
How To Use Self-discipline In A Sentence

  • Cellphone users should be more self-disciplined.
  • In the diary, it is self-discipline alone that determines volume.
  • It was her job, and she did it with a professionalism that came from rigorous training and self-discipline.
  • This article try to put forward a integrative supervisory mechanism which integrate self-discipline and heteronomy , in hope of reconstruction the Accountability of NPO in China.
  • Through self-reliance and self-discipline, the child is inspired to embark on a voyage of self-discovery.
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  • I used to think that Barack Obama might match Washington and Lincoln in having the sort of self-discipline that keeps vanity in check. Presidential vanities
  • Offenders should be taught self-discipline, personal responsibility and how to act like ‘a decent human being’.
  • Let thy self-discipline be not in ascetical exercises as the false teachers (1Ti 4: 3, 8; compare 2Ti 2: 22, 23; Heb Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The original caste system was based on self-discipline through education and through personal sadhana.
  • It is time to get back to basics: to self-discipline and respect for the law, to consideration for others, to accepting responsibility for yourself and your family, and not shuffling it off on the state.
  • In class they would study hard; in the dorms they would be models of rectitude and self-discipline.
  • You need a lot of self-discipline when you're doing research work on your own.
  • My housemaster talked me out of this by explaining that I would have a fantastic time at college, plus my father (a serving officer) warned me that I didn't have the necessary self-discipline to make it in the Army!
  • She considers her strong self-discipline and self-demanding behaviour to be a problem sometimes.
  • With it the sniper needed a truly extraordinary level of self-discipline, hundreds, if not thousands of hours of practice in the arts of shooting and of fieldcraft, and a high pain threshold.
  • In the end, moderation and self-discipline and restraint worked. Times, Sunday Times
  • People use the "family budget" analogy because we're supposed to respect the image of a thrifty, self-disciplined homestead. Richard (RJ) Eskow: The United States Isn't a Company and It Isn't a Family -- It's a Country.
  • Unsurprisingly, they found that highly self-disciplined adolescents out-performed their more impulsive peers, again and again. It's our narrow view of education that holds pupils back | Yvonne Roberts
  • Tencent's site quoted Mr. Zhou as saying that Internet companies "must strengthen industry self-discipline" and play a more proactive role in "upholding harmoniousness and stability. China Looks at Baidu
  • The second is the inescapable fact that self-discipline is still paramount. Times, Sunday Times
  • It will be particularly salutary because it allows us to discourse again about self-discipline, self-mastery, and maybe even the exercise of the will.
  • It has long been rumored in Sweden that when his self-discipline fails and he drinks an overpriced Coke out of a hotel minibar, he will go to a grocery store to buy a replacement.
  • The scheme was designed to encourage initiative, self-discipline, leadership and caring skills in young people.
  • They would have preferred to hear him preach his Lenten sermons on the necessity of self-discipline and the importance of fasting.
  • A school-stationed social workers team organizes a graded student growth and counseling scheme to develop self-disciplined , responsible, healthy and loving students.
  • It teaches self-discipline, self-confidence, and academic skills, just to name a few.
  • As one told me, "Caijing is a very self-disciplined media outlet.
  • Although Aiko's birth made banner headlines in the country's dailies and magazines, journalists have, by and large, followed a strict code of self-discipline.
  • They will have better self-control, personal self-discipline and an increased ability to stay focused on their objectives.
  • We will begin a new journey and this campus will then foster some new comers . I hope all your new students seize every minute here in Qilu to enrich yourselves, and to learn to be self-disciplined.
  • He rowed for the college and learnt about self-discipline. Times, Sunday Times
  • They connected attitude, self-discipline, and self-respect to a healthy state.
  • Are you self-directed, self-motivated, comfortable with computers, like to read and write, self-disciplined, independent and able to stay on task?
  • Today that means developing a ferocious work ethic, self-discipline, competitive zeal, and flexibility.
  • The validity of contract is a force endowed by law to guarantee the performance of contract and strength of self-discipline of both contracting parties for realizing the aim of contract positively.
  • I can think of it as self-discipline to make me stronger.
  • Yet at the same time I want them to learn self-discipline. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, most people have enough self-discipline or restraint so they do not act out on these instinctual urges.
  • Obviously knowledge as well as self-discipline is necessary to prevent accidents and maintain a safe environment.
  • Volunteers who were flashed the name of a self-disciplined friend did better on the test than those who were flashed the name of a non-self-disciplined friend. Social contagions
  • We tend to confine moral epithets to those amiable or unamiable qualities which require more cultivation to become habitual, or depend to a greater extent upon the presence or absence of self-discipline.
  • Are you self-directed, self-motivated, comfortable with computers, like to read and write, self-disciplined, independent and able to stay on task?
  • Karol Sr was a self-disciplined martinet and a control freak who mapped out his sons' schedules, even their playtimes.
  • I continue to strive for a strong body, self-discipline and complete tranquility.
