • Without the change, dissenters could argue that, given the Senate numbers, compromise was essential.
  • On the farther side of the hypostyle there were still other large halls which led ultimately to the actual sanctuary, or sekos, in which the divinity was represented by a statue or some symbol; only the king, or his representative, the high priest, could enter the sekos. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
  • The court proved immune to these piteous cries and upheld the sentence, anyway.
  • The teenager, wearing a pink jacket, showed no signs of emotion as she was given a two-year sentence.
  • Kelvin surmounted this problem by running a single wire along his machine that went around each wheel, so that the combined effects of all wheels would be represented by the motion at the end of the wire.
  • Munro was presented with the Order of the Forest Award for her involvement in a modern movement towards books printed only on forest-friendly paper.
  • The average of 4, 8[Sentence dictionary], and 60 is 24.
  • She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Kamar al-Zaman, son of King Shahriman, went to the Hammam, his father in his joy at this event freed the prisoners, and presented splendid dresses to his grandees and bestowed large alm-gifts upon the poor and bade decorate the city seven days. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • We need reform so that a suspended sentence can be converted by the original judge if the convicted criminals bring it into disrepute by their behaviour. The Sun
  • He agreed to give evidence in return for a lighter sentence.
  • The full exposition of his constitutionalism, presented in and around his analysis of the English constitution in book 11, develops these seeds.
  • These days, she works as a daytime television presenter, gameshow host and author.
  • We clip newspaper articles showing lengthy sentences for repeat offenders.
  • Every spring the ozone is chewed up(Sentencedict), and the hole appears.
  • These range from at least 10 years imprisonment to death sentences. Times, Sunday Times
  • Prosecutors said the committee had approved applicants who presented forged honours that carried dates pre-dating the actual creation of the vaunted title.
  • Pay a visit to the camp infirmary, get your clothes deloused, or just park yourself in the latrine and fight that nasty case of amoebic dysentery you picked up along the way - it's up to you.
  • It will eventually be found out that he's not really a screenwriter represented by a high-flying agent.
  • In the northern part of the cordiform World map he wrote the name Asia on each side of the central meridian to cover both present-day North America and Asia which were represented as one continent.
  • But then, you reread the first sentence of this paragraph, see the word "binding" and become stressed out even more. Taylor Nunley: Early Decision, Late Opinion
  • When the sentences were passed at York Crown Court in May 2001, he walked free because of the time he had spent in custody on remand.
  • The group was welcomed by West Dunbartonshire's Lord Provost Alistair MacDonald, and presented with a silver quaich.
  • Quiet and intense, he speaks in a halting manner, sometimes garbles his sentences and lacks a smooth personal touch. Minn. governor fights GOP on taxes for wealthy
  • Managerial and middle-class occupations are over-represented in its ranks, while the working class is proportionately under-represented.
  • It was funny how some couldn't spell the simplest word or even make a complete sentence!
  • We want a minimum one-year custodial sentence-longer for repeat offenders and organised gangs.
  • No. 1057 represented the final years of steam with a Pyle National headlight centred on the smokebox door and a standard tender.
  • That's two uses of the term allegedly thus far and we're still at the trail head of the lead sentence! Conservative Bloggers Rediscover Term "Allegedly"
  • The phrase "inspired by a true story" affixes itself to novels like a warning label: Beware sententious moralizing. Cheeshahteaumauk, Class of '65 (1665)
  • An atmosphere of an old American cow town is being presented with cowboys in western gear walking around town.
  • Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
  • A single attack of dysentery may be "amoebiasis", which can be cured by a complete course of medication. Find Me A Cure
  • The couple met on the show last autumn when the former equerry to the Duke of York ended up choosing presenter Jonsson over the contestants.
  • If radio is to contribute effectively to the national culture, its material needs to be presented in an attractive manner.
  • A method of current boundary control which has an application prospect was advanced. The conception and contents of advanced control-flow were presented.
  • Congress has ever been niggardly when little or no evidence of electoral sentiment is presented to justify more generous appropriations.
  • Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
  • She was sentenced to twenty years' imprisonment for poisoning and attempted murder.
  • Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
  • A formidable presence, not just because of her voice; but because of her lithe, sensual chassis; presented as it was with a faux ditziness. Martha Wainwright, Rufus, Marilyn and Kate.
  • The company also represented that they had helped it to hedge downside risk.
  • When talking about the performance[sentence dictionary], she couldn't resist a side-swipe at the orchestra.
  • Compare this with the book's ingram and you will see a virtual sentence-by-sentence rewording. Review Hokum
  • Mrs. Johnson to go into the country with us, and she, after long reluctation on Hippy's account, consented, agreeing to send him away to friends during her absence. The Wit and Humor of America, Volume I. (of X.)
