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How To Use Self-determination In A Sentence

  • It was not just established states that were eager narrowly to define the right of self-determination as a right end colonial status.
  • Only in 1920 after Moscow cleared Russian chauvinists out of leadership of the Ukrainian Communist Party did the new Soviet administration seriously address aspirations for self-determination.
  • Communist theoreticians debated on the right of self-determination.
  • Even the term 'self-determination' has to be modified as religious people may understand the movement of their life not as self-determined but rather as co-determined with God's will. Wolfgang Danspeckgruber: Defining One's Own Destiny: Self-Determination, Religion And The 'Arab Spring'
  • The original impetus was that of return, and reversing the so - called loss of Arab land and patrimony, rather than a fulfillment of post-colonial self-determination via the statehood route; a complot designed after 1967 as a new Palestinian identity with at its core the notion of the armed struggle as a galvanizing force. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
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  • Your right to self-determination is the cornerstone of our policy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Consequently, the struggles for self-determination took various forms as independence to greater autonomy.
  • So irrepressible in youth is the thrust to become," one specialist has warned, "that it will surface somehow, if not in constructive self-expression, then in wilful vandalism or defiant apathy or even suicide as an ultimate, tragic expression of self-determination. Our Responsibility to Youth
  • Sure, we brag about Louverture; we even sing the praises of the TransAfrica Forum and other groups that champion Haitian self-determination and effective governance. Marcia Dyson: Love in the Time of the Haitian Cholera
  • What if we reoriented our international trade and aid policies to focus on fairness, equity, self-determination, and sustainability? Hope Lewis: Can the U.S. Afford Economic Rights in an Economic Crisis?
  • Individuals, according to atomistic theories, are not in need of any communal context in order to develop and exercise their capacity for self-determination.
  • Austin Peay student Devin Hart explained the seven principles as: umoja - unity; kujichagulia - self-determination; ujima - collective work and responsibility; ujamaa - cooperative economics; nia - purpose; kuumba - creativity; and imani - faith. - Local News
  • Surely there can be no genuine democracy without proper self-determination free from the narrow minded preferences of an aggressor state.
  • Most lawyers, I think, indeed, most people would accept the need for restrictions on any "right of self-determination" for territories which are both de iure and de facto under the control of a larger nation state. Lung Yingtai Waves About Meaningless Statistics, Declares Sovereignty of Sealand
  • Many people with whom he spoke in the provinces had expressed a desire for self-determination and perhaps autonomy.
  • In the resource-searched sub-module it uses the limited depth-breadth priority algorithm to search the resources automatically. Thus the searching is self-determination and intelligence.
  • What meaning can democracy have if it is unaccompanied by self-determination and sovereignty?
  • By contrast, the second strategy is all about quickly restoring U.S. self-determination and adopting a more urgent, hard-headed approach. Leo Hindery, Jr.: The Reciprocal Market Access Act and IP Protection -- Too Long Overdue!
  • Gibraltar and the Falkland Islands have the right to self-determination enshrined in their constitutions.
  • The other sensation Rollses are famous for is called, inelegantly, waftability: a sensation of effortless power, an inimitable feeling of gaining, rising, frictionless, mechanically multiplied self-determination as the driver buries a right foot into the shearing wool carpet. The Face of Green?
  • The ideals of freedom and self-determination have never been realised; we should see them as sirens calling us on, not as blueprints to be copied from the past.
  • Consequently, the invocation of self-determination, as the means to justify overthrowing an alien governing power, was traditionally considered to be a political, as opposed to a legal, tool.
  • Autonomy is about self-determination, being free from external influences and governed by one's own mind.
  • Holt 1952a, 1952b inferred from analyses of French cabinets and college interfraternity councils that otherwise mutually rewarding coalitions were rejected because a loss of autonomy or self-determination was involved. The Bass Handbook of Leadership
  • They have already lost a great deal of the autonomy and self-determination they possessed under the Stormont regime.
  • UPDATE: (October 11) And here is mana tangata whenua, the power of the Maori struggles for tino-rangatiratanga ("self-determination" being the imperfect translation). Archive 2007-10-01
  • In the light of these trends the concepts of neighbourhood or patch have become less relevant to civic self-determination.
  • The rise of ethnic violence throughout the Eastern bloc is unfortunately the other side of the coin to self-determination.
  • Clearly, the principle of self-determination clashes with the principle of territorial integrity and global leaders are increasingly seeing this angle to the problem.
  • A common debate among legal scholars focuses on the extent to which the international legal principle of self-determination remains relevant in the post-colonial period.