  • The problem with the discipline of the gallows, the lash, and the sword, according to these revolutionaries, was that it was far less effective than individual self-discipline in keeping social order. A Renegade History of the United States
  • Your keys are your determination and self-discipline, and by your own efforts, you can achieve success.
  • After all, self-discipline was to be the dominant trait of both the proper slave master and the reformed inebriate.
  • Its opening sentence, "Life is difficult", introduced a tome which argued, uncontentiously and sensibly, that human experience was trying and imperfectible, and that only self-discipline, delaying gratification, acceptance that one's actions have consequences, and a determined attempt at spiritual growth could make sense of it. BatesLine: October 2005 Archives
  • The point was to emphasise, for better or worse, that you live well, you survive, when you learn restraint, self-discipline and separation.
  • The terrifying self-discipline is spectacle enough.
  • They self-discipline because they made up the rules, he said. Youths get taste of culinary world
  • The idlers were those without the self-discipline to hold a regular job, and others who have never really sought employment.
  • Through self-reliance and self-discipline, the child is inspired to embark on a voyage of self-discovery.
  • But with the iron self-discipline typical of anorexics, she kept cutting back her food intake until she weighed just over 39 kg and lacked the energy to move.
  • My lack of self-discipline would have let me down. Times, Sunday Times
  • To my way of thinking, it is the lifeline of religion to abandon the doxy and credo, and to have dialogue filled with self-discipline and reason.
  • Self-discipline was all that was needed, he said: concentration, Sitzfleisch, strength of character.
  • Blue quartz, also called dumortierite, is a stone of order that can enhance organizational abilities, self-discipline, and orderliness.
  • In conditions which tested the resolve of the players as much as their character, the level of self-discipline applied was admirable.
  • Lead a cadre to want in clean-fingered self-discipline respect especially as Party member cadre cogent accomplish " 4 careful " .
  • I hope this is a self-conscious with 5S behaviors, self-disciplined, no need to organize a management team to conduct the push and review.
  • No workforce respects a boss who lacks self-discipline. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a lonely process that requires great self-discipline. Times, Sunday Times
  • Remember that this self-discipline is the fruit of the indwelling Holy Spirit, and only those who are already saved are so indwelt.
  • The self-discipline learned in the early stages of recovery can now be joined to the survivor's capacities for imagination and play. Trauma and Recovery
  • What happens for the rest of the film should have the feel of slowly encroaching fate, or a collision course between the self-disciplined but ferocious Purvis and the flamboyant but no less ferocious Dillinger. DVD Review: Public Enemies « Screaming Blue Reviews
  • After a few days of self-discipline, the man who resolves not to doze, that is, not to allow some sleepy part of his body to keep him in bed after his brain has once awakened, will find himself, without knowing why, an early riser. Hygienic Physiology : with Special Reference to the Use of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics
  • They are industrious people who believe in strong families, self-discipline and orderly lifestyles.
  • Obviously knowledge as well as self-discipline is necessary to prevent accidents and maintain a safe environment.
  • Recently, association of Chinese industry economy held informal discussion of circumstance of job of self-discipline of value of industrial guild industry.
  • The purpose isn't health or holiness, but self-discipline and character-building.
  • If the freed slave was not fettered by this social contract (self-disciplined productive laborer and consumer), she was criminal.
  • It asked him to rate the candidate on “interest in math,” “self-discipline” and “problem-solving skills.” America's best high school soft on math?
  • They need initiative, self-discipline, and the ability to organize and direct the work of others.
  • It smacked of a lack of self-discipline the like of which England are always preaching the need for. Times, Sunday Times
  • Administrative organization may restrict its discretionary power through self-discipline, but the administrative crankiness to efficiency can not fully prevent the infringement of civil rights.
  • This article try to put forward a integrative supervisory mechanism which integrate self-discipline and heteronomy , in hope of reconstruction the Accountability of NPO in China.
  • The family, and the larger community, imparted the values that made them self-disciplined and confident and ambitious.
  • The self-discipline that had kept her upright and functioning deserted her, as though his nearness was a drug so potent it robbed her bones of stuffing and reduced her to limp surrender. The Rich Man's Royal Mistress
  • In the end, my year of living agelessly proved to be an interesting exercise in self-discipline. Times, Sunday Times
  • Obviously knowledge as well as self-discipline is necessary to prevent accidents and maintain a safe environment.
  • With technology what it is today this is becoming more and more a possibility for the self-starter and self-disciplined. Grant Cardone: Work from Home Successfully
  • Disease, rape, beatings, murder, and riots were so common that reformers in the nineteenth century developed a new kind of correctional system that reflected the American ideal of self-discipline and was in many ways more severe than the original dungeons. A Renegade History of the United States
  • Imagination, effort and a lot of self-discipline are needed to keep fighting back on the road to recovery. Coping with Bulimia
  • The definition of self-discipline is the ability to regulate one’s conduct by principle and sound judgment, rather than by impulse, desire, or social custom. Do You Know Who I Am?