  • His dream is to hike the Appalachian Trail.Sentencedict
  • And, boy, did the spellchecker go mad on these sentences.
  • In North Africa, it represented the whole Free World against the Axis powers - Germany and Italy.
  • If you switch the words over, the sentence sounds better.
  • Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
  • It is actually something of a challenge to locate sentences in The Structure of Evolutionary Theory that are not unwieldy, ridiculously self-referential, and grotesquely polysyllabic.
  • Conclusion: Gracefully exit your essay by making a quick wrap-up sentence, and then end on some memorable thought, perhaps a quotation, or an interesting twist of logic, or some call to action.
  • The cameras will focus only on the judge passing sentence. Times, Sunday Times
  • The judge warned the duo they must not assume the fact he had adjourned sentence for pre-sentence reports meant he was in any way indicating what penalty would follow.
  • There is serious reason to believe, though the details cannot be gone into here, that the lorum is represented by the "armill", though this is now a sort of stole which two or three centuries back was tied at the elbows. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • We certify that we have presented or will present the aforementioned items and relevant tax forms to the audit committee.
  • Michael Plouffe , 31, of Old Lyme, Conn., had been trying for four years to get a claim approved based on sclerosing mesenteritis, a disease that causes inflammation of the small intestine. Two Lawyers Strike Gold In U.S. Disability System
  • All group members consented to the discussion being taped, and we explained that all material would be made anonymous.
  • David Dimbleby is being lined up to lead the coverage from Britain, with the 6pm BBC news presenter, Huw Edwards, anchoring a special programme from New York.
  • Cast þe cawse oñ my copy/rude/& bar {e} of eloquence, 1240 which {e} to drawe out [I] haue do my besy diligence, redily to reforme hit/by resoñ and bettur sentence. Early English Meals and Manners
  • It is called la table des Grands Capitaines, and the porcelain top features great military commanders, represented here in a stunning imitation of antique calcedony cameos. French Porcelain
  • You may find yourself analyzing a long sentence with half a dozen unexplained ablatives left over at the end.
  • His criticism was over the failure to deport foreign citizens after they had served a jail sentence and the backlog of failed asylum cases. Times, Sunday Times
  • 'Bob' is the subject of the sentence 'Bob threw the ball'.
  • Even though he had been sentenced to detention, the authorities did not have to send Joe to prison.
  • The air temperature was well below freezing[Sentencedict], and lakes and rivers froze over.
  • Although one of China's richest men,[sentence dictionary] he dresses inexpensively and lives in a modest Beijing apartment.
  • One of two episodes to be presented in widescreen, the pilot introduces the Browns and the rest of the Everwood folk.
  • Allegorical Saying ( Xiehouyu ) is an idiom that is widely used, popular, jocular and vivid sentence.
  • A prison sentence should match the severity of the crime.
  • The pulp of Baobab fruits has a taste like the cream of tartar and is used to treat fever, dysentery and stomach ailments in some parts of Asia.
  • Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
  • Sound on 18 Doughty Street is mainly some sentences by one person and then cluck chunter chunter squak cluck cluk "so I think..." chunter, "But not withstanding" chunter,chunter. Steve Norris: 'Let's Get Out of the EU'
  • In a recent paper, Dr. Dial and a graduate student, Brandon E. Jackson, presented a novel idea about how some dinosaurs used their proto-wings — a possible step in the evolution of flight.
  • Such women are mostly presented as sexless in that once their family is complete, they appear to lose all sexual desire and physical charm.
  • Imagine the performance in each match represented as a letter of the alphabet. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was the last person in Britain sentenced to be publicly hanged, drawn and quartered.
  • Besides, he had, it seems, a weakness in his voice, a perplexed and indistinct utterance and a shortness of breath, which, by breaking and disjointing his sentences much obscured the sense and meaning of what he spoke. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • He does recall being presented with a compendium of his most famous sayings. Times, Sunday Times
  • As he presented his fall 2011 collection recently, Mr. Gordon said, We line everything in silk charmeuse! Materials Girls: Designers Trim Hemlines, Costs
  • If he currently manages other artists how long have those other artists been represented by him?
  • The government insists that 'prison works' and plans to introduce a tougher sentencing policy for people convicted of violent crime.
  • In the sentence 'I spoke to the driver of the car', 'the driver of the car' is a noun phrase.
  • After I had observed every flower, and listened to a disquisition on every plant, I was permitted to depart; but first, with great pomp, he plucked a polyanthus and presented it to me, as one conferring a prodigious favour. Agnes Grey
  • The case was adjourned until August 29 for pre-sentence reports to be prepared by the probation service.
  • Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
  • Each must constantly be presented anew, only to disappear again.