  • I pledged to respect their rights of self-determination, tribal sovereignty, and religious freedom, and to work hard to improve the federal government's relations with them.
  • She has borrowed not his mode of interpretation but, rather, his tendency to treat culture and society as totalizing phenomena, which at best severely constrict independent self-determination.
  • What they recognize is the struggle of our people for self-determination.
  • We respect this human right to self-determination. Times, Sunday Times
  • The issue raises questions of national self-determination, territorial contiguity, political ambition and petropounds. Times, Sunday Times
  • The right to self-determination, particularly for indigenous people like Greenland's Inuit, more commonly known as Eskimos, was a recurring theme this weekend.
  • The concepts inherent in this right are the bedrock upon which the principles of self-determination and individual autonomy are based.
  • Autonomy and self-determination are still little more than ideals that can inspire.
  • they thought they could assist the process of decolonization and local self-determination
  • The rise of ethnic violence throughout the Eastern bloc is unfortunately the other side of the coin to self-determination.
  • The demand for the right to self-determination, or even independence, must not only be made for negative reasons.
  • The government was alarmed by two things above all - the impact of French notions of ‘self-determination’ on Britain's Low Country client states, and the contagion of ideas.
  • Why such a strong desire for self-determination on the far northwest side?
  • Malvinas Islands, in reiterating its support of the inalienable right of the people of Belize to self-determination, independence and territorial integrity, the conference again confirmed that which its declaration defined as the quintessence of nonalinement. MEETS OFFICIALS AT UN:DEPARTS FOR HOME
  • Aboriginal sovereignty and self-determination are key ideas for you.
  • I don't buy the idea that the pre-industrial period was a golden age of self-determination and leisure for the vast majority of the British.
  • He was driven by an enormous ambition and unrelenting ego, making him a living symbol of black self-determination.
  • For international politics, popular sovereignty implied both national sovereignty and self-determination.
  • The discourse of democracy has been embedded in the nationalist struggle for liberation and self-determination and has therefore implied a populistic kind of pluralism.
  • It is in the exercise of self-determination that we maintain some control over, and take responsibility for, our lives and for what we will become.
  • He was driven by an enormous ambition and unrelenting ego, making him a living symbol of black self-determination.
  • Personally, I'd rather have freedom, democracy, self-determination, and so on.
  • We are on unassailable moral ground when we insist on the Kashmiri right of self-determination.
  • Isn't that what national self-determination is about? Times, Sunday Times
  • They died for the right of a group of people to self-determination. Times, Sunday Times
  • Autonomy was seen in the occupied territories as a denial of the demand for self-determination, not a step towards it.
  • We have evolved a fantasy of self-determination that seems to have put fate out of business.
  • He said the republic now had an inalienable right to self-determination.
  • The view of a human being as a possession, rather than a full person with the right to self-determination, is the foundation of many oppressions, and also the foundation of abuse.
  • They are offensive precisely because they violate our intuition about the balance between innateness and self-determination of the moral and cultural qualities of human beings. The Volokh Conspiracy » Approaching Arguments That Have A Racist Past
  • He was driven by an enormous ambition and unrelenting ego, making him a living symbol of black self-determination.
  • But after logging declined, the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act was established to allow affected counties to opt in to a payment program that did not depend on US forestland timber sales. Carol Pierson Holding: Why Logging US National Forestland to Sell Timber to China Is a Really Bad Idea
  • Pikkie Robbertze said the idea of Afrikaner self-determination was not new. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • There is much in all this that strikes a familiar chord, appearing in some ways as an extension of classical doctrines of self-determination that reach back to the Stoics and beyond.
  • We must ensure that we always retain our democratic right to self-determination, our right to agree or disagree on any question.
  • They would do better to remind their friends that there can be no democracy without genuine sovereignty and self-determination.
  • This means that moral actions on the personal level are determined by your values, while on the interpersonal level they are determined by respect of self-determination and voluntaryism.
  • We need to reclaim choice from this sorry lot, and put a bit of self-determination back on the agenda.
  • The group, like their label brethren the O'Jay's, benefited from Kenneth Gamble's interest in having strong patriarchal voices parlay his lyrics of Black pride and self-determination. PopMatters
  • To me, the exciting element that unites all these stories is autonomy and self-determination.
  • Indeed, Kosovo and East Timor may have been easier cases, because each had a colorable claim to self-determination and a local population that overwhelmingly favored intervention.
  • We support the development of the human potential and individual self-determination.
  • All free peoples have a right to self-determination and we who live near to or in the Pennines demand the same rights as the Scots and the Welsh, (but not the English, who aren't entitled to self determination because they are a multi-cultural mongrel hot potch undeserving of privileged minprity status). On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • This did not mean that the Bolsheviks were simply old-style imperialists whose commitment to national self-determination was fraudulent.
