How To Use Self-justification In A Sentence
When they eventually returned to base, Neville was full of self-justification.
I have for years, during the life of the insinuator, held such self-justification unworthy of me; now even decency demands silence.
The Essays of "George Eliot" Complete
It is the picaresque story of an Irish adventurer who unconsciously reveals his villainy while attempting self-justification.
He wrote a long and detailed account of Nelson's death, partly in self-justification, to say he did everything he could to save the country's number one hero.
Their real skills are in playing politics, going to meetings, wandering around giving orders, self-justification and backstabbing.
Pareto was more convinced that authority is simply a matter of fraud rather than self-justification by the elite.
With two complicit systems of self-justification and self-fulfilling incomprehension reinforcing the divide, is there any way forward?
Even if they wrote their thoughts down in their memoirs, you don't know if these were just self-serving lies made up as post facto self-justification for a place in history.
The battle scenes are suitably bloodthirsty and chaotic, but they are balanced by scenes of self-justification and soul-searching.
Fortunately for my peace of mind, which you might call self-justification, satisfied reactions to reviews vastly outnumber the rest.
While compassion makes us feel the richer for our magnanimity, justice stirs up far more complex emotions of self-justification and equivocation.
Doubtless, such differences may be rooted in self-justification.
And Aubin let that happen - pure cowardice, made worse by the fact that he pleaded self-justification.
Pareto was more convinced that authority is simply a matter of fraud rather than self-justification by the elite.
Do you mean that some coaches indulge in self-justification?
The text is at once self-justification and foamy-mouthed invective against the world.
Certainly he surprised observers by the scope of the shrewdness and intelligence which he brought to bear on his self-justifications.
It shouldn't be a surprise, then, that Mary Cheney's book, Now It's My Turn (a title horribly reminiscent of Nancy Reagan's own attempt at self-justification, My Turn), is more than just a dismal disaster.
Gene Stone: Mary, Queen of Squat
While compassion makes us feel the richer for our magnanimity, justice stirs up far more complex emotions of self-justification and equivocation.
Unfortunately, the proposed code appears to be little more than another exercise in self-justification by the commission.
The story is part love story, part comedy of self-justification, and part a chronicle of an appalling crime.
his transparent self-justification was unacceptable
retrospective self-justification
Burrows didn't attempt any further self-justification, and Todd knew why.
This approach to self-justification is the practical equivalent of psychosis insofar as it is a refutation of empirical reality, a refutation of human reason and a denial of human history.
The group's self-justification became even more pronounced when we suggested that this was surprising given the level of talent of each member of the band.
Didn't she feel like storming the barricades in a fit of enraged self-justification?
The remainder is blighted by alternating self-flagellation, self-justification and unwarranted extrapolation.
It can be legitimate to write the brief after the concept has emerged, but there is danger of self-justification narrowing the vision.
The critique is far more convincing than Ms. Keith's own recidivistic self-justifications.
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The role of Quentin, garrulously veering from self-pity to self-justification, is a difficult one.
As a consequence, American journalism makes extravagant gestures of self-justification.
In their search for some kind of self-justification, for a sense of moral purpose, Western elites turned to the international arena.
Few sportsmen have ever been so consumed by preoccupations with image, publicity and puerile self-justification.
In these matters the scope for self-justification is vast.
At once foggy and focused, the media lexicon of self-justification rolls on.