  • These classes give students confidence, a record of achievement, and self-discipline that helps with academic work. Maureen Costello: The Secret to Making Schools Great
  • How many more chances does she need before she realises that a lot of the help she needs is self-discipline? The Sun
  • It makes tremendous demands on self-discipline. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • And this isn't always the easiest thing because a great deal of self-discipline and even self-abnegation is called for. New Directions in Foreign Policy
  • You need a lot of self-discipline when you're doing research work on your own.
  • Most religions teach you to be truthful and self-disciplined.
  • You need a lot of self-discipline when you're doing research work on your own.
  • It also does this by its vulgarity and childishness that corrodes the notion of the seriousness of life and the need for ascesis self-discipline, all of which are fundamental elements that maintain family cohesion and stability. Modesty of Dress and Love of God
  • Exercising at home alone requires a tremendous amount of self-discipline.
  • Perhaps because the man himself, at 80, is filled with life, with a self-disciplined hedonism and with a passionate belief in the importance of his craft. A Design Life Force
  • Abolitionists continued the movement of the Founding Fathers to replace external controls over the people with strict self-discipline. A Renegade History of the United States
  • Above all, it requires tremendous self-discipline throughout the entire managerial group. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • Â When a made telepath calling himself “Kid Psycho” uses his powers to drive the Legionnaires nearly out of their mind, only Invisible Kid can summon the self-discipline to resist. Hero History: Invisible Kid | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • Self-discipline is conquering yourself mentally, emotionally and physically. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • It was that he lacked all self-discipline. Times, Sunday Times
  • By now his hostile rhetoric has carried him beyond the self-discipline of consistency, and he becomes merely quarrelsome and captious.
  • Possibly, we tend to confine moral epithets to those amiable or unamiable qualities which require more cultivation to become habitual, or depend to a greater extent upon the presence or absence of self-discipline.
  • Gap years, unlike conscription, are a free-will step towards adulthood and self-discipline.
  • A posh boy from the Home Counties is rewarded for his self-discipline, hard work and ambition.
  • They are industrious people who believe in strong families, self-discipline and orderly lifestyles.
  • The ethical rationale of the fast is to teach self-discipline, humility, and empathy with the poor.
  • You need a lot of self-discipline when you're doing research work on your own.
  • The rigorous self-discipline of the Presbyterian work ethic, however, did not grip the Kane household.
  • A capacity for brilliant long-range planning, mobilising technical expertise, carried out by clear-minded and self-disciplined individuals, has been the key to our civilization.
  • And why, if he truly hates women, does he in the end seek help from a womansomeone as straightforward and self-disciplined as he is unsure and seemingly out of controlto repair the damage to his mind? The Chameleon's Shadow by Minette Walters: Book summary
  • The food industry calls for hedonism, but the diet industry requires intense self-discipline. Eating Problems: A Feminist Psychoanalytic Treatment Model
  • It will be particularly salutary because it allows us to discourse again about self-discipline, self-mastery, and maybe even the exercise of the will.
  • You need much more self-discipline if you go for an overdraft that lets you borrow the full amount in the first year. Times, Sunday Times
  • The family, and the larger community, imparted the values that made them self-disciplined and confident and ambitious.
  • He was a self-disciplined martinet and a control freak who mapped out his sons' schedules, even their playtimes.
  • You need self-discipline, skill and individual motivation.
  • Through self-reliance and self-discipline, the child is inspired to embark on a voyage of self-discovery.
  • It requires a great deal of self-discipline, courage and the ability to come to terms with yourself. Successful Fasting -the easy way to cleanse your body of its poisons
  • Hamann was brought up as a Pietist, a member of the most introspective and self-absorbed of all the Lutheran sects, intent upon the direct com - munion of the individual soul with God, bitterly antirationalist, liable to emotional excess, preoccupied with the stern demands of moral obligation and the needs for severe self-discipline. THE COUNTER-ENLIGHTENMENT
  • They faced what the historian Daniel Horowitz calls “the dilemma materialism posed to the values of hard work, saving, and self-discipline.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • Values such as solidarity, thrift, cleanliness and self-discipline were regularly identified as characteristic of them.
  • He is the possessor of secrets, the man of self-discipline; he has a ‘knowingness’ of culture, politics, business.
  • I'm good at working at something I believe in, but I'm not the most self-disciplined person at doing things I don't like.
  • You need a lot of self-discipline when you're doing research work on your own.
  • He was bright, ambitious, and self-disciplined.
  • Hard work and self-discipline are required. Times, Sunday Times
  • It imposes a need for individual self-discipline and practice. Times, Sunday Times
  • As Parker says, chastity and self-discipline were never going to come easily to ‘a sceptical, sybaritic, chain-smoking, egotistical and morally confused homosexual atheist’.
  • As things stand, they are prone to portraying themselves as victims of a lack of self-discipline. Times, Sunday Times
  • Self-discipline is conquering yourself mentally, emotionally and physically. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Teachers also wanted physical education to be made part of the curriculum, because it promoted team spirit and self-discipline.
  • We will begin a new journey and this campus will then foster some new comers . I hope all your new students seize every minute here in Qilu to enrich yourselves, and to learn to be self-disciplined.

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