  • First, there was the clear risk that particularization would feed rather than satisfy the appetite for further self-determination.
  • Since it was canonically formulated, the right of national self-determination has historically had two main zones of application, corresponding to its dual ancestry.
  • As Wilson readily conceded, there was no attempt to universalize the principle of self-determination to apply, for example, to the Allies' dependent territories.
  • The concepts inherent in this right are the bedrock upon which the principles of self-determination and individual autonomy are based.
  • A return to national self-determination, he believes, would take the feet from under the new nationalist demagogues and bolster democratic politics in the historic nations of Europe.
  • Does he really imagine that phrases like 'just peace', 'oppressor', 'atrocity', 'national self-determination', 'brokers of deceit' are unproblematic? The Times Literary Supplement
  • This demonstrates clearly the problem encountered when reconciling self-determination with territorial integrity and the principle of non-intervention in domestic affairs of States.
  • You cannot have self-determination without full freedom.
  • They have already lost a great deal of the autonomy and self-determination they possessed under the Stormont regime.
  • In Nicaragua, as elsewhere, no self-determination is tolerated and the U.S. ambassador is the de facto proconsul.
  • Robert McCorquodale suggests that an approach less rigid that a strictly legal approach should now be taken to self-determination.
  • These reciprocal sets of rights and responsibilities can provide self-determination for two peoples within geographically segmented homelands, while mutually guaranteeing the rights of each other's minority cohort. Naomi Chazan: Owning Our Identity
  • We have all noticed that in his last tour of Southeast Asia, the Minister of Foreign affairs of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam has permitted himself to issue, in respect to certain countries which he has visited, threats that are hardly veiled, simply because these countries ask Vietnam to withdraw its troops from Kampuchea and to let the people of Kampuchea regain their right to self-determination. Cambodia in Modern History: Beauty and Darkness
  • Nor am I reassured by Galston's rather cavalier dismissal of economic liberty's importance for individual self-determination.
  • The concepts inherent in this right are the bedrock upon which the principles of self-determination and individual autonomy are based.
  • From the standpoint of punk, this had always been a class war fought on behalf of an anarchist's notion of freedom and an eternally unrealizable moment of self-determination.
  • In the era of self-determination, the missionaries handed control to public servants and the indigenes, and the ability to maintain production ceased.
  • Amotivation represents the lowest possible level of self-determination, as it implies a loss of personal control and alienation akin to learned helplessness.
  • This demonstrates clearly the problem encountered when reconciling self-determination with territorial integrity and the principle of non-intervention in domestic affairs of States.
  • Moreover, players with softball experience showed lower self-determination, higher external control motivation and more motiveless willingness toward baseball than those without softball experience.
  • And is it not still more extraordinary that a man will overlook the rights of Bosnians, Kosovars, and Kurds and yet assert the self-determination principle on behalf of the Southern plantocracy? What’s Left?
  • The ideals of liberty and self-determination, equality and the rule of law have haltingly advanced. Barack H. Obama - Nobel Lecture
  • This kind of economic autarky found its counterpart on the political front in the principle of "self-determination.
  • The ideas of liberty, self-determination, representative government and unalienable fights, spread and took root.
  • The West saw the issue in simple terms of democracy and self-determination. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • Feminist scholars such as Elizabeth Schneider,63 Patricia Boling,64 and Dorothy Roberts65 have called for a new, alternative vision of privacy: one that, in Schneider's words, "encompasses liberty, equality, freedom of bodily integrity, autonomy, and self-determination. 'Trivial Complaints:' The Role of Privacy in Domestic Violence Law and Activism in the U.S.
  • The character chose dissoluteness over self-determination in his endless pursuit of self-love.
  • A right to self-determination exercised in a way that actually perpetuates welfare dependency, rather than independent self-sufficiency, will eventually come to be seen as unsupportable by the vast majority of citizens.
  • As every student of American history knows, this country's core founding principles included non-punitive taxation, Constitutionally-guaranteed protections against persecution of the minority, and an inexorable right of self-determination. David Fiderer: When Hedge Fund Managers Talk, Andrew Ross Sorkin Transcribes, Uncritically
  • Are we to believe that the anticolonialism of Senghor and Césaire, the combat of Lumumba and then Mandela, the thoughts of Franz Fanon, appealing to Africans to shake off their chains and free themselves from their tyrant -- all that, fifty years later, has been reduced to this pathetic rhetoric on the right to self-determination, itself reduced to the right of tyrants to determine the fate of their people? Bernard-Henri Lévy: Return to Benghazi
  • According to the right of self-determination, it is their own decision.