  • He is set to be hit by the new sentence just as he looks forward to getting parole. The Sun
  • Their convictions were reaffirmed by the higher courts and their sentences were similarly upheld. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was a massive public outcry against the harsh prison sentence.
  • For example, it was claimed that the study presented uniquely reliable evidence that simvastatin is not carcinogenic.
  • The chemical heating process in producing the so-called pomace oil from olive residues may result in the carcinogen, but pure oil, turned out by mechanically squeezing olive fruits, presented no health threat, the minister said.
  • He received a 21-month sentence, which he began serving last August.
  • She resented the way the commander and his men ordered her around and treated her like a child.
  • You were convicted by a jury in 1984 of murder of your common-law wife and sentenced to life imprisonment, with the tariff set at 12 years.
  • Dillon's almost served out his sentence .
  • The principle of comity is that when one court exercising proper jurisdiction renders an opinion concerning a specific case, then that opinion is binding on other courts to which this same case (same parties, same facts, same issues) is re-presented to a different court under some pretext, except where the second court is exercising appellate review over the first decision. The Volokh Conspiracy » District Court Opinions Precedential Within the Same District?
  • Despite a shy and diffident manner,(Sentence dictionary) Davison was a hard-working and gifted teacher of endless patience.
  • Otherwise, the sketch is exactly accurate, and is here presented as the unprejudiced description and estimate of a foreign gentleman, who had no inducement, such as might be attributed to a Southern writer, to overcolor his portrait. A Life of Gen Robert E Lee
  • Today's schedule of events is organized flexibly so that people can decide for themselves what they want to do.Sentencedict
  • Over the course of three and a half days they listened to evidence presented by both sides, and then questioned the witnesses for both defence and prosecution before retiring to consider their verdict.
  • The sentence is consistent with punishments previously meted out to those charged with establishing parties. Times, Sunday Times
  • He testified that all other parties represented in the German parliament did not regard their right to co-determination as having been violated.
  • This message, even when presented figuratively, uses extra linguistic referents to bring it in touch with the reality around us.
  • This paper presented a new adaptive variable step size LMS algorithm, which controls step size according to the correlation of the gradient change of filter coefficients.
  • Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
  • The fourth locale, Massachusetts, permitted a medical monitoring claim to move forward, but only because the tobacco plaintiffs in that lawsuit presented expert evidence regarding "subcellular" or other physiological changes. - Newswire
  • Although blood in the stool suggests invasive disease, fever is not a sensitive indicator of dysentery.
  • The guilty plea goes only to the length of the determinate sentence. Times, Sunday Times
  • The two alternatives, presented as dichotomous above, may be viewed as partly overlapping, and not mutually exclusive.
  • The following sentence contains both adjectives and adverbs. Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric and Handbook
  • The TV presenter and model may have been keeping a relatively low profile over the past year but she has still managed to earn a decent crust. The Sun
  • Contemporary British composer Nicolas Maw, no slouch at doing gnarly himself, was represented by "Music of Memory," a suite of mostly nontonal meditations built around a lyrical theme from a Mendelssohn string quartet that made several calming appearances during the piece. News | SH |
  • She hunched over the desk(Sentence dictionary), telephone cradled at her neck.
  • As it was a seafood evening, we paid particular attention to that side of the buffet, and there were again more than just a few choices, with many items presented in different ways, to suit all palates.
  • The ratio of dependent clauses to sentences will vary from writer to writer. A Short Guide to Writing About History
  • The unsuspended prison sentence is rare for white-collar crimes of this nature. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mean selfish life builds its own prison walls and passes sentence of solitary confinement. 23 Steps to Successful Achievement
  • Try reading the sentences without those phrases and it will be obvious where we have gone wrong. Times, Sunday Times
  • A new high power-density brushless permanent magnet traction motor with water-cooling stator frame as well as design guideline is presented.
  • Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
  • No attempt to rebook, no real apology, barely more than a sentence really. The Sun
  • He tangled with other cardinals and disciplined church officials who dissented from official church policy.
  • In the period after the interval their methodical probing of the Hibs rearguard continued and Alex Burns should have done more than blaze wide of the target when presented with an inviting, angled opening.
  • He was sentenced to four years for illegal possession of the firearm with intent to endanger life.
  • Furthermore,[sentence dictionary] they may be reluctant to invest in expensive post-registration education funding.
  • By the way, if you're wondering about the British-ism in the first sentence, "skint" is slang for "broke," as in: got no money. RELIGION Blog |
  • They were each sentenced to 29 years in prison but were released in 1992 as part of an amnesty granted to political prisoners, having served only five years of their sentence.
  • The working class is under-represented in membership, and the professional middle class is over-represented.
  • An intriguing first two sentences, there, that drop bathetically into Amis-père-like reactionary noodling. Archive 2010-03-01
  • Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!

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