  • The right of national self-determination implied by full recognition will be hard for them to accept.
  • How does that square with the Tory belief in self-determination?
  • Papua solidarity groups typically rely on voluntary support to promote the cause of Papuan self-determination and are often unfettered by institutional affiliations.
  • Cutting a particularly dull class or going to the beach with friends on an especially beautiful spring day restores their sense of freedom and self-determination. You and Your Adolescent: A Parents' Guide for Ages 10 to 20
  • Indeed, Kosovo and East Timor may have been easier cases, because each had a colorable claim to self-determination and a local population that overwhelmingly favored intervention.
  • The Irish qua Irish have no more title to self-determination than have the freckled, red-haired or bow-legged.
  • The issue raises questions of national self-determination, territorial contiguity, political ambition and petropounds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Toplady says, "any assertor of self-determination is in fact, whether he means it or no, a worshiper of the heathen lady named Fortune, and an ideal deposer of providence from its throne. The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination
  • Many people from across the spectrum sacrificed for the goal of self-determination and the independence of Namibia.
  • Beneath these arguments about legal form lie the wider issues of self-determination.
  • The rise of ethnic violence throughout the Eastern bloc is unfortunately the other side of the coin to self-determination.
  • Its prestige also had a basis, as a political doctrine, in the liberal idea of self-determination.
  • Clearly, this country marked its pathway of self-determination when it resisted the temptation to join the Australian colonies as they federated in 1901.
  • And so the state respects our self-determination not by enabling us to stand back from our social roles, but by encouraging a deeper immersion in and understanding of them, as the politics of the common good seeks to accomplish.
  • Your right to self-determination is the cornerstone of our policy. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the process, there will be little scope for the exercise of freedom, civil rights and self-determination.
  • Since, in the last analysis, self-determination means self-defense, it would provide, although dilatorily, assistance in military organization.
  • He mentioned the term self-determination half a dozen times but never related self determination to Palestinians. Obama Speech Elicits Conflicting Reactions
  • The rise of ethnic violence throughout the Eastern bloc is unfortunately the other side of the coin to self-determination.
  • I pledged to respect their rights of self-determination, tribal sovereignty, and religious freedom, and to work hard to improve the federal government's relations with them.
  • PES: First, much of what Sunstein is suggesting on a policy level is a simple readjustment of default rules with “costless” opt out — that is, the only transaction costs involve self-education and active self-determination. The Volokh Conspiracy » Further to Andrew Ferguson on Behavioral Economics
  • By exacerbating the contradiction between self-determination and self-abasement, the way was cleared for an epochal resolution.
  • At the same time we should be aware that there are some people, who, with their evil intention, openly advocate the splitting of sovereign states under the cloak of self-determination.
  • We acknowledge the support of the Australian people, and other countries, in our struggle for self-determination.
  • Broadly speaking, they see their struggle as part of the still unfulfilled quest for self-determination and for genuine sovereignty.
  • First, much of what Sunstein is suggesting on a policy level is a simple readjustment of default rules with “costless” opt out — that is, the only transaction costs involve self-education and active self-determination. The Volokh Conspiracy » Further to Andrew Ferguson on Behavioral Economics
  • I had no mentation the promulgate would spread b bruit about into notable notice such irrefutable reactions in people, but I acumen unquestionably strongly with compliments to self-determination of language and allowing ideas to be unconstrainedly circulated. The Culture of Sharing: Why Releasing Copyright Will Be the Smartest Thing You Do | Write to Done
  • Planetary trends don't have to override our free will and self-determination - in fact, any astrologer who tells you the planets control your life should be bullwhipped on sight.
  • After September's deal, they joined forces with white separatists who see confederalism as their hope for self-determination in a white homeland. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • As such, this country's democratic values are contradicted, and seemingly mocked, as it expends military energy to suppress those who strive for self-determination.
  • I had no mentation the promulgate would spread b bruit about into notable notice such irrefutable reactions in people, but I acumen unquestionably strongly with compliments to self-determination of language and allowing ideas to be unconstrainedly circulated. The Culture of Sharing: Why Releasing Copyright Will Be the Smartest Thing You Do | Write to Done
  • We believe that any solution to the problem of our people disregarding the problem of self-determination cannot work.
  • The third quality one must possess is self-determination. Id Serenity | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • UPDATE: (October 11) And here is mana tangata whenua, the power of the Maori struggles for tino-rangatiratanga ("self-determination" being the imperfect translation). Archive 2007-10-01
  • They are playful, bold and value their freedom and sense of self-determination